The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and sixty-nine, Wings of Freedom (19)

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Planet Braxis, Port of the Dead.

"[I'm sorry, cowboy, I can't appear in public in the Port of the Dead,]" Nova's voice on the communicator did not sound apologetic at all: "[My face is quite recognizable in the Federation, so I'm logging in with a disguised identity. It’s okay to get on your ship, but if I have to travel around to recruit mercenaries, I don’t plan to remain invisible all the time, it will be very tiring.]”

"Of course, 'Supernova' also needs to remain mysterious." Renault responded.

"[I couldn't tell for a moment whether you really thought that or if you were sarcastic,]" Nova paused: "[However, with Matt, the second-in-command of the mercenary group, your recruitment journey will be smoother. Let’s break up~]”

Renault silently put away the communicator and looked at the attachés in front of him. Naturally, they were not wearing power armor, uniforms, scout camouflage or other equipment that might reveal their identity. They were all in dusty, most common mercenary uniforms. However, even so, The temperament differences between individuals are still very prominent.

"Please give me your orders, Commander." Matt straightened his back.

"Hahaha! Did you hear that? Cowboy, he said 'Please give me your orders', hahaha!" Tychus laughed.

"If you want to build a large organization, discipline is always necessary." Matt glanced at Tychus.

"Then tell me, what's the use of being so serious now besides attracting those rude mercenaries?" Tychus glared at him.

"..." Matt looked back with a look that said, "Are you worthy of calling others rude?"

"Well, I think it's okay, but if I say it, I can't say it so naturally." Jimmy tried to smooth things over but failed.

"Okay," Renault patted their shoulders with one hand and passed between the two of them: "Leave the affairs of the mercenary group to the leader. In addition, a normal mercenary group will have all kinds of people. Now , follow me out of here."

As a place where I could contact Colonel Orlan, staying here was a really attractive idea.

Matt and Tychus looked at each other, temporarily gave up the confrontation, and left behind Renault.

Renault has plans to expand "Renault Rangers", but not now.

According to his plan, after the Federation fell apart, he would expand his reputation through military exploits in the competition between various warlords, continue to attract talents to defect to him, and finally choose a favored force to become a founding father.

As for setting up one's own business, forget it, the background is not enough.

However, in view of the fact that he has received a lot of care from Nova, her father has taken the initiative to extend an olive branch. It is not impossible to help him achieve his goal for the time being. However, if it is a task to help the Federation, he will firmly refuse.

If you become an enemy of Arcturus——'s sister, you won't be able to sleep peacefully.

Speaking of this, what is strange is that after kicking the Tarsonis biochemical experiment, Arcturus and his Hyperion completely disappeared. This is not in line with the personality of Prince Korhal at all, unless Did they encounter some powerful enemy and temporarily avoid the edge? What kind of enemy can be more powerful than 10,000 Apocalypse?

However, even if they are a little worried, there is nothing they can do to help them now. They can only deal with the matter at hand first.


"Ask for cards." "Raise." "Follow." "Give up."

After looking up at the card table, Renault flipped through the list of "people worth hiring" provided by Nova.

[The War Porcupine Team, four elite marines, were originally members of the "War Porcupine" mercenary group. They voluntarily quit after it was reorganized into the "Children of Korhal". Conditions of employment: Cannot be enemies of Korhal. 】

What kind of weird coward is this? It might be fun to take them to Arcturus.

[The Cerberus Team, three elite ‘Firebats’, former Minmatar regulars, were sentenced to fifty years in prison for burning important military supplies, and later escaped from prison. Conditions of employment: They will not fight when entering Minmatar-controlled areas.

Did you burn down the entire logistics warehouse? Now, it can be used to burn insects.

[Iron Hammer Security, two elite ‘Marauders’, former employees of the Gallente ‘Hammer’ security company, were fired for injuring the target of their protection. Now they are freelance bodyguards. Conditions of employment: None. Note: Don't say the two of them look like orangutans unless you want to start a fight. 】

Well... Tychus wouldn't laugh at other people's looks, probably.

[The Spartan Company, with a total of thirty people, has three heavily-armed Goliaths, and was formerly stationed at the Hot Springs Fortress on the border of the Tyranid Federation. It resisted the attack of the Caldari Army with dozens of times its superior strength for three days, but Because the Tyranid Federation retreated directly and abandoned the fortress and was defeated, Caldari attempted to surrender but failed and was released. He is now a free mercenary. Conditions of employment: cannot launch attacks on Caldari. 】

Maybe... maybe we can talk to them?

[The Destroyer Team, a total of ten people, owns two heavy siege tanks, and is a local engineer of the Tyranid Federation. They modified their scrap tanks and tried to join the Tyranid Federation, but were rejected. They are pursuing the opportunity to go to the battlefield. Conditions of employment: every battle. Must appear. 】

Isn't this an amateur? How did you get to the Port of the Dead?

[Jax’s Independent Revenge Group, with a total of 500 people, owns one "Kraken" battleship, three "Swift" Viking fighter planes, and two "Dark Wings" Banshee bombers. They claim to be from the Jupiter Empire. Unknown information, employment conditions subject to interview. Note: Although the leader is Mr. Jax, the real person in charge is the deputy leader Mirahan, who is a master at playing cards. 】

Renault looked up again. Well, he couldn't tell, but Tychus had lost all his money, and Matt looked serious. It was obvious that she was indeed a master.

The previous mercenaries were easy to deal with, after all, they were not following anyone, not to mention that Renault also had a battleship, but it was difficult to deal with Captain Jax, who also had a battleship.

When Renault came forward to discuss it, Jax was noncommittal, but his deputy proposed that the outcome would be a showdown at the card table. No matter what happened if he lost, it would be beneficial if Renault and the others won.

However, although Renault has a good command level, he is not good at playing cards and can only let Matt and Tychus play.

Mirahan is a tall woman with short rose-red hair, one of her eyes is a mechanical prosthetic eye, and she has a cheerful personality. Here she is directly competing with Matt.


"I'm also playing stud. Let's deal with the cards." Matt still looked calm and collected.

The dealer used the card holder to turn over the hole cards on both sides, his hands shaking a little:

"RoyalFlush vs. StraightFlush! Mr. Horner wins!"

"Tch..." Mirahan kicked the table: "I thought you were deceiving me, but it turned out to be this."

"So, what are the benefits you're talking about? Discount on employment rates?" Matt asked.

"That is something that can only be decided by the leader. The so-called benefit is-" She raised her hand and pointed at Matt: "From today on, you are my wife, Mira Han Zaryanova!"

…Isn’t the gap between these two Novas a bit big?

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