The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and sixty-seven, Wings of Freedom (17)

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Bucephalus, meeting room.

When he heard Nova's voice, Renault was still doubting whether Matt had brought her here at first, but seeing the same surprised and inexplicable look on his face, he decided not to doubt this upright man.

"Don't be nervous," Renault said proactively: "It is the tradition of 'Renault's Rangers' to have 'ghosts' lurk on the ship."

"Ah? Really? But this means that in terms of safety..." Matt was still looking around, obviously unable to accept it.

"[Even if it's the White Star, I can easily sneak up there,]" Nova took the initiative to appear on the side of the conference room with some spiritual energy flowing, and her voice lost the ethereal feeling: "On the contrary, this ship The old 'Ute' thing gave me a hard time."

Nova still wears the standard "ghost" costume of goggles and tactical armor, even though the ghost army has been cancelled.

Compared to Kerrigan, who has flaming hair and green eyes, the blond Nova has a more vivid expression and more lively behavior. Of course, it may be that she is indeed younger than her.

"Why do I think you are thinking of something rude?" Nova raised two fingers and pointed at Renault: "A fusion strike on the way has been detected~"

Be careless, psykers can telepathize, and although they cannot be as detailed as reading minds in novels, movies, and TV shows, they can still roughly guess the meaning.

"If you want to stop me from going to Tarsonis, it's enough for Matt to come alone. Since you're here too, the situation must have changed?" Reynold forcibly changed the subject.

As for the joking "fusion strike" announcement, even the serious Matt ignored it.

"'s actually nothing," Nova raised her chin towards Matt: "You say it first, and I'll add it."

"Then," Matt nodded and turned to Renault: "According to the information I received, the Federation found traces of intense battles in the 'sheltered area', which is also widely rumored to be the 'biochemical cultivation area'. Therefore, it is believed that the exposure there was due to man-made damage. Destroy and then block all the star gates in the system, and strictly inspect and scan every ship entering and exiting. If you go there, even if you hide the battleship in advance and take the shuttle, you will definitely be discovered."

"What does it have to do with me, Jim Raynor, that they want to catch James Raynor?" Raynor said that he had tricked Matt into leaving.

"Well... you're so funny," Matt laughed dryly: "That's the headquarters of the federation, and it's in a state of emergency. We can send people to arrest you directly. Are you planning to find a few lawyers to fight them slowly? A lawsuit?"

"Well... that's really not worth it." Renault shook his head.

"Moreover, the federal lawmakers seem to be preparing to blame the 'children of Korhal' for this matter. If you rush there at this time, it would be convenient to include you." Matt continued.

"Wait, they have evidence that the 'Children of Korhal' did it?" Raynor thought of Arcturus and his Hyperion. They originally planned to go to Tarsonis to rescue civilians, but they didn't expect the bugs and The plants started fighting first and did not spread. When there is nothing to do, it is not impossible if we take the opportunity to kick things up.

"No, there isn't." "Yes."

Matt and Nova spoke at the same time. Matt was stunned for a moment, and then looked at her in shock: "Did the 'children of Korhal' do it?"

"Now it's time for me to 'add'," Nova raised a finger and shook her head: "They didn't find any information about the 'Children of Korhal', but they found information about Kerrigan's [eldest sister] .”

Does this word need to be stressed?

Renault forcibly diverted his attention: "What did she do?"

"I peeked at some confidential information, but couldn't get it out," Nova replied: "It seems that a leader was born after a long battle between bugs and plants. The leader of the bugs is unknown for the time being, but the leader of the plants is apparently determined to be 'Alex Ream',

He used to be Kerrigan's [eldest sister]'s instructor. "

Just emphasize this word once.

"Further intelligence shows that Kerrigan had contact with him in the sheltered area, but no one knows how she arrived in Tarsonis or entered the sheltered area," Nova raised her hand and gestured to her forehead. Circle: "After Matt set out, there was a very imaginative congressman who insisted that it was the 'children of Korhal' who had a lot of Ute technology who were helping her, even though she had assassinated their president."

"How is that possible?" Matt asked in shock.

If he hadn't seen Kerrigan getting along well with Arcturus and Emile, Raynor himself wouldn't have believed it: "What's the result?"

"The result is that all star gates within five jumps of Tarsonis are inspected by federal agents." Nova looked at the two people present: "No matter which one of you is captured by those people, my father's The plans are all unfavorable, so I’m here to give you a warning so that you or Matt won’t be discovered by others.”

"I didn't think carefully." Matt lowered his head slightly.

"Congressman Terra's plan?" Renault asked with interest.

After meeting Nova Terra, Renault gradually collected a lot of information about Senator Terra. He should be a moderate.

His attitude towards human cloning seems to be a synthesis of Kohal's argument that "all clones are given human rights" and the Federation's own argument that "clones are just tools":

Cloned humans were born as tools, because no one reproduces in this way, so they cannot be given citizenship rights at the beginning of their birth; because they are indeed human beings and have self-awareness, they are eligible to fight for citizenship rights.

The clones must work to obtain citizenship. Depending on the severity or importance of the work, the clones will receive federally recognized citizenship after ten to twenty years. Before obtaining citizenship, they will enjoy the treatment of "public property".

This means that privately creating clones and forcing them to work is regarded as "theft of public property". Once discovered, the "public property" will be confiscated, and "destruction of public property" will be fined or subject to a fine of more than one year or three months depending on the seriousness of the case. Fixed-term imprisonment of not more than 1 year.

This proposition... is relatively subtle. If the "Korhal Incident" had not happened and the sector had been in a state of peace, it would probably have been passed in the end, and the Terran Senator would have become the greatest pioneer in the history of the sector.

But's natural that this old man doesn't have a good look on the group of congressmen who caused the entire star district to fall apart.

"His plan," Nova pretended to look around, "is to make both the radical congressmen and the radical rebels lose out, and he will form a new coalition government with all the moderate congressmen and the rebels who support his ideas."

"..." Renault was speechless for a moment.

Mr. Congressman must not know that Arcturus is preparing to become emperor.

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