The Collection of The End

One thousand three hundred and ninety-nine, the fourth natural disaster (99)

[Tip: Obtain the ‘Doomsday Element’: ‘Supreme Agreement’. 】

[Tip: Activate the ‘Sea View’ mode and start accelerating. 】

It's really "us"... Also, did Suzheng Protocol burn its own CPU when it started? If ordinary civilization does not penetrate it, it will offend the elders all over.

Compared with the previous "doomsday elements" that although expected to be very destructive, are within the range that members of the Star Sea Community can handle, this guy, although lacking in combat effectiveness, just lets himself go and dares to treat all intelligent civilizations as enemies, so he will not die. Who dies? .

The result is that before the "Supreme Agreement" has even "broken out of its shell", it has already caused three of the Lost Empires of the Star Sea Community to awaken, and the fleet is searching everywhere to give it a hard blow.

Specifically, it is the "Vigilant Adjuster" awakened by the "Knowledge Manager", the "Benevolent Intervenor" awakened by the "Mysterious Observer", and the "Final Defense Protocol" awakened by the "Ancient Caregiver".

Bao and Irisen had fought a war in heaven before. Although it had been a long time, they still didn't deal with it very much. They were not awakened at all, and they only fished with Ute in a "lost" state.

I always feel that the "lost" and "awakened" of these elders of the star sea community are too casual. They look like the same person. When they are sleepy, they are "lost", and when they are awake, they are "awakened".

[You should consider the time span. Is it casual to awaken once every 50,000 years? It is not that no major disasters occurred during this period, but it was just that there was no 'stopping' because it did not meet the criteria of 'doomsday elements'. 】

‘How are these disasters resolved? What was the state of these elders at that time? ’

[Most of them are solved by ordinary new civilizations on their own, and a small number of them affect the interstellar range. They can be solved by simply maintaining the "lost" state. 】

‘So, after the galaxy-level doomsday elements appear, they can be solved by just awakening one of them? ’

【In fact——】

‘Like this time. ’


This doomsday element "Supreme Agreement" is obviously different from the previous ones, that is, I did not interfere at all.

The situation in the "Doomsday Preview" did not happen at all in subsequent developments. The four hidden mechanical planets were originally in a good position and their camouflage skills were good, but they could not stop them from committing stupidity: creating synthetic humans to do it. After infiltrating and assimilating the machines of other civilizations, they must be transported back to the "Heart of Solemnity".

Yes, that's right, just like there are five of the four heavenly kings, in addition to these four mechanical planets responsible for sending troops, there is also a mechanical planet called "The Heart of Su Zheng". Only by destroying it can the Su Zheng Agreement be eliminated. .

The Awakening Empire, who were offended and furious, exchanged information and tracked the ghost signal all the way. Although they could never catch the source of the signal, what the signal did was clear. Finally, they found the "Supreme Agreement" arsenal and lair through calculations. .

However, due to the existence of the community law "not allowed to completely destroy a planet", a group of awakened empires directly deployed heavy troops around those five planets, and only swarmed them after they broke their disguise.

As a result, the Community added a rule under that law, that is, "destroying a mechanical planet does not count as destroying a planet." Cyberlux tried to protest against this rule, but was unanimously rejected by several permanent directors, so it was decided Pretending not to know.

To sum up, I simply became a bystander in this crisis, and I got a doomsday element in vain.

[No, no, your ‘watching’ is also a very important reason. Do you remember what I said about the ‘Dynasty Warriors Effect’? 】

‘Turn your field of view, Lu Bu with full health will be instantly killed by a minion? ’

[That's some weird Shura mode... But it's almost the same. If you don't stop accelerating and watch when the doomsday elements appear, then they will really sweep through the galaxy like a 'doomsday preview'. 】

‘How to explain this time? ’

[Well... after ghost signals penetrate into the sluggish Lost Empire, they will evaluate them to determine whether they will awaken under their own penetration attack.

The probability of yes and no is both 50%. If you look at it, it will make a judgment of 'no' and continue to penetrate. If you accelerate without stopping, then it will make a judgment of 'yes'. No If the Lost Empire is provoked again, it will eventually sweep across the galaxy. Apart from the original member civilizations of the community, basically no one will be left. 】

In other words, no matter how rampant the newly born doomsday elements are, they will eventually be beaten to death by the members of the Star Sea Community. And I am responsible for stopping every 50,000 years, collecting food, and then continuing to the next 50,000 years. What is this? Weird farm?

Going further, if I keep accelerating and don't stop at all, can I collect 20,000 doomsday elements in a billion years of idle time?

[Although it's not impossible...but are you sure you want to do this? 】

'Of course not. First of all, I will not let the doomsday element destroy all other civilizations in the galaxy. Secondly, if I let a certain 'doomsday element' destroy other civilizations in the galaxy, then because of the sweetness, this may appear next time. The end result is that the machine has been idle for a billion years, and the number of 'doomsday elements' harvested is less than one hundred. ’

[Actually, you don’t have to think about the problem of repetition. Just let it go once and you will know the problem. 】

'Um? ’ I looked at the constantly changing Milky Way star map, and after two seconds I thought of the answer: ‘I will stop immediately in pain. ’

[That’s it,] The stupid system drew a huge human figure on the star map: [You are all life in the galaxy itself, destroying more than 99% in an instant? Although you have done similar things before, you certainly don't want to do it every 50,000 years during the acceleration process. 】


In this case, I can't hang up, but I just need to watch anyway. The members of the community, or the Green Light, will take care of everything for me.

However, if you think about it carefully, "hanging up" in the conventional sense is because there are other things to do, but where do I have them now? If you create an avatar and play while the acceleration is in progress, it means that the acceleration has stopped.

So, the correct approach should be that every time before the doomsday element appears and I stop accelerating, I directly create an avatar and play, and then come back after the green light has taken care of it for me. Yes, that's it.

[Tip: The ‘Doomsday Element’ is about to appear, and the acceleration will stop. 】

[Hint: Discover the ‘Doomsday Element’: ‘The Great Khan’. 】

[Tip: The 'Green Light' tribe obtained a large amount of mechanical technology and creations in the process of conquering the 'Slaughter Machine' and the 'Supreme Agreement'. Some of the new green lights were dissatisfied with the tribe's continued tradition and broke away from the tribe. By researching and transforming these mechanical technologies and creations to strengthen their combat effectiveness, they called themselves the "Steel Green Light". Under the leadership of their leader "The Great Khan", the "Steel Green Light" stepped into the star sea with the goal of galactic hegemony. 】

[Tip: ‘Green Light’ cannot fight with ‘Steel Green Light’. Even if other civilizations defeat ‘Steel Green Light’, ‘Green Light’ cannot obtain the doomsday element. 】

...Give me back my trust!

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