The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and sixty-two, Wings of Freedom (12)

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Tarsonis, the underground space.


The gray fog tore apart and white light suddenly appeared. When Kerrigan regained her normal vision, she saw Arcturus, Emil, Angela and Old Siwang in front of her.

Arcturus just raised his eyebrows, but the hammer in Old Siwang's hand fell to the floor with a thud.

Emil looked around and opened his mouth in a gesture of surprise, while Angela kept smiling without any reaction.

As soon as she saw them, Kerrigan had a certain feeling in her heart. Although she didn't know what the basis for her judgment was, she found that she could clearly perceive the strength she saw in her eyes.

Arcturus: Vulnerable.

Siwang: Slightly inferior.

Emil: A little over three points.

Angela: Like a god.

Arcturus is just the leader of a mercenary group. Even if he can shoot a few shots, his own strength is not too high. His more ability should be in command.

Siwang himself is also very average, and the threats mainly come from turrets and machinery.

But Emil and Angela? Are their evaluations reversed?

When she noticed Kerrigan looking towards her, Angela tilted her head slightly in confusion.

Arcturus: Vulnerable.

Siwang: Slightly inferior.

Emile: Like a god.

Angela: A little over three points.

Who are you lying to? ?

Okay, she was originally doubting that if ordinary medics could revive Emil, how could Arcturus keep her sister in a coma for so long? Sure enough, there must be something wrong with this "medic".

Ever since the failed assassination of Governor Korhal, the universe has become increasingly unclear.

"Uh, Kerrigan? Are you okay?" Arcturus was the first to react and asked.

It seems that Emil said that his appearance will become "wild"?

"[Oh?]" Kerrigan raised a hand: "[What do you think of my current look?]"

Hell, this is not my own voice at all. It is lazy, arrogant, and has magnetism and vibrato. It sounds... pretty good.

As for the arms, there is neither armor nor skin, but a layer of lavender with undulations like blood vessels, and the overall body is like scale-like horny, covering the entire palm all the way up, and there are sharp nails of the same color on the fingertips.

Kerrigan looked down slightly and found that her whole body had changed into a similar shape, and she also added smooth purple bone armor pieces to the vital parts of ordinary people. If you ignore those "blood vessels" and "bulges" "The scales" look a bit like a one-piece swimsuit.

As she lowered her head, two "strands" of hair hung down from the back of her head to the front of her body. They were really two "strands". It was unclear whether they looked like snakes or tentacles.

"Well... I want to ask, can your wings fly?" Siwang picked up his hammer again and looked behind Kerrigan.


Kerrigan pushed the two pieces of hair back and glanced behind her.

I didn’t feel anything unusual before, so where did the wings come from——


A pair of huge and ferocious purple wings with a wingspan of at least three to four meters are stretching outward from the position of his shoulder blades. It looks like the "dragon wings" in some movies, but it looks like a broken version of the wings. Except for the three bone spurs that serve as the skeleton, the main body has almost no skin covering it.

Kerrigan thought for a moment and tried to close it. The wings hung down without any hesitation.

She raised her hand and touched the huge bone spurs that formed the wings. There was no feeling of "touching a foreign object that did not belong to her". She only had the familiar feeling of "left hand touching right hand". Yes, it was part of her body.

"[It can't fly, but it can be used to cut people]," Kerrigan turned back: "[The damage is quite high.]"

"Uh..." Siwang blinked, a little dull.

With this movement, Kerrigan's surroundings came into view.

The "mother nest" is riddled with holes, bullet holes everywhere, insect corpses, the receding carpet, and the huge insect cocoon that just wrapped itself.

If the scene Emil showed himself in the illusion was correct, the time from when the "Master" was defeated and Alex turned into a cocoon to wrap himself up to now may not have been more than five minutes.

And speaking of Alex…

Kerrigan remembered what Emile said about the information about the "symbiote" and focused on sensing the armor on her body.

It seemed to be one with her, but it seemed not to be one. She felt that she should be able to "take it off", but due to the lack of "food", the carapace could only remain as it was.

As for the "food" it needs, it must not be food in the ordinary sense. According to the information revealed by Emil, it has to go to a place called "Zerus". However, based on her many years of experience as a "ghost", the entire There seems to be no galaxy or planet with this name in the sector.

"So, Kerrigan, you-"


When Arcturus was about to say something, he was interrupted by violent explosions and vibrations from the surface.

"Damn it," he pressed his ears, as if he was receiving the communication: "The bugs and plants on the surface are all going crazy to break through the blockade. The Federation has blown up the main bridges."

"[Oh, now they can't cover up what happened here.]" Kerrigan looked at Emil.

Is this why she wants to be the "Queen of Blades" herself? She is indeed the little princess who launched the planetary defense net to save Korhal.

"Can you do something?" Arcturus ended the call and put down his hand: "If not, I can only ask Hyperion to show up for assistance."

"Then we must send old Siwang's 'Liberator' to the scene. That big baby is very good at cleaning up the insects!" Siwang immediately began to recommend himself, or is it promotion?

"[I think...]" Kerrigan looked at Emile, who was looking at him expectantly, and raised his head: "[No problem]."

In Kerrigan's field of vision, there are countless red dots and yellow dots fighting each other on the surface. After careful identification, you can feel that the yellow dots are all kinds of bugs, while the red dots include hostile plants and Federation soldiers and vehicles.

She tried to contact her thoughts with those yellow dots one by one. The touched yellow dots turned into green dots almost instantly, and the bugs that turned into green dots would no longer run around manically if they were not in a fighting state. Or they attack the plants in their field of vision and just stay there obediently, looking like kittens and puppies that have finally found their owners - even though Kerrigan has never raised one.

Because the main force in the battle questioned the insects and gave up the breakout operation, the remaining plants were unable to support themselves and were quickly suppressed.

“[I will gather all the bugs back underground, but the plants won’t listen to me,]” Kerrigan retracted her gaze and looked at Arcturus: “[Perhaps you can find a way to take them away from Tarsonis? ]"

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