The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and forty-four, Wings of Freedom (4)

Latest website: ――TR.82.11.28――

Mine underground.

"So, how's the fusion of the bugs going?"

Although he had already made some guesses, Renault still asked.

"'Perfect, flawless, they seem to be born as one', this is the researcher's evaluation," Ariel shrugged one shoulder: "And because those bugs are inherently irrational, it doesn't matter even if they lose their memory."

"So... we have to face not only vines, but also insects that are fused with vines?" Tychus clicked the gun bolt: "This is very suitable for my taste!"

"You have to eat it yourself!" Tuosh declared immediately.

Because he couldn't tell whether Tosh really thought Tychus was going to eat bugs or was just mocking him, Raynor decided not to comment.

"According to the records..." Ariel didn't want to pay attention to the two people. After a pause, she continued: "They set up a place to cultivate those 'Hybrids' deeper and closer to Diazine."

"So, those monsters came out from the depths, destroyed the Federal Research Institute, and then came back?" Jimmy scratched his head: "But what happened to those vines?"

What else could happen, vines and bugs are not the same thing. Renault glanced at Ariel.

So far, the information obtained has basically overturned the speculation made on the surface, but the details will have to wait for me to explain, if she is willing.

In addition to flying swords and controlling plants, psykers are really capable of anything.

"The relaxing investigation time is over. Next, we may encounter a real battle." Ariel looked back and forth at Renault and his party: "Chief Renault, are you sure your people have enough fighting ability?"

"I think there is no problem," Renault raised his eyebrows: "The reason why we went straight into the mine without calling for reinforcements is because, apart from the 'knowledge' you possess, Ms. Hansen, we rely on our own combat power."

"I hope your confidence is not arrogance," Ariel nodded, then lowered his head and swiped the record board a few times: "This way, follow me."

"Uh..." Seeing the botanist who originally needed protection go out first,

Jimmy looked confused: "Commander, why do I feel like she has changed somewhere?"

"Do you think you will be more confident in the situation of 'finding information by yourself' or 'staying with other rangers'?" Reno patted Jimmy on the shoulder and quickly caught up with Ariel.

"Of course it's with companions? But what does this have to do with the current situation?" Jimmy still looked confused.

"Follow up, boy." Tychus seemed to have discovered something, and patted Jimmy's shoulder vigorously, but did not explain.


Swish swish——


Finally, in the deepest part of the mine, next to a large pit where terrazine was still surging, Renault saw vines and insects fighting fiercely.

Isn't this a very accurate name? One of the parties fighting is indeed a standard vine? But the other party is a deformed monster mixed with plants, various animals, bugs, and even humans? It cannot simply be called bugs.

"They..." Jimmy was shocked, and Tychus and Tosh, who were expecting it, both looked at Ariel like Raynor.

"Ms. Hansen, before we take action against those monsters? Do you have anything to say?" Renault asked.

"Let's not talk about the troublesome explanation. Let me talk about the things that you should be very concerned about." Ariel flipped her hair: "These vines will not attack you. Those humanoid hybrids have just been cloned." The primarch who came out without having time to instill knowledge and memory? And the federal agents and soldiers were all imprisoned by me."

"So? You have known about the federal secret base for a long time? You brought us here just to find a reasonable reason for it to be exposed." Renault said in a positive tone.

"I originally planned to stage a 'Revenge of Plants'? That's why I erased all the information on the surface base?" Ariel looked at Tosh: "Who knew he actually found the information left by the Federation? .”

"Is it my fault?" Tuo Xu spread his hands.

She didn't explain how she obtained the ability? And why she wanted to obtain the federal research results, but that was indeed troublesome and unimportant.

"Very good, let's talk about the rest after we settle the following matters." Renault knocked on his helmet, activated the commander system and entered combat mode.

"Hahaha! Damn bugs? You didn't expect that! Uncle Finley is chasing from Marsala!" Seeing that Renault had reached an agreement, Tychus directly drew his gun and rushed towards the line of fire where the vines and bugs were confronting each other.

As Ariel said before? When those vines noticed Tychus approaching, they not only did not attack, but also specifically gave way to his direction and attack path.

Boom boom boom!

Tychus's bolter doesn't need to be aimed at all? He just needs to keep shooting at the enemies in the vines, one after another. Although the hybrids on the opposite side seem to want to divide their forces to kill this sudden thorn in their side, they are killed by those vines. Tangled.

The battle between them is very distinctive. The vines mainly fight and bind, while the hybrids basically fight in the original form of the target before they were "mixed", mainly biting and clawing.

When the hybrid defeats the vines, they "eat" their loot like animals, and when the vine defeats the hybrid, it pulls away the plant parts of the hybrid, leaving an old corpse behind.

Their originally evenly matched battle quickly became one-sided after Tychus and others joined in. The weird hybrid was beaten back by the rangers and vines, and finally shrank into a hole quite close to the terrazine resource. Inside, the trapped beast Youdou Di confronts Vine, Tychus and others.

Renault scanned it with the commander system and found several clone factories deep in the pit that were rusty but still in operation. Not surprisingly, all the clone factories they produced were "human hybrids." .

Maybe those "hybrid" ones don't have any special tendencies and just fuse with whatever fusion object they encounter. However, according to Renault's analysis based on the time and difficulty it takes to kill each monster, the human hybrid is actually the weakest in the entire mine. of that.

"Die! Die!" "咻咻咻-"

Tychus's large-scale untargeted bombardment and Tosh's psionic lightsaber to kill high-threat units, even without Renault taking a few shots, the hybrid's sphere of influence was still shrinking rapidly.

After the ratio between the vines and the hybrid reaches a certain level, there is no suspense in this battle.

"Let's find a place to talk." Ariel looked away from the battlefield and looked at Renault: "Your Bucephalus is good."

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