The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and sixty-three, Wings of Freedom (13)

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Bucephalos, cargo deck.

This place is usually filled with a variety of materials collected by the "Children of Korhal" from other galaxies and transported to Korhal, but now it is full of hideous and terrifying zerg, but they are neither roaring nor moving at the moment. Lying down obediently or staying in the container obediently made Bucephalos' crew no longer as frightened as when they first saw it.

"It's unbelievable. I came to Tarsonis with the purpose of exterminating bugs, but I actually shipped a boatload of bugs back." Siwang was busy on the console: "I said, girl, are you sure they won't suddenly lose control?" Bite?"

"[Of course, I can guarantee that.]" Kerrigan responded while sitting on the back of a thunder beast, touching its carapace.

To be precise, Emil can guarantee that if these insects show signs of losing control, a psychic strike will probably strike them out of thin air.

After reaching an agreement with Arcturus to "transport the zerg out of Tarsonis", "pursue the Overlord and completely eliminate it", "assist in creating evidence that the Tyranid Federation is conducting alien biological experiments", "overthrow the Tyranid After agreeing to "form an alliance before the Federation" and other agreements, Kerrigan began to transport the zerg in the shielded area onto the Bucephalus in batches.

Transporting bugs naturally relies on Emil's "psionic shielding". After experiencing it, Kerrigan became more and more disdainful of his psychic invisibility, although it seems that his current physique cannot use it.

Of course, the ones that need to be transported are mainly elite units and some species that are difficult to hatch, such as springtails and cockroaches, which can be hatched with just a few resources, leaving them to cause trouble for the federation.

Speaking of Arcturus, he is worthy of being a hero who aims to unify the sector. Forming an alliance with him is obviously a good thing for the not-so-powerful Korhal, but he always speaks with a sense of disapproval. The zerg are wary of the zerg, and have repeatedly mentioned whether there is a way to return to humans and the possibility of completely eradicating the zerg.

This silly prince wouldn't think that the bugs that appeared here and the batch taken away by the master were all. How could such a creature with clear layers and detailed division of labor be born from an accidental experiment?

According to Kerrigan's own feeling, the experiment of mixing plants and insects was more like awakening the instinct engraved in the DNA of some ancient creature that had been sleeping for an unknown period of time. Emil mentioned in words "Ze" Ruth” may well be the key to that.

However, that can only be regarded as a long-term goal. If the "Overlord" cannot be eliminated before it recovers, the powerful psychic energy that can interfere with Alex's actions is likely to seize control of the Zerg.

As for where it is hidden... Emil will probably reveal it inadvertently.

Kerrigan has her own guess about Emile's behavior of not showing off his incredibly powerful psychic powers until the critical moment:

Neither Emil nor Angela are interested in the political situation in this sector. They have bigger and more important goals. Whether it is to be the little princess of Keha or a medic, they are all just out of interest.

One of this goals should be the "Mobius Foundation".

Ordinary people may be shocked by the Federation's brazen bombing of Korhal, and the planetary defense network covering the world, but the former can be carried out as long as there is sufficient reason, and the effects of the Ute relics are inherently diverse. .

Only those who truly know the inside story will understand that they can sell 10,000 "Apocalypse"-class strategic nuclear bombs to the Federation for ten dollars each, transport them to Korhal silently, and launch a bombing at the same time. What a horrible behavior.

Later, in order to retaliate, the "Children of Korhal" repeatedly attacked Federation and Foundation facilities. Naturally, the Federation was furious. Those guys with numbers were furious, but the Mobius Foundation made no move at all. No, it seems those peripheral facilities are completely unimportant.

Emile and Mobius Foundation,

Equally powerful and mysterious, and equally indifferent to ordinary affairs, although it may be far-fetched to say so, Kerrigan decided to trust his instincts: the two are definitely enemies.



The door to the cargo deck opened and closed, and Arcturus, who had changed back into the captain's uniform, walked in, followed naturally by Emil in a wheelchair and Angela pushing her.

After the simple flying device provided by Siwang ran out of energy, this little princess returned to the wheelchair on the grounds that "psionic flight is too troublesome and she can't doze off." People didn't know how to evaluate it for a while, and Aktur Si naturally seemed to take it for granted.

"Kerrigan, all the zerg you specified have been carried aboard the Bucephalus," Arcturus glanced at the dense worms and looked at Kerrigan: "Next, we will take you Go find the Overlord with these 'soldiers', and as per our agreement, you can now break through the shielded area and show Tarsonis what the Federation is doing."

"[Ah, of course, I remember my promise]," Kerrigan spread her wings and jumped off the back of the Thunder Beast with an elegant gesture: "[You can, watch me complete it.]"

"..." Arcturus looked at Kerrigan with a strange expression: "Why do I feel that after becoming the [Queen of Blades], your whole aura has changed?"

"[You have lost the ability to be psychically invisible, so you have to pay attention to your appearance.]" Kerrigan lifted a piece of hair that hung down to her shoulders: "[If you want to see what I looked like before, maybe you can go find that little girl in Nova. girl.】"

For now, Kerrigan is quite satisfied with her image. Not to mention the increase in combat power, it is mainly because her appearance has not changed like her body. Instead, she has two more mysterious and charming eye shadows, and her temperament is inexplicably noble.

"...I don't have that plan at the moment," Arcturus pressed the data pad in his hand a few times, and a real-time view of Tarsonis appeared on the wall of the cargo deck: "You can start."

"[I don't need these, but I can let you confirm the results.]" Kerrigan briefly glanced at the monitors, raised her hand, put her index and middle fingers together, and pointed them between her eyebrows.

In an instant, countless invisible "spiritual connections" surged toward the cannon fodder bugs staying underground in the sheltered area.


"Dear viewers, this is Tarsonis TV 2. We are reporting for you from the East Thirteenth District where a fierce battle took place a day ago."

"As you can see, the road ahead has been blocked by the federal army, and there are constant sounds of gunfire and hissing. Although our request for an interview was refused, we can still take pictures of the situation on the other side from the top of the building."

"It is not difficult to find from the picture that what is fighting the federal army is some strange things that look like vines. Perhaps they are the residual effects of the previous biochemical leak incident."

"What is certain so far is that those vines seem to be coming out of the ground, and everything inside the blocked area seems to be normal - oh! My God!"

"Dear viewers! I don't know if you just saw it, but I will never forget the shock of reality shattering before my eyes!"

"The federal blockade area is not what we saw at all. It has become a hell on earth! Look at those vine monsters and bugs!"

The reporter from the local TV station in Tarsonis was yelling, and Kerrigan slowly put down her hand: "[Is this effect satisfactory?]"

"Tsk...are you involved in journalism and photography?" Arcturus raised his eyebrows.

"[As a 'ghost', you have to know a thing or two about all walks of life,]" Kerrigan shook her head: "[Those plants have become obsolete, and the main force of the zerg has been taken away by us. The Tyranid Federation should soon be Clear this area, but no matter what, it will no longer be able to gain the trust of the people of the Federation.】"

Command the insects to drive the plants inside the sheltered area to a position where they can be photographed by the outside world, focus on making those buildings hideous and terrifying, and finally concentrate them inside the blockade, just to let outside reporters when the "psionic shielding" is destroyed Or other images record the scene of dense insects and vines killing each other.

In this way, the Tyranid Federation's behavior of conducting horrific biochemical experiments is directly confirmed. Even if they clean up the bugs and vines and claim that the total number is only a small amount within the blockade, no one will believe it.

Although this kind of shaking has no direct impact on the federal capital, once the seeds of doubt are planted, they will take root sooner or later.

"Then, let's leave now and find the 'Master' who escaped by leaping away——"

"Wait a minute, brother~"

"Well, what's wrong?"

Arcturus was mid-sentence, but was interrupted by Emile tugging at the corner of his clothes, so he gave up the conversation, turned around, knelt down, and asked the little girl.

Kerrigan stared at the sky in boredom.

Sooner or later, this guy Arcturus will suffer a big loss because of this unprincipled behavior of doting on his sister...if Emile is just an ordinary squeamish little girl.

"We still don't know the specific combat effectiveness of the 'Queen of Blades'~" Emil pointed at Kerrigan: "In that case, we will misjudge the battle situation when we cooperate with her in the future."

"It makes sense." Arcturus nodded repeatedly.

Which country's truth?

"[Oh, indeed,]" Kerrigan responded while slandering: "[If it is a trash fish that I can handle myself, but you arrange for people to support it, problems may arise on other fronts.]"

"But how to test it? I don't think my soldiers are your enemies." Arcturus looked at the wings behind Kerrigan.

"Use Uncle Siwang's turrets~" Emil pointed at Siwang: "The turrets he made to deal with the street fighting conditions in Tarsonis are no longer useful."

"Who said that? Maybe the master has gone to a city on another planet." Siwang glared, but lacked momentum.

"[That's fine,]" Kerrigan didn't have any objections. If it was Emile's suggestion, it must be reasonable: "[Let you see the strength of the 'Queen of Blades'."


"[Hmm...]" Kerrigan stood among a pile of turret parts and looked at her hand: "[It's really not very strong.]"

"Old Siwang thinks it's too powerful!" Siwang complained while looking for still usable parts among the scattered parts.

After becoming the "Queen of Blades", besides giving direct orders to the bugs, this was the first time Kerrigan fought, and the result can only be said to have not met expectations.

First of all, the symbiote on her body seems to have almost absorbing qualities. After launching an attack and hitting, it will generate a psychic shield.

Then, these wings can be used to fly short distances, and they are also lethal. If you use the wings to destroy a unit, you can fly short distances again.

Also, the symbiote can extend itself like a "ground thorn", and Kerrigan can use this to stretch the "heel" and pounce on the target from the ground, but this action requires Kerrigan to stay in place, and there is no What application scope.

In contrast, the horns on the arms and palms are directly enlarged, turning them into giant claws to hit the target, which not only hits the target, but also looks very powerful.

Finally, after attacking the enemy a certain number of times and the symbiote's psychic shield is full, you can choose to release the accumulated psychic energy to cause continuous damage to all enemies within a ten-meter radius around her.

These abilities cannot be said to be weak, but they seem to have some kind of rules, which are completely incomparable to Emil's unconstrained "application of the force".

Kerrigan shook her head slightly and looked at Emil, wondering what her purpose was in forcing herself to dismantle these machines.

"No!" Arcturus probably misunderstood what Kerrigan meant, and raised his hand to block Emil: "It's enough to use the turret for experiments, there is no need to compete with each other."

Are you kidding? Who dares to fight the little princess of Kehadi? He was just afraid that he would be cut in half by the Force lightsaber.

"[You have seen my strength, are you satisfied?]" Kerrigan said.

"Not as good as expected, but still very strong." Arcturus' conclusion was very similar to hers.

"Now," Emil tilted his head: "You should be able to try to sense the position of the master~"

oh? Is this the purpose?

Kerrigan raised her eyebrows, said nothing, and directly began to gather psychic energy to try to sense the trajectory of the "Master" when it escaped.

Perhaps because after a warm-up battle, Kerrigan was much more familiar with her current form. When she gathered her psychic energy, she felt like she was being directed by her arms, rather than the chaos at the beginning.

When tracking the transition traces left by the "Master" through these psychic powers, the perceived target's specific location range has also shrunk from a large star field to a few galaxies.

And as long as we analyze the products of these nearby galaxies, especially the production of terrazine, we can easily deduce the destination of the "Master".

"[If I'm not wrong...]" Kerrigan closed her eyes tightly, the snake behind her head moved automatically, and said in her mouth: "['Master' went to 'Char', the first time after the establishment of the Tyranid Federation" One of a group of thirteen colonies that expanded outward.】"

Although it was rich in natural resources, the environment was extremely harsh. There were erupting magma everywhere, and volcanoes and earthquakes never stopped. Siwang's fort that relied on stable terrain was indeed useless.

Well...this was indeed part of her plan.

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