The Collection of The End

One Thousand Three Hundred and Forty Six, Wings of Freedom (6)

Latest website: ――TR.82.11.28――

Tarsonis, sheltered area.

"Emile, would you like to try this? I hear it's the most popular candy on Tarsonis."

"Hmm...wait until I finish eating this."

"What? Candy? Old Siwang wants it too!"

"We don't have enough ourselves, you have to find it yourself."


Arcturus walked in front with an automatic rifle, not intending to look back at all to avoid falling into that ridiculous "spring outing" state.

From an ordinary person's perspective, the sheltered area is filled with all kinds of bugs and strange plants. The ground and walls are either large areas of "mud" or covered with vines. It looks like a doomsday scene.

But since their sister used the "Force" to block the sight of those bugs and vines, this place was just an abandoned empty city to them.

And since it's an empty city, you can naturally take whatever you want from the store, right?

Arcturus felt that there was something wrong with this logic, but he could not stop Emil and Angela from shopping. Since this area had been abandoned for a while, there would be no fresh food, but there were many well-packaged and clean snacks. .

As for Siwang... after confirming that neither vines nor insects could detect them, he enthusiastically devoted himself to the treasure hunt. Of course, he mainly looked for various mechanical parts.

Arcturus was not interested in snacks or parts, and in order not to let himself relax too much because of his sister's presence, no matter where the two girls and an old man went, he maintained a tactical movement and always kept an eye on the sight. enemies and be ready to hide at any time.

After all, if the Tyranid Federation was to be overthrown, the battle might start on multiple fronts. He could not always rely on Emile's fighting power to let her rush around. In that case, even if his sister had no objection, he would look down on himself.

And the most important thing is that Emil's power has its limits. Although he doesn't know if the Federation has any attacks equivalent to the explosive power of 10,000 Apocalypse bombs, he has no intention of letting his sister try to see if she can resist it.

When I heard Emil say that there are two "powerful" force reactions,

Arcturus was quite nervous, constantly guessing how many Apocalypse nuclear bombs it would be, and this nervousness reached its peak when the hooded man Alex appeared.

The human form also has great power. Maybe that guy can be on par with Emile or even surpass her. Arcturus even began to plan how he would help if he and his sister fought. Kerrigan volunteered to deal with that " "Acquaintance", it really made him feel relieved.

"Where to go next?" Angela stuffed a colorful candy into Emil's mouth.

"Well... there are three shopping malls." Emil, who was sitting in a wheelchair, held a tour guide in his hand and said while reading: "After you have visited them all, you can go find the leader of the bugs."

I don’t know what to say, but let’s observe three seconds of silence for Kerrigan who is probably working hard.


【hold head high--】

After turning the corner of two shopping streets - which were of course covered with mud and rust spots - a reddish-brown Thunder Beast rumbled over from the opposite side. Its size was the same as the one Alex had killed before. Even worse than that.

Of course, it certainly didn't rush over because it discovered Emil and his party. Even from such a long distance, Arcturus could clearly see the numerous large and small scars on its carapace.

Although I haven't seen what caused such scars, the power of being able to fight off such a monster must be extraordinary.

But... the problem now is that my group is on the path of that thunder beast...

"Should we avoid it first?" Arcturus rushed over and held down Emil's wheelchair.

My sister should be able to cut that thing in half with her "Force Lightsaber", but she will be exposed immediately. After all, "Force Shield" can't cover such a big thunder beast no matter how hard she thinks about it. Even if it can, it will rush over with a rumble along the way. And then suddenly disappear? That's too suspicious.

"Well..." Emil probably also thought of this problem. She raised her hand and turned to look at Angela: "I need treatment~"

"Ah?" Arcturus quickly checked where his sister's hand was injured.

"That's not therapy~" Angela smiled, took off her "healing lamp" from her waist and pointed it at Emil: "[Powerup]~"


Along with the subtle sound of electricity, a water-blue light connected the treatment lamp and Emil.

The little girl closed her eyes slightly and waited for a few seconds. After the Thunder Beast ran wildly for two more streets, a black and red thunderbolt shot out from her palm and hit the Thunder Beast's forehead, or the carapace of its head?

Almost at the same time, the Thunder Beast, which was originally walking heavily, swayed from side to side as if it was drunk. After collapsing more than a dozen buildings on both sides of the road, it finally fell to the ground.

"Psychic lightning~" Emil retracted his hand and made a V-sign to Arcturus.

"Uh... are you feeling uncomfortable in any way?" Arcturus ignored the fallen thunder beast and carefully checked his sister's expression.

"I am the one who helped this time," Angela took back the medical light and breathed a sigh of relief: "Don't even think about doing this again for at least two hours."

"No problem, we will go around next time we encounter a similar situation." Arcturus nodded.

"Hey, for such a big thing, old Siwang's current turret is a bit insufficient in firepower." On the other side, Siwang has already begun to conceive of a turret with stronger firepower: "But with stronger firepower, it won't be easy to carry. Well……"

Arcturus looked at Siwang speechlessly.

One day, he will make the battleship's main gun into a portable turret.

"Ah..." After Emil retracted his hand, he suddenly let out a small exclamation: "The mall collapsed."

This place is almost in ruins, just a shopping mall... wait.

Arcturus looked at the row of buildings collapsed by the Thunder Beast, and then at the travel guide in Emile's hand.

It seems that what was destroyed by that thunder beast was the shopping mall that my sister had wanted to visit before?

"Uh... Gu..." Emil pursed his lips, looking at the Thunder Beast and then at the ruins of the shopping mall.

Fortunately, it is dead, otherwise I don't know what miserable treatment it will encounter. Arcturus sweated for the Thunder Beast: "It is dead, we can find other merchants -"

squeak - buzz - click - steam -

Before Arcturus finished speaking, another behemoth appeared at the end of the street where the Thunder Beast appeared.

It seemed to be an unusually large bipedal machine that was even taller than the Thunder Beast. It was similar to a humanoid, but had no head in the conventional sense. Its "arms" were all equipped with giant cannons, and behind it were Carrying a missile array.

After it discovered the fallen Thunder Beast, it paused for a moment, then raised its back, tilting a large number of missiles at the dead Thunder Beast, and by the way bombarded the ruins of the shopping mall that Emil planned to go to into even more ruins.

Very good, although I don’t know what kind of strange weapon it is, its service life ends today.

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