The Collection of The End

One Thousand Three Hundred and Sixty-Eight, Wings of Freedom (18)

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Planet Braxis, Port of the Dead, Shipyard.

"We are Sentinels. When other empires collapse, we still stand. When other empires give up resistance, we teach them how to fight back."

Renault said into the visual communicator, trying to maintain a serious attitude.

"[Huh?]" The man on the other side of the communicator looked confused and impatient: "[Speak humanly, or get out.]"

It was a very thin, tall man. He was wearing a dark blue Gallente officer uniform, but did not wear a military rank. His left eye was covered by an eyepatch. He was sitting on a sofa in a dignified manner. Looking at the screen with a patient expression.

"We are the 'Sentinel' mercenary group. We plan to recruit some people in the precious land. The target group is the exiles who were destroyed by the Federation. We will pay the transaction tax according to your regulations." Renault added.

"[A bunch of nonsense, but the last sentence is the only one that hits the mark,]" the man on the screen raised his voice: "[Ralph?]"

"Yes, boss," standing next to the communicator, a strong man wearing a camouflage uniform, an orange waistcoat, and a flowered turban approached the communicator: "They only have one battleship, and I and the main crew have no signs of spiritual awakening."

"[Very good, give them the pass, and some precautions.]" The communicator was cut off with a snap.

"Thank you for your generosity, Colonel Orlan." Renault said to the communicator with a black screen.

Squeak-squeak - a plasticized card was poked out of a gap under the communicator. A man named Ralph walked over and took it off and handed it to Renault.

"First time here?" He grinned and said, "But the rules are quite familiar. Was it introduced by someone?"

"It was introduced by 'Supernova (Nova)', but he said there was no use in giving his name." Renault nodded.

"Indeed, that is an intelligence mercenary. He never shows up. Anyone can say that he introduced him - he just bought a piece of information." Ralph curled his lips: "Although he should tell you everything you need to know in the intelligence. But as a duty, I still have to tell you the rules of the Port of the Dead."

"Please speak," Renault replied.

"First of all, Colonel Orlan is the biggest here. Guys who claim the rank of general will be thrown out as space junk."

"Secondly, any money transactions that occur in the Port of the Dead must be taxed, and tax evaders will be fined ten times."

"Third, Colonel Orlan will ensure that no one is attacked here, but regardless of the 'star gate blocking' behavior."

Ralph concluded:

"The last point is my personal suggestion. Don't provoke people from Blood Pack, Blue Suns and Eclipse in the Port of the Dead. The first two are okay, at most they can block the star gate, and those If the psyker monsters wanted to kill you, there would be no proof that they did it."

"Of course, I have heard about the three major mercenary groups in the star area for a long time," Renault nodded, and then thrust a star card into Ralph's hand: "Thank you very much."

"It seems that you really know the rules," Ralph smiled brightly and stretched out his hand: "I hope you live longer in the future and can come more often."

"I'd like to lend you your kind words." Renault shook hands with him and left the communication room.


"What do you say?" Tychus and Jimmy were waiting outside the communication room and asked immediately when they saw Renault coming out.

"Everything goes well, we can enter the port." Renault gestured as if he had something to say later, and left the dock with his two subordinates.

This is a neutral mercenary port built on the planet Blacksis. Of course, it can also be called a pirate port. It is visited by various mercenary groups anytime and anywhere, and its origin will not be questioned at all. Of course, if it is placed by the Federation, It would be a different matter if the intelligence officers here - and there certainly would be - find out.

This time Matt and Nova chose to meet Renault here,

In addition to concealment, another task is to recruit mercenaries to expand "Reynold's Rangers", and all the expenses are paid by Terran representatives - with federal funds.

You and your daughter are really the ones using federal money to cultivate enemies of the federation.

As for the purpose, it seems that when the "new coalition government" is established in the future, this "legendary mercenary group" will be used as a bargaining chip to enhance one's own status. In the worst case scenario, if Tarsonis is about to be captured, Renault's A "Sentinel" will join the battle and rescue the Terran Senator.

Of course, since the people recruited from here are basically guys who want money rather than their lives and have no position at all, there is no need to tell them too much. As long as they know where to go and who to fight, it is enough to serve as the periphery of the Rangers.

The manager of this neutral port, Colonel Orlan, is said to have served in the Gallente army, but was betrayed by his superiors and lost an eye. After luckily escaping with his troops, he set up his own business. With his ability to fight and his courage to fight, After creating this foundation, he built this "Port of the Dead" on the grounds that "his past self is dead."

Probably due to his past experiences, he has no good impression of any regular army, but for some reason he retains his military rank.

All of Renault's responses just now were all in the standard format given by Nova. Obviously this tycoon has been thoroughly studied. However, who can confirm whether this "thoroughly studied" is a smoke bomb released by him?

The "Blood Sac", "Qingyang" and "Celestial Eclipse" mentioned by his agent Ralph before are currently the three most famous mercenary groups in the entire star region.

"Blood Bags" are pirates in the true sense, and their members are all extremely vicious criminals. Everyone can be sentenced to death in most places with normal laws, but no one intends to capture their members in exchange for bounties, because they Once revenge begins, it will not stop until all relevant personnel are killed.

The "Qingyang" mercenary group is more like a regular army than mercenaries. Their style of conduct is extremely militarized. They have their own internal military rank system. At the same time, they have a variety of standard equipment, including many People suspected that they were defected troops from the entire establishment, but this has never been confirmed.

As for "Eclipse", it is the most special one among the mercenary groups. Its members are all psykers or engineers. They mainly fight with psychic powers and traps. Many times their enemies die without even seeing anyone. Since most of its members are women, it is speculated that it has attracted many "ghosts" who defected.

They may not care much about Colonel Orlan's strength, but there is no need to break up with him, so they can still behave themselves in the Port of the Dead.

Renault came to recruit mercenaries to expand his "Ranger". One of his expected targets was to fight with these three major mercenaries, but for now, it was better to avoid them.

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