The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and thirty-four, the fourth natural disaster (64)

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"Confirm that the atmosphere is directly breathable."

"Confirm that the gravity is the same as the parent star."

"Confirm that the psychic ability can work normally."

"No toxins or other disease-causing agents have been analyzed by native organisms."

"The program settings for sending messages back to the home planet are out of order and are ready to be corrected."

The explorer captain patrolled back and forth in the temporary camp to confirm that everyone was executing as planned. However, after hearing a certain report, he suddenly froze, and then rushed over and held down the explorer who was making the report.

"Stop it!"

"Uh, Captain?" The explorer who acted as the correspondent looked confused.

"Don't correct it yet, show me." The captain took the communication board from the correspondent's hand and began to retrieve the data.

'Fortunately, if he really corrects it, I have to fix it again. After all, the data they jumped over is wrong. If we use this as a basis for reverse communication, the information will definitely not be sent to the original destination. Maybe send it to Irisen to lure Abathur. ’

[If you say this, they will have to send it to Irisen sooner or later. 】

‘Anyway, it won’t happen this time. The return communication was already taken care of when correcting their jump coordinates. ’

"Hiss--" Soon, the explorer captain finished reading the specific settings for sending back the message and gasped: "Thank you 'The End of Samsara'."

Is this guy going to use this sentence as a mantra?

"Captain?" The correspondent still didn't understand what happened.

"No changes are allowed, just use this communication setting to send messages to the home planet," the captain patted him on the shoulder: "If there are any errors that don't seem to occur naturally in the future, don't change them at all."

"Oh..." The correspondent nodded in understanding, and then began to edit the message.

Although these explorers can be thrown over in advance, there is no need to worry about them sending messages back. It is no problem to make the audience on the home planet wait for two and a half hours. Anyway, they will definitely have to work on the next construction team. Prepare for the jump.

"...Sister? Are you looking for another 'Catalyst'?" The Catalyst tilted his head and looked at Malefia, who was sitting in a daze on the Frozen Throne.

"[No, I said that the native creatures on this planet do not yet have the conditions for the birth of 'group consciousness'.]" Malefia clicked her fingers and projected the native creatures of "Wind and Sunlight Planet" in front of her. .

To transform a planet from T0 to T3, in addition to the atmospheric concentration and cooling and heating standards, there must also be animals and plants corresponding to each level to stabilize the environment. If their species are insufficient, it will lead to "ecological disasters" and the planet's environmental level will decline.

Among the species that I threw on the windy and sunny planet, one of them became the dominant species. It was a pale creature with four hind paws and two front paws, an upright body, and a shape like a centaur. A cyan creature, and its name is also very straightforward: four-legged spider.

This is a kind of strange creature. They are very keen on building nests. From the moment they were thrown on this planet, they have been persevering in building their settlements. Even if they have to migrate due to environmental changes or attacks by hostile creatures, they still have to find nests. Chance sent some members to reactivate it, and this step-by-step approach eventually led to it becoming the most numerous creature on the "Wind and Sunshine Planet". However, because of the excessive number of nests, it can be called a cunning rabbit with three burrows. There was no pressure to survive at all, and as a result, the group consciousness that was originally born to protect the continuation of the ethnic group did not appear at all.

The problem now is that if the "First Alliance" goes to war with them, it may cause the "group consciousness" that the four-legged spiders originally did not have to be stimulated and born, which would be troublesome.

【How many sisters do you have? 】

‘Farewell, with this look, no matter how you think about it, a drow will appear. ’

[Drizzt is very good. 】

'I prefer Guenhwyvar. ’

While I was chatting with the stupid system and the catalyst was observing the distribution of nests, the explorer also encountered a four-legged spider.

"Captain! We discovered a creature that seems to have intelligence. This is the house they built."

Two explorers who were patrolling the area sent back a series of pictures and videos after discovering the spider's nest.

It was a nest that had been abandoned for some time. Two four-legged spiders had just arrived and planned to reopen it. These two explorers probably had some talent in photography, so they captured the tall main body of the nest and the pipes extending in all directions. The filming was eerie and scary, making the four-legged spider, which is actually relatively cute, look a bit fierce and cunning.

"I'll go over immediately. Can they communicate?" The explorer captain once again warned his subordinates in the temporary camp not to change the settings randomly, and rushed towards the location of the scout.

"It seems possible, but it seems impossible." While sending back the communication, the two scouts were glaring at the two four-legged spiders.

It was the first time for both sides to see each other, and they were probably not sure whether to attack or show kindness. The scouts tried to talk, but the four-legged spiders, who had not yet invented language and writing, were more vigilant and had no effect at all.

However, in the end, the four-legged spider made the decision first. After all, they are in the biological stage, and it is always right to dance first when they are in doubt.

Thump, thump, thump.

"Uh, sir, they seem to be... dancing to us?" the scout reported immediately after being surprised.

"Their appearance is similar to that of Centaur and Black Widow, and they may have similar customs," the explorer captain responded while running wildly: "Anyway, imitate their movements first!"

"But we only have two legs?"

"It's more or less the same! I'll be there soon!"

Although I haven't had any "negotiations" in the biological stage for a long time, I can still distinguish the four-legged spider's actions. In order, they are "singing", "posture", and "dancing", while the two scouts' awkward imitations only made "Dance" and a half-hearted "Charm".

The negotiation broke down, and the four-legged spider lowered its head and arms angrily, and then stamped its feet to express dissatisfaction. The two scouts did not understand why, and continued to imitate the four-legged spider's angry movements, which made them even angrier.

"Stop!" At this moment, the explorer captain arrived in time and stopped the two scouts' poor imitation: " seems like I just said this not long ago."

"team leader?"

"Don't say anything, just follow my actions!"

The explorer captain stopped the two scouts and continued to irritate the four-legged spiders, and then began to take action against them.

First he puffed up his mouth and whistled for a while, then he put his hands in front of his eyes as if observing, and finally he stepped on the ground alternately and did a tap dance.

Although the imitation was not very good, it basically reproduced the negotiation actions that the four-legged spiders had just performed. The two four-legged spiders looked at each other and nodded repeatedly.

[Tip: ‘Four-legged Spider’ joins the ‘First Alliance’ as a ‘Guardian Beast’. 】

Can the two of them make such a decision? !

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