The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and sixty-six, Wings of Freedom (16)

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Braxis system, Bucephalus.

"Matt! Long time no see!" Renault opened his arms and gave Matt Horner, who had just boarded the ship, a firm hug: "I thought it would be difficult for you to leave Tarsonis."

"Given the chaotic situation in Tarsonis right now, I'm afraid they don't have time to take care of me. Uh, can you let me go?" Matt Horner pushed Reno a little awkwardly, but did not push.

Matt is a young man with black hair, brown eyes, regular features, and a calm temperament. He is wearing a black military uniform with a ribbon, but the shoulder straps are empty, and the whole person has an inexplicable sense of seriousness.

He was one of the military police who came to capture Renault under federal orders, but failed because Nova secretly changed the file.

The act of going to the station of a "traitorous mercenary group" to arrest people made him seem a bit old-fashioned and dogmatic, but it also proved that he was a person who hated evil and pursued justice extremely.

At this time, this "just man" will leave the Federation, which only proves that the Federation no longer meets his definition of justice.

"Haha..." Renault let go of Matt and dragged him to introduce to the other crew members, "Jimmy and Tychus, you have seen them before. This is Tosh, Tosh Gabriel, a man who turned from darkness to light. 'ghost'."

"Oh..." Matt looked at Tuosh with sharp eyes: "You should be more careful, Commander, the Federation's 'memory indoctrination' is a special series of 'lurk agents', and the people being indoctrinated don't even know it. I am an undercover agent, and I can activate his original personality just by saying a specific combination of words to him."

"It's too far-fetched, man," Tosh didn't care too much: "What's the point of instilling a 'latent program' into agents who conduct secret experiments? Just wait until something goes wrong in this experiment and the agents fly out of dozens of galaxies. And then happened to be picked up by a lurking target?"

"I'll keep an eye on you, 'Ghost'." Matt didn't bother.

"So, this is -" When it was Ariel's turn, Renault was in trouble and didn't know how to introduce her identity.

Botanist? A friend's daughter? Partners with the same goal? A powerful psychic who can control plants?

"Hello, Miss Ziegler," Matt reached out his hand proactively: "The white coat is suitable, but the glasses and hairstyle don't match well."


If he was tied up with vines and whipped, should he save him or sit back and watch?

"Hello, Mr. Horner," Ariel smiled and shook hands with him: "My name is Ariel Pamela Hansen, and I am acting as the ship's doctor until Miss Ziegler comes back. Please don't mistake me. ~"

"Well, nice to meet you, Miss Hansen. I haven't seen Miss Ziegler for a long time." Matt held her hand and shook it: "Probably because you also have 'intellectual beauty', I didn't Be careful of confusion.”

"Well, be careful next time. If you are a woman with strong self-esteem, you have offended her to death." Ariel nodded and let go of her hand.

Do you want to hide the vines behind your back that haven't been closed before you talk?

Renault looked at Matt, who knew nothing, and decided to cheer him up for a while.


"So, Matt, you came here in a hurry because of Tarsonis's 'Confederate biochemical experiment exposure'?"

After a while, Renault and Matt sat down one after another in the small conference room on the ship, and then started talking about business.

"Yes, I think you have seen those exaggerated news," Matt turned over the record board in his hand and looked at the expert professor and host who was using extremely exaggerated statements to comment on the Tarsonis incident. Show it to Renault: "Because you said that if you have plans to go to Tarsonis, you will contact me in advance, so I came to stop you."

"The photo was taken well." Renault glanced at it.

Although these news reports have different focuses, they all use the same photo or video screenshot, that is, "Behind the heavily guarded defense line of the federal army,

The road was filled with dense vines of various insects, and the various buildings along the road were eroded by plants and fungi. "

It is obvious that some small Taiwan tabloids did not have first-hand information, so after posting this picture, they started to make nonsense and make up nonsense based on the content of the big Taiwan newspapers.

"Thank you for the compliment." Matt responded.



Renault and Matt stared at each other for a while, then they realized: "Did you take the picture?"

"You don't know...oh, you really don't know," Matt smiled slightly awkwardly: "I was looking for federal evidence at the time, and I took more than this one photo, but this one was the best, and it was taken by Tai Miss La took it and used it."

"..." Renault was silent.

If I asked at this time, "Are you helping Nova now?", you would probably be looked down upon for being completely ill-informed.

Just a little inference can tell that when Matt came to arrest him, he failed because the top officials of the Federal Parliament changed the information. Naturally, he wanted to conduct a thorough investigation, but after searching and searching, he must have found Nova's father, Terra. On the heads of congressmen, as long as Nova comes forward and throws evidence to Matt about the evil deeds of several federal congressmen, won't this "just man" jump directly?

Further reasoning, the reason why Matt did not stay with the congressman, but came directly to him, must be because the congressman had to deal with those evil guys many times, which made him quite unaccustomed.

The conclusion is... if Matt hates someone, then he must not maintain a good relationship with him or her. This is an either-or choice with no room for error.

Speaking of which, the federal reports on this incident can be roughly divided into three categories: those requiring the federation to provide an explanation, those requiring the federation to punish those who presided over the biochemical experiment, and those requiring the federation to disclose the experimental results.

If you think about it carefully, it seems that she does have her style of attack, one fatal blow, cunning and ruthless.

Just like when she directly changed the information so that Matt couldn't arrest anyone, after this incident, the Federation wanted to cover up the news as usual, but Matt's photo directly confirmed that "the Federation was conducting experiments" , causing all public opinions to be reported based on this fact, and no one thought that the Federation would be unaware of it.

Next, Nova secretly guided this flood of public opinion.

For example, requests for the federation to explain its actions or announce experimental results all treat the federation as a whole. This can easily arouse the same hatred within the federation, so external pressure must be eliminated first.

However, the article "requiring the federal government to punish officials who presided over biochemical experiments" is rather harsh. Those who can preside over experiments of this scale are considered to be confidants, and killing other people's confidants is a good thing for those congressmen who are sweet-talking and secretive. , will only promote, not suppress.

Even if the affected lawmakers want to introduce a scapegoat, Nova must have other means waiting for them.

"Nova is quite powerful." Renault thought about it and finally said.

"[Hey, thanks for the compliment, cowboy~]"

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