The Collection of The End

One Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty, Wings of Freedom (10)

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Covered areas, underground passages.

Alex stood on the high-speed platform with his hands behind his hands, looking at the rich darkness ahead and the flashing lights from time to time, without saying a word.

Kerrigan was not as confident as him. She was crouching beside him, holding up "Widowmaker" as a warning. Her armor had been switched to power mode, and her goggles had been expanded to full coverage, ready to deal with attacks from any direction at any time. launched a raid.

Previously, Kerrigan searched many secret strongholds in the Federation. Alex also used his "mimicry" ability to trick some relevant people, and finally found a way to reach the depths of the accident base. After a little preparation, The two decided to go straight to the enemy's lair.

"I found some similar scenes from 'Alex's' memory," Alex suddenly said: "When you go out on a mission, you always strive to make every link perfect without making mistakes, but 'I' always It means 'that's almost enough'."

"That's because it's not you who goes on missions and adventures!" Kerrigan responded casually, then realized something was wrong: "I mean..."

"That's it, haha." Although Alex was laughing, his overall performance looked like a poor actor giving a careless performance.

"If you still don't recognize this identity, there is no need to force it," Kerrigan shook her head slightly: "After all, Alex Ream has disappeared in the physical sense."

"Indeed," Alex nodded in agreement: "No matter how much new information I get about 'myself', I still don't have that feeling of suddenly realizing, 'this is me'. Of course, this may also be the case for people who have lost their memory. ?”

"No, when I was... awakened to my original memory, I could clearly feel that 'this is me'. Maybe you lacked some 'opportunities.'" Kerrigan said uncertainly.

If she asks Emile for help, maybe this matter can turn around, but it's hard for her to figure out the ideas of both parties. If she rushes to introduce them to each other, unexpected situations may occur.

In any case, as long as they continue to fight against the Federation, they will meet one day, and then they can make a request.

"Perhaps, the 'opportunity' lies in killing the 'master' who once erased my memory." Alex's tone was a little murderous: "I hope it won't die after killing it once."

Although there were obvious problems with the grammar of this sentence, Kerrigan understood what he meant. He hoped that the "overlord" would have abilities such as "regeneration" or "mind transfer" so that he could kill more times.

If nothing unexpected happens, there should be. After all, it has been hiding underground since the explosion. It is strange that it is so greedy for life and afraid of death that it does not prepare an escape route for itself.

"I hope so, but before that, we may have to overcome some obstacles." Kerrigan said, looking at the increasing brightness ahead.

"Hmph, it's like walking on flat ground." Alex flicked his hands, turning into a pair of huge black claws.


A moment later, the "Lord"'s lair.

As the original federal secret base, even if there was an explosion, it should at least retain the original human architectural style. Therefore, at this time, the strange passages that are as red as the inner walls of blood vessels and are constantly contracting and relaxing are the masterpieces of the "master" no matter how you think about it. .

"What? Don't you have any stronger subordinates? These little bugs can't stop me!"

Alex swung his sharp claws and cut in half the dozen "Springtails" that rushed towards him, and then deflected several bone spurs ejected by the "Hydralisks", and then turned into a sledgehammer and smashed five or six "cockroaches" , literally setting off a bloody storm.

His weakness is still very obvious. He has almost no long-range attack methods, so he needs the cooperation of others.

Kerrigan appeared, blasted the hydralisk in the distance that was trying to spit bone spurs at Alex, and then escaped into the shadows again.

However, the situation is still relatively favorable at present. After all, the passage is narrow and it is difficult for the zerg's numerical advantage to be used.

And more powerful insects, such as Thunder Beasts, can't get in. If these are the only things -

Just when she thought of this, a biting sense of crisis hit her. Kerrigan suddenly dodged to the side, and then saw a row of "ground thorns" as high as half a person sweeping past where she was just now.

If you are hit by that thing, even if the armor mode at this time is a "power type" that is more resistant to beatings, it probably won't bring you much benefit.

"Ha! I caught you!" Alex, who was rushing forward, discovered the zerg that was attacking Kerrigan almost at the same time, and directly pulled it out of the ground.

It was an insect with a strange shape, like a spider. Although its ground sting attacks when hiding underground were very insidious and vicious, after being discovered, Alex had no means of counterattack at all and was hit with several hammers. flat.

"I owe you once," Kerrigan said after shooting another zerg that was attacking Alex.

"You're welcome, partner." Alex responded casually, and then laughed: "Haha, you really should say that at this time."

I always feel that his manner of speaking has become much more natural. If he continues, even if he cannot identify with the identity of "Alex Reim", he should be able to have a self-awareness of a "human".

Next, the "Master" didn't seem to have a good way to deal with this kind of single-soldier intrusion. He just kept sending various insects to intercept the two, but the effect was not good, and they finally arrived at the "nest". Right in the center.

"Let me see what the guy who has always been against me looks like!" Alex kicked away the meaningless valve blocking the path of flesh and blood, and stepped into the giant cave where the "Lord" was.

The next thing that caught Kerrigan's goggles was a huge... silkworm.

The giant worm was gray-white in color, and its body was very wide, but not long. When coiled up, it couldn't even be connected end to end. It lay entirely on the "bacteria blanket" and looked completely non-aggressive.

Although she couldn't see where the eye was, Kerrigan always felt that it was staring at her.

"Hey, you fat bug, have you figured out how to die?" Alex strode forward without hesitation, his arms constantly transformed into claws, giant hammers, double knives, meteor hammers, etc., and finally finalized into A pair of murderous axes.

"Be careful, there aren't any bugs here, I don't think it's going to sit still and die." Kerrigan tried to warn Alex to be careful.

"I'll chop it first, and then see what kind of flowers it can turn into!" Alex responded while slashing at the "Master" viciously.

【! @#¥%】The "Lord" let out a piercing scream with unknown meaning.


Hmm...where is...where?

After Kerrigan regained consciousness, she found herself in a strange space filled with fog.

If you think about it carefully, it's actually not that strange. She had been here before when she got rid of the Federation's "memory indoctrination".

So, this was done by the little princess Keha again?

However, unlike last time, the battle is still going on this time...

Wait, how did the battle turn out?

Kerrigan tried to remember, but she still couldn't remember what happened after the "Overlord" let out a piercing scream.

"Did I just pass out?" she guessed.

"[It would be better if that were the case,]" Following a familiar voice, Emil appeared in front of her: "[Your arbitrary behavior has caused us a lot of trouble.]"

Her appearance is almost the same as that of Hyperion, with only slight differences in temperament, and her tone is still ethereal.

"Is that so..." Kerrigan raised her eyebrows: "But since you are free to come see me, do you prove that the situation is not too serious?"

"[If you want me to say... no, you better see for yourself.]" Emil raised his hand to push away a chaotic cloud.

【Obey me! 】

The voice was vaguely the same one she heard before she lost consciousness, but this time she miraculously understood the meaning.

After hearing this soul-piercing scream, Alex held his head and roared, while Kerrigan himself stood motionless on the spot.

Next, the "voice" issued orders one after another:

【Kneel down in front of me! 】

【kill him! 】

【Bring her to me! 】

But neither Alex nor Kerrigan paid attention to it, and the scene was a bit awkward.

At this moment, the valve in the other direction was also kicked open, and Arcturus walked in first.

"Ty! Lun! Federation! Confederation!" Alex probably recognized the wrong uniform style Arcturus was wearing, transformed his arms into a pair of machetes, roared and rushed towards him.

Arcturus used a standard tactical roll to avoid the attack, and at the same time raised his gun and aimed: "Hey! Alex! Calm down!"

The calling of the name had a little effect, and Alex's machete hesitated for a moment, but it had no overall impact.

Then, Emil, who was wearing a strange flying armor, arrived first, condensing a pair of aqua-blue lightsabers and directly deflected Alex's machete away.

"Uh oh oh oh!" Alex roared angrily.

【Kill them! 】The master is also causing trouble.

Perhaps Alex's own wishes were basically consistent with the master's. When he activated it again, his hands turned into giant hammers that could not fly and hit Arcturus - and then they were all empty.

Next, probably out of embarrassment, Alex first rose into the air, spread out a pair of huge wings, and then used the wings as launchers to shoot out countless small vines and seeds towards Arcturus and his party, almost sealing them. Killed all their dodge routes.

But, only almost.

Emil waved his lightsaber and forcefully knocked away or cut off all the attacks that rained down on them.

"Calm down! Alex! We are here to help you! Don't let the 'Master' affect your mind!" Arcturus continued to shout from behind.

Angela used her medical light to shine on Emil, who was facing Alex in mid-air.

"Huh-huh-" Alex was suspended in the air, his figure constantly twisting and changing, but he could basically form a human form: "How...are you help me?"

"We will help you find all your biographical information!" Arcturus said.

However, as soon as these words were spoken, Kerrigan knew something was wrong. After all, "Forging Alex's experience to make Alex work for the Federation" was one of the information she found, and Alex was now obviously mentally ill due to the influence of the Master. Not sure.

【He is lying to you! 】 As expected, the master used that sharp voice to kick in again.

"Uh-huh! Oh-oh-oh!" Alex curled up into a ball, and the gathered spiritual energy even caused the air around him to distort and fluctuate.

The Overlord probably sensed something was wrong, as a large number of insects poured in from the entrances of other passages, some trying to protect the Overlord, and some trying to capture Kerrigan in a daze.

The latter obviously stimulated Alex in the air.

"Go to hell!" He roared wildly, and his body suddenly turned into countless tentacle-like vines, attacking all living creatures present indiscriminately.

Because it was a scene replay, Emil actually freeze-framed this scene and even typed the subtitle: "Thousands of Tentacles Ending Everything."

"What happened next!" Kerrigan almost yelled.

"[That...]" Emil showed a rare look of embarrassment: "[It's none of my business. If he retains a body, I can't kill him.]"

After saying that, without waiting for Kerrigan to react, he directly continued to play the "video".

Those tentacles scattered like a torrential rain, piercing all the Zerg reinforcements and piercing the Overlord's body, but the effect was not good. The tentacles flying towards Kerrigan instead surrounded her to form a cocoon that looked like a cocoon. The protective shield, and finally, the tentacles attacking Arcturus, Emil and others were neatly divided into two by a bright sword light.

The next moment, starting from the part cut off by Emil, a scorched black color spread at a very high speed, affecting all the vines of Alex's incarnation at a very high speed, making the original a little bit... What looked like a primeval forest instantly turned into a primeval forest that had been burned by fire, leaving only the remains.

There are only two differences. The "cocoon" protecting Kerrigan is still green, and the one inserted into the Overlord is being assimilated in turn.

Alex probably sensed that something was wrong with his situation, and the vines that looked like they were being burned suddenly shrank towards these two places where there was no problem.

The vines that converged on Kerrigan made the "cocoon" larger and thicker, while the vines that converged on the Overlord disappeared within it in an instant.

There was nothing special about the former, but the Overlord obviously gained a lot of benefits. A purple mist wrapped around it appeared around it, and then disappeared directly in the next second.

"[Then... Alex disappeared, the Dominator psychic leaped away, and lost the leader who could directly control them. All the insects and plants on the surface went crazy.]" Emil tore open another piece of gray mist, where It was showing that the bugs and plants on the surface were completely crazy, attacking each other and starting to rush outside the blockade. The federal troops guarding the intersection had been idle for too long and were caught off guard by this situation and were almost defeated.

"You mean, what can I do about this situation?" Kerrigan thought for a moment and figured out why Emil came to him.

Even psykers of level ten or above cannot easily deal with the bugs and plants in these dozen areas. Before that, the unsuspecting residents of Tarsonis will suffer heavy casualties, and As long as the Federation puts this matter on the "children of Korhal"...

"[I just came to ask, the current conditions are just right, are you interested in becoming——]"

Emil blinked:

"[Queen of Blades]?"

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