The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and thirty-three, the fourth natural disaster (63)

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"The interstellar jump gate has been built, and the spokesperson announced that volunteers will be recruited from all over the world. He specifically reminded that this may be a 'journey where there is no return.'"

"The destination of the 'Psychic Leap' is the 'Wind and Sunshine Planet' 2.4 light-years away from the 'Wind and Sunshine Planet'. According to the observation results, its ecological environment is almost the same as that of our parent star."

"While recruiting exploration volunteers, the spokesperson is also publicly recruiting builders for alien development. Once the explorers gain a foothold and establish a stable jump channel, the development of the planet will begin simultaneously."

"The spokesperson announced that due to the throughput limit of the jump channel, members who are involved in alien planet development need to be screened. In line with the principle of 'all beings are equal', there will be no registration restrictions for pioneers. However, if you have not participated in the development of new planets, you will not join the development of new planets." The race of the player team will not be able to hold an 'advisor' seat in the 'parliament' of the new home."

"While all member states of the 'First Alliance' are developing supporting equipment for 'Psychic Leap' and 'Interstellar Development', there are also some psykers who are trying to obtain more information from the unknown land of 'Void Realm' or 'Subspace'. There is a lot of knowledge, but most of them have returned in vain, accompanied by varying degrees of psychic damage and mental distortion symptoms. We solemnly remind everyone, 'If you are greedy, the snake will swallow the elephant.'"

These news reports come from different TV stations of different countries and races in the First Alliance. They are the more reliable parts of the description and evaluation of the "Operation Psychic Leap" led by Big-Eyed Monkey.

Of course, there will be a lot of slander, slander and attacks due to the lack of grapes and sour grapes, but that is a problem that the Big Eyed Monkey spokesperson has to solve himself, and I will not even help them solve such a trivial matter.

"Sister, will there be another 'catalyst' in 'Fenghelili'?" The Catalyst child asked with some worry as he scrolled through the various data obtained by the big-eyed monkeys through astronomical observations.

"[No,]" I switched to the attribute report of "Fengheli Planet" and looked at it: "[The master of that planet has not even evolved wisdom.]"

"Sister... can you see so far away?" He probably just asked casually, but he didn't expect to get an answer, so he was stunned for a moment before saying.

"[Because I transformed that planet.]" Even the animals and plants were brought here and there from other planets.

"..." Catalyst froze on the spot.

[Hahaha~ He stopped thinking. 】

'Obviously, he has tried to overestimate Malefia's upper limit, but this upper limit is based on his imagination. ’

[I guess he thought you were the group consciousness of an alien race like him, but it turns out...]

"[Don't think about it]," Malefia patted his head: "[Just know that my sister is very powerful.]"

"Hmm..." Catalyst blinked, obviously not recovering yet.

Next, I sent the psykers who came to the warp adventure while watching the agents organize this interstellar expedition. Soon it was time for them to officially open the psychic jump gate.

Representatives from almost all races came to the opening of the jump gate, and the big-eyed monkey spokesman gave a speech about courage and the future.

Different from the small jump gate used for display, the "interstellar jump gate" built by the big-eyed monkey group is fifty meters wide and sixty meters high. The main material of the "door leaf" is deep obsidian, while the "door leaf" is Surges of purple psychic energy.

Hmm... This look looks like it can complete time travel.

[Unfortunately, their data has serious errors~] The stupid system gloated: [If they followed the data they set, they would probably be thrown into space. 】

‘There is no other way but to forcibly correct the result. If they come to the subspace for help because of such a low-level failure, according to their character, they will be thrown out directly by the Lich Queen. ’

【Uh-huh? 】


"Members of the 'First Alliance'~ Now is the time to witness the miracle~" After the big-eyed monkey spokesperson finished his speech,

Announced with an exaggerated attitude: "The 'Psychic Leap' begins now——"


A dozen "explorers" in the "jump zone" began to transmit spiritual energy to the jump gate.

In fact, the door is not the point. The specific pattern of psychic circuits inside the door is the key to the psychic jump. However, it is not known how long it will take before they can build those circuits out of thin air.

With the input of psychic energy, the "door" began to fluctuate continuously. The original deep purple color gradually became transparent, and the mountains and rivers on the opposite side were vaguely revealed, causing the on-site viewers to exclaim.

In the end, after a strong fluctuation, the explorer team in the "Jump Zone" disappeared directly.

Of course, they just disappeared from the "smooth planet". It can be clearly seen from the subspace that these explorers suddenly appeared in the subspace, and then moved toward the "smooth planet" in subspace at an extremely high speed. The corresponding position in space flew away.

Over in the real space, the big-eyed monkey spokesperson and the psychic research team he brought immediately began to analyze the data and debug the equipment, waiting for the "explorers" to send back the news from the other side, and the audience at the scene also waited with bated breath.

According to the theory of psychic jump, this group of explorers should spend about two and a half hours in the "Jump Channel", but for the sake of program effect, I decided to erase this time and let them arrive directly.

So, a group of explorers who had just begun to observe the surrounding environment and had not yet had time to adapt to the jump channel environment rolled onto the surface of the "Wind and Sunshine Planet".

[Ha, they can't talk about 'one small step and one big step' now. After all, they are arriving sideways. 】

"What? Where is this?"

"We failed?"

"The communicator is not working!"

Because the results were different from the expected results, the explorers fell into confusion. At a loss, they began to subconsciously open and operate the instruments they brought.

"Don't panic! We should have arrived successfully!" The explorer's captain yelled to calm the crowd: "Skip the step of 'analyzing the jump channel' and start directly evaluating whether the alien environment is reliable!"

"oh oh……"

"The composition of the atmosphere is the same as that of our parent star?"

"There are woods and rivers over there, do we want to analyze the ecology?"

After all, it was a "leap" that had been planned in advance. After someone stepped forward to stabilize the morale of the troops, they immediately began to act according to the plan in an orderly manner.

The explorer captain looked around at his subordinates who were starting to work step by step, took out a "recording pen" and read to it: "There was an error in the estimation of the 'jump channel', but the 'psionic jump' was successfully completed and is in progress. The next step of the survey will be carried out according to the scheduled procedures." He paused and added: "Thank you [The End of Samsara] for your blessing."

[Hey, young man, you have a broad road ahead. 】

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