The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and sixty-one, Wings of Freedom (11)

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Tarsonis, deep underground.

Sarah Kerrigan is talking to Emile in her own conscious space.

"Queen of Blades? What is that? Sounds like a position."

Kerrigan judged that the time flow of her conversation with Emil at this time should be very slow compared to reality, so she was not in a hurry to understand the situation in the outside world.

"[Hmm, this is hard to explain,]" Emil tugged at his hair: "[You can think of her as a 'Jedi Master'. Although it is a position, this identity also includes strength. 】 "

Not everyone knows the setting of "Star Wars"! Who knows this? !

Although Kerrigan wanted to choke Emile like this, but considering the strength comparison between the two sides, he gave up this plan.

"What do I need to do to become this 'Queen of Blades'? And what use does this identity have for Tarsonis in its current form?" she finally asked.

"[This identity can control all the bugs left in Tarsonis by the 'Master', so I don't have to chop them down one by one.]" Emil replied.

Kerrigan stared at her speechlessly.

This girl is obviously super strong but too lazy.

"[As for what to do, it's very simple. You just need to say this: I - ah, no, no.]" Emil just raised his head, suddenly stopped, raised his hand and patted his chest repeatedly, as if Startled.

"I, ah, no, no," Kerrigan repeated deliberately.

"[It's not that. I can't say that sentence. I said it was going to cause a big problem, but it was actually this sentence.]" Emil shook his head repeatedly, then raised his hand and pulled out a prompt from the void. A board with a few simple words written on it.

[I, am the Swarm. 】


Kerrigan's silence this time was trying to prevent herself from saying these words directly.

When she saw this short sentence, she had an extremely strong urge to read it out.

"Then..." Kerrigan suppressed this impulse for a moment, then looked at Emil again: "What's the price?"

"[The price?]" Emil raised a finger and pointed at her cheek: "[If you don't choose to become the Queen of Blades, you should be locked in a 'cocoon' for about three years, Alex. The protective desire is quite strong.】"

"...I'm asking about the price of becoming the Queen of Blades. Also, how is Alex?"

Kerrigan belatedly remembered that after the Master ran away, Alex had indeed turned into something like a cocoon and wrapped himself up.

"[If you become the 'Queen of Blades', your image may become a little 'wilder', but it's not a big problem. You can switch back at any time by going to Zerus."

"..." Kerrigan decided to remain silent and wait for Emil to finish speaking.

"[As for Alex,]" the little girl paused: "[I think you should know that your instructor has died a long time ago, right? No matter how similar this 'Alex' is, they are not the same person. oh.】"

"I probably guessed it," Kerrigan nodded slightly: "Alex was just the first memory he absorbed when he was born, so he regarded himself as him."

"[However, this self-understanding is still useful. After losing both sides with the 'Master', 'Alex''s final obsession is to protect you - although it is not a help. ]"

"Alex" was obviously chopped down by you... No, forget it, let's not mention that for now.

"[His current form of existence is something called a 'symbiont'. Changing the form of the 'host' will also give it powerful power," Emil clasped his fingers and thought for a moment: "[But, Because he has now been 'factory reset', his personality and will are gone.

Therefore, it should be strengthened based on your will. If there is no interference, you will only become a stronger 'ghost'. ]"

Her dislike for the "ghost" overflowed...

"So, what is the purpose of that sentence?" Kerrigan narrowed one eye and looked at the words on the prompt board again.

"[That's a... uh, meme,]" Compared to his previous talk, Emil hesitated a little more when he answered: "[As long as you meet the conditions, you can become the 'Queen of Blades' just by saying it." "

"What conditions?" Kerrigan turned her head and stopped looking at that sentence.

"[Uh...]" Emil seemed to be even more confused: "[An adult woman who is powerful, handsome, related to insects or plants, and has many enemies.]"

"Pfft..." Kerrigan was immediately amused by her.

Although the specific image is not yet known, if this girl accidentally read out the meme just now and turned into the Queen of Blades, the scene would definitely be funny.

However, such a smile instantly eased Kerrigan's worries about becoming the Queen of Blades.

Being trapped in a cocoon or becoming a powerful queen is basically a no-brainer.

"Then..." she began to read: "[I am the Swarm]."


The moment the words were spoken, the surrounding scene changed instantly.

She found that she was overlooking Tarsonis from a high altitude. At her feet was a huge creature with a large number of tentacles. It was constantly releasing flying insects to attack the ghost fighters, Viking battleships and battleships that were attacking it. Although there were constant attacks around it, An aircraft launched an attack on it, but the tentacles blew them away one by one.

And below this giant beast, on the streets of Tarsonis, countless springtails, hydralisks, and thunder beasts were surging toward the city center like mudslides.

At the same time, a voice that sounded like his own monologue and the world itself continued to sound:

"[Armies will be shattered, Worlds will be burned),"

When the Federation set up a defense line that could barely withstand the insect nest offensive, "airdrop sporangia" flew out from under the giant beast. When they hit the ground behind the defense line, a large number of insects scattered and attacked.

"[Finally, I want to complete my revenge in this world (, onthisworld, vengeanceshallbemine),]"

Although the federal army's defense line was in danger, it could still hold on. At this time, giant insects emerging from the ground like buildings became the last straw that broke the camel's back, and the entire defense line collapsed instantly.

"[Because I am, the Queen of Blades ()!]"

With the last arrogant words, the flagship of the Federation fleet, the battleship "White Star" crashed from the sky under the attack of countless flying insects.

Then, the illusion ended, leaving only a vast gray fog in Kerrigan's vision.

Then, white light suddenly appeared.

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