The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and sixty, the fourth natural disaster (80)

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[To defeat the 'Thorin Swarm', it is not enough to occupy these galaxies.] The stupid system probably secretly checked the settings of the bugs, and it took a long time to respond: [All the interstellar nests they built during the expansion process must be destroyed. ', and finally destroy the 'Interstellar Bug Hive'. If you directly attack the 'Insect Hive', each 'Nest' that has not been destroyed will immediately hatch a fleet and set off to the location of the 'Insect Hive'. If the 'Insect Hive' It has never been able to escape the battle, and other 'nests' will hatch out a new fleet every once in a while to go to the rescue. Therefore, without an absolutely superior crushing force, it is easy to fall into a situation of being attacked from both sides and eventually be overwhelmed by the sea of ​​​​insects. . 】

‘Well, it seems that this [Thorin Swarm] is not the same as [Dimensional Demon]. Over there, if the anchor point is attacked, you will explode troops to counterattack, but here you have to shake people. ’

[Of course it is different. When faced with the 'Dimensional Demon', ordinary civilizations can choose to surrender and then be integrated. At most, they can change their skin color, grow horns, and have some fire on their bodies. But if they are defeated by the 'Thorin Swarm', they will just eaten. 】

During the conversation, the Thorin swarm had already begun to expand. Instead of moving through the subspace at the beginning, they started from the interstellar lair and headed for the nearest planet through "warp speed navigation."

As a unit that is a spaceship in itself, the transport worm does not have a "landing" process at all. After being captured by the planet's gravity, it turns into a meteor and falls from the sky, and then explodes a large blanket of bacteria. The lucky infected worms and worker bees transported on it will not die. Get to work immediately.

I glanced over there out of curiosity, and happened to see what the so-called "eating" meant.

Vegetation, shrubs, trees, and the creatures with low intelligence living in them, after coming into contact with the slow-moving but unstoppable "bacteria carpet", they sink and disappear as if they were "sinking". There is only a thin layer there, and the whole thing is like in sludge fluid.

'……evil. ’

【nausea? 】

‘Aversion to cold! I have to quickly create an avatar and run away. Who knows what the territory of these insects will become in the future. Out of sight, out of mind. ’

[Right now, the only incarnations you can choose are Green Light, Ute, Bao, and Wattaum. And due to the emergence of the doomsday element, their collective consciousness is in an awakened state. It is almost impossible for you to create one without being noticed. Personalized. 】

'Forget the last few, their looks are average. If the group consciousness realizes that the new incarnation feels the same as Malefia gave them, no matter how stupid they are, they will find the problem. As for the green light, as long as it is pinched well, it should be possible... Just accept... ’

[I think Shrek and Orfina can be made out at best, or maybe you think Thrall and Gul'dan are handsome? 】


I switched my perspective to the seven-color boat of green light, trying to distinguish which one looked better.

Trolls, orcs, goblins, avatars...

The group consciousness that has always been responsible for humanoid and near-humanoid races is completely unaccustomed to this.

Even if you want to select a general from among the dwarves, you have to...


The seven-color light that had just returned to its home star was directly caught into the sea by the huge tentacles protruding from the sea.


After a while, the seven-colored light stopped on the beach of a military base on the seaside, and there were a lot of aliens of different shapes standing next to them, but they were all wet.

"Sorry, everyone," the King of Green Light shrugged at them: "That is our green light's 'guardian'. Maybe he thinks you need to be 'disinfected'."

"It's okay, that's Master Leviathan. Everyone knows it," Ambassador Ute was the first to respond: "And the ocean water quality of your home planet is very good, which makes me feel like I'm home."

"Although we don't like sea water very much, it doesn't matter." Ambassador Bao has completely absorbed the water on his body and is shaking down the salt grains.

"Famous people are not as good as meeting each other." Ambassador Wattaum was most uncomfortable with it: "However, with such a strong guardian, the Green Light Home Planet should be considered relatively safe, but we must immediately send the information back to our home star.


"Of course - Liaison Officer~" The King of Green Light greeted the little follower who was running around in the crowd from a distance.

"Oh, are there no need for economic advisers now? That seems to be the case. It's hard to imagine what those bugs will buy." She chirped to guide several ambassadors: "Please follow me. There is a holographic projection communication room. If You don’t have this technology yet, and the other party can only get basic call effects. If you need this technology, you can contact our dispatched correspondents, and there is--"

[These guys don’t know that their home planet almost fell. ] Complaints about the stupid system.

‘Does the [point] you are missing mean [one hundred thousand light-years]? ’

[Probably not that big, the seven-color light brought the insect eggs back directly. If Leviathan doesn't find it, you plan to see how it grows from scratch. 】

‘I don’t want to see it at all! ’

To be honest, these green lights are too ambitious. The spaceship apparently escaped from a space station full of bugs, but they actually planned to land on the surface without quarantine. If Mother Flask hadn't intercepted her halfway and threw the entire spaceship into her mouth. After being disinfected and sprayed back to the shore, I could only create an avatar to think about how to deal with this biological crisis.

'But wouldn't Leviathan itself be infected by bugs? ’

[How did you say that sentence? Talking about toxicity, regardless of dosage, is just hooliganism.] The stupid system responded: [If you want to infect a being like Leviathan, you must at least have a queen of the Thorin swarm personally take action. Leviathan cannot do it in the whole process. To resist, the Queen's infection process must not be disturbed to have a chance of success. 】

'Well...' I looked at the various races leaving the beach one after another: 'Although there is no chance of success in this infection, the next drama of 'greenskins versus bugs' should be inevitable. ’

[What can be expected is...] Stupid System went to check the information again: [The green light that reproduces spores and the bugs that can hatch new units as long as there is biomass are basically evenly matched in terms of troop strength and troop replenishment. The morale of both sides There is no possibility of reduction. In addition, the bugs cannot digest the spores of green light and evolve accordingly. It may take a long time for the two sides to decide the winner. 】

‘Hmph, don’t think that I don’t know what you are planning. You want me to turn into a greenskin to end the war, and then use the screenshots from this period to laugh at me, right? ’

[How can you...out of thin air...defeat someone's innocence...] The stupid system is talking about him.

‘And, you said, it will take a long time to determine the winner? This obviously only takes into account the situation where both sides are going all out, but it should be noted that the fortress is always breached from the inside. ’

【what do you want to say in the end? 】

'I want to say——'

‘[I am the Swarm (Iam the Swarm)]! ’

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