The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and ninety-eight, the fourth natural disaster (98)

[Tip: Get the ‘Doomsday Element’: ‘Omnic Crisis’. 】

[Tip: Activate the ‘Sea View’ mode and start accelerating. 】

【Ah this...】

‘No talking! ’

【I haven’t said anything yet. 】

‘I knew what you were going to say as soon as you opened your mouth! ’

【All right. 】

The Omnic Crisis has been resolved, and perhaps any future crises similar to the Omnic Crisis will also be resolved once and for all, but the process is a bit outrageous.

Since Cyberlux does not have the technology for fast interstellar navigation, in addition to the fact that there are too many stars in the center of the galaxy and the gravity is too strong, these sloths do not need so many resources. After falling into the "lost" state, the virtual space There are some renovations inside, but the actual technology has not developed at all.

This results in their expansion speed being extremely slow. Even if Grox is not impatient, he will pick it up and use it as soon as he finds a faster method.

It "picked up" a Mass Effect repeater.

Since this thing itself only functions as a door, a "door lock" or something like that, as a super AI, it was easily cracked and thus learned about the existence of the repeater network.

However, because it is just a gate, the conditions of the connected galaxies and the civilization of the inhabitants cannot be read simply from the "Mass Effect Repeater".

In this case, Grox made the most logical decision: sending a mechanical octopus to explore the situation in every galaxy.

Then, it was discovered by "Catalyst."

Psychic ascension versus mechanical ascension, the machine was completely defeated.

The Catalyst invaded Grox in reverse and found its lair in the center of the galaxy along the way, seeing the situation on Cyberlux clearly.

When it was preparing to destroy this "threat to the galaxy", it saw "Illya".

At that time, "Illya" was leading the residents of the virtual space to defeat Grox from the inside to obtain its authority, in order to stop them in time when they attacked any civilization. Although she was small, she was full of momentum.

Then, she was recognized as sister by Catalyst.

In a sense, he really did not admit his mistake, because I was indeed commanding Illya from the third person at the time - she awakened her self-awareness as expected. If I controlled her directly, it would be equivalent to "initializing" her. I just need to resolve the crisis and withdraw, there is no need to go to this point.

Since the real "sister" of the Catalyst, the "Lich Queen", was still sleeping in the Frozen Throne, I just accepted the matter and told him how I wanted to deal with Grox.

As a result, Catalyst went through the facts exactly according to the script, and then went to Green Light to apply for Cyberlux to join the Star Ocean Community.

In other words, except for protecting the local sloths in Cyberlux when the "Slaughter Machine" awakened, I did nothing at all during this crisis.

[Tip: The ‘Doomsday Element’ is about to appear, and the acceleration will stop. 】

[Hint: Discover the ‘Doomsday Element’: ‘Supreme Agreement ()’. 】

No, old reminder, you haven't completely controlled the rebellious Grox.

This time, the "Doomsday Preview" has a total of four windows, each of which displays a T0 planet that looks normal. According to the environment, they are "Desolate Planet", "Lava Planet", and "Gaseous Giant Planet". and "Toxic Planet."

Their surface cracked and their atmosphere disappeared, revealing mechanical planets hidden deep beneath the surface. On the surface of these mechanical planets, many civilization styles, large and small battleships, and, of course, mechanical octopuses are rising. Indispensable.

[Tip: After the 'Slaughter Machine' was eliminated, its 'backup' on a specific planet was activated. While transforming the planet and building a fleet, it also reorganized its own behavioral logic. Due to changes in the underlying logic, this Part of the 'backup' mutated into a 'protocol'. 】

[This agreement no longer considers all organic life as a threat,

Instead, civilizations with enough technology to create artificial intelligence are considered threats and must be destroyed. 】

Good guy, this is hitting the cook when he's full... No, it's the ingredients hitting the cook.

Since it is basically the same as the previous doomsday element and behaves similarly, when the huge fleets of these planets disperse in all directions, the doomsday preview ends directly.

Hmm... This time it's a bit troublesome. They are all T0 planets, and everything was hidden underground before the incident, so explorers cannot "accidentally" discover them. Their locations are quite remote and barren, so there is no archaeological prospecting value.

The "break from the inside" method that worked well last time cannot be used because this batch of "Supreme Agreements" did not create a virtual space at all.

Since it cannot be "defeated as soon as it is discovered by other civilizations", it cannot be allowed to spread casually.

Hmm, do you want to find a catalyst? Pull the First Alliance's fleet over and directly attack these mechanical fleets as they emerge from the ground?

As for the doomsday elements, it is enough to hold a cleverly named community meeting and bring representatives of other civilizations. They are not watching for themselves, but on behalf of their civilizations. In this case, after defeating the Suzheng Agreement, they will There are a corresponding number of doomsday elements recorded - probably?

If you really plan to do this, maybe green light will be more suitable, whether it is force or appeal...

[Tip: The Ghost Signal (TheGhostSignal). 】

[A mysterious tachyon signal spreads across the galaxy from an unknown source. The signal is extremely weak, and we cannot deduce its purpose...if any. 】

Who does this "we" refer to?

I intercepted the signal and looked at it. It was extremely short and did not contain any positioning or Trojan programs. The content only contained four letters: "GROX".

Obviously, this "backup" has no idea that the omnic crisis caused by "Grox" has been eliminated. It just wants to use this signal to tell them that it has been activated and "requests next instructions."

[Hint: Synthetic infiltration. 】

[After failing to receive a response, Grox created a group of synthetic humans modeled after the civilized species he had seen in an attempt to disguise themselves and infiltrate the investigation. However, its so-called disguise was as poor as a puppet. 】

[A tragic hover car accident claims several lives, but emergency medical personnel responding to the accident are shocked to discover: among the victims are the remains of synthetic humans! The unit disguises itself as us by covering its mechanical skeleton with a thin layer of organic muscle! 】

No, who is this "we"? It sounds so stupid.

[Hint: Infiltrators destroyed a Ute space station. 】

[Tip: The Bao plant disguised by the infiltrator caused an ecological disaster. 】

[Tip: Infiltrators blew up three of Green Light's buildings and killed the workers in those buildings. 】

[Hint: The infiltrator assassinated an Irisen king insect. 】

[Hint: Infiltrator kills and impersonates a Wartaum scientist. 】

[Tip: Infiltrator kills and impersonates a First Alliance Fleet Commander. 】’s better to leave without sending him away.

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