The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and fifty-four, the fourth natural disaster (74)

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After the "lens" gave a panoramic view of the planet, it began to fall straight down at a very high speed, and finally stopped when it was about tens of meters away from the surface. Then the "sight" moved up and changed to 45 degrees. Angular top view.

Is this the full visual effect of "Return Ticket"? Yes, yes, although it is of no use to me.

When he turned the camera to look at the source of the sound "WAAAGH", he found that there were two Green Light troops fighting fiercely there.

They looked nothing like regular troops. Their equipment and uniforms were all messy and tattered, and they had no tactical literacy at all. It was as if they had been roped in by the leaders of the two warring parties to make up the numbers.

However, although the equipment and tactics were very amateurish, the enthusiasm for the battle was not fake. Everyone shouted "WAAAGH" loudly, and they did not hesitate to attack the enemy combatants. Red balls were everywhere. Roll around.

The leaders of the two warring parties, on the other hand, did not act recklessly like the younger brother, but were cautiously keeping a distance from each other and dealing with each other.

After all, according to the rules of the "War Parliament", once they lose, the previous conflicts will automatically be judged as the loser's fault, and there will be no chance of appeal or comeback.

Although it’s not clear what conflict they have, but since the return location of the “return ticket” is set here, they should be a more important event point?

Anyway, the King of Green Light is still wandering around in space, so there is no need to worry about Leviathan. Let’s see what these two groups of people are doing.

"You surrender now! You can avoid a beating!" the taller and thinner green light leader said loudly to his opponent.

"Daydreaming!" The shorter, fatter green light leader retorted with the same loud voice: "If you say you want to cancel your meaningless project today, you must cancel it!"

"Monitoring the movements in the subspace is not meaningless!"

"I'm your boss! If I say it doesn't make sense, it means nothing!"



It is said that there is no need to speculate. After a conversation, the two green lights decisively let out a battle cry, then rushed directly towards each other and launched an attack on the enemy with a posture that would kill the other party.

I always feel... Green Light seems to be a lot stupider now that she can talk. She was still more cute when she could only say "WAAAGH" before.

By the way, this seems to be a research project where the boss wanted to lay off his subordinates, and then the subordinates gathered people to beat up the boss? It's really green.

Since both sides can recover quickly and attack the opponent's attacks without dodging, the battle scene is not interesting at all, and it should be difficult to determine the winner in a short while.

So... what was the research project that led them to fight?

[Here~Here~] The stupid system directly highlighted a building not far away.

Gee, the large-scale buildings in big cities still look like the aerospace age. This kind of single-family building is still the rough tribal style I originally designed. Haven't you guys come up with your own ideas after all these years?


Hmm... Not only do I have no creativity of my own, my style is also heading towards a rougher and rougher direction.

Gray-white stone, pitch-black steel, large flaming characters, rusty machinery, and rattling equipment. There is no security or sealing environment at all. From time to time, small-scale explosions of unknown origin occur. If I were a supervisor, This unprofessional "monitoring project" must also be dismantled.

But what exactly is he listening to? Subspace?

That place does not exist in the real world. Without the use of jump or similar technology, it is impossible to monitor it... Well, it doesn't seem impossible.

[Just say, ‘I Xunsi should be able to hear it’. 】

‘We shouldn’t have given them this characteristic in the first place… Forget it, let’s hear what it is. ’

[Hmm, the monitoring equipment suddenly operates autonomously without anyone controlling it. Is this a horror movie? 】

‘This section is too old,

Not scary at all. ’

After activating the most normal monitoring device in the entire "subspace listening station", which looks like a large-speaker gramophone, I blocked out the meaningless noise around me and tried to listen to what sounds would come from inside.


Hmm... Even if the noise is blocked, what you hear is still noise.

These sounds are not like words, but more like the friction of limbs or the sound of something moving through the air, but there is no air in subspace...

[What do you think it is? 】

'I didn't feel anything. ’

Based on the background of "Mass Effect", I have several general guesses, but I am not going to confirm them, because no matter which one I want to confirm, it will definitely be confirmed.

After all, subspace is also called imaginary space, and the things in it "do not exist". There is no need for me to "anchor" them.

[But since they have appeared, they will not disappear just because you don’t feel it. 】

'Then let Green Light make its own judgment. Let me look at their research results...'

Although the tall, thin green light emphasized the importance of this project, the results of the project were still lying around, and I found the relevant reports almost immediately.

"[We intercepted a strange subspace echo. The sound came from other galaxies. The echo was weak at first, but then gradually became stronger. It seems that something is approaching our galaxy. It is recommended to strengthen directional monitoring.]"

"[The echoes in subspace have become obvious. It is likely that some unknown space race is moving through subspace. It may be possible to obtain interstellar movement methods other than 'warp speed' through them. Monitoring should be strengthened.]"

"[The echoes of subspace are close at hand! They are likely to appear in our hinterland at any time! We don't know whether they are enemies or friends! We must be on guard!]"

Hmm... Even from these reports, we can see the excitement of the recorder. As a result, his supervisor said that it was all the noise of his machine, and it would be strange not to start it.


At this moment, bursts of cheers came from outside the listening station, and it was obvious that the two fighting parties had decided the winner.

I glanced over and saw that the tall, thin monitor had indeed won.

After the chaotic battle, the other green lights went about their own business as if nothing had happened. Only the monitor returned to the listening station carrying the supervisor who was knocked over by it.

Bang! He threw the supervisor into the listening position.

"Huh-huh-now, you are the monitor, and I am the supervisor," he said huffingly: "You continue to monitor the subspace echo, and I, huh-huh-will report this matter now. "

"You idiot!" The former supervisor glared at him: "The adjournment period of the 'Galaxy Community' is about to end. You submit the report now. If it is proven to be a misunderstanding, the [King of Green Light] will throw us to a remote planet for mining!"

Oh, I thought it was two reckless men, but it turned out that they were both rough and subtle.

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