The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and forty-three, Wings of Freedom (3)

Latest website: ――TR.82.11.28――

Haven, underground mine.

"Hey, I bet those federal agents were defeated here." Tychus said, pointing to the ruins ahead.

"What's the point of betting on the obvious?" Tosh refused.

This is the third research institute that Reno and his team found, and if nothing else, it should be the last one.

Compared to the previous two research institutes, which showed no signs of resistance and looked like they were being crushed by the enemy, this newly discovered research institute can be called a battlefield.

Sealed doors, sealed windows, roadblocks, and bunkers abound, and there are all traces of bullet holes, dents, corrosion, and explosions. Renault observed for a while, and the commander's system had roughly reproduced the battle situation at that time.

The simulation showed that those roadblocks and bunkers were placed in advance, and the researchers and soldiers here clearly knew what dangers they faced and had prepared countermeasures in advance - but the results seemed to be completely useless.

When the battle occurred, the enemy - simulated by the commander system as a large group of vines - first completely destroyed the roadblocks and bunkers through impact. Although the federal soldiers' attacks "killed" many vines in the process, compared to the opponent's Quantity and results are completely meaningless.

Afterwards, the federal soldiers deployed some explosives to block the enemy's offensive, retreated into the research institute, and tried to rely on the thick walls to engage in street fighting. This kind of close combat in a small space prevented the vines from showing their numerical advantage, and the two sides entered a stalemate.

How long this stage lasted, the commander system could not simulate it, but compared to those vines that only need to eat terrazine to survive, the federal soldiers as humans obviously could not persist for too long. After a while, they organized a The breakout, judging from the battle traces, seemed to be escorting important supplies or important people away.

According to the simulation results, they were still fighting and retreating, but after a certain point, they suddenly turned into fleeing. The commander system put a question mark there and gave the message "Escort materials lost, escort characters died" or "A more powerful enemy appears" deduction.

It could also be a two-pronged approach. Renault shook his head. As for these soldiers who successfully escaped from the underground, just looking at the situation on the surface, we knew that they would not be able to please them.

"[Commander, look what I found~]" Jimmy's voice came from the communication channel.


Although the battle situation here is tragic, there are no corpses or hybrid monsters. Jimmy has returned to the agile scout and has gone deep into the research institute.

"It's safe for now, let's go in." Renault waved to Tychus and Tosh who were on alert, and walked towards the messy research institute together.


"This is……"

"It's a damn psychic jump gate!" After finding Jimmy, before he could introduce what he had discovered, Tosh shouted angrily: "This thing was not found in the ground base. Was it originally built here?"

"Oh? This is..." Renault carefully looked at what Jimmy displayed like a treasure.

Although Renault had learned from different people that the insignificant "insect plague" in Masala was caused by the federation's "psionic jump" experiment, this was the first time he had seen the real thing.

It was a metal "door frame" with a sense of technology that fell to the ground. It was in the shape of a black ring with a hole in the middle. The size was exactly the same as the "mechanical egg" where it was previously entrusted.

However, compared to the concept of "door", it is too small. If it is installed at the stern of the spacecraft, it can completely pretend to be an ion engine nozzle.

"Oh~" Tychus stood up with interest: "How to operate?"

"It's useless to just stand on it. A psyker must activate it and determine the destination," Tosh said as he took a few steps back: "I don't want to touch this thing again."

"In other words, the Federation brought those 'bugs' to Haven through this thing?" Ariel said coldly while rummaging around for valuable information: "After causing such a big trouble, they unilaterally cut off the Teleportation device?”

Although Renault thinks that destroying a mere federal base cannot be considered a trouble, it can even be said to be a good thing, but given that the other party is the daughter of the planet's speaker, those uncontrolled vines are indeed a trouble - if they are really uncontrollable - Decided to keep silent about it.

"Hmm..." Jimmy didn't notice Ariel's attitude and was fiddling with the control panel of the jump door: "It seems that it can't be started because there is no power. Was it damaged during the attack? If it can be repaired, maybe we can directly Teleport to Tarsonis."

"It can't be done," Tosh shook his head repeatedly: "Why do you think they made the door so small and stuffed the jumper into the eggshell? Of course, because the psychic energy required to activate it is too amazing, so amazing that it can't be done unilaterally. To activate it, there must be psychics on the other side to respond."

"In this case... wouldn't Her Highness the Princess be able to use it directly?" Tychus continued smoothly.


Several people who had seen the strength of Emil's spiritual power were silent and looked at the "jump door" together, as if Emil would jump out of it the next moment.

"I found some... what are you doing?" Ariel came over with several broken and scratched record boards in her hand, interrupting the stupid behavior of several people.

"I'm thinking about whether this thing can be dismantled." Renault thought of a ridiculous reason.

"It can be demolished, but the Federation must have cut off contact with it." Tuo Xu immediately answered.

"Then move it away as a trophy and display it." Tychus followed.

"Uh...Ms. Hansen, what did you find?" Jimmy couldn't keep up with the topic and turned to Ariel.

"I found that they seemed to be conducting experiments on the fusion of vines and people." Ariel gestured to show Jimmy the record, but Jimmy immediately hid behind Renault.

"Uh..." Renault roughly imagined it and decided not to be stimulated by that mental stimulation: "Just say it, Ms. Hansen."

"It's basically similar to the information we found on the surface," Ariel slid the almost scrapped record board: "They were originally cultivating vines that were active due to terrazine radiation as biological weapons. Although these vines are adapted to various environments, But the moving speed is worrisome, making it almost impossible to use as a weapon, and animal testing is prone to rejection reactions."

"Then they turned to fuse humans and vines?" Renault clicked his tongue.

"According to the records, they only discovered a problem that they failed to discover during the animal experiments after the human experiments began. This is that this kind of 'vegetative person' will completely lose his memory, or in other words, after the fusion, he will become a brand new individual. The experimenter can think that he is dead. This Directly causing the project to hit a bottleneck."

"And at this time, those 'bugs' appeared."

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