The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and fifty-eight, the fourth natural disaster (78)

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I originally planned to watch the King of Green Light quarrel with the scholars, but suddenly someone flooded the conference hall, which was simply outrageous.

What's even more outrageous are the "giant Irisons" that are dozens of meters tall and have a sickle in each hand.

[Thorin Worm, a fusion of 'Irisen', 'Bao', 'Warp Worm' and other species, was transformed from 'Nurgle'. Its units can directly enter the sky or travel through subspace, and can assimilate any non- Mechanical species cannot survive on planets with environments above T0, but they can transform ordinary planets into 'incubator planets'. 】

‘Isn’t this Nurgle a little too arrogant, causing trouble in front of me? ’

[I don’t think He should be so bold. This actually proves that you don’t have an incarnation. When you simply look at others from an ‘observer’ perspective, you are completely undetectable. 】

‘The incarnation cannot be detected in the first place, right? ’

[Those with higher status can still detect special things. If Malefia were here, these "Thorin Insects" would definitely not dare to show up. 】

‘Hmph…Okay, what is [Warp Worm]? ’

[In this case, it is a strange bug that lives in the gap between real space and subspace, but it is not a creature in the ordinary sense. When 'warp navigation' occurs in the nearby space, they will grow, just like... uh, thrombus? If the number is too large, it will cause problems with warp navigation within a certain range, but it is not offensive in itself. 】

‘Okay, now we understand why Thorins move through subspace. ’

While I was analyzing the origins of the attackers with stupid systems, the scene was changing rapidly.

Before the conference hall collapsed, the King of Green Light and the two advisors he brought successfully rescued the three ambassadors, preventing them from being buried by the collapsed conference hall. The giant mantis that destroyed the conference hall did not confirm whether the people inside were dead. , walked directly towards other buildings with more obvious shapes, as if they were impatient to demolish their home.

In other locations on the Parliamentary Space Station, there were about a dozen giant mantises of similar size wreaking havoc, and the security forces and defensive forts had almost no effect on them.

At present, fortunately, they are not very intelligent and only know how to destroy conspicuous buildings and structures. If one or two are interested in the outer wall of the space station and cut it open, the entire space station will be delaminated even if it is alive. Skin.

"Listen, Ute and Wattaum are too big. We can't hide forever. We have to get back to the 'seven-color light' as soon as possible. They don't seem to be able to enter the universe." At the corner on the other side of the conference hall, The King of Green Light was explaining tactics with two advisers and three ambassadors.

Ambassadors Ute and Wortaum remained silent. After all, if they had just passed the resolution, they would at least have a slight advantage than now.

"I have planned two routes." He turned over the information board and showed Guitar Four's topographic map to them: "You two, take Ute and Wattaum to the dock respectively. Bao and I have to go to the space station. Control room open dock locked – you know optical camouflage, right?”

The last sentence is asking Bao.

"This is our basic skill," Ambassador Bao said proudly, and then he ran directly onto the shoulders of the King of Green Light and wrapped him up: "However, if those guys have methods other than optical observation, you will die."

"It didn't even look at us after destroying the conference hall. I suspect its optical observation methods are not very good." The King of Green Light smiled and turned to the economic adviser and military adviser: "What else do you two have? question?"

"I want to go with you!" X2

"No, didn't you find that these two ambassadors have almost no fighting ability?" The King of Green Light glared at them: "Don't come to me after sending them back to the Seven Color Light. I will set sail immediately after boarding the ship and leave directly. That way It’s like leaving yourself here.”

"Okay, boss."

"Okay, don't die."

"Why are you talking?" The King of Green Light knocked the economic adviser's head and rubbed it: "Don't worry,

I haven't died since I was born. "

[Good guy, if you weren't here to watch this, this guy would definitely be dead. 】

‘Even if I’m not watching, nothing will happen to him. This is a guy with [the power of my thoughts]. ’

"I was thinking..." As soon as he said this, the King of Green Light activated his skills: "We can all leave smoothly this time, no one is missing."


Three hours later, the seven-color light left with the entire space station staff, leaving only a group of incompetent and furious bugs and the space station riddled with holes.

Then, I prompted my sister to send out a somewhat strange message.

[Tip: The 'Thorin Swarm' occupies Guitar, the parliament headquarters of the 'Galaxy Community' and the four surrounding galaxies. The 'Doomsday Countermeasures Resolution' takes effect on its own. When the frontline galaxy is invaded by the Thorin Swarm, its defense power increases, and the combined fleet fights against Thorin. When the insect swarms, the attack power increases, and when the logistics system produces military supplies, the efficiency increases. 】

‘Eh heh heh? Wait, the battle on a small space station here has just ended, why did other planets fall immediately? ’

[Well, this should be the ‘Dynasty Warriors Effect’. 】

'what? ’

[It means that when you are not watching, what happens elsewhere will be deduced based on basic conditions rather than actually happening. For example, Lu Bu versus a hundred soldiers, normally it is just a matter of cutting vegetables, but if you are away from this battle Far enough away, if Lu Bu's morale is very low and those soldiers' morale is very high...]

‘Lu Bu is in a tough battle, please go to the rescue as soon as possible? ’

[It is also possible to directly give you the news that "Lü Bu was defeated by a certain army". 】

'If it were Dynasty Warriors, I could farm the minions and defeat key generals to affect morale, but now it's a space war, where can there be such a thing as morale -'

[Tip: Green Light, Ute, Bao, and Wotaum add additional thoughts: 'Doomsday is coming': Increase the evaluation of any civilization that fights against the Thorin swarm, and increase morale when fighting alongside them. If you have 'Doomsday is coming' 'If civilizations of ideological trends are in a state of war, a truce will be forced. 】

‘…Okay, yes. ’

[Tip: Cyberlux and the First Alliance have added additional thoughts: ‘Echoes of Doomsday’: The speed of technological development has increased, and it will be changed to ‘Doomsday is Coming’ after receiving news of the Thorin Swarm. 】

[Tip: Irisen added additional thoughts: 'Apocalypse': Military, economic, and cultural development are completely stagnant until war or alliance is declared with the Thorin swarm. 】

etc? Can these guys surrender to the enemy?

[Tip: If you choose to declare war on the Thorin swarm, 'Apocalypse' will be transformed into 'Doomsday'. If you choose to form an alliance with the Thorin swarm, 'Irisen' will be permanently hostile to all civilizations in the galaxy, and 'Apocalypse' will be transformed into 'Doomsday'. For the purpose of 'Dancing with the Devil', attacking other galactic civilizations or destroying T3 planets will increase the rating of the Thorin swarm. 】

I think there must be many "players" choosing this!

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