The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and thirty-two, the fourth natural disaster (62)

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"Speaker! I gained knowledge!"

"It seems to be called... psychic leap?"

"Why do I only have a bunch of formulas and patterns here?"

"I want to verify them immediately!"

After being kicked out this time, the consciousness of the big-eyed monkeys returned to their psychic research institute. The spokesperson was still in a daze. His expert team exploded instantly. A group of big-eyed monkeys wearing white coats and carrying scientific research equipment headed towards each other. He ran away from his job.

Although it is not impossible to put all the "psychic leap" technology into the spokesperson's head, in that case he would have to turn into a technical director and direct and put out fires everywhere.

As the spokesperson of the Big-Eyed Monkey, what he should do now is to immediately convene a parliament of the First Alliance to formulate how to use this "psionic jump" technology to solve the problem of reduced Mana production on the prosperous planet.

Oh, of course, cutting production won't solve it, it can only send people who eat too much to extraterrestrials.

Although there will be no Mana to eat after arriving in other galaxies through "psychic jump", there shouldn't be too many weird planetary consciousnesses like the weather-friendly planets, but it is still better than all races suffocating to death on their home planet, maybe. There are still many races that want to colonize alien planets.

[No, no, no, they are in the stage of civilization and have not developed reliable interstellar travel technology at all, so this 'psionic jump' can only be completed on the surface of the planet, and it must be done between one T3 planet and another T3 planet. . 】

‘Isn’t that simple? The T3 planets I had nothing to modify along the way have exceeded the achievement limit, so I just picked one. ’

[What about accuracy? The deviation value of rotation, revolution, and even the rotation of the Milky Way itself? 】

‘…I directly lock the connection between the two jump gates. ’

[I call the expert directly. 】

"...Sister?" Catalyst leaned in front of the Frozen Throne and looked at Malefia, "You are in a daze again."

"[Sister is not in a daze,]" Malefia touched the catalyst's head: "[After the spokesperson obtained the technology this time, many psykers started running around in the 'subspace' with the idea of ​​reaching the sky, sister. You have to keep an eye on them.】"

"Hmm..." Catalyst stood on tiptoe and looked under the Frozen Throne.

Of course, this is not a lie to the children. Although the technology obtained by the spokesperson is still in the restoration stage and the alliance conference has not been held, because there are many people at the scene, he obtained super strength from the "subspace" or the place called "virtual realm". The news about technology has spread, and it is normal for psychics to give it a try with the intention of turning their bicycles into motorcycles.

Without me deliberately dragging these big-eyed monkeys to the Ice Throne, the location they entered was completely random on a planetary scale. Even if two people entered the warp at the same time, the half-second difference would be enough to cause one of them to end up in Northrend and the other to In Pandaria.

Of course, this is just a metaphor, because they are all residents of a prosperous planet, and what they see after entering the subspace are basically the ruins of their parent planet after its destruction.

In the process of exploring the subspace, these explorers will encounter problems such as "the decline in spiritual power improvement", "falling into temporary short-term and long-term permanent madness", "receiving blessings and being cursed", "physical disabilities and damaged items", "seeing white There are various encounters such as "flash, black smoke, red shadow", "disappearance and death", etc. The normal probability of encountering Malefia is... 1.96%.

Letting these blind explorers die in the Warp might have a negative impact on the upcoming Alliance Conference on how to use Warp knowledge, so I simply replaced all encounters that would cause permanent damage with "Kick out of the Warp" space".

[I always feel that after exchanging information with each other, they will come up with a strategy that will inevitably lead to encountering you. 】

‘When this strategy is actually completed, the only thing left to encounter is the catalyst. ’

"They are so annoying," Catalyst looked back: "If they meet me, I will kill them all."

The timing of his answer was so good that I almost thought he could hear my nonsense with the stupid system.

"However, since sister doesn't want to kill them, then she won't kill them." Catalyst added.

"[Well... you see, that's it,]" Since I couldn't explain to the catalyst that these civilizations were left to deal with the doomsday elements, I could only explain it from other aspects: "[Intelligent creatures are very lonely in the universe. , if you kill them if you don’t like them, they will become extinct if they are already very rare. In that case, wouldn’t an empty universe be boring?]”

"We can -" Catalyst thought for a moment: "Create new ones after one species becomes extinct."

As a biological group consciousness, why does he always want to kill surface creatures like planetary consciousness?

No, the planetary consciousness of this planet is the one that wants to protect living things.

"[Think about yourself,]" Malefia said: "[If the creatures you plan to destroy also have their 'catalysts', what are you going to do? This is called 'Do not do to others what you do not want others to do to you'." "

"Then defeat 'their catalyst'."


The Catalyst still insisted on his own point of view, and I couldn't think of a breakthrough for rebuttal, so I temporarily turned my attention to the urgently held "First Alliance Conference".

Due to the "all living beings are equal" political system of the First Alliance, the big-eyed monkey group has to face doubts from a total of 999 "advisors" from all races when promoting "psionic leap". This kind of thing is terrifying to think about.

However, due to the collective awakening of psychic powers among the big-eyed monkeys, their status has risen rapidly, and they act like leaders of the alliance. Many races directly hit "agree" without even listening to the proposal.

Next, there is a "battle of words" and a live demonstration of psychic jump. The problems and doubts of some races are simply nitpicking, and even the opinion that "the shape of the jump door is too ugly" can be brought up When the argument is made, it is probably only now that their race can shine, and the "Psychic Leap" research experiment report contains a large number of difficult-to-understand terms and formulas. If they dare to question this but cannot tell the reason, they can only Will be the laughing stock at the convention. ,

The "Psychic Leap" displayed at the conference was performed by two "Jump Door Frames" standing at both ends of the venue. I have to say that the person who built this was quite creative. Even someone who knew nothing about "Psychic Leap", As long as you have psychic energy, and follow the framework to release the psychic energy and twist it into the shape within the framework, you can open a jump gate shaped by psychic energy.

Finally, after some hard work, the Big-Eyed Monkey spokesperson convinced other alliance participating countries to jointly develop and promote "psionic jump", intending to use it to immigrate to alien planets and solve the problem of insufficient living space.

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