The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and fifty-three, the fourth natural disaster (73)

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Since the "Avenue of Stars" took a long time from its appearance to its disappearance, I took a closer look and found that the appallingly long population characteristics of Green Light were actually quite good. The first half was enhanced, and the second half was weakened. Overall Basically neutral, not too Imba, no need to make balance adjustments.

But how did it create a dual government?

[Uh... one is internal and the other is external? 】Stupid system tries to explain.

‘Are you kidding? The green grassland planet has been unified, so why is there any need for internal relations? ’

[Well... let me take a look...]

After the stupid system was at a loss for words, it seemed that it ran to check the background information, and then the prompt sister directly answered the question:

[Tip: The War Council () is an oligarchic system formed by a martial culture. Decisions on each planet are made by the strongest war lords on the planet. If the opinions among the war lords cannot be unified, two or more parties with different opinions will Decision-making power is determined through a full-scale war. Since this kind of 'argument' can easily cause both sides to lose, their original positions will be replaced by other war leaders who take advantage of the situation. Therefore, if it is not a very important matter, they generally will not deny that military strength is the most important thing. Decisions made by powerful war lords. 】

[If an incident occurs involving multiple planets, all war lords of the relevant planets will hold a 'War Council' for discussion. In view of the excessive consumption of interstellar wars, disputes or conflicts arising in the 'War Council' will not be resolved by launching a war. Two or more parties to a conflict can only decide the outcome of the conflict through a duel between war lords. 】

...Okay, if you don't agree, you get into a fight. This is very Green Light's style. So what is that community?

[Tip: Star Sea Community (), when a space civilization with non-Gestalt consciousness and non-extinction characteristics establishes communication with more than half of the space civilization forces in the entire galaxy, the civilization can initiate an initiative to establish a 'Star Sea Community', and there must be someone other than the space civilization. It can only be established if at least three other space civilizations agree. 】 seems that there are only seven civilizations in the entire galaxy. If Bao is counted as two, there are eight, which is enough.

[After the community is successfully established, all founding civilizations will discuss and formulate a ‘Community Convention’ to stipulate the rights and obligations of member civilizations. 】

[The 'Xinghai Community' holds a plenary meeting every ten years. During the recess, any member civilization can propose resolutions on politics, economics, military or culture. After the meeting officially starts, the two resolutions with the highest concern will be selected for voting. , the results of the vote will be implemented within the sphere of influence of all member civilizations in the next decade. 】

[In addition, during the intersession period, the sponsoring civilization and the two permanent directors will manage the daily affairs of the community, including but not limited to: formulating and modifying non-key community laws, absorbing member states, and establishing priority goals of the community. 】

[If a civilization believes that staying in the 'Xinghai Community' will have a negative impact on itself, it can choose to withdraw. This behavior will cause it to no longer enjoy the preferential policies of the 'Xinghai Community' for member civilizations, and will lower other members' evaluation of it, and Cannot rejoin for twenty years. 】

[The current member civilizations of the ‘Star Ocean Community’ are: Green Light, Ute, Bao, and Wotaum. 】

[The current permanent director civilizations are Green Light, Ute, and Wattaom. 】

[The resolutions currently passed are, ‘Environmental Protection’ and ‘Prohibition of Dangerous Technologies’. 】

This... Ute, as an aquatic creature, hates pollution. Wotaum was frightened by me, and he has a shadow of dangerous technology. If Bao serves as a director, maybe he will pass the "Plant Protection Law" or something?

So, to sum up, within its own sphere of influence, Green Light still has the loudest "WAAAAGH" and whoever has the biggest fist is the leader, but in its diplomacy at the galactic level, it shows a love of love. The founder of the peaceful community and working hard to maintain this small collective,

Let it develop for the better.

Cute contrast? No, maybe it should be called "Smell the roses with a tiger in your heart"?

Having said that, there is indeed a Galactic Alliance and an Alliance Convention in this galaxy... But I am blown away. With just four members, this so-called Galactic Alliance is not powerful enough at all.

【Um? What? Didn't it explode? ] The stupid system seemed to have searched for information and came back: [They are quite loyal to this 'Star Sea Community'. 】

‘Why—uh. ’

Before I asked, the stupid system directly posted a screenshot of the diplomacy interface.

[Ute: Slightly inferior]

[Bao: Vulnerable]

[Wottaum: Vulnerable]

‘This is... the green light’s perspective? ’

Although the development of the latter two is indeed not very good due to historical issues, it is too miserable to be "vulnerable".

[Yes, looking at this military strength, who dares to have an opinion? Who dares to question the non-existence of the ‘Galactic Alliance’? 】

In doesn't matter. There were only a few people who actually talked to Malefia. Time has passed so long. They may have forgotten what Malefia said and just regarded the "Star Sea Community" as The "Galactic Alliance"...isn't it impossible?

As for several other civilizations that have not yet established diplomatic relations, they are not very impressive in terms of military strength alone.

Cyberlux has just broken away from the virtual world and has not yet had time to develop its military. It only relies on its intelligent machines to retain its force. It should be vulnerable now.

The First Alliance has been expanding aggressively in order to solve the population problem, but it has basically not developed force. There is no doubt that it is vulnerable.

The only possible surprise is Irisen. As a "devouring bee swarm", it is the same type as Green Light that relies on war to support war. It has developed for a long time after I left. I don't know what it has developed into now. Military evaluation If so, maybe it would be "equal"? Encountering the green light is likely to be a battle.

Just when I was recalling the information related to previous civilizations, the Avenue of Stars also came to an end. As a swirling light green mist dispersed, the original starry sky began to move upward. No, it was my "perspective" that began. Move down.

Then, a huge planet with green land and blue ocean appeared in the center of the field of view.

Compared with the scene when I left, the "green grassland planet" is obviously much more prosperous at this moment. Even from the perspective outside the atmosphere, you can clearly see the large cities and the vehicles running on the roads, and the sea is also Many drilling platforms were built, and occasionally aerial vehicles could be seen passing by.

Of course, there is also the "WAAAGH!" that although it is inaudible, can be heard just by looking at the actions of the Green Lanterns!

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