The Collection of The End

One thousand four hundred and three, reloading (3)


Gotham City, ACE Chemical Plant.

Anderson looked at several gangsters who could be considered tall and powerful and began to formulate tactics.

When he came down from the roof, it was not silent, but the operations being performed by the red hoods were a bit loud, and the engineer was still mumbling vaguely, so the sound of some footsteps was covered up.

Reality is not a matrix, there are certain things that you cannot do just by "believing that you can do it".

For example, he just planned to jump off the roof, trample one of them, knock down another one with a punch and a kick, and then call it a day - luckily, he had the sense to stop himself from doing so at the last moment.

Morpheus seems to have said that the previous generation of "saviors" had no power at all in reality, so they were assassinated by the "Matrix".

In this case, some strategies are also necessary.

Anderson glanced around and soon found a half-used high-power flashlight in a tool box.

In this case……


In order not to arouse external alarm, the three red-hooded men did not turn on the factory's headlights. They only manually controlled the storage tanks of various chemical raw materials under the weak light of the emergency lights. The captured engineer also seemed to be confused after shouting for a long time but no one responded. A lot sluggish.

Snapped! At this moment, a bright beam of light shone straight over.

"Who are you! How did you get in!" A shout of surprise and anger came from where the light sounded.

"Damn it, who said there's no one patrolling this factory?" The red-hooded guard engineer turned his head and looked at the direction of the light. The light source never moved, and obviously the patrolman didn't dare to approach.

"Go get him," the red hooded man holding the container commanded: "He is alone."

"Tsk..." The red-hooded man looked at his companion who was controlling the machine and carrying the container, and found that he was the only one who could take action, so he strode towards the light source: "Boy, if you just sleep in the duty room, what's going on? None, now you have to pay the price for your dedication."

The patrol officer was probably stunned, and did not respond or run away. The beam of light was still directed towards the rushing red hood.

"You're looking for death!" The red hood was shaken so hard that he could barely see the road. He rushed towards the light source and grabbed hold of the patrolman's arm holding the flashlight.

Boom! Boom!

The hand the red hood grabbed hit the iron plate directly, and the light source shook and deviated from its original target. Only then did the red hood see that it was just a flashlight placed on the storage shelf. He hit it Climbing up the storage rack pillar, there was no one around.

"Hiss... ran away?" The red hooded man grabbed the flashlight with his still-usable hand and looked around. He didn't see the patrol officer who turned around and ran away as expected. Just as he was confused, a powerful roar came from behind him.

"Wow - da -!" "Bang! Bang!"

When he turned his head in a hurry, he happened to see his companion carrying the container being kicked away and hit straight against the wall behind him. His head was hit hard by the wall and he fainted even though he was wearing a hood. .

The attacker was a man wearing a white shirt and casual pants, with short black hair, and a strange black mask on his face. He raised his leg and side-kicked the red hood holding the container away before he could put it away. He took his feet back and was doing a pose there.

"You are looking for death!" After realizing that he had just been dazzled by the light of the flashlight, causing the security guard to deal with his companion first, the red hood was furious and rushed towards him waving his hands.

Both sides are using bare hands, and the opponent's physique is not as good as his own. If there is no opportunity for a sneak attack two on one, it will definitely be a crushing. As long as he strikes first, this damn guy can only be beaten unilaterally.

"...It actually succeeded?" When he was about to pounce in front of him, the red-hooded man in the mask heard the masked man who had just withdrawn his feet mutter.

That's right! Your deceptive tactics can only succeed once! He kept his previous speed and tackled him.


The grappling and overwhelming Red Hood expected did not happen.

The masked man lowered his body slightly, and then a Shenglong Fist hit him on the chin. The original grappling action was directly interrupted. Because of the heavy blow hitting his chin, his head was buzzing, and the whole person was as stunned as a fool. In place.

"It wasn't knocked away..." the masked man muttered again. Before Red Hood could recover his thinking and movement abilities, the fist that had just hit his chin was retracted at a very high speed, and then he punched his chest at an even faster speed. Out: "Wow!"

The red hood was knocked far away by this punch and knocked over a row of storage shelves. His last thought before losing consciousness was: Why does this guy "wow" every time he makes a move?


"Don't come over here!"

Just when Anderson was surprised that he had actually defeated two enemies with one punch and one kick, the third red hood roared.

He turned his head and looked, and found that the red hooded man who was originally controlling the storage tank had already held the unlucky engineer hostage. He took out a dagger from somewhere and was making gestures at his neck.

Obviously, he had already rushed over when he knocked away the first red hood. Unexpectedly, he found that he was the only one left when he was halfway through, so he grabbed the engineer at his feet and took him hostage.

"Oh? What do you want?" Anderson looked at the dagger in the remaining red hooded hand.

He is not afraid of this. As long as he gets close, he has a hundred attack techniques to disarm him. But if he cuts the engineer before he gets close... fists and kicks cannot heal the injury.

"You, you, you... put down your weapons!" the red hood roared fiercely.

"Weapons?" Anderson raised his arms, looked at his left hand and then his right, then shrugged.

"...Get out of the way!" Red Hood raised his finger and pointed at Anderson's back, then quickly took it back, as if he was afraid that he would appear in front of him and knock him away: "Let me go! Otherwise, I will kill him!"

"Help, help me..." The engineer also begged tremblingly.

"Oh?" Anderson wiped his hands: "You want to kill the insider you bribed? It's not impossible."

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Red Hood responded inexplicably.

"How do you know?" The originally trembling engineer gave the completely opposite answer.

"Don't be naughty, I've never seen you before!" Red Hood poked him with the dagger again.

"Of course it's because he has a one-way connection with your boss," Anderson looked at the engineer: "He was the guy who was the first one I knocked unconscious while carrying the solution container."

"Huh?" Red Hood looked at Anderson and then at the engineer he was holding hostage. He seemed to be planning to leave him and run away, but was worried that this was a scam.

"This is unreasonable in the first place. If you just destroy the formula of the finished product, why create a biochemical leak? It is unnecessary to create a 'scapegoat'." Anderson gestured to the chemical storage tank over there: "The reason can only be, this The emergence of a 'biochemical leak' can make people pay more attention to this invention, and the scapegoat on the surface is the inventor of this formula. No one will doubt that he is the mastermind, right, Joseph Cole ( )gentlemen."

"When did you suspect it? Mr. Masked Man?" The engineer seemed to change his attitude instantly, as if he was the protagonist of the negotiation, even with a dagger on his neck.

"It wasn't long before the red-faced gentleman was about to leave his companions and run away." Anderson glanced at the red hood: "He seemed to be sure that the companions he gave up would not betray him, because they were originally temporary partners. , they don’t understand each other at all.”

Although the Red Hood's expression could not be seen, judging from the trembling dagger, he had already begun planning to abandon the hostages and escape.

"Even so, until I am investigated by the police and exposed, I am still a good citizen protected by the law. Are you going to let me be harmed by criminals?" Joseph Cole laughed.

Anderson fell silent, then took two steps forward with his fists clenched.

"This, this, this..." Red Hood's hands were shaking crazily.

Joseph Cole frowned and raised his hand to support the red hooded arm: "Calm down, I still have the value of being kidnapped."

"For what it's worth!" Red Hood pushed Joseph Cole away, threw the dagger in his hand at Anderson, then turned around and ran away.

"Hey." Anderson dodged sideways, then quickly chased after him.

"So what if you can fight! You have to get close!" The escaping Red Hood seemed to be scared out of his mind, taunting him as he ran: "I am very confident in my escape speed!"

There was nothing Anderson could do about this. Both sides in this encounter had no firearms. If one party was determined to run away, it would not be easy to catch up. If they had to chase...

Phew—just when Red Hood was about to run out of the back door they pried open, he was caught off guard by a suit hood, and his speed suddenly slowed down.

Seeing this, Anderson gave up considering other methods and took advantage of the inertia of the charge to jump up directly. He hit the red hooded man in the back with a flying kick and kicked him directly into the iron door. The guy fainted on the spot without even making a sound.

"Damn it, Martha, I love this suit." Anderson complained casually as he looked at Martha who appeared from the side door.

Obviously, she sneaked down while she was fighting the gangsters, captured many photos, and also took the opportunity to block their escape route.

"Ha, how many sets do you want? I'll buy them for you." Martha looked like she had a lot of money.

"You also said you are not the eldest lady of the Kane family?" Anderson raised an eyebrow.

"Of course not the eldest lady, but the second lady." Martha checked the camera happily and answered casually.

So, every time she boldly goes to a crime scene, she's always followed by a bunch of bodyguards?

"Whatever," Anderson shrugged: "If you call, will the police come faster?"

"No, no, in that case we will become the protagonists of the news," Martha pointed to Anderson's mask: "There is only one protagonist this time, and that is you...'Owlman'!"

"Please forgive me for solemnly rejecting this title."

"But 'Partners of Justice' is so stupid."

"Anyway, I'm not an owl."


"Hi! 'Hero'." At this time, Joseph Cole came over, touching the corner of his mouth. When the red hood threw the dagger just now, his hand was not steady, and he made a diagonal upward stroke from the corner of his mouth. It looked like It's like a funny smiley face, but it looks weird because it's only half of it.

"Your cooperation just now was wonderful."

"Your reasoning just now is really wonderful."



Anderson and Joseph Cole looked at each other for a moment, and then discovered that there was a serious deviation in their understanding of each other during the "hostage-taking" process.

"In other words, you really colluded with outsiders to destroy your research results and create a biochemical leak?"

"And you just made up an excuse to scare him away after seeing that the three of them were not a team?"

The two continued to look at each other, not knowing how to continue talking.

"I think 'Batman' is a good name - what are you doing?" Martha came over and looked at Anderson and Joseph Cole strangely.

"Hey! I know you, the second lady of the Kane family," Joseph Cole showed an exaggerated smile: "I asked about the origin of this mysterious hero and wanted to repay him, but he refused to tell me. Since If he is someone close to you, then I should be able to find him easily."

This guy... The implication is that he can find himself through Martha, and he also means using Martha to threaten him. He will never get it wrong this time.

"We only prevent crimes based on intelligence. Saving you is just a side trip. You can work and live well in the future, which is the best reward for us." Anderson responded.

"Oh...intelligence...good job..." Joseph Cole muttered, rolling his eyes thoughtfully.

Okay, he understands, we are here because there are intelligence channels who know about this incident, so if he doesn't want to get into trouble, he can continue to be his engineer - at least on the surface.

"You want to repay me after you know that I am from the Kane family?" Martha looked at Joseph Cole: "My opinion is the same as that of...Batman, you just need to keep today's matter a secret."

Don’t just settle on a codename casually! What should I do if I go out during the day?

"I will send these criminals to the Gotham Police Department," Anderson tried to look at Joseph Cole with the eyes of some cold nocturnal creature: "You'd better go home as soon as possible, Joe -"

"Joker," Joseph Cole answered, and then grinned: "This is my name, see you later, Batman."

It doesn't sound like a serious person's name at all.

Anderson wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by Martha who suddenly became excited.

"Oh! Are you going to the police station? This is Batman's first appearance. I will ask the butler to design a uniform that is majestic and handsome enough for you. It has many functions and amazing protection. As long as you appear on the scene, it will scare the criminals half to death. And It’s also very photogenic!”

Anderson felt that the last one was what Martha wanted to say.

"In this case, the photo you just took cannot be used."

"Who said that? Just P."

Although Anderson wanted to point out that it was an act of using advanced technology, but thinking about it carefully, it seems that she did not use it in "public"?

"……as long as you are happy."

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