The Collection of The End

One Thousand Three Hundred and Forty Seven, Wings of Freedom (7)

Latest website: ――TR.82.11.28――

Tarsonis, sheltered area.

"Oh! My God! What is that?"

After the giant machine appeared, the first person who couldn't calm down was Siwang. He was so excited that he pulled his beard straight.

"I have never seen it on the battlefield of the Federation," Arcturus frowned: "If it is some kind of trump card of the Federation, it may indeed overturn the situation of the war if it appears at a critical moment, but it is only a local battlefield."

This thing can't fly at first glance. It may be good at dealing with big guys like Thunder Beasts, but when it comes to air vehicles or large-scale ground troops...

Quack quack——

Perhaps the death of this thunder beast angered the controller behind it. A large number of bugs emerged from many buildings around the giant machine, including the most basic bugs, bugs that spray bone spurs, bugs with extremely thick carapace, and even A large number of insects that fired mortars moved towards the giant machine to besiege them.

The giant machine didn't care. After clearing away a large number of melee bugs with the two cannons on its hands, it fired the rocket array behind it again, blasting the bugs in remote positions into the sky.

"Oh oh oh -" Siwang looked excited.

After the giant machine cleaned up the bugs, it walked steadily, step by step, in the direction it came from, just as it appeared.

"It seems... it only came out to kill the Thunder Beast, and did not intend to interfere with the mutual hostility between bugs and plants in the sheltered area," Arcturus analyzed as he looked at the giant beast that disappeared around the corner.

"Such a powerful weapon should not be available to those scattered federal outposts. If we follow quietly, we should be able to discover some secrets about this place," Angela agreed, and then looked at Emil: "Is it better to continue shopping? Catch up?"

Do you still want to continue shopping in this situation? No, wait... Arcturus suddenly stopped in the middle of his thought.

Such a high-profile appearance of that giant machine must have attracted the attention and exploration of both bugs and plants. They are likely to send units that are good at lurking and concealment to follow, and the Federation must have arranged countermeasures. , if you follow rashly, you will only be hit by anti-invisibility means... So Angela's words may sound a bit unclear at first, but she can actually see it clearly?

To further infer,

What was the behavior of shopping before?

"Hmm..." Before Arcturus could figure it out, Emil responded: "No more wandering, catch up, dismantle the machine and go underground."

Indeed, even if there is anti-invisibility means, there is probably nothing that can be done to Emil, so there is no need to be careful about that. However, going underground after dismantling that thing means...

Is there a tunnel leading underground in the federal base where this weapon was built? This is very reasonable.

"Okay, then we don't have to drill holes ourselves," Angela said with a smile: "Rather than choosing a good place to drill holes, it's easier to use ready-made ones."

As a result, I thought Emil and Angela were playing games, but they had already found out almost all the information?

In their eyes, are they just playing around by pretending to be on guard?

Arcturus glanced at Siwang, who was still immersed in the fantasy of the giant machine. Fortunately, no one would know about such a shameful thing.


A moment later, outside the federal secret base.

Da da da! Da da da!

The ground was completely normal when the giant machine passed by. Half a minute after it passed, a large number of machine gun turrets suddenly rose from the ground and fired wildly into the surrounding air.

In the next second, several bugs and vines with optical camouflage were killed on the spot. They were not beaten out. They did not know that the enemy's troops were beside them.

"This is probably the reason why it came out to destroy the Ultralisk," Arcturus said, looking at the floor machine guns that were destroyed by brute force further out: "These traps cannot destroy the Ultralisk, but the enraged Ultralisk will Tear them all down.”

"Hmph, these trap turrets are so rough, they are not at the same level as that big guy." Siwang commented on the turrets that had retracted underground.

"It will go down after being disinfected. Let's follow." Emil pointed towards the giant machinery heading towards an abandoned garage.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry~" Angela said, pushing Emil's wheelchair straight to the abandoned garage, while Arcturus and Siwang quickly followed.

As expected, when passing by the floor trap machine guns, they completely ignored the group of people.

When the giant machine walked step by step and stood in the middle of the "waste garage", they just entered the door. Almost at the same time, the garage door rose and closed.

Chi chi chi—buzz—

Some kind of white smoke sprayed out from around the garage, shrouding the giant machinery. It was probably undergoing disinfection operations, and when the smoke rushed towards Arcturus and his party, it was naturally isolated.

Next, the floor shook slightly and began to sink rapidly.

"It's not easy to handle if there are many such federal secret bases." Arcturus habitually analyzes them from a strategic perspective. "If we clear them one by one, it will take a lot of time and manpower."

"I'll do it~" Emil raised his hand.

"No, your brother is not that useless," Arcturus touched her head: "If the Federation did not have extraordinary combat power, it would not... ask you to take action."

Arcturus originally planned to say something nice, but then he thought that he seemed to have been under the protection of his sister's "Force Illusion" during this period, so he changed his words accordingly.

Emil and Siwang may not have heard this pause, but Angela must have heard it, because she was looking at him with an expression that was half-smiling.

When Arcturus was wondering whether to explain further, the floor shook slightly and stopped falling. Although there was no detailed data on the distance of the descent, from a somatosensory perspective, it should be nearly a kilometer.

Chi chi chi——

The next moment, the "walls" around the garage opened outwards, revealing a large research institute.

The style of the architecture and interiors here is different from the "retro" appearance of Tarsonis. The gorgeous and restrained gold color and the integrated inner walls of the building all have an obvious "Ute" style.

Arcturus glanced briefly and discovered several research areas where experimental analyzes of plant and insect specimens were being carried out.

The giant machinery clunked up near the elevator. A workbench with a large metal frame "nested" itself in the frame. Then, a group of people wearing maintenance uniforms swarmed up to perform various aspects of work on it. maintain.

To Arcturus's surprise, a total of six operators left this giant machine. It seemed that the optimization and integration of that thing was very problematic.

The large nameplate above the workbench reads: "[Thor (Trial Model)]"

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