The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and fifty-six, the fourth natural disaster (76)

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The "Seven-Colored Light" still looks like a war airship and an Enterprise. It is composed of three parts and is completely unaerodynamic. It is also followed by three "Allied warships", each with a jet black image. The Ute battleship, which looks like an octopus and squid, the Bao battleship, which is green and waving its roots, and the Wataum battleship, which is golden and looks like a cylinder.

However, regardless of combat effectiveness and scale, we only talk about identity. This small fleet can be called the mobile Star Sea Community Parliament. In fact, these warships all have a "special envoy" who can fully represent the race to which they belong, and the joint headquarters of the Star Sea Community The "ambassador" has almost the same authority.

But this does not mean that this fleet has no combat effectiveness. It has been since I left Green Light... Well, I don’t know how many years, just the initial ship of Green Light has been modified countless times. Judging from the paper data, the combat effectiveness is at least fifty times that of when it first left the factory.

In addition, the main crew members on this ship are still the same old faces - although I can't tell them clearly among the ones with no obvious difference in size.

I seemed to have seen them a few times at Ute and Bao a long time ago, but as the engine was upgraded, the jump distance increased, and the target civilization became farther and farther away from the green light mother star. There has been no news about them for a long time. , At present, it seems that these acquaintances have not changed much except for some fine-tuning of their positions.

The first is "Green Light Zero" or "King of Green Light", who naturally serves as the captain responsible for making decisions on major matters.

The compact "little follower" is still an economic advisor, but since it is meaningless to analyze the economic situation of other civilizations, he also serves as a liaison officer with his lively personality.

The "Guard Captain" is strong and strong, and his official position as military advisor is still there. However, when he is on the ship, he is also responsible for the research and development and maintenance of weapons, and also protects the safety of "Green Light Zero".

When encountering other civilizations, the role of "Purple Light Queen" as a cultural consultant is still useful. She can also use her special communication methods to communicate with races that do not understand the language, so she can also serve as a "translator".

Next is "Red Light Chief Hanuman", which took away the position of "Charge Captain" with its overwhelming force superiority, but found that there are very few cases of boarding battles in space wars. Most of them All his military exploits were taken away by the gunner "Chief Huang Guang".

Finally, there is "Ms. Qingguang" who serves as the ship's doctor and "Chief Orange" who serves as the adjutant. Their duties should be relatively easy.

The rest either stayed within the Green Light's sphere of influence and did not board the ship, or they were working as gangsters on the ship.


"The captain is not good!" The liaison officer ran into the bridge holding a data tablet: "The mother planet sent a message saying that signs of the [Doomsday Element] were found!"

"Oh?" The military adviser straightened his back.

"Ha! Good luck!" Hanuman, who was dozing off, jumped up: "I didn't fight enough of those demons last time!"

"After all, don't look at me and don't take out the stick." The gunner turned his head and glanced at Hanuman.

"Isn't this a good thing?" The adjutant stepped forward to take the data board and check it: "Recently, those war lords have become so bored that they have begun to organize inter-planetary military exercises, obviously with the intention of starting an interstellar war."

"If the other party has no obvious hostility, we should try to contact them." The cultural consultant shook his head slightly: "It is too outrageous that the 'Xinghai Community' has only four member states."

"They are said to be very ugly bugs~" the economic advisor and liaison officer made a face at her: "If you go to 'shake hands', the captain will definitely kick you off the ship."

"If I forward your words to Wattaom, you will definitely be kicked off the ship first." The cultural consultant glanced at her lightly.

"Slightly, slightly, slightly~" "Heh."

This scene seemed to be a daily occurrence on the ship, and all the other crew members turned a blind eye.

"It doesn't seem to be the 'void demon' we have been wary of, Captain.

"The adjutant handed the information board to Captain Zero Green Light: "Judging from the conditions of 'swarm movement', 'flapping wings' and 'low hissing', it is definitely a race we have not come into contact with yet. "

"It seems that there is no mention of the expected location?" Green Light Zero dragged his face with the back of one hand and used his free hand to look through the information provided on the record board.

"The listening station only heard that the other party was approaching, because it was in subspace, and its specific direction could not be judged from real space." The adjutant had obviously memorized all the contents of the record board.

"The expected location should be the weakest location within our sphere of influence." The hatch opened and the ship's doctor also arrived on the bridge.

"I wasn't running in the hallway!" the liaison officer immediately declared.

"Yes, you ran over by stepping on the wall of the corridor." The ship's doctor held down the shoulders of the liaison officer who was trying to escape, and dragged her away regardless of her struggle: "Captain, before tomorrow, let others Let’s also serve as the liaison officer.”

"I don't want to be imprisoned -" The economic adviser was dragged away in a dance, and the hatch was closed again with a swipe, but the crew also turned a blind eye.

This seems to be a daily routine on the ship as well.

"Oh..." Hanuman looked at the closed hatch: "That's true. Since it was a report received from the home planet, those things will inevitably appear in the star field we control, and as long as they are not stupid, they will It will never appear near our heavily guarded key interstellar nodes."

"Go and inform the special envoys of the three countries to come to the Seven-Colored Light." Green Light Zero thought for a while and looked directly at the cultural consultant: "I want to exercise the civilized privileges of the permanent director and directly end the adjournment period. And' Defense against the [Doomsday Element] threat' was proposed in Parliament as a special resolution."

"Are you sure?" The cultural consultant was temporarily assigned to the position of liaison officer. His speech was still a bit stiff, and he questioned this order: "There are only two months until the end of the recess period, and the resolution scheduled to be discussed has already been discussed within two months. The 'Mutual Open Immigration Agreement between Bao and Ute' and the 'Research Sharing Agreement between Green Light and Wataum' were determined years ago. If an emergency special resolution is proposed, they will be shelved until the next decade."

"It was in vain that you had such a long conflict with the economic adviser," the military adviser sighed: "Are you not even clear about the responsibilities of the liaison officer? When working as a liaison officer, remember to take off the identity of the adviser and do not give opinions and suggestions. .”

"..." The Purple Light Queen, the cultural consultant and liaison officer, opened her mouth, but couldn't say anything.

"If you must explain," the King of Green Light retracted his hand and supported his chin with the back of his hands again: "[I'm thinking that the things in the report will appear within a month.]"

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