The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and fifty-nine, the fourth natural disaster (79)

"Collect Doomsday ()" Find the latest chapters! turns out that this is what the cosmic-level doomsday element looks like.

As the Seven-Colored Light spacecraft rushed all the way back to the green grassland planet, I returned my "perspective" to the galactic level and observed the reactions of each civilization to the emergence of the "Thorin Swarm" one by one.

Basically, just like the message that prompted my sister to spawn, the civilization that directly knows its appearance will immediately enter a wartime state, and this will not be delayed because the leader denies its existence.

Not to mention the green light, after all, its king directly saw the Thorin swarm. Only the ambassadors of Ute, Bao and Wotaum learned about the matter and had no time to send back the news. However, these civilizations began to target them almost at the same time. The preparations of the Thorin swarm.

Civilizations that had not received the news at all, such as Cyberlux in the center of the galaxy, and the First Alliance in the other half of the galaxy, all began to vigorously develop technology driven by some premonition of danger.

Investigating the reason, it should be that their group consciousness felt a direct threat and forcibly guided the civilization.

The fact that can support this is that some individuals with strong spiritual power, even if they have not been exposed to specific pictures and descriptions of the Thorin swarm, can get a strong premonition that "the Thorin swarm is destroying the Milky Way" from just some signs, such as Green Light's little follower.

Finally, as "Irisen", the origin of the Thorin swarm, Zulwin didn't know what he was doing, but Abathur had been in a daze and had not made a choice to "surrender" or "declare war".

[Now there is good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear? 】The stupid system suddenly stopped talking when I was checking the star map.

Although I have roughly guessed what it is going to say, I still go along with it.

‘Say it first. ’

[The good news is that if the 'Thorin Swarm' is defeated, you will get a copy of the 'Doomsday Element' from all the surviving civilizations. 】

‘What about the bad ones? ’

[The bad news is that, except for Green Light, other civilizations are not considered to have "survived", so they cannot provide doomsday elements. 】

'oh. ’

【Did you guess it? 】

‘No, I thought you were going to say that because the materials of the Thorin swarm, Irisen and Bao, both belong to the Rewind Civilization, this doomsday element does not count. ’

[If 'Irisen' was deceived by one of the four vendors and decided to destroy all life in the galaxy, that would indeed be the case, but since the warp bugs are involved and have been transformed by Nurgle, the 'Thorin Swarm' will naturally It's a new species. 】

‘Let me think about it, if I want to know the bad news first, are you going to say that because other civilizations are rewinding, they cannot provide doomsday elements, but the good news is that green light can? ’

【Fu? 】The stupid system tried to be cute, but unfortunately it didn’t work well because it didn’t have a body.

I ignored its weirdness for the time being and looked at the place where the "Thorin Swarm" appeared.

Although they come from subspace, they don't seem to be able to replenish their numbers from subspace. The five star systems they occupy are the initial base and all the troops.

The giant units that wreaked havoc on the space station were called "Warriors ()", there were also "Brood Mothers" that performed long-range attacks or restored the health of warriors, and the largest number of disorganized small bugs, uniformly named "Swarmling" )".

After they destroyed the Parliamentary Space Station of the Star-Sea Community, they directly used the original materials to create a "StarHive" on the spot as the main base, while the bases of the other four galaxies were "StarNests".

These nests transform the planets in the galaxy into "Infested Worlds" covered with a thick layer of fungi by hatching large numbers of "Infestors". The "Infested Worlds" can continue to hatch "Infested People" and "Worker Bees" ( Worker", "Transport" and other ground units plunder planetary resources,

You can also hatch "warriors", "broodmothers" and "insect swarms" to expand your sphere of influence.

And each "interstellar nest" is guarded by a powerful "Queen" who will never leave.

From this point of view, although "Thorin Swarm" is Nurgle's game, its strength is no joke.

‘So, how do we eliminate them? Capture these five galaxies? ’

[Merely? ] Stupid System raised his voice slightly, paused, and then quickly lowered his voice: [Well, compared to a thousand habitable galaxies, it is indeed nothing. 】

‘No, it’s not about the total, it’s mainly about the opponent, look. ’ I switched the screen to the home planets of several civilizations that already had the “doomsday coming” trend.

Ute began to manufacture space battleships in large quantities. They were very large in size. Although the appearance of the battleships they built was not flattering, their physiques were powerful enough.

Although Bao is a plant civilization, just looking at the previous battle between the original and the fusion, we know that they are not peace-loving characters. Although the performance of the plant spacecraft is not good, the number is sufficient.

Wartaum, a civilization that doubts the authenticity of the world, although I have locked away some key technologies, is still a naughty kid who constantly tries to die to test the flexibility of the world's rules. The warships it builds are all kinds of weird, and almost none of them are the same.

The most exaggerated thing is Green Light. After learning that there were powerful and numerous enemies, they "admitted defeat" for the first time in an internal fight.

They were two war lords who had irreconcilable conflicts and decided to fight to resolve the dispute. Just when they were halfway through the fight, news came about that the headquarters of the Star Sea Community had been attacked. The slightly weaker side immediately He announced that he had given up, saying, "I'm tired of fighting these guys who look just like me. I'm going to challenge new enemies."

This is only a trivial matter in the eyes of other races, but it subverts the green light's tradition of "win or die", which is enough to prove how eager they are to fight at this time.

Another exaggeration is the vehicles they built when preparing for war. I gave them a good design at the beginning, including Kit, Thunder, Airwolf and Enterprise, which were full of science fiction elements. "Power" made some random changes and turned it into a nondescript, shabby, steampunk-style vehicle.

It's hard to tell which type of vehicle these things are, land, sea or air. They all look like scrapped vehicles that should be thrown directly into the scrapyard. They might be driven on the road, at sea or even in the air, and then shut down with a roar, while the driver just He would take out a huge wrench, say "I wonder if it can still run", repair it and get back on the road - and then repeat the operation the next time it predictably breaks down.

When there is no limit on the total strength of both sides, the only things that can compete are individual combat effectiveness, equipment technological content and fighting enthusiasm, and in this regard, Green Light will not lose to anyone.

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