The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and forty-eight, Wings of Freedom (8)


Sheltered area, underground research institute.

"Hmm, 'Thor'?" Arcturus looked up and down at Thor's repair shop: "But it doesn't seem to be able to discharge electricity?"

"It's just a name to scare people." Siwang stared intently at the work of the workers in the workshop and the accessories around him: "Just like your flagship doesn't have nine heads."

Um? Did Swann confuse Hyperion with Hydra? Does he only recognize the first two letters of a word?

However, there is no need to correct mistakes in such trivial matters.

Angela on the side also echoed: "Yeah, it's just a name, just like my name is 'Angel', and I can't fly... and I don't have wings."

"..." Arcturus glanced at Angela.

If nothing else, she might really be able to fly.

"I'm not a princess either~" Emil joined in the fun.

This time there is really no chance. Even if he overthrows the Federation and ascends the throne in the future, the emperor's sister will not be called princess unless the old man changes his mind.

While a group of people were chatting there, taking advantage of their stealth, the elevator that came down was re-disguised as an abandoned garage and went up, while several drivers who got off the "Thor" walked towards a federal soldier who looked like an officer.

"You don't need to tell me the technical details. We also have records of our outing experiences," the officer said after saluting each other: "As pilots of the prototype Thor, you can estimate based on your own situation. If you want to flexibly control it, How long does it take for an average soldier to train before going into battle?”

"Uh, three weeks, right?" "At least one month." "I think two months is enough." "It shouldn't be more than two months." Several drivers looked at each other, and their opinions were not consistent.

"Well, well," the officer just recorded it without commenting: "So, what are your thoughts on improving its control?"

"We need more coordination!" "Why can't we use hand cannons to launch missiles at the same time?" "The self-protection ability is too poor. If the missiles are used up, facing a swarm of bugs, do we have to use hand cannons to single-point?" This time, the drivers had something to say.

Arcturus listened to a few words and then looked at the officer's expression. He knew that those guys who claimed that training took a long time and only complained without making any comments would be in trouble. However, how could the Federation screen pilots? None of his business.

"How's it going?" Arcturus turned to Siwang, who was staring at Thor very seriously and asked.

"Ha, who is Old Siwang? The general structure of that thing is clear, but specifically we have to find its design to make it perfectly." Siwang nodded and shook his head.

"...I mean, have you found its weakness?" Arcturus was speechless for a moment: "We don't need this kind of weapon with poor mobility and a focus on defense."

Whether it was Korhal who was protected by the "Planetary Shield" or Hyperion who was hidden by the "Force Shield", there was no need to use such a thing - although it seemed that they were all due to Emil.

"Then we have to find the design drawings. It is better to destroy the power source and energy lines accurately than to hit them randomly." Siwang touched his beard: "In short, Old Siwang needs the design drawings."

You don’t need to guess to know that he must have the idea of ​​​​imitation, and maybe he also plans to transform the pair of powerful-looking hand cannons into turrets...

"Emile?" Arcturus turned to look at his sister who was sitting in a wheelchair eating snacks.

"Uh, uh? Thor's design? Okay." She responded while eating.

What about the original plan to destroy Thor and sneak into the underground?


"Oh? Is this the design?"

Siwang stared at the design blueprint in front of him. What are the cross-sectional views of Thor's front and side? He also used a scale to enlarge some key parts. The overall look is quite professional.

"If our important information is kept in such a haphazard manner in the future, I will definitely send the guy in charge to a military court."

The process of finding the Thor blueprints was easy? It was almost too easy - it was located in the common room of the Thor maintenance workers.

Just hang it on the wall so grandly? There is also a reference book explaining the corresponding terms next to it.

Overall, this is more like a reading room than a storage room for important drawings.

Arcturus suspected that to find this, he wouldn't need his sister's "Force Illusion" at all, just any agent who was good at concealment could do it.

"You have to think so? Mr. Mengsk?" Angela probably saw something from his expression and said: "This is the center of the battlefield where bugs and vines are fighting. Although the cover and defense methods on the surface are simple, they are enough to deal with it. Threats below the Thunder Beast? The only elevator is under heavy surveillance, so it’s normal for the researchers inside to be lax."

"Maybe so?" Arcturus looked at Siwang who was copying the design drawings, and suddenly thought of another thing: "But in this case..."

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He turned to look at the labs where bugs and vines were studied.

When looking for Thor's design drawings, in order to avoid unnecessary complications, he did not explore the places along the way that did not look like machinery manufacturing departments? But he still paid a little attention. They did not seem to have strict access restrictions. Some laboratories The door was simply left open, and the test materials were piled casually on the floor.

"Could it be that other research departments are not very vigilant?"

"Yes~" Emil responded.

"..." Arcturus was silent again.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems to be like this every time. I have been working hard, and the direction of my efforts is completely correct, but it is not as sharp as my sister who goes straight to the core.

Whether it was her father being assassinated, the planet being bombed, or now the insect plague that may have serious consequences, Emil can always find the key entry point and then use her "Force Power" to solve it neatly.

Although this seems a bit useless as the brother who is supposed to protect his sister, the result is good.

Of course, "good results" do not include exhausting one's spiritual energy and turning oneself into a vegetative state.

Based on her experiences along the way, Emil has probably found some key points. She did not rush to find another "powerful force" besides Alex. This was probably because the time had not come, the clues were incomplete, and other reasons. For unknown reasons, I am the only one worried here.

At this time, the group seemed to be collecting irrelevant information, but they would soon discover that all these "unnecessary things" were necessary.

After thinking about this, Arcturus' originally anxious heart suddenly calmed down.

Then, let's take a look at the results of the federal research on these bugs and plants.

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