The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and thirty-eight, the fourth natural disaster (68)

Latest website: "...Sister, are you leaving?"

Should I say that children's intuition is more accurate? Although whether Catalyst can be called a child is debatable.

He probably saw something from my deliberate efforts to guide the leadership of the Big-Eyed Monkey Clan to the Frozen Throne and give them key technologies. After the spokesperson was kicked out, he took the initiative to show up and ask Malefiya questions.

"[That's right,]" Malefia raised her hand as if she wanted to touch her head, but in the end she patted her shoulder: "[There are many civilizations on the verge of destruction like the 'First Alliance', I have to go one by one." Save them.]"

"...Oh." Catalyst blinked, seeming to be thinking about something.

If he asks why later, the arguments about the Galactic Alliance and the outer demons can be used again.

"Then, what should I do if I want to find my sister?" he finally asked.

This little devil doesn't play by the rules!

"[You originally couldn't stay too far away from the 'Big Eyed Monkeys' group, but just like you can go to the 'Wind and Sunshine Planet' after they make a psychic jump, you should be able to reach farther galaxies using similar methods." "

I was thinking about it as I talked, and then I realized that it seemed like it could really be done.

"[Specifically, you must first ensure that the 'Big Eyed Monkey' group will not become extinct, and then guide them to use 'Psychic Leap' to reach new galaxies. As long as a certain galaxy is settled by their group, you can follow them to reach those Although the Milky Way is very large, the total number of galaxies is limited. Maybe you will see your sister after a certain psychic jump.]"

[No, no, no,] The little snowman transformed by Thela Soido shook his head repeatedly under the throne: [I guess what he means is, how can he leave the big-eyed monkey group alone and go directly to you. 】

'Why do I feel that this attitude is a bit familiar...'

[Isn’t every ‘follower’ like this? 】

‘That’s not good. In the past, it was okay to take someone with no worries. This is the group consciousness of an ethnic group. If he is taken away, the ethnic group will have to rely on itself to avoid various crises that are enough to annihilate the entire clan. ’

[Looking at the bright side, since you have saved the ‘First Alliance’ once, is the chance of them encountering an extinction crisis again so small that it can be ignored? 】

‘The safest theory in a crater? But that theory has been disproven.

"Then..." Kid Catalyst thought seriously for a while and then said, "Then I will do it."

"[Sister will not leave until they figure out those two technologies,]" Malefia nodded slightly: "[You can first familiarize yourself with how to develop space.]"



After obtaining the "psionic shield" and "psionic interface" technologies, the transportation channel between the two galaxies was finally completely unblocked.

The media of the First Alliance naturally praised the spokesperson and explorer captain who "are not afraid of hardships and dangers to explore the virtual world to find key technologies".

However, the two of them seemed to have a shadow of Malefia's last words? They never showed up before and after the application of the new technology. The technical departments squatting on the two planets repeatedly asked for verification of every parameter of the relevant technology, and Any opportunistic behavior is strictly prohibited.

‘Speaking of which? Was the sentence I left behind so terrible? This is a posture that doesn't cause any problems at all. ’

[Obviously? Before you mentioned the 'price'? They didn't even think about this issue at all. They always thought that it was natural to get gifts by studying the theory of psionic energy. 】

'Then? ’

[Then, after you mentioned the ‘price’? They finally remembered your title? ‘The End of Reincarnation’. With such a terrifying and high-end title, the price you want must also be astonishing. 】

‘Is this completely biased? I will at most let them play the main role when encountering doomsday elements. ’

【It’s really amazing. 】

While I was talking nonsense with the stupid system, the "First Alliance" also ushered in rapid development.

The two technologies given to them are ostensibly to solve the problem of cargo supplies being swallowed up by subspace? But in fact, they are to ensure that the current form can be maintained after I leave.

"Psychic Shield" solves the safety problem when reckless psykers wander into the virtual world to explore. Even if they really encounter the Four Vendors, they will only be exhausted and thrown back to reality.

And after letting the "psionic interface" participate in calculating the target position of the jump gate? Basically, there will be no ridiculous mistakes where the jump landing point is hundreds of thousands of miles away from the original target. After all, psychic energy is involved. Previously, I wanted to rely on purely physical methods to analyze it. Psychic jumps are basically impossible.

Then, due to the stimulation of these two technologies, or the deliberate guidance of the catalyst, the First Alliance came up with the trend of "expand outwards? Keep expanding outwards". Psionics and astronomy became popular.

Finally, after the Fengheli planet was almost developed, the new jump target has been decided. It is not one goal, but two. The Fengheli planet and the Fengheli planet each launch towards habitable planets in other galaxies in different directions. Psychic jump.

Arrival was smooth without any intervention on my part.

As expected by various experts from the "First Alliance", the environments of these planets are all very suitable for immigration, and the local creatures that dominate the planets are also relatively friendly.

There is nothing much to say next. With the "Wind and Sunshine Planet" as a model, the two newly developed galaxies will naturally copy the development model. While building the base, they will conduct an enlightenment assessment of the local creatures.

The Catalyst took the opportunity to take action and corrected the evaluation results of these two creatures to "worthy of enlightenment", and placed a song and dance team of big-eyed monkeys among the people going to enlightenment. Through the original biological stage negotiation, they were successfully accepted as "big-eyed monkeys". "Labor of the Eyed Monkey" and "The Guardian Beast of the First Alliance".

After the "First Alliance" jumped to two new planets, the immigration boom that had cooled down gradually picked up. After discovering that their topography was completely different from that of Feng Heli, the pace accelerated.

It is worth mentioning that, perhaps because they were overwhelmed by the popularity of the "big-eyed monkey" group and took the initiative to immigrate to other planets, there are many races that have a slightly lower status but are still ranked quite high.

Then, when the construction of the two new planets was on track and the popularity subsided slightly, the First Alliance decided again to use these two planets as the starting point to continue to develop new planets through psychic leaps.

Up to this point, I have no idea what the catalyst is trying to do. Is it planning to "dilute" the big-eyed monkey community to the limit to spread its influence?

[Don’t you think this looks like an outdated game where you’re trying to open new areas? 】

‘…wonderful metaphor. ’

collect doomsday

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