The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and fifty-one, the fourth natural disaster (71)

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[Mass Effect Repeater]?

After seeing the familiar terms, I began to think about the "setting" as the background of the world.

The Citadel is one of the cores of the "Mass Effect" series. As the "Galactic Crossroads", it is the political and economic center, has the embassy of all civilizations, and controls the interstellar jump gates throughout the galaxy, namely "Mass Effect Repeater".

As long as the repeater control department of the Citadel disables the repeaters of a certain galaxy, the civilization born in that galaxy will be truly "isolated" from the world unless they can develop another method of fast navigation between galaxies. technology.

In addition, on the basis of the original functions, the Citadel can also be equipped with something called the "Optical Furnace", thereby directly transforming into a killer weapon capable of destroying all intelligent machines in the galaxy. This action must be carried out by the Citadel's AI, the “catalyst” determines its necessity and executes it.

It is said that the Citadel was built by the "Protheans", a race from the "last harvest cycle", to unite all the intelligent races in the galaxy to fight against the Reapers. However, various archaeological evidence proves that the Protheans are just a human being. Outsiders, when they find the castle, it is empty, except for the caregivers.

The overall maintenance of the Citadel is carried out by these strange "caregivers" who ignore any questions, overtures or attacks. Since no race is willing to take on this busy and responsible job, and some pipes can only be drilled by the size of the caregivers, The Citadel Convention explicitly prohibits harmful behavior towards caregivers.

Here's a question: Even with Mass Effect technology, why build a network of repeaters across the galaxy? How do you get to a system that doesn't yet have a repeater network?

Another problem is that the "Catalyst", as an AI, is itself part of an intelligent machine. The option of destroying all intelligent machines means that it will destroy itself. So, what kind of reason can it have to agree to self-destruct?

Anyway, the reason won't be "Shepard's verbal skills are full".

Leaving aside the setting of the original work, the situation in my galaxy is quite similar to it.

For example, the Citadel has been built by the First Alliance, and the candidate for "caregiver", "Four-legged Spider", has also been determined.

Compared to the unexplained expansion in Mass Effect, the reason for the expansion of the First Alliance is simple: there are too many populations, and the method of reaching new star systems is simpler: psychic jump.

As for the catalyst... If the future protagonist Shepard chooses to blow up all the intelligent machines, then just blow it up. What does destroying all the intelligent machines and AI have to do with his collective consciousness?

The problem now is that I have not found any race in this new universe, uh, galaxy that is suspected of the origin of the Reapers. Maybe Irisen has potential, but it should be called "Absorber", not "Reaper".

Moreover, if it were to serve as the doomsday element, the world background would not be Mass Effect but StarCraft.

According to the setting of the original work, the predecessor of the Reapers was a group called Leviathan, but currently the only one with a similar name is the solitary "Leviathan" on the Green Light Mother Planet, who super-evolved from "Mother Flask".

How about going back to Lvguang’s hometown?


[Uh...I'll tell you some good or bad news, I don't know.] When I zoomed in on the star map to look for the "Emerald Grassland Planet", the stupid system suddenly said: [Malefia cannot leave the forces of the First Alliance. range. 】

'oh? Is there any place in this world that I can't go to? ’

[What kind of strange overbearing president’s declaration is that? What drama are you watching recently? ] The stupid system showed a contemptuous expression.

'That's it... Hey, that's not important. Let's talk about why she suddenly can't leave? ’

[Do you still remember Malefia’s personality? ] The stupid system drew a picture of Malefia's initial skin.

‘Well, a powerful unit spawned by the group consciousness of Green Light to deal with dimensional demons? ’ I thought about what happened on the green grassland planet for a while.

[That's it,] the stupid system added a bubble on top of Malefia's head in the picture, marked as "Creation of Group Consciousness": [Maybe you have used this vest for so long that you have forgotten that her personality is higher than that of ordinary groups. Awareness should be low. 】

‘I didn’t forget, so what? ’

[So, you shouldn't consider yourself the sister of the 'Catalyst',] The stupid system added another picture of a Catalyst child next to Malefia, labeled "Group Consciousness": [When a 'Group Consciousness' does not want' the group When the conscious creature leaves, even if there is no affiliation between them, there will be a strong attraction. 】

‘So you can’t leave? No, Zulwin also hoped that Malefia would stay. ’

[Can the situation be the same? ] The stupid system added another bubble to Malefia, labeled "Galactic Alliance Ghost": [The identity you have been using before does not have enough connection with every civilization, so naturally you can leave at will, but not this time. Likewise, 'Catalyst' can be said to have been born because of your appearance. In addition, you not only matched him as a sibling, but also taught him many things. The bond is much deeper than those of ordinary siblings. 】

‘Uh… just tell me the conclusion? ’

[The conclusion is that unless you let Malefia say a formal farewell to the Catalyst, and let him send you away willingly, she will not be able to set foot even half a meter outside the First Alliance's sphere of influence, even in the subspace. 】The stupid system adjusted the character picture it just created into the shape of a farewell traveler.

'Hmm... I always feel that this composition is a bit like "Back View", Malefia looks like she is going to buy oranges. ’

[Of course, you can force a breakthrough and leave, but the consequence will be that the Catalyst’s feelings will be completely deprived, and you won’t be able to get them back even if you reunite in the future. 】The stupid system refused to complain this time.

‘The feeling of deprivation, a group consciousness? you sure'

[The feeling of heaven being ruthless, probably. 】

Speaking of which, probably because I have always been a world consciousness and a group consciousness, it is difficult to imagine what a group consciousness would be like without emotions. Is it the kind of situation where "for the continuation of the ethnic group, I can do anything ruthlessly"?


‘Is something wrong this time? ’ I poked at the painting and said, ‘Under normal circumstances, if I ignore the limitations of my personality and act recklessly, I will blow up others. ’

[It’s the younger brother, not someone else,] Stupid System explained: [If you must take Malefia away now, Catalyst will forget that he had such a sister, and lose his feelings by the way. 】

‘Don’t do this casually! ’

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