The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and seventy-three, the fourth natural disaster (83)

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"Our scientists agree that this kind of thing is dangerous, Lady Green Light Queen."

"These bugs seem to have elements of our Bao, but we can't sense the slightest connection. This may mean that they have extraordinary assimilation capabilities. I hope you will think about the 'connection' thing again."

The place where the insect queen was finally transferred was the space station on the "Planet of the Shining Rampant Beast".

Unsurprisingly, this scientific research space station belongs to Wataum. At the same time, it is also the second most famous biological evolution research laboratory in the entire Wataum civilization.

By the way, the most famous one was the Xinghai Community Embassy, ​​which is no longer there.

After learning that Wattaum's outpost had captured an insect queen alive, Wattaum itself, Ute, Bao and Green Light almost immediately sent experts to try to conduct research.

After all, it can be said to be the first time to capture a high-level member of the Thorin swarm alive.

When fighting against the Thorin swarm, the various forces of the Galactic Community had captured low-level combat units, but they were in a completely irrational and violent state and had almost no research value - except for testing newly developed weapons. Is the lethality increased?

It is almost impossible to capture a queen under normal circumstances, because the bugs it leads will protect it at all costs. On the contrary, directly killing the queen can make other combat bugs easier to deal with.

At this time, scientists from Ute and Wataum wearing special white coats were persuading Green Light's cultural consultant not to put themselves in danger, but the Queen of Purple Light obviously would not listen.

"First of all, I am not the 'Queen of Green Light'," she happily denied the title of the researchers: "Secondly, with the war spreading everywhere, when will the results be produced according to your conservative research methods? ?”

"This..." A group of researchers looked at each other.

It is really more appropriate to say that the attack of Thorinworm is "spreading everywhere".

After they emerged from the conference planet of the "Star Sea Community", they occupied the four nearby galaxies at an extremely high speed - really extremely high.

Then, these five planets will give birth to five fleets at regular intervals, which will advance to other unoccupied galaxies and launch attacks. If the garrison is defeated or there is no garrison in the target galaxy at all, the fleet will leave half of its troops to attack the planet. Carry out modifications and garrison, while the other half repeats the previous "advance to the nearest unoccupied system" operation.

And if the resources of the occupied planet are sufficient, after being occupied for a period of time, fleets will begin to be born like the "initial five galaxies". This is what the so-called snowball is talking about.

If these fleets acting alone are defeated by the defending forces - they will not retreat or escape, then the next time two of the newly born fleets will attack in this direction, and if they are defeated again, three or four fleets will attack. .

The correct response is to surround the target star system before the Thorin swarm appears, leaving five star systems around. When the bugs occupy and divide their forces, the five places bloom at the same time to defeat the bug swarm fleet whose strength has dropped by half, and then At the same time, destroy the troops after the insects landed, and repeat the above actions until a strong enough fleet is accumulated in the rear to destroy all the insect nests in one battle.

However, this tactic can only be carried out by those who have read the script. The Star Sea Community adopted another stupid tactic: intercepting and destroying the insect fleet directly at the "traffic artery".

This caused the other four swarm fleets to turn directly to that "important passage" after occupying the new system, and then be destroyed again. In the end, all the newly born swarm fleets headed for the same goal.

The members of the Star Sea Community naturally did not understand the logic of the Thorin swarm's attack, but they were also happy to see them attacking the same galaxy, so they also began to increase their troops to defend it.

This kind of behavior can only be said to be drinking poison to quench thirst. Bugs reproduce so fast, and each one is a born warrior. How long does it take for the Star Sea Community to cultivate a qualified warrior? Comparing military strength and logistics with insects,

Only those with prosperous spores like Green Light have this confidence.

As a result, the "traffic artery" has become a meat grinder, Green Light and Bugs are fighting fiercely, and the huge sacrifice has caused the troops of Ute, Wataum and Bao to withdraw silently. The front line only provides support in the rear and blocks those fish that slip through the net at the borders where other insect swarms are expanding.

In this case, any attempt that might give your side an advantage cannot be missed.

"Okay, I have made a decision," Queen Purple Light waved her hand: "If you don't have a better idea, open the experimental cabin."

Researchers from other civilizations looked at each other and found that no one could stop her, so they silently returned to their posts to prepare experimental records - even if the Queen of Purple Light failed, the experimental results produced in this process would be very valuable. .

tsk - tsk -

The sealed doors opened one after another as the Queen of Purple Light moved forward, and then closed again after she passed by - such a delicate thing was not green at first glance.

When the Purple Light Queen arrived at the last sealed door, the insect queen who had been lying on the floor of the containment room seemed to notice something and looked up at her.

"Oh, come on, let me see what secrets you have." The Queen of Purple Light looked at each other and the Queen of Insects, then raised her hand to push back her hair like plant roots, and the color of her whole body changed from green to green. Zi, then touched the button to open the last sealed door and walked into the containment room.

The Queen of Insects roared at the Queen of Purple Light like a threat, but as a prisoner, it had long been eliminated from combat effectiveness by a group of scientists using methods analyzed on the battlefield. It could not do anything other than roar, and the pair of scythes were just decorations.

The Queen of Purple Light came to the insect queen, ignored it and opened her mouth to bite it threateningly, and without hesitation put her hand on its back. Then her entire arm turned into a tangled vine, "connecting" with the insect queen from the contact part. together.


Obviously, at this time, a large amount of information about the Thorin swarm was pouring into the Purple Light Queen's head, and at the same time, more knowledge about evolution was also being transmitted back to the Queen.

This caused the Queen of Purple Light to completely lose control of her body, and the Queen of Insects began to form a cocoon to evolve, and it seemed that she planned to wrap the Queen of Purple Light in it as well.

If no one interferes, the two of them will eventually merge into one and transform into a huge and ugly "Queen" of the Zerg. It's hard to say which side will dominate the consciousness.

‘Fusion is outdated, give me super evolution! ’

I directly pressed the phantom of the Queen of Blades onto the half-formed cocoon of the Insect Queen.

It was sluggish for a moment, then flicked the Purple Light Queen away with a bang, and shrank completely into its cocoon.

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