The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and fifty-five, the fourth natural disaster (75)

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Objectively speaking, I think this "former supervisor"'s statement is more correct. The boss is busy and you go to report an explosive news. If it is true, forget it. If it turns out to be a false alarm and delays the original business, Can't you ask this guy who is making a fuss?

However, since the "former monitor" can mobilize people to overthrow his boss and replace him, he will naturally not listen to the advice and use his supervisory authority to start reporting.

As for the reporting method, it is also very green.

The new supervisor dialed something that looked like an old-fashioned rotary phone, as if it were really an antique phone. After it rang and was connected, the person on the other end of the call appeared directly on the "roulette wheel" of the rotary phone. Virtual projection allows direct dialogue.

So that big microphone is just a decoration? This technology can directly create a virtual call room!

[This was probably created because ‘I thought it would be better to see the other person during a phone call’. As for the virtual space, it is probably beyond their imagination. 】

"[Oh? You're not... Humph, that fat man was defeated. I hope you can hold on for a while longer,"" the caller on the opposite side was obviously not surprised by the temporary substitution: "[Then, what do you have to report? ?]"

"The highest level threat, signs of the emergence of [Doomsday Elements]." The tall, thin green light responded.

"[Are you sure you want to report this?]" The receiver didn't seem too surprised: "[I assume that you know the possible consequences of reporting this level of intelligence.]"

"Of course, I'm sure," the tall, thin green light replied: "I insist on positioning the report to be submitted as the 'highest level threat'."

As for the consequences, according to what the former supervisor said, it seems that he will be thrown into mining?

I slightly confirmed the economic status of the green light mother planet at this time. There is no doubt that the fixed and limited number of minerals have been exhausted. The current green grassland planet is all based on biological and chemical research departments and light industries, casting and smelting. The sectors that require minerals are expanding to the entire galaxy. Since there is no need for immigration, it doesn't matter even if the environment is harsh and the location is remote.

However, the "remote planets" mentioned by the former supervisor are actually situations with relatively good conditions. For those mining stations with environments below T0 or even built directly on asteroid belts, it is difficult to imagine how the workers on them work.

"[Then, please submit the relevant explanations and evidence of the report together,]" After confirming that the other party was not joking, the receiver became a little more serious: "[Each report will be obtained after a period of delay according to its own priority. Processing, and the [Doomsday Element] level is 'immediate'.]"

After saying this, the image of the receiver disappeared and was replaced by an icon representing "upload". It seems that this phone also has the function of receiving data and forwarding it.

The tall and thin Green Light seemed to be very familiar with this function. He pulled a cord with ease and "uploaded" the monitoring content, reports and analysis to the intercom, completely ignoring the sarcasm, requests and threats of the "former supervisor".

If the former supervisor had not been a match for the current supervisor in terms of force, he would have probably fought him directly.

When the intelligence is "uploaded", further processing begins simultaneously.

Although it is not clear what the "highest level" of the 'Doomsday Elemental Level' is, the speed at which the information he "uploaded" was checked and evaluated can be said to be astonishing. It only took a few minutes to pass the review and was successfully approved by one of the " War Lord".

Most of the war lord's house and interior decorations are bright red, and many weapons are hung on the walls as decoration, which seems to imply that its owner is a fighter from the Red Light Tribe.

At this time, there are five war lords on the green light mother planet, including this "red light". They seem to have been transformed from the original seven major tribes, but the colors of each person do not clearly correspond to each other. relation.

"Ha! Another 'Doomsday Elemental Level', these guys will make a fuss.

"The red war lord seemed to be disgusted with this message, but he still carefully read all the "uploaded content".

Then, he fell into deep thought.

Everyone has to hesitate about this kind of thing. After all, no matter how suspicious those "subspace echoes" are, without further confirmation, they may be confirmed as natural phenomena at any time. In this way, the green light that submitted them It's going to be really bad luck.

If the war lord intends to continue to report this information, it means that he agrees with the "highest priority" set by this information for himself, then this information will definitely appear in front of the "King of Green Light", although they He doesn't take care of things very much, but it's better not to leave a bad impression.

After all, although the "King of Green Light" wanders among different galaxies all year round and does not have much jurisdiction and influence over the Green Light mother planet, he is still the founding monarch, and getting a bad reputation from him will definitely affect him. Authority, some guys who originally did not dare to challenge for the title of "War Lord" may do so.

"I was thinking, what they said seems to be true..." The war lord muttered a few words, and finally made up his mind to slam the big red button on the table in front of him and "forward" the information to the other four war lords.

Since this guess does not involve decision-making, there is no need to meet to discuss it, but this information has always been forwarded by him. If it is finally falsified, he will have a natural disadvantage in the next decision-making discussion or even the next few times.

The information went around, and the other yellow, blue, white, and black war lords unanimously agreed to send it to the King of Green Light, but I don't know if they were convinced that the information was true, or if they wanted to see the red war lord's joke.

Although every time a dispute occurs, the five of them will quarrel until they are red in the face, and even if they are mediated, it will only be a temporary concession this time, but few Green Lights know that they all have contact channels in private and can talk directly, well, This is politics.

After the five war lords reached a consensus on the matter, the intelligence was again forwarded to the Space Ministry responsible for liaison with the King of Green Light. They had no hesitation and directly chose to send it. After all, the previous string of green lights could hold up A scapegoat for false information.

This time, since the King of Green Light and the Seven-Colored Light were unknown, the contact method used by the Ministry of Space Foreign Affairs was quite exaggerated. It was a cannon composed of fifty-four mass effect parts. The news of its "launch" was enough Directly across the Milky Way, but without a corresponding decoder, all you hear is a garbled "WAAAGH!"

Finally, my perspective ran along this "eternal wave" and found the long-lost "seven-color light" and the acquaintances on it.

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