The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and sixty-four, Wings of Freedom (14)

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Proxima Centauri, Terra System, Bucephalus.

"Although there was a little commotion, our departure went smoothly," Arcturus sat on the captain's seat and looked at the star map: "Now the plan has changed. Should we go directly to Char, or wait for Renault's rangers? Come to meet up?"

"[You call that smooth?]" Kerrigan glanced at him, but didn't say much, because she found that as long as she spoke, the crew members on the Bucephalos, both men and women, would turn red and their hearts would beat. Acceleration, maybe some people conceal it well, but it is completely invisible to her perception.

As for the reason, if you think about it carefully, you will find that the "Queen of Blades" sounds nice, but she is still the "Queen" of "bugs", and what exactly the queen of ants and bees is responsible for is known to anyone with a little bit of biological knowledge.

There's nothing to say. She must have been tricked by Emil, but she probably didn't expect this. In other words, the innocent little Jedi's thoughts didn't turn that way at all. Maybe she just simply thought This is just the charm of the Queen of Blades.

The direct reason why she discovered it so late is that Arcturus, Swann, Emil, and Angela all ignored this trait of hers, and after boarding the ship, they were busy transporting their insect swarms. As a result, it was not until Busse The Pharos discovered something was wrong when it left the Terra system through the stargate.

As for the sarcasm, it was not because of this reason, but mainly because the Tyranid Federation went to war when the "shielded area" was exposed.

In order to catch "spies", they directly blocked all the star gates of the Terra system. Every ship that wanted to leave would undergo an outrageously detailed inspection, and the distance between the front and rear was so limited that even a shuttle could squeeze in. Not going in.

In this case, even Emil had no good solution. Her "Force Illusion" could block the entire battleship, but was powerless against physical collisions. As a result, she was trapped in the Terra galaxy for several days. In the end, she was in danger. After narrowly squeezing between two large cargo ships that were slightly farther away, I slipped out.

"Well..." Obviously Arcturus knew why Kerrigan was in a bad mood, so he didn't reply: "Since Tarsonis has not fallen, the original rescue mission was cancelled. Before the news of the biological and chemical disaster caused by the Federation spread, , the 'Children of Korhal' have nothing to do for the time being, so, as agreed, we will provide assistance for your operations in Char, but we don't know what Renault will think."

"[Reno...]" Kerrigan recalled the mission of "Sheriff Marsala": "[There is no need to wait for him, I can't leave the 'Master' too much breathing time.]"

Obviously, compared to herself, the "Queen of Blades" who was half-way through the process, the Overlord's form resembled the true leader of the swarm. If it was given time to develop, the strength and number of its troops would not be able to catch up with her.

Although Kerrigan was a little dissatisfied with Arcturus's attitude towards being wary of the swarm due to his identity, it could not be denied that this approach was very correct.

"Then..." Arcturus turned his head to look at Emil in the wheelchair. After she looked back with an incomprehensible expression, he finally decided: "Go directly to Char."

——? ? ? ——

In the thick fog that could not be resolved, Kerrigan was confused.

Strange... What is Emil going to do when he runs into his conscious space now?

Kerrigan carefully recalled her last memory, when the Bucephalus seemed to be jumping to a new stargate, and everything was business as usual.

If there was anything different, it would be that Char was a bit far away from Terra, and if we took the safe route, there would be a total of twenty-six jumps. Arcturus was too quick and chose the "fastest" route. Only seven jumps.

However, even if this route passes through a low-security zone, with Emil around, there is no possibility of being ambushed by pirates.

So, what exactly is going on now?

Kerrigan looked at the dense fog surrounding her.

A little doubt gradually turned into worry when Emil didn't show up for an explanation.

The Overlord has not grown to this point, so, combined with the strange behavior of the Federation as if it knew there was an invisible enemy in Tarsonis, maybe the mysterious "Mobius Foundation" took action?

Call - brush -

As soon as Kerrigan thought of this, the thick gray fog around her suddenly receded, revealing the boundless dark green sea beneath her feet and the leaden gray clouds above her head.

Under the surface of this strange sea, something seems to be moving, with sticky bubbles slowly rising. And further away, where the water and the sky meet, there are tentacles of unknown size and unknown number coming from Rising from the sea, they are constantly swaying and entangled like water plants.

It was now absolutely certain that this illusion was not created by Emil. The little girl would definitely hide away when seeing such a scene, let alone recreate it.

But, if not her, then who? What is the purpose of showing this to yourself?

Could it be Angela? No, forget it, it shouldn't be possible.

Tentacles... seaweed... plants... maybe this is the origin of those plants that have a hard time fighting with bugs? No, this forced association seems a bit far-fetched.

As Kerrigan made guesses and overturned them one by one, the bubbles on the seafloor gradually became denser. After she finally noticed something unusual, the entire sea began to boil.

The dark green water surface bubbled violently, and those sticky bubbles could retain their original shape for a few seconds after exploding, making the entire sea area look extremely strange.

Kerrigan was now very grateful that this illusion only contained images. If there was a smell, she might not be able to help but split this disgusting scene into pieces.

However, since the green ocean began to bubble, it was naturally impossible to stop there. Under Kerrigan's disgusted gaze, a large group of strangely shaped buildings slowly rose from the seabed.

Their structure is generally composed of dark steel and pale stone. The passages and walls are not connected to each other, and they seem to be able to exchange positions, expand or roll up.

What's a bit strange is that as a group of buildings rising from the "sea bottom", their interiors are filled with all kinds of books, large and small, and they don't seem to have been soaked at all.

Kerrigan no longer wanted to know who created this illusion and what its meaning was. She just wanted it to end as soon as possible. It would be best if the creator could be found and did not strike Emile with a lightsaber.

She was thinking wildly when she saw a large number of "seaweeds" rising from the water, twisting and combining in the air completely ignoring the laws of physics, forming a group of things that looked like hedgehogs or sea urchins.

Kerrigan was about to laugh at the shape of the thing, but the next second he saw dozens of large and small eyelidless eyes suddenly appeared in the middle of the seaweed. After looking around for a few seconds, they suddenly all Qi Di looked over at Kerrigan.

Then, the entire illusion disappeared in an instant.

——? ? ? ——

"Sir, we have passed through the star gate and arrived... arrived..." The Bucephalos's adjutant's voice sounded in Kerrigan's ears. It was normal at first, but after a few seconds it became extremely frightening: "Sir , we arrived at an unknown galaxy!"

Then, a shrill siren sounded.

Kerrigan opened her eyes and found that the crew on the bridge was in chaos.

The person in charge of communications and positioning was tapping the control panel repeatedly, covered in cold sweat; the person in charge of weapons and security was running back and forth holding weapons as if they were facing an enemy; the most ridiculous thing was that several ship doctors and nurses came from outside with a bunch of instruments. He rushed in, rushed straight to Emil, and then stared at the little girl.

It turns out that if something happens to little Princess Kehal, the whole ship's alarm will be sounded directly?

"Turn that crap thing off," Arcturus's cold voice sounded: "Adjutant, report the current situation without any speculation."

"Yes...Sir," the adjutant calmed down forcibly: "According to the stargate access records, we were supposed to arrive at a galaxy that is only one hop away from Char, but the current star map does not show our location. Moreover, this galaxy is in There are no star gates within the maximum scanning range."

"Very good, now tell me your analysis and speculation on the current situation." Arcturus nodded slightly and continued.

"Well..." The adjutant was probably infected by his calm temperament and became slightly less nervous. He lowered his head and glanced at the data pad in his hand: "The events we have encountered so far, from most likely to least likely, are: federal ambush, Stargate failure, subspace storm.”

Indeed, if the "jump anchor" commonly known as "bubble" is fixed upon just leaving the star gate, the position of the star map will not be displayed, but there is no explanation for the disappearance of the star gate.

As for the stargate failure, although the probability is small, it is not unheard of. Specifically, the stargate has an accident when a ship is making a jump. If the jump ship is thrown out in advance, it will be very difficult if there is no stargate at the location. It's normal, but this kind of failure is not enough to make the ship's positioning system unable to determine its position.

Finally, the "subspace storm" with the lowest probability can perfectly explain the current situation, but no one hopes it is true. After all, the humans in the Cthulhu sector left the earth precisely because of the "subspace storm". So For many years there was no way to return to my hometown.

What's more, the first two are responsible for the Tyranid Federation and Stargate respectively. There is nothing they can do if something goes wrong, but "subspace storm"? With Emil here, it would be impossible for that kind of thing to happen.

When Kerrigan belatedly thought about whether there was something wrong with the illusion just now, the little girl in the wheelchair also turned her eyes to her.

At this time, you must not show weakness or admit your mistakes!

"[Hmph,]" Kerrigan, who was leaning against the bulkhead, changed her posture: "[I think this is probably because I asked your people to scan for habitable planets nearby.]"


"So, this trek was because Kerrigan had too much psychic ability after becoming the Queen of Blades. While tracking the 'Overlord', she discovered another Zerg lair. The psychic connection between the two led to the star The door's jump failed and we were thrown directly to the planet where the nest is located?" Arcturus concluded.

"...Yeah." Emil was stunned for a few seconds before slowly nodding.

No, Mr. Mengsk, your thinking is a bit too divergent, right? Kerrigan cursed, even though Emil said it was his fault and there were indeed zerg on the planets in the galaxy, you could do a great job of directly connecting the two perfectly.

Kerrigan wanted to know for a moment how Arcturus would make up a story if he told the story about the previous fantasy, but after thinking about it carefully, he decided to forget it. He could just ask Emil privately about this kind of thing.

Previously, based on Kerrigan's suggestion, the Bucephalos conducted a detailed scan of this galaxy, and unsurprisingly discovered a habitable planet.

Its land area accounts for 88% of the global surface area, and its climate is extremely humid. At least 60% of the entire planet's area is raining at all times. The result of this weird weather is that, except for the two poles, almost all land The vegetation is typical tropical rain forest.

In this large rainforest, countless specious insects are running back and forth, fighting each other. The prototypes of springtails, hydralisks and even thunder beasts can be found here.

This makes Kerrigan's "probably because of me" statement quite convincing.

"But, there is no stargate here. Even if you find what you want, how can we leave?" Arcturus seemed to gain confidence from his sister, and turned to Kerrigan and asked.

"[Hmph, have you forgotten the reason why the Federation has caused so much trouble? That kind of technology is not difficult,]" Kerrigan followed the strands of hair: "[As long as I find something that attracts me, I can do it. Just use 'Psychic Leap' to send you back.】"

"Well..." Arcturus's expression seemed to have become a little more serious. As expected, he must have habitually regarded himself as a threat to human beings. This guy didn't even consider whether he was still an ally now? If any allies turn against him because of his obvious distrustful attitude...

Kerrigan glanced at Emil.

Yep, it’s great to have a great sister.

"Adjutant, order Bucephalus to march to that planet and modify the weapons and armor accordingly." Arcturus gave instructions to the adjutant without looking back, and then looked at Kerrigan: "If you If you fail, I will raze you and the planet to the ground."

"[...]" Kerrigan was stunned for two seconds before reacting. Arcturus had already begun to consider what he would do if he failed to devour and assimilate the local bugs and was instead assimilated by them.

This is obviously too much thinking, as long as Emil is around...

Kerrigan looked at the little Princess Korhal behind Arcturus, but was shocked to find that she turned her head away with a bit of embarrassment. Does this mean "I can't do anything about this operation"?

Although Kerrigan didn't really need her help, the sudden lack of a trump card still made her a little nervous.

Instead, Angela smiled at her and gestured.

That word seems to be...


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