The Collection of The End

One thousand four hundred and seven, reloading (7)


Kane Manor.

"This is just a very ordinary bank robbery, and the dust has basically settled when Batman appeared. It can't be used as material at all." Martha looked at the photos she captured and seemed very dissatisfied.

"[Those banknotes scattered all over the street can be used as materials.]" Anderson was disassembling the suit with the help of Mrs. Harrison, and casually replied: "[The ones from the car chase before were also OK.]"

When today's bank robbery occurred, Anderson could have arrived at the bank faster. Even if he kept parkouring between the rooftops and using his hook to jump over obstacles, he would have arrived earlier than the Gotham Police Department's personnel, but in Before that, he encountered a car that had escaped from the robbery scene and carried a large amount of stolen money, so he fell from the sky and stepped on the roof of the car to try to force it to stop.

The result was counterproductive. The desperate gangsters fought with him for several minutes, and Anderson had to protect innocent pedestrians on the roadside while he was driving randomly. In the end, he was only wiped out, and the investigation of "The Stranger in the Suit" was even more impossible. Talk about.

"The sound is really unpleasant...and you didn't even look at the banknotes all over the sky." Martha flipped through the photos and glanced at Anderson.

What are you doing with all that waste paper? The entire economic system of Zion is controlled by the Citadel. Only the currency called "Star Yuan" circulating in the Citadel can be regarded as "money", and they have no entity yet and will not be robbed at all.

However, this reason is not convenient to state.

"[Because...]" At this time, Mrs. Harrison removed the voice changer from his throat, so Anderson answered in his own voice: "Because I am not short of money now."

"Well... I don't know what to say when I'm so confident." Martha put away the camera and tried to call up the surveillance: "In addition, there are too few cameras on the road. Your car chase only went through two people. It ends at the intersection, and a blurry picture doesn’t have much value.”

That's not how the word is used. I have to say that it is also the relationship between the entertainment company and the artist. Cathy also said before that if she is not qualified, the Kane family will "run" Batman——

Creak - bang!

In the middle of Anderson's curse, the computer screen that was receiving the surveillance footage exploded in front of Martha.

"Miss Martha," said Mrs. Harrison with a calm expression, "Miss Cathy specifically told you before leaving that you are not allowed to touch electrical equipment."

"No matter how much you misoperate, you will at most get a virus. The screen shouldn't explode anyway, right?" Martha retracted her hands that were held up in front of her like claws because she was frightened: "This time it must be a quality problem!"

this time? How many times has she broken it? It seems the only thing she can handle is a low-tech camera.

Anderson glanced at the arrogant Martha again, and began to silently review the whole story of this operation.


In fact, the East District bank robbery was indeed a very ordinary case. Even if the criminal was desperate and threw a large amount of money to attract people to rob, it was just a little more gimmick.

However, there is a key "x factor" here, which is the "man in a long purple suit" who only appears in the mouths of witnesses and robbers.

According to a female bank employee, this person could not stand the poor public security in Gotham and planned to withdraw all her money and move to the metropolis, but had to stop due to a sudden bank robbery.

Later, when the robbers asked his men to confiscate the mobile phones, he suddenly jumped up and knocked down and controlled all the robbers. It is possible that there was something in the mobile phone that no one could see.

Although it is incredible that one person defeated a robber armed with a gun with his bare hands, basically all the hostages said so, and the police could only accept this confession.

According to several robbers, the weapons used by this "weird in a suit" were two playing cards... playing cards that were indestructible, extremely sharp, bulletproof, and emitted a faint black light.

Except for the guy caught by Anderson himself, the other three robbers suffered a lot because of this outrageous answer.

But the confession remained unchanged, and the details corresponded to each other. In the end, the police could only pinch their noses and write this thing into the transcript.

Perhaps in Director Gordon's view, this is a guy who disrupts the crime scene and acts recklessly, and can be called a "super villain" and should be arrested.

But from Anderson's perspective, without the intervention of this "guy in a suit", it would be almost impossible for this bank robbery to end without any casualties.

For example, at the beginning of the robbery, he made an extremely exaggerated and decisive move to get down. This not only caused other customers to get down, but also caused two security guards who would have resisted and might have been injured or even killed in the line of duty to be disarmed by the robbers because they were stunned. .

As for the waste paper he threw out to cover his sight when he finally escaped, is that a big deal?

It can be said that it was precisely because of his wanton behavior that not a single drop of innocent blood was shed during the entire incident, except for the passerby who injured his sprain while trying to grab the banknotes.

Therefore, he warned Director Gordon not to casually characterize such people, otherwise, under the influence of reverse psychology, they would probably follow his will and become "super criminals".

But it's obvious that the director has no good impression of this kind of guy who brings disgrace to the police - including Batman himself, so he won't adopt his suggestions at all.

Putting aside the attitude of the police, Anderson had a strong sense of familiarity with the weapons of this "weirdo in suits". They were sharp, strong, luminous, and contained toxins that could cause fainting... This kind of It is obviously not poker that could be created by the technology of 1999. It can only be the "advanced technology" from the Citadel.

Based on this, Anderson deduced that he was probably a guy from the Citadel who used this advanced technological weapon to have fun in Gotham, a city full of crime and violence. Due to the high-profile appearance of "Batman", in order not to attract the attention of the Kane family, He decided to leave secretly.

Although a bit narcissistic, Anderson could not think of any other explanation for the moment.

However, he was involved in such a big incident before he left the accident, and I'm afraid he won't be able to escape for a while.


"Decided! This time I will use "Batman Appears Again, Shocking Heist No Casualties" as the title!" Martha thought hard about several photos for a long time, and finally clapped her hands and made a decision.

Very good, very consistent with my initial analysis of the key points of this case.

If the focus is on the "weirdo in a suit" with bizarre behavior, not only will the police, who did nothing in this case, be embarrassed, but the character of Batman, who failed to catch him, will also be lowered.

No, Batman, who rushed to the scene on foot using parkour and flying claws, has lost a lot of style.


At this moment, the roar of a helicopter came over the manor.

Anderson subconsciously planned to find a bunker, and then remembered that this was not the Matrix, and there would be no agents chasing him.

"Miss Cathy should be back, let's go greet her." Mrs. Harrison, who had just put the Bat Armor into the armor cabinet, looked up.

"Oh? The Batmobile has been built?" Martha threw away the photo in her hand, grabbed Anderson and ran out: "As expected of Sister Cathy!"

The Batmobile...Anderson quickened his pace slightly to keep up with her.

According to Cathy, Batman wants to fight crime throughout Gotham. Without a good car, getting to the scene would be two minutes too slow, and "the day lily would be cold."

In the same way, if there is not a hidden and convenient "Batcave", it will be easy for someone to discover and expose the "fact" that "Batman is a member of the Kane family".

Therefore, after she passed Anderson's review, she went to arrange the manufacturing of the "Batmobile", "Batcave", and even the "Batplane".

If the "Batmobile" was relatively low-key, it could be driven out during the day. As a hiding place, the "Batcave" should not have been discovered, but the "Batplane" was an exaggeration. It would never have been possible with the technology of 1999. , if you want, you can only drive it at night - Batman is not a real bat!

Boom boom boom——

After arriving in the courtyard, the roar of the helicopter became clearer. Anderson looked up and saw a helicopter landing with a large container. Both the aircraft and the container were marked with a huge "K" on the side. "Character.

With such a high profile, aren't you afraid that others will guess that Batman comes from the Kane family?

No, wait, Anderson found himself being looped in: Batman wasn't originally from the Kane family, they were just operations, bah, just a partnership.


The helicopter released its hook and dropped the container in the wide courtyard, then parked on the tarmac a little further away. Cathy, still wearing the black evening dress with red stripes, stepped down from it.

"Come to receive your Batmobile~" She waved casually to Martha and Mrs. Harrison, and then said to Anderson: "I think you can drive, right~?"

"If the way it operates doesn't change too much." Anderson nodded and stepped forward to try to open the container.

Anderson had already acquired the ability to drive through "knowledge infusion", and even if Cathy brought a "Bat Plane", he would still be able to drive it.


As the door of the container opened, the first thing Anderson saw was a silver stream of light forming a bat shape.

These streams of light dispersed when the container door was opened, extending toward the interior of the container at a very high speed, drawing beautiful arcs along the way. The paths of these arcs have different ups and downs, sometimes scattering and sometimes gathering, and finally at The center and rear of the container gathers into another silver bat pattern.

What kind of high technology is this...

"Show me?" Martha followed up from behind and used her strength to fully open the container door that Anderson had partially opened.

Anderson squinted his eyes and saw clearly the contents of the container. It was a strange car that was completely black but almost completely non-reflective. The previous stream of light was its outline outlined by the sudden light. As for the two The two silver bats correspond to the front and rear logos of ordinary vehicles with a brand name.

"Its name is 'Kit'~" While Anderson and Martha were stunned, Cathy walked up behind them and said, "Hi~Kit~"

"[Hello, Sister Casey.]" The car's lights flashed and it made a voice that sounded like a teenager's.

"Add this Mr. Thomas A. Anderson as a visitor~" Casey added.

"Sister?" Martha was surprised.

"Visitor?" Anderson was surprised on the other hand.

"You have only passed the preliminary examination and are not yet qualified to become an 'administrator'." Cathy looked at Anderson, then turned to Martha: "Why don't you let me make one if you don't have a younger brother?"

There seems to be something wrong with this statement, but it doesn’t seem like there is...

"[Okay, visitor Thomas A. Anderson has been added,]" Kit replied, and then turned on the headlights twice more: "[Hello, brother Anderson.]"

"Pfft!" Martha laughed directly.

"You don't have to call me that..." Anderson's mouth twitched.

"[Please set the name and user name of this device.]" Kit instantly turned into an emotionless mechanical voice.

"Give it a name~and what it calls you~only for this terminal~" Cathy said.

If he hadn't been a programmer before becoming the "Savior", he probably wouldn't have understood what was going on. Anderson looked at the Batmobile.

Obviously, this car is just a subsystem of an AI called Kit, which the eldest lady of the Kane family calls her younger brother. If you instruct it to do something, Kit "himself" can definitely check it if he wants to. Arrived.

This is also the proper meaning. Of course, cultivating a "hero" is not to backfire on yourself.

"I can guarantee that the Kane family has no business that requires Batman's help." Seemingly guessing what Anderson was thinking, Cathy continued: "But I don't know if the other three families have any."

Very good, the purpose of cultivating a "hero" to fight crime is already obvious, and Martha, the second lady, really doesn't have that much respect.

"Your name is 'Robin,' and I'm 'Batman,'" Anderson told Kit, adding, "No 'brother,' before he answered."

"[Yes, Batman, Robin says hello.] Kit, no, Robin changed his tune.

"It's a good name~" Cathy crossed Anderson, opened the door of the Batmobile and got in, "Come on up~ let Kit~ oh~ Robin take us to the 'Bat Cave'."

"Are you serious? Sister Cathy?" Martha also got into the car unceremoniously: "Can a car of this style be driven on the road?"

"Of course~" Cathy closed the door with a click: "Robin~transformed~"

"[Okay, Sister Cathy.]"

Following Robin's response, the entire Batmobile began to deform, its original dark and ferocious appearance began to shrink, and its armor and auxiliary parts also retracted. What finally appeared in front of Anderson was a Ford Mustang GT500KR, although it was still very It's eye-catching, but it's okay to take to the streets.

"..." For the sake of this car, Anderson decided not to get along with Robin's previous owner.

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