The Collection of The End

One thousand four hundred and four, reloading (4)


Gotham Daily Press.

"Martha, and Thomas, I have to admit that the interview you conducted unexpectedly yesterday was very good. It increased our sales today compared to the day before-" Jonah Jameson, editor-in-chief of Gotham Daily, raised his hand. He clicked on the newspaper on the table: "25 percentage points."

The gray-haired editor-in-chief looks like an old-school gentleman. He always wears a three-piece suit meticulously and carries a pocket watch in his pocket.

"No matter where you are, this is all because the editor-in-chief is wise and decisive and is willing to format our manuscripts in the middle of the night." Martha said modestly.

I don't know who said it yesterday, "The editor-in-chief only reports on football games." Anderson looked at Martha and didn't make any trouble.

The front of the newspaper on the table is the live report of their crime fight last night, but the title is quite exaggerated:

"[Gotham's savior!]"

"[Yesterday, three criminals sneaked into the ACE Chemical Plant and tried to dump a large amount of chemical raw materials into the Gotham River. If they succeeded, the domestic water of millions of people in Gotham would be seriously polluted. All related industries with industrial water needs It will also be forced to close its doors, and this unprecedented ecological disaster will undoubtedly be recorded in the annals of history.]”

This passage is accompanied by several pictures of chemicals that look dangerous at first glance, as well as photos of ecological disasters similar to what they describe.

"[Fortunately, a hero understood their plot, arrived in time and stopped their evil acts.]"

The accompanying picture this time is a photo of Anderson beating up several red hoods. I don’t know how many photos Martha took at that time. When she strings together these incoherent photos that she specially selected, it’s like watching a movie. In the comics, the protagonist is Anderson, who is dressed in a black tights, a black mask, and a huge cloak.

Or rather, Batman.

"[This hero in the darkness did not leave a name, but for the sake of ease of naming, this agency will use the title of 'Batman' proposed by the reporter at the front,]"

The next picture shows Batman confronting the hostage-taking Red Hood, and then throwing several tied-up Red Hoods in front of the Gotham Police Station.

"[Even though the behavior of these criminals was extremely bad, Batman did not resort to lynching, but handed them over to the Gotham Police Department along with the evidence, which proves that this 'hero' may be more willing to abide by order.]"

This "order-abiding" persona was forcibly added to Batman by Martha. It is said that it is to reduce the resentment of the interest groups that set the order and the chance of stumbling upon him.

"[Perhaps you still don't know the ACE chemical plant. Now let's take a look at its origin and development history, and why it was attacked.]

Then, Martha gave the origin and current status of ACE Chemical Plant with pictures and texts, and hinted between the lines that ACE's business was in trouble at this time, and only some desperate actions can restore the decline.

As expected of the second young lady of the Kane family, not only did she have the information at her fingertips, but she also knew the motives for doing things secretly.

In the entire copy, Joseph Cole, the "clown" only appears twice, without even a name. He was confused by the title of "engineer working overtime".

"[Will this hero in the dark appear again, and what kind of person is he? Our reporters will continue to pay attention.]"

"Continue to pay attention," Editor Jameson clicked on the last word in the report, "This guy wearing an owl mask should not only plan to take action just once, what do you think?"

"I think so too~" Martha looked at Anderson.

Look, those photoshopped photos really couldn’t fool the senior editor. He could tell at a glance that he was the real one——

"You don't need to collude with Thomas, he must have been dragged into the situation by you," Editor Jameson continued: "I know you have always wanted a column, but you have never used the power of the Kane family to propose a deal to the newspaper. This It's a good idea to let your bodyguard play a 'dark hero' for the first time, so that you can continue to report on crime cases,

Another gimmick worthy of ordinary people's attention. "

"...Huh?" Anderson looked at Martha: "Batman is your bodyguard?"

"That's right. Why, you don't want to... believe it?" Martha reacted very quickly and was not surprised at all when she heard the outrageous speculation.

And this sentence... to the editor's ears, it sounds like he is asking himself "do you believe it or not", but in fact it is asking "do you want to".

"It's unbelievable." Anderson shook his head: "If he is a false hero, his identity will be exposed sooner or later."

Even if he wanted to, he would have to leave after the three-month psychological evaluation period. The threat of the matrix hung over mankind like the sword of Damocles. As a "savior", he did not have the right to pretend to be a hero at will.

"That's right," Editor-in-Chief Jameson agreed with Anderson: "You may not be clear to outsiders when you do this, but people in the Kane family and the bodyguard group must be very aware of this matter. Sooner or later, the identity of this 'dark hero' will be revealed Exposed, and the reputation of Gotham Daily will also be affected, have you considered how to deal with it?"

"As long as the identity cannot be concealed, just create a major enough incident to make Batman 'die'." Martha blinked: "If someone tries to expose his identity in the future, just wait to be criticized verbally. "

Can you please ask my opinion when killing someone?

"Very good," Editor-in-Chief Jameson seemed very satisfied: "I will open a column on the second page. Every time Batman appears and fights crime, the relevant reports will be placed in it. I will usually use it to report on the Gotham Police Department. How to fight crime, now you go about your business.”

You're going to put Commissioner Gordon on the fire.

"Then, I'll go back and prepare for the 'next report.' Thomas, you come with me." Martha stood up.

"This..." Anderson looked at Editor-in-Chief Jameson and asked him to report on Batman. Isn't it suspicious?

"Go ahead," Editor-in-Chief Jameson waved his hand: "If Martha herself was the only one reporting on the crime front, a fool would be able to guess that she has a close relationship with Batman. If you become her apparent partner, you can play a role. It has the effect of confusing the public - as for the Gotham University football league, I can just go back and find someone else to report on it."

Well, it makes sense that Batman can hide Batman's true identity by being with reporters.

"Let's go." Martha pulled Anderson out of the editor's office, and Anderson felt like she was about to laugh out loud.


"Where to go now? Talk to 'Batman'?"

After arriving at the newspaper parking lot, he saw Martha sitting in the passenger seat, so Anderson had to sit in the driver's seat and take charge of driving.

In 1999, this car was a lower-middle-class car and did not meet the status of "Miss Kane Family", but it was quite suitable for the status of "Gotham Daily Columnist".

"No, I have to go back home," Martha tilted her head and looked at Anderson: "After all, there will be witnesses in the future. I have to make the equipment that I put on the real thing and put it on for you."

Great, the Kane family has invested in the production of Batman equipment. Anyone who finds out will think that Batman is one of Martha's secret bodyguards.

"Oh, so you're not going back to the apartment," Anderson started the car. "So which house are you going to? The one on the Robert H. Kane Memorial Bridge?"

"Why do you think I consider the old Kane mansion my home? That's prejudice," Martha pointed in the opposite direction: "The one near the Gotham City Public Library is the one."

It turns out that she was influenced by the environment as a reporter? Anderson said nothing, turned the wheel and hit the road.

Although Gotham City and even the entire city of Zion were created by the Citadel, the residents in these cities were not. They were rescued from the Matrix and could not accept the fact that humans were ruled by the Matrix, so they were arranged Go and live in the city where you lived "when you were alive".

It is up to them to decide whether to sink into the phantoms of the past or return to the Citadel and become a member of the resistance matrix army.

The four major families in Gotham City, the Wayne Family (WayneFamily), the Elliot Family (), the Kane Family (KaneFamily) and the Cobblepot Family (CobblepotFamily), were the first batch of people to come to Gotham City. .

Obviously, their ancestors did not have the courage to resist the Matrix and chose to take root in Gotham City. However, many of their descendants who dared to take risks and had a spirit of resistance chose to return to the Citadel to join the resistance team. This behavior also led to Their families have added impression points, so although Gotham is now relatively chaotic and criminals are emerging in an endless stream, no one can shake the status of the four major families.

The current leader of the Kane family is Roderick Kane. His wife is Elizabeth Kane and they have two undisclosed daughters.

Colleagues at the newspaper previously joked that Martha was the eldest daughter of the Kane family, but it turned out to be true, even though she was only the second daughter.

On this basis, Anderson could not help but suspect that perhaps the Kane family knew that he was the "savior" and actively created opportunities to arrange for Martha to get close to him.

No, this is too narcissistic. Moreover, although Martha is quite beautiful, no one can send her out to use a beauty trap with such a carefree and independent personality.

"By the way, you are so powerful, why haven't I seen you take action in the past year?" Martha looked at Anderson and asked.

"Because there is no active criminal who can take action," Anderson looked straight ahead and drove seriously: "If someone scratches your car now, do I have to get out of the car and kick him away?"

"Well... that's not impossible?" Martha tilted her head as if imagining that scene, and then made herself laugh: "Pfft..." is impossible for anyone arranged by the Kane family to arrange her.


Kane family estate.

"Welcome back, Miss Martha." The person who opened the door to Martha was a middle-aged woman with a friendly appearance and a kind expression. She was wearing a royal blue coat and straight skirt, and a headband of the same color, decorated with pink ribbons. Wearing a top hat and a pair of rimless glasses, he looks confident and capable.

Anderson originally thought this was Martha's housekeeper, but Martha looked like she had seen a ghost:

"Aunt Harrison? Why are you here?"

"What? You saved Gotham City and why don't you let us see your big hero?" A middle-aged woman named Harrison glanced at Anderson.

"Uh..." Martha rolled her eyes, looked at Aunt Harrison and then at the manor house: "Aunt Harrison, how about you just pretend I didn't come back?"

"That won't work. Miss Kathy has been waiting for you for a long time." Harrison shook his head.

"This..." Martha looked around, grabbed Anderson's arm and ran out: "Run!"

Anderson was pulled a few steps in confusion, and suddenly heard a young woman's voice coming from the intercom at the door: "Martha~ Don't you want to see your sister?"

The voice was soft, and the tone was gentle and a little aggrieved, but Martha was directly stopped at the door by these words and did not dare to take the last step.

"Ahaha... Sister Cathy, I didn't know you were coming. I didn't bring you a gift. I was just about to go out and buy it." Martha rolled her eyes and said nonsense.

"Then~ just give me the person next to you as a gift~"


"He is indeed 'Batman'~"


Does anyone have any advice on gifts? Anderson watched Martha argue with the walkie-talkie, and after knocking around to make sure no one could hear, he decided to remain silent.

As expected, this "Cathy Kane" should be the real eldest lady of the Kane family. She may have appeared in public, but there should be no trace left. After all, the big family still attaches great importance to its heir.

As for Martha being visited by someone from the family, Anderson was not surprised at all.

The use of "advanced technology" can basically be big or small. If it was to repair a bad photo taken by herself, no one might care at all, but she used it to conceal a person's identity, reported the incident, and appeared on the Gotham Daily headlines, no matter how crazy the Kane family is, they still have to care about her.

"Mr. Anderson, it seems that Miss Martha and Miss Cathy have to chat for a while. Why don't you come in first and sit down? I am very confident in my handmade cookies." Aunt Harrison smiled at Anderson.

"Okay, Mrs. Harrison..." Anderson almost blurted out to his aunt, but luckily he noticed something was wrong in time and changed his words.

"Damn! I want to eat too!" Martha obviously didn't get the upper hand in the confrontation with her sister. She hung up the phone and walked into the manor with a look of displeasure.

"Miss Martha," Mrs. Harrison didn't care about Martha's attitude at all and said while leading the way: "This time we came and brought the clothing designers and equipment manufacturing experts you requested, but the vehicle design and Manufacturing experts and intelligence personnel are still being selected.”

Okay, very strong. Now everyone will think that Batman is a member of the Kane family.

"You're so kind! Aunt Harrison!" Martha hugged Mrs. Harrison's arm as if she was about to kiss her, but she raised her hand to stop her.

"Don't worry, I'm not done yet," Mrs. Harrison turned her gaze to Anderson: "If Mr. Batman fails to pass the test arranged by Mr. Roderick, then the image of Batman you created will Let the Kane family run it instead.”


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