The Collection of The End

One thousand four hundred and five, reload (5)


Kane Manor.

"Then, Mr. Anderson, please let us see if you are worthy of the title of 'Batman'~"

Cathy Kane was holding Martha's hand and sitting in the audience of the combat training room, speaking to Anderson in her slightly weird tone.

Martha's face was tangled, as if she wanted to run away immediately but didn't dare to let go of Cathy's hand.

Anyone who sees the "real eldest lady" of the Kane family will be attracted by her snow-white long shawl hair and blood-red eyes at the first moment, and then they will notice the red dress on a black background. tattoos, a dress that looks like an evening gown, cute doll-like facial features, and an indifferent expression that doesn’t match them. The first impression based on these appearances will be when you hear her soft and creamy voice. Collapse suddenly.

If nothing else happens, her behavior will once again reverse the impression given to her, otherwise Martha would have no reason to be so afraid of this "sister" who looks younger than her.

However, for Anderson, there is no "reversal". His first reaction when he saw Cathy was to determine whether she was the girl who helped him when he "died" in the matrix.

It turned out not to be.

If it was really her, there would be no test, and she would definitely throw out a lot of equipment in advance for herself to wear to fight crime.

However, it is precisely because the Kane family is preparing to build a complete set of equipment, vehicles, hideouts and intelligence networks for "Batman" that the title is obviously just a temporary idea, so there is the saying "whether it is worthy of it".

"Okay then." Anderson put on the owl, no, the bat mask that Harrison handed over, and looked at the three bodyguards who were surrounding him in a vague formation.

"Don't hold back, they are very strong!" Martha finally broke through the suppression of her sister's aura and said this.

You don't need to tell me that I can do it. Anderson slowly opened the starting position of Jeet Kune Do and hooked his palms towards the three bodyguards in black.

Perhaps it was because we were still in 1999 and had similar aesthetics. The bodyguards of the Kane family wore black suits and large sunglasses. If they hadn't looked more natural and could tell a few jokes, Anderson would have thought they were Matrix agents chasing after reality. coming.

Huh, how is that possible?

"Drink!" The bodyguards in black were naturally not polite to Anderson, and the one closest to him punched him in the face.

Very powerful?

Anderson grabbed the bodyguard's wrist and deflected his forward movement in the direction of his force. He took advantage of the situation and kicked him twice with the instep of his foot. The bodyguard rolled over and fell. Somersault.

Hmm... Normally, he should just be standing unsteadily so that he can take follow-up combos, but why does it seem like...

"Where are you looking!" The other two bodyguards took advantage of the situation and rushed forward. It seemed that they were planning to hug the waist and slap the other in the face. This tactic is not wrong when dealing with a single person, but the problem is...

"too slow."

Anderson used a mid-section whip to kick the bodyguard who was trying to tackle him back. Then he caught the bodyguard who was using a straight punch with both hands, used the force to throw him over the shoulder and smashed him to the floor. An elbow hit interrupted his attempt to counterattack.

At this time, the bodyguard who had fallen down at first had already gotten up. Seeing that Anderson's center of gravity was very low, he kicked him with a sliding shovel.

"It's still too slow." Anderson grabbed his ankle, pulled it back to interrupt the slide, and then stepped on his chest, knocking back any subsequent moves.

"Drink!" The bodyguard who had just been kicked away tried to make a surprise attack while Anderson's back was turned to him. Unexpectedly, Anderson turned around and kicked the sliding bodyguard away, colliding with him, and the sneak attack failed.

"Not bad~ It seems that Martha's report is not exaggerated~ You can indeed be one to three without falling behind~" Cathy clapped softly.

"Uh... hum, of course not," and Martha was stunned for a moment,

He also put on a "I knew it was so" expression: "Anderson can hit ten!"

Don't talk too much. Although it is indeed easy to fight three by yourself, I haven't tried how many you can fight.

Although he disagrees with Martha's words, Anderson has no intention of refuting her. He is still being assessed. If he corrects this, it may be considered as a sign of lack of confidence.

"Hit ten~" Cathy shook her head: "Even if I call ten people to fight with him, at most only five or six people can fight at the same time~ And~the enemies that 'Batman' has to deal with~ are not little gangsters who only know fists and kicks. ~They have guns~”

Should I try to see if I can use a gun with my bare hands? While it seemed okay in the Matrix, now... Anderson remained silent.

"Don't worry~ I won't let you fight a real gun with your bare hands~ At least not here~" Cathy looked at Mrs. Harrison: "Aunt Harrison~ Please take Mr. Anderson to change into Batman's equipment~"

"Oh, of course, this way, Mr. Anderson." Mrs. Harrison seemed to have expected it, and led the way without any surprise.

Are you ready so quickly? As expected of the Kane family.


A moment later, Anderson, who had finished changing his clothes, was taken to the shooting training range.

Martha, who had been waiting there for a long time, couldn't help but say "Wow", while Cathy nodded slowly.

This is a set of black battle clothes with bat characteristics. The original mask has been expanded into a half-face helmet. The light and shiny light breastplate has a black bat pattern printed on it. The belt, arm armor, leg armor and combat boots With the same material, there seems to be room for props. The last and most eye-catching thing is the cape that looks like bat wings behind this suit.

It has restored the black battle suit that Martha casually put on as much as possible, and the details are even better. The only strange thing is the pair of pointed ears on the top of the head, which makes no sense no matter how you think about it.

"There are still many areas of this 'Bat Suit' that have not been completed~" Cathy said: "Its armor was originally bulletproof~"

Does that mean it’s not bulletproof now?

"I will let ten people shoot at you with blank bullets~" she continued: "You have to knock them all down while dodging the bullets~ We will count the number of bullets you were hit except for the cloak~ However, due to the design of the cloak It has a gliding function~ It would be bad if it is seriously damaged on the battlefield and is in a high-rise building~"

"Wait? Sister Cathy?" Martha looked shocked: "Can normal people dodge bullets?"

"Just predict the position of the muzzle~" Cathy didn't seem to think this was a problem: "I'll let them just shoot without any tricks~"

"Then..." Martha seemed to want to say something else.

"[No problem.]" Anderson said, and then he was so frightened by his voice that sounded like he had late-stage throat cancer that he raised his hand and touched his neck.

"The voice changer that comes with it~" Cathy raised a finger and shook it: "This way you can change the equipment and interview the victim~"

So you still remember that the reason for this incident was that a reporter always wanted to make big news?

Not correcting her thoughts but adding fuel to the flames must be the confidence of a big family.

"[Well,]" Because the voice was too strange, Anderson was reluctant to say anything more and took the initiative to walk to the center of the training ground: "[Let's get started.]"


Following Cathy's instructions, ten bodyguards armed with various firearms surrounded Anderson from afar. Anderson saw that the three bodyguards he had knocked down before were also there, looking like they were planning to avenge their shame.

"After the indicator light turns green, both sides can take action~" Cathy commanded through the loudspeaker in the bulletproof observation room.

Following her instructions, the three-color indicator light above the training ground also turned on. After the red light flashed five times, the yellow light began to flash at the same frequency.

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Drip, drip, drip——

Anderson looked at the bodyguards around him, his expression gradually becoming serious.

Although I haven't experienced many battles in the Matrix, I still have a good understanding of the operating style of those agents.

The agents know very well that "hackers" like Morpheus have "kung fu" and ordinary firearms are of no use to them, so they often pursue close combat and use the same means to defeat them. However, when the conditions are right, the agents also Will not refuse to use powerful firepower to suppress, such as the blue fire Gatling...

Although the reason why I can use the Kung Fu in the Matrix in reality is still unclear, if I can avoid bullets in reality, then after going to the Matrix, wouldn't it be easier to deal with those agents?

Therefore, this is just a test of the Kane family on themselves, but whether it is this test or future actions to fight crime in Gotham City, they are all for the purpose of better fighting against the Matrix in the future, and they deserve to be taken seriously.

[Although this is a game, it is not a joke].


“Da da da da——”

The green light came on, and ten bodyguards opened fire at the same time. Anderson had already rolled and hid behind the nearest bunker, which was instantly covered with a large piece of white.

The bodyguards were not impatient, because Anderson's condition for victory was to defeat them all. After a brief exchange, they skillfully cooperated with each other to alternately suppress fire and change ammunition.

Even though the velocity of the blanks was different from that of real ammunition, Anderson could still see the trajectory of those bullets, as if they were being slowed down, or Anderson himself was being accelerated.

At this time, Anderson was hiding behind the bunker. Theoretically speaking, he could not see the movements of the bodyguards at all, but he could know where their eyes were looking, where the muzzle of the gun was pointing, and how many bullets were left in the magazine.

Anderson's first reaction was that the Kane family had installed a see-through function on the armor, but after thinking about it again, in that case, this test would be completely unnecessary.

Then, the conclusion is obvious. Whether it was the ability to use the kung fu in the matrix before or the "acceleration/deceleration" ability and analytical ability when he was in the matrix now, it was all because someone "hoped" that he would be the "savior."

Next time you enter the matrix and meet the "prophet", maybe your "savior position" will have improved a lot.

"Mr. Anderson~" Cathy's voice came through the loudspeaker: "If you plan to wait until they run out of bullets before coming out~ you will definitely be judged as unqualified~"

Haha, this is what I've been waiting for.

Taking advantage of the moment when the bodyguards were attracted by the broadcast, Anderson suddenly jumped out of the bunker and pounced on the nearest bodyguard.

The bodyguards were caught off guard and simultaneously raised their guns and fired at Anderson.

Sure enough... it's too slow.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is a terrifyingly dense hail of bullets, but due to the influence of the sequence and location of firing, as well as the remaining ammunition and "bunkers", there are enough gaps and gaps in this dense barrage.

Maybe ordinary people can't, but Anderson can easily find the gap in this "heavy rain" and calmly assume a chic enough posture to dodge, just like a skilled "back version" player in some shooting games, which seems thrilling. , In fact, it is as stable as an old dog.

In the eyes of the bodyguards, Anderson jumped out suddenly, used the cover to avoid the bullets fired at him, grabbed the nearest bodyguard and used him to block the first wave of bullets, and then took advantage of the gap when someone was hit by bullets and kicked him away. The bodyguard, who was already covered in white dust, took advantage of the gap to pounce on the second bodyguard who was reloading, and then followed the same pattern and killed the third, fourth, and fifth...

During this period, the bodyguards did not change tactics or move positions, but it was completely useless. They could not hit the obviously large target at all.

As there were fewer and fewer people, the original fire suppression network collapsed. Anderson was like a real bat, with his black cloak flying and flying. Every time he jumped up and down, he could always knock down a bodyguard, and that unlucky one was always able to knock down a bodyguard. The ghost will basically be beaten to a pulp, and it won't matter if the remaining people are asked to reload, or if they come forward to fight hand-to-hand.

The most frightening thing is that facing this hail of white blank bullets, Anderson, who is dressed in black, doesn't even have a white star on his body. Oh no, there is. There is a lot of white on the soles of the shoes he uses to kick the "bunker".

Finally, Anderson came to the last bodyguard. By coincidence, it was the one he kicked away first during the combat test. This bodyguard had already run out of bullets, but was still pulling the trigger crazily.

Was this guy scared out of his wits? It was just a drill, and the drill is over.

Anderson tilted his head slightly, then took a step forward and raised his hand to dismantle the firearm into parts.

"[You lose.]" He said to the bodyguard holding the handle.

"Uh-huh..." The opponent's throat trembled twice, dropped the handle, turned around and ran away: "Monster!"


Anderson touched the mask on his face, then shrugged in the direction of the observation room:

It's what you people call a monster, but I think this look is quite handsome.

"Karl~ catch that scared idiot~" Cathy's voice was as emotionless as ever: "I think he needs to start the Kane family's training course again~"

Following Cathy's order, there was chaos in the direction where the timid bodyguard fled.

"Wow~ Thomas, you are so awesome! How did you do it?" Martha grabbed the wheat directly.


Why? Because he is actually the "savior". If he had not cooperated with the "psychological assessment" but had gone to fight crime from the beginning, he might have discovered his ability long ago?

In the end, Anderson chose to hold up his mask and said in an indifferent tone:

"[Because I am Batman.]"

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