The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and forty-nine, Wings of Freedom (9)

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Tarsonis, Federation Underground Research Institute.

Perhaps because research on plants and insects is a project of greater concern to the federation, their phased research results are not hung as grandly as Thor's design drawings. Instead, they are stored in storage media and locked in a safe.

However, the problem is...the user wrote a note on the safe's password and pasted it on the door.

Do they want to keep it secret or not?

Arcturus took out the storage medium, cracked a not-so-smart confidentiality program with the reader provided by Swann, and began to view the contents.

In view of the explosion that occurred at the first site disguised as a chemical factory, and almost all important data was destroyed. These peripheral research institutions can only speculate on the course of the incident based on the sporadic information they revealed and the development of the situation.

Arcturus worked hard to reconstruct the beginning and end of the insect plague from those awkward terms, large amounts of data, and strange charts.

First of all, the origin of everything, the most critical "psionic jump" technology and the means of training "ghosts" are provided by the "Mobius Foundation".

What happened next was as expected: the Federation used these two technologies as substitutes for "Ghosts" and planned to establish a "psionic jump" network throughout the star region, with the same star gates isolated from each other, while "Ghosts" This is used to perform the original work of the "ghost".

These technologies were relatively stable at the beginning, but as the number of uses increased, strange accidents began to increase, including but not limited to the inexplicable disappearance of jumping objects, hallucinations and auditory hallucinations in jumpers, serious deviations in destinations, etc.

The Federation questioned the Mobius Foundation and obtained information about the concept of "jump cooling". The Federation was furious, but had no choice but to hold its nose to remedy the situation. At this time, "Zerg" "Appeared.

Most of the intelligence pointed out that the origin of the "Zergs" were insects that were mutated by Terrazine radiation in Marsala, but a small amount of information emphasized that before the "Zergs" appeared and were brought back to Tarsonis from Marsala, There are also reports of similar morphological creatures from other planets that use psychic jumps. It is very likely that the key to their mutation is not only terazine but also the behavior of "psionic jumps".

Just as various research departments were quarreling, the research base on Haven Star tried to fuse those "zerg" with the living vine "Thorian" they were studying, which led to its rampage and the destruction of the Haven base.

However, on the same day that contact with Haven was lost, an unconscious man who was almost integrated into the living vines arrived in Tarsonis through a psychic jump, and his identity was confirmed to be "Alex Reim", a former ghost. instructor.

What exactly happened is unknown. Judging from the results, the base was destroyed by a violent explosion the day after Alex arrived, and then "Alex Reem" and "Unknown Underground of the Base" appeared at the same time. existence" these two strong psychic reactions, and their respective minions.

The federation immediately launched an emergency plan to seal off the relevant urban areas and conduct information control, and then used "psionic shielding" to block outside visits.

Fortunately, the two reactions regarded each other as mortal enemies and fought directly in the blocked area. It was obvious that they did not intend to expand outward until the winner was determined. So the Federation took the opportunity to activate the secret research institute and base within the sheltered area to attack the bugs and Vines are analyzed with a view to controlling them.

As for the results, I can’t say they are yes or no.

Researchers here have discovered that the two sides that are attacking each other are not actually bugs and plants, but "plants mixed with bugs" and "bugs mixed with plants", which also explains why they are so eager to kill each other.

One of the results of the research institute is a "beacon" that can simulate the psychic fluctuations of the insect plants of the opposing camp and attract the other side to pursue them crazily. However, the application conditions for this are not very wide. At least there must be enough insects or Plants can use it.

Another result is the analysis of "Alex", a powerful being on the plant side, and another powerful being on the insect side who has never shown up.

The former has no memory or behavior related to "Alex" at all. It can be determined that he is just a plant mimic in appearance. However, since the other party seems to believe that he is "Alex", perhaps we can start from this point. Target him, such as creating detailed evidence to deceive him into actually being a loyal federal agent.

The latter is more troublesome. Apart from knowing that it has been staying deep in the explosion base since its birth and that it can control all bugs, there is almost no substantive direct information.

However, there is still some indirect intelligence.

For example, it should be able to easily erase the will of weak-willed creatures and search their memories, even including humans. The evidence is that several federal agents inexplicably lost contact when they went to the base where the explosion occurred through the internal passage. The remote monitoring devices they carried The device captured absolutely nothing, and the signal interruption was in such a way that it looked like the agents had turned it off themselves.

The only thing gained from these surveillances was sound. Before the surveillance was turned off, a subtle sound vaguely similar to "YoSe" came out, and its meaning cannot yet be analyzed.

Due to its ability to control other Zerg and erase and modify memories, it has been temporarily named "Overmind".

From a comprehensive analysis, "Alex" was likely to have his memory erased by the "Master" in the accident, but he escaped from control due to fusion with plants. Therefore, he hates bugs deeply, but out of his instinctive fear, he did not directly control them. Instead of breaking into the ground to launch an attack, they seek information about the Overlord on the surface to formulate countermeasures.

Finally, the intelligence gave the probability of Alex and Juggernaut being controlled or aligned, with the former being "approximately 37%" and the latter being "0% or 100%".

If you think about it carefully, it is not difficult to understand that "Alex" has memory loss and acts in extreme extremes, which is naturally difficult to control, while "Master" has obvious self-awareness, and whether he can cooperate only depends on whether he is willing or not.

"Hmm..." Arcturus, who had read all the intelligence, closed his eyes and thought about the useful parts, then opened his eyes and looked at his companions: "The intelligence said that there is an 'internal passage' that leads directly to the explosion site?"

"Of course, as long as the secret bases of the Federation are large enough, there will be secret passages connecting each other." Angela also saw that part of the description: "But they didn't cut off the connection with the explosion site. They were really arrogant. "

"Hmm~Internal passage~" Emil raised his little hand and made a knife gesture: "Let's rush over and kill it with a bang."

"...Okay." Arcturus decided to give up making plans that were bound to be useless.

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