The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and seventy-four, the fourth natural disaster (84)

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After popping the purple light queen away, the cocoon surrounding the insect queen began to expand and contract like a balloon.

Unlike the group of excited researchers outside who are frantically conducting tests, I can declare with great confidence that the Queen of Blades has been successfully born, but the question now is how she will come out of the cocoon.

I originally thought that the remaining will of the Queen of Insects would be able to hold on until the Queen of Blades "breaks out of her shell", but as soon as the Queen of Blades transformed into shape, her consciousness disappeared.

Anyone who has hatched chicks or ducks knows that if they cannot come out of the shell on their own, even if an external force breaks the eggshell, they will not survive long after they come out.

Of course, as the incarnation that I specially created, the Queen of Blades does not have similar problems, but to control the incarnation, it must be after her "birth". Now this thing is just "the cocoon that breeds the Queen of Blades", which is very difficult. Embarrassed.

[You can control the cocoon, let the Queen of Blades be born, and then transfer the control over. 】

'Then what? Didn’t this [Cocoon] waste my opportunity to become an incarnation? The opportunity actually doesn't matter, but if it awakens its self-awareness in the future... the picture is too beautiful to look at. ’

[It seems...that is indeed the case. 】

‘Give me a solution quickly. I don’t want to bother reminding my sister about this trivial matter. ’

[Then...just tell her some famous lines to trick her out? 】

'for example? ’

【Queen of Blades! Arm yourself! 】

'The thing she wears outside is a carapace, not armor. ’

[I will destroy you on behalf of the insect swarm! 】

'It's such a shame, in every sense of the word. ’

[The Insect Queen looks a little evolved into the Queen of Blades! 】

‘Is this cocoon a Poke Ball? ’

[The gathered starlight will illuminate new miracles and turn them into a shining road! Synchro Summon, come! Queen of Blades! 】

‘The stars don’t seem to be enough. ’

[Insect Queenmon’s super evolution—Blade Queenmon! 】

‘Turn off the BGM! ’

[I am just a passing Queen of Blades, let me count your sins! 】

‘Can you still count everything until now? ’

I talked to the stupid system for a long time, and then I found that the cocoon was motionless.

[...It seems to be of no use. 】

‘If it works something big will happen. ’

[The only option is to forcefully control the unborn incarnation, and then remedy the problem if something goes wrong. 】

‘What could possibly go wrong? ’

[The initial level is too high, so it becomes Xel'Naga directly. 】

‘Isn’t that impossible? ’

[If you are ready, just say that keyword. 】


I looked at the Queen of Blades in the cocoon:

‘[I am the insect swarm]. ’


So dark, so narrow, so creepy—no, not scary at all.

I just feel a little itchy and want to punch someone.

[This is none of my business, hoo~hoo~] The stupid system seems to be trying to whistle.

‘Then do you think whose fault is that ‘I can’t break out of my cocoon even after becoming the Queen of Blades’? ’

[The world, no, Tokiomi’s fault? 】

‘He can’t live without Xingyue Universe, so don’t slap him randomly. ’

I poked the "cocoon wall" around me, and it was quite soft. When I pressed it, there was a big pit, but when I popped out my claws to scratch, it appeared to be very tough, with no signs of being cut or scratched at all.

Yes, that's right, this is the first-person perspective of the Queen of Blades. I have been controlling Malefia from a 45-degree overhead perspective for a long time, and it's a bit uncomfortable to suddenly switch back.

The original interface for surveying the entire universe and freely zooming in and out is still there, but it feels more like some kind of "map".

If I had known that the incarnation after becoming the "God of the Galaxy" could enter the first person, I would have let Malefia play by herself.

[Just think about it. One is the incarnation of Green Light, the collective consciousness of your creation, and the other is your own incarnation. The latter can basically be used in the first person. 】


The identity of this Queen of Blades...oh, yes. ’

[Look, you’ve thought of it yourself, haven’t you? As long as you don't want others to notice, even those guys who were able to detect Malefia's special characteristics before will not notice anything wrong with this 'Queen of Blades'. 】

‘Okay, so now back to the original question, how can I get out of this cocoon? ’ I raised my hand and scratched the inner wall of the cocoon again, but to no avail.

[You can definitely get out if you want to, but the noise should be quite big.] The stupid system simulated a situation where a cocoon exploded and destroyed half of the space station: [If you don’t plan to do this, you can only wait for others to let you out. La. 】

‘The greater the ability, the greater the limitations. ’ I simply put away my paws and hugged my knees in the cocoon, sitting down and trying to observe the outside environment. Well, there is no limit to this.

At this time, on the space station of the "Blinking Wild Beast Planet", various researchers were carrying out research work with a fanatical attitude, while the Purple Light Queen remained in the containment room for some reason.

"Incredible! The individual inside has level 12 psychic waveforms before they are born!"

"He seems to be moving! He seems to be trying to figure it out!"

"Ah, I couldn't break out of the cocoon. It seems that I haven't fully grown yet."

"We have never seen this situation among insect swarms! Their chrysalis will almost burst when touched, and some will explode on the spot."

"We will definitely find a way to defeat the swarm through him!"

However, even if the scientists are basically in a frenzy, the defenders here remain calm.

"Where are the security measures? All weapons are aimed at that cocoon!"

"Prepare the escape pods! If something goes wrong, take these research freaks away by force!"

"Always use secret messages for external communication! I don't want to see the incoming swarm fleet in a few hours!"

"Take action! Don't be in a daze! Take away all the information that has nothing to do with this experiment!"

The response is basically correct, but I won't get angry and hurt people as soon as I "come out of the shell". The drama of experimental monsters causing trouble in a spaceship or space station is too old to be disdainful.

As for contacting the Thorin swarm... If nothing else happens, if I try to access the Gestalt consciousness of the Thorin swarm now, it is likely that the insects will collectively "disconnect".

My initial plan for the "Queen of Blades" is to first gain the trust of the Star Ocean Community, then continue to poach the Thorin swarm, and then serve as an important support in the final battle to defeat them, and then bring the poached worms with me. The swarm leaves the galaxy.

[Finally defeated Eamon and became the human body of Xel'Naga. 】

‘You just can’t get along with Xel’Naga, right? I didn't create that kind of thing, and even if Kerrigan turns into light in the end, it can't be called a human body! ’

I was talking nonsense with the stupid system when I saw the door to the containment room suddenly opened, and the King of Green Light walked in with his little follower.

'Huh? When did Seven Color Light arrive at the port? ’

[When we choose the lines for the evolution of the Queen of Blades. 】

‘You still have the nerve to say it? ’

"Thank you for your hard work," the King of Green Light patted the Queen of Purple Light on the shoulder, and then turned his gaze to the strong cocoon: "I was's time to open this thing."

It is you!

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