The Collection of The End

One thousand four hundred, the fourth natural disaster (100)

Originally, after the "Doomsday Element" appeared, it was basically the public enemy of the entire galaxy. Even if it branched out from any civilization, it did not mean that its old owner could not fight it. For example, during the Omnic Crisis, it was not affected. Cyberlux can also beat Grox.

But this time, I took a look at the origin of the "Steel Green Light" and found that it really couldn't be beaten, because they originated from the "Green Grassland Planet", the mother planet of Green Light.

[The ministers are about to fight to the death, why does Your Majesty rebel first? 】

...Although there seems to be something wrong with this statement, it can basically describe the confused state of Green Light Civilization at this time.

Basically, the mother planet of all civilizations is their capital and also the political center. No matter what problems occur on other planets, it will not be its turn.

But Green Light is different. Its political center is the "Seven-Colored Light", which is the spaceship on which the King of Green Light rides. The green grassland planet is just a somewhat symbolic home planet for Green Light, and due to the population on the planet Saturation not only requires a lot of resources, but also produces almost no resources. The spices you can get during a trip back are not as much as any rich ore colonial star can give you.

If you calculate carefully, this ship has been in service for about 300,000 years. It has gone through countless battles and has been renovated and transformed countless times. Its combat effectiveness has always been maintained at its peak. The King of Green Light also has at least 300,000 ships. So old.

[Actually, it is as old as 2.1 billion years. 】

‘Stop talking nonsense, cells and biological stages don’t count, otherwise any living thing you grab would be the same age as the universe, because the atoms that make it up are that old. ’

[In short, because the home star of ‘Steel Green Light’ is our own home star, ‘Green Light’ cannot fight them. If other civilizations want to destroy it, they have to stop it. 】

‘Isn’t that invincible? Tip sister, show me the doomsday preview. ’


As soon as the "Doomsday Preview" was opened, a familiar war cry came out.

This preview starts from the surface of the "Emerald Grassland Planet". The picture shows a group of "original green lights" and a group of "mechanized green lights" fighting. The original green lights are not the opponent of the "mechanized green lights" at all, and they are quickly defeated. Killed in action.

This is not a civil war, but a very ordinary battle between war lords. After all, it is spore reproduction, and death is nothing to them.

After a period of time, green lights with two to three times the number of casualties will appear on this battlefield, but the "mechanized green light" equipment will not repair itself.

While a group of subordinates were cleaning the battlefield to recover machine parts, the leader of this group of "mechanized green lights" was scanning the surroundings and slowly moved his gaze upwards, looking at the starry sky above his head that although he could not see it because it was not dark, it still existed. .

"The stars in the sky are all enemies!" he roared.

The screen switching of the "Doomsday Preview" shows the territory of green light in the Milky Way. In a light green territory, a dark green color patch suddenly appeared at the position of the mother star, and then rapidly expanded outwards.

Next, with the expansion of "Steel Green Light", the real scene and the map also switched alternately, showing the movements of this strange green light force defeating and occupying other civilizations. They had no intention of consolidating their occupied areas along the way. No matter what kind of civilization they conquered, they were all handed over to their indigenous people for management, and they continued to attack the new civilization non-stop. After the fight, many civilizations immediately declared their surrender as soon as the "Steel Green Light" came to kill them, leaving this group The menacing army looked like it was running an interstellar marathon.

In the end, after the "Steel Green Light" "annihilated" all civilizations except the six elders of the Star Sea Community, he also fluttered a few times and disappeared completely, and then, the "Doomsday Preview" ended.

[Tip: ‘Steel Green Light’ will destroy itself after conquering all ordinary galactic civilizations. Since there is no civilization that can provide doomsday elements, the ‘Great Khan’ cannot collect it. 】

I also said that I can hang up and grab the doomsday elements.

It is simply outrageous to spawn something now that you will definitely not be able to get if you hang up.

[Strange, how could it destroy itself? After laying down such a large territory, it is not impossible to go back and negotiate with the King of Green Light and other galactic communities, abandon the power of the home star, and become an independent new civilization. 】

‘Maybe it’s because of the bad name. What is the name of the ‘Great Khan’? ’

[‘Grommash War Hymn’…Ehhhhh? 】

In addition to this "Great Khan", there are other ordinary khans named "Kargath Shattered Hand", "Blackhand Blackstone", "Kilrogg Bloodband", "Ner'zhul... Shadow Moon" and "Durotan Frostwolf".

They lead the "Shattered Hand Robot Legion", "Blackstone Heavy Armored Infantry Legion", "Blood Ring Berserker Legion", "Shadow Moon Infiltrator Force" and "Mechanical Frostwolf Legion" respectively.

When the Green Light Mother Star is conquering each other, the legions of these different forces will balance and complement each other, and they can also unite to expand outwards. However, after truly achieving their strategic goals, they will focus on each other, and they are both complementary and complementary. Restraint, once someone takes the initiative, there will immediately be large-scale internal strife. In the end, no matter who wins, they will no longer be able to control other previously conquered civilizations - because they have not been conquered at all.

[Hmm...then what are you going to do? If you intervene, you will not be able to attack Green Light's home star, because that will directly drag Green Light into the water. If you don't intervene, 'Steel Green Light' will not be able to obtain the doomsday elements after it destroys itself. 】

‘Wrong, if we don’t intervene, the people who died during the conquest of Steel Green Light will have died in vain. ’

[In other words, you want some civilizations to survive without being conquered? It should be difficult. They will not fight among themselves until they conquer all the galaxies. 】

‘It’s still wrong, I want to destroy the steel green light without any other civilization being conquered. ’

[Can’t do it? Don't you want to defeat the Green Light Mother Star? 】

‘Just let the [steel green light home star] no longer be the [green light home star]. ’

【……ah? 】


[Tip: Obtain the ‘Doomsday Element’: ‘Great Khan’. 】

'Look, that's it. ’ I threw away the sword in my hand, and it shattered into almost powdery metal fragments when it touched the ground.

[This... your method is only effective for brainless fighting maniacs like 'Steel Green Light', and it is also a waste of an incarnation. 】The stupid system is floating next to it, a pair of "little hands" waving randomly.

‘Why is it a waste? Can you guarantee that there will be no strong-headed guy like the ‘Great Khan’ in the doomsday elements that will appear in the future? ’ I looked at the ruins, mechanical wreckage and ashes all around me, then turned and walked towards the Iron Throne.

Pure white short hair, pure black eye patch, black dress embroidered with classic silver patterns, long black gloves and boots, and a stupid silver box floating next to her.

That's right, this is the Yurha No. 2 B intelligent robot and her stupid POD. I made it with materials from the ruins of the "Heart of Solemnity", and thus consumed one incarnation quota.

The "Mechanical Green Light" was born after absorbing the technology of "Grox" and "Suzheng Agreement". If when they are heading into the universe, they suddenly receive a signal from the "Suzheng Heart" that should have been destroyed long ago, whether it is They have to come if they want to eliminate ancient enemies, obtain lost technology, or simply want to fight robots from 50,000 years ago.

In order to arouse their interest, I deliberately restored quite a number of robot bosses and other numbered intelligent robots, and started building and promoting development in the "Heart of Solemnity", only after their scout troops returned enough information. Destroy them.

Then, the large army of "Mechanical Green Light" became jealous and stopped conquering other civilizations. They ran all the way to attack the "Heart of Solemnity". As a result, because the overall speed was inconsistent, they became gourd boys to save grandpa, and I was Defeat each one.

This time, a hornet's nest was stung. All the "Mechanical Green Lights" were mobilized to use all their power to eliminate the solemn heart and the "old antiques" above.

Other ordinary civilizations were naturally confused and didn't know what Green Light was going crazy about, so they happily watched the fun and spread the news from one person to another. Soon the intelligent civilizations in the entire galaxy knew that the branch of Green Light was the same as the one fifty thousand years ago. The Scourgespawn started fighting.

Naturally, they don't know that "steel green light" is a doomsday element, but when the "steel green light" is eliminated, there will be no shortage of "doomsday elements" that should be provided.

However, I have to say that the strength of "Steel Green Light" was there, and it destroyed all my creations along the way. In the end, I had to single-handedly defeat their remaining troops.

During this process, the dark green territory of the "Steel Green Light" shrank and disappeared rapidly. When I dismantled the last mecha, the green grassland planet also changed back to its original appearance. Then, a large sum of doomsday elements was obtained. .

At this point, it can be judged that the so-called "Great Khan" is actually just a trend of thought within Green Light, which is the "warlike" part I saw at the beginning. This trend of thought emerged when the main body of civilization continued to maintain peace. It’s considered normal.

'Then, let's take this as a rule.' I sat back on the Iron Throne and looked at the collapsed palace: 'Whenever any doomsday element with the purpose of [conquest] appears, activate the incarnation of the solemn heart and send a provocative signal. Lure it over and kill it. ’

[No matter what, you should rebuild this planet first, right? Do you want to maintain this state of ruins and ashes? 】

‘What do you think the two hands you installed are for? Is it simply to restore the original look? ’

【ah? Why? Huh? 】

‘Go to work! ’ I pulled out a sword hilt from the side of the throne and smashed it over.

【Then what are you doing? ] The stupid system caught the hilt of the sword and started playing.

‘Of course... develop a development plan. ’

The number of doomsday elements that can affect and affect the entire galaxy may be large, but the types must be limited. If the characteristics are summarized, there may not be more than ten major categories.

As long as you prepare for them in advance and choose the corresponding handling method every time they appear, then solving the "doomsday elements" will be a very simple and programmed task.


[Tip: Activate the ‘Sea View’ mode and start accelerating. 】

[Tip: The ‘Doomsday Element’ is about to appear, and the acceleration will stop. 】

[Hint: Discover the ‘Doomsday Element’: ‘Predator Group’. 】

[Tip: The Krogan civilization in the tribal stage unexpectedly obtained the technological heritage of ancient civilizations, and its technological level has been raised to the space stage. For them, it is just a matter of shifting their plunder targets from the same kind on the planet to the aliens in the universe. 】

This is under Wataum's charge.

[Tip: Activate the ‘Sea View’ mode and start accelerating. 】

[Tip: The ‘Doomsday Element’ is about to appear, and the acceleration will stop. 】

[Tip: Discover the ‘Doomsday Element’: ‘Rachnai Swarm’. 】

[Tip: An unexpected experiment created this kind of monster with both plant and animal characteristics. After sweeping across the researcher's home planet, they are ambitiously heading to other galaxies. 】

Bao or Irisen, whoever can handle it.

[Hint: Discover the ‘Doomsday Element’: ‘Subspace Eldar’. 】

[Tip: A certain race lost in the subspace was transformed by Slaanesh and became extremely good at using psychic powers. At the same time, it was full of hatred for normal civilization. When they returned to the real space, they were preparing to go on a killing spree. 】

Well, that's clearly the purview of the First Alliance.

[Hint: Discover the ‘doomsday element’: ‘vacuum decay’. 】

[Tip: A new race that is extremely curious about the truth of the universe ignored the regulations of the Star Sea Community and secretly researched forbidden technologies. They succeeded. 】

Didn't this stop me after all? Wortaum, Lapus demon, go take care of those fools who are looking for death.

[Hint: Discover the ‘Doomsday Element’: ‘Dimension Demon’. 】

[Tip: Attracted by dangerous technology, dimensional demons have come to our dimension again. 】

These guys are done for, right? The green light will kill them all.

[Tip: Discover the ‘Doomsday Element’: ‘Assimilation Fighter’. 】

[Tip: After the young Tau civilization uploaded its consciousness into a synthetic body, it believed that all organisms in the universe should adopt this efficient form of existence. When their neighbors rejected their good intentions, they decisively launched a war. 】

Cyberlux... teach them a lesson.

[Hint: Discover the ‘Doomsday Element’: ‘Space Amoeba’. 】

[Tip: Such giant creatures floating in the universe have strong phototaxis. They will inadvertently block the stars of the galaxy, causing the intelligent civilization on the planet to fall into an ice age and become extinct. 】

Ute...stop fishing...

[Hint: Discover the ‘Doomsday Element’: ‘War in Heaven’. 】

[Hint: Due to differences in the treatment of amoeba in space, Ute and Wataum launched a war that spread across the galaxy. 】

The two weakest people in the Xinghai Community are fighting...

[Tip: Discover the ‘Doomsday Element’: ‘Pirate Association’]

…green light…

[Hint: Discover the ‘Doomsday Element’: ‘The End of Reincarnation’. 】


[Tip: Discover the ‘Doomsday Element’: ‘The Fourth Natural Disaster’. 】

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