The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and thirty-seven, the fourth natural disaster (67)

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After solving the food crisis of the "First Alliance" by developing new planets, and making sure that they would not become extinct due to famine, I was ready to leave the "good weather planet" and find the earth in its original state.

As for the catalyst, children always have to grow up, and since we have given him such a good start in the early stage, it won't collapse in just one or two strokes.

However, the plan did not change quickly. When I planned to leave the subspace of the galaxy where the First Alliance was located, I found that I could not take Malefia away.

Well, it's not "can't", it's "can't".

Perhaps due to the close connection, when Malefia planned to leave the Frozen Throne, what would happen next directly appeared in the form of a doomsday prediction.

First of all, the psychic jump had no correction and was completely ineffective. The first alliance was divided, and the residents of the Fengheli planet formed the "second alliance" out of fear.

Then, in order to restore contact with the wind and sun planets, the planet Wind and Rain sent psychics into the virtual realm to seek help, but this behavior caused a large number of casualties without protection.

Then, when they struggled to find the catalyst on the throne, due to the lack of catalyst ability, they could only ensure that the "big-eyed monkey" group could continue to use psychic leaps, which directly caused the "Second Alliance" to completely become the big-eyed monkey. In the back garden of the four-legged spider, there is no way to talk about the equality of all living beings.

In the end, the two planets with the same origin, "Planet of Good Weather" and "Planet of Wind and Sunlight", differentiated into two space civilizations with completely different political systems, and became natural mortal enemies, fighting each other within a mere 2.4 light-years. , both perished a few years later.

The time it took for them to perish happened to be the time it took for the "First Alliance" to perish due to famine and strife caused by insufficient mana in the "original history", as if the "world corrective force" was setting things back to the original point.

However, as the "world corrective force" itself, I thought about it for a while and found the crux: the reason for the demise of the First Alliance was not because of a specific event, but a complete line.

It is like a tight bow string. After I influence it, it is equivalent to pulling the string and leaving the original route. However, due to the power of "pulling the string": "stable channel", "safe access to subspace" and other key The whole point lies with me, and the fundamental reason for Mana's production reduction, "the influence of planetary consciousness has an upper limit" has still not been solved. Once I "let go", the bowstring will naturally return to its original state.

Therefore, it is not enough to just "teach a man to fish". You have to "teach a man to fish." Either let the "First Alliance" master a mature method of inter-galactic jump, or let the catalyst grow to the point where it can prevent them from seeking death at any time. .

The former means that they will no longer make outrageous errors in calculating the jump target, and master the psychic shield and psychic interface technology. The latter will have to wait for the catalyst to become familiar with the authority of group consciousness and be able to successfully take over from Malefia. The time required is not short.

‘It’s a bit embarrassing. Fortunately, I didn’t tell Catalyst that I was leaving in advance. It would be funny to find out after I finished talking that I couldn’t leave. ’

[What's the matter? If that little devil dares to laugh at you, teach him a lesson with the momentum of your sister. 】

‘Using your status to oppress others without taking any advantage? ’

[This is the privilege of the ‘elders’, and you have always done this. 】

‘…I feel like you’re caring about me. ’

【I have no connotation~】

Leaving aside the stupid system for the moment, I started thinking about ways to maintain the current development direction of the First Alliance without rebound.


"The great [The End of Reincarnation], I am deeply honored to meet you."

"Praise [The End of Reincarnation]."

Looking at the spokesman and the explorer captain who bowed deeply in front of the Frozen Throne, I was a little confused for a moment. Although I did arrange something to lead them to see Malefia, was there something wrong with their attitude and wording?

[I don’t think there’s any problem. After all, when I first met you,

They don't know what kind of power the 'existence in the virtual realm' has, and they are still trying to bargain. Now... they probably secretly wiped a lot of cold sweat. ] The stupid system laughed.

"[Speak.]" Malefia maintained her character and responded nonchalantly while sitting on the Frozen Throne.

"That's right, we have established a firm foothold on the 'Fengheli Planet'," the spokesperson said with a slightly trembling voice: "But now there are some problems that we cannot solve."

Obviously, this guy has been pestered by reporters for too long, and he only spoke half of what he said, waiting for others to ask questions. But expecting the "Lich Queen" to take the initiative to ask "what questions" is probably a dream. Malefia didn't even change her posture, as if she didn't Heard the same.

"Well, there are no problems with the personnel who have 'jumped' from their home planet, but there are more or less unexplained shortages of supplies." The explorer captain was glared at by the spokesperson and answered hurriedly.

"[Without sufficient spiritual protection, any matter passing through the 'subspace' will be assimilated.]" Malefia glanced at them.

"This..." The two big-eyed monkeys were stunned for a moment.

Although I did do something, it was based on the opportunism of these big-eyed monkeys.

According to the "Psychic Leap" technology given to them before, a single person can carry up to the weight of materials that the jumper can carry with his own strength, even after using psychic energy to strengthen himself.

But as the construction tasks of the "Fengheli Planet" gradually increased, and there were excellent workers like the Four-legged Spider, the demand for supplies became greater and greater. They even began to transport hundreds or thousands of times the supplies by themselves. If It's not that psychic jumps require the participation of psykers, they may all intend to let the materials jump by themselves.

This kind of thing would have passed by turning a blind eye, but if these "overloaded supplies" were excluded from the scope of "jump protection", they could not complain that they were being targeted.

"I'm sorry--" "--we sincerely ask you to give us a solution."

The spokesperson and the explorer captain bowed their heads together.

"[I will give you 'Psychic Shield' and 'Psychic Interface' technology,]" Malefia raised her hand: "[The former can be used by powerful psykers to protect materials during the jump. The latter uses stored psychic energy, which can be used by ordinary psychics.】"

"Ah... uh..." "Hmm!" The spokesman and the explorer captain covered their heads at the same time, looking like they wanted to roll on the spot.

Since they did not bring enough experts this time, these two psychic theories could only be stuffed directly into their heads. Of course, the one who did it was the catalyst.

"[Based on the 'psionic theory' you discovered, the knowledge you can get from me has reached its limit,]" Malefia changed her tone with interest: "[Next time you want to ask for help, you will have to pay the price. .】"

After saying that, without waiting for the two of them to react, he waved them both out of the subspace.

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