The Collection of The End

One thousand four hundred and eight, reload (8)


Gotham City, Fifth Avenue.

The all-black Ford Mustang was speeding through the traffic in Gotham City. Apart from being honked a few times by the overtaking owner, it didn't attract much attention.

Anderson sat in the driver's seat, watching the steering wheel turn around with a blank expression, while the car stereo continued to chatter.

"[Hey, look at these stupid cars, knowing that the next move will cause a crash, they will still crash into it without hesitation," Robin muttered in his teenage voice: "[But I am different, If there is danger, I will take over control of the vehicle as I am now, and if the driver falls asleep, I will go to the nearest car wash.]"

"Thank you, Robin, but can you let me drive myself?" Anderson tried to hold down the steering wheel or apply the brakes, but the car still wouldn't obey his commands.

"[While I am willing to obey this instruction, Mr. Batman, you don't seem to know where the 'Batcave' is.]" Robin replied.

"...So, where is the Batcave?" Anderson turned his head and looked at Cathy in the passenger seat.

"In a sewer in the Gotham River~" Cathy crossed her arms and tilted her head slightly: "Don't worry~ It's just a disguise~ The location was chosen so that the 'Bat Submarine' can easily sail~ If the situation is urgent, this Batmobile can also be launched into the water .”

There are even submarines. What kind of character do the Kane family want to create for "Batman"?

"[Oh~ I hate the smell of fish, I will never go into the water.]" Robin quickly interjected.

"When you go to be a reporter, Aunt Harrison will take care of the Batcave for you." Cathy tilted her head in the back seat.

The Batmobile has only four seats in total, and it is already full at the moment. Mrs. Harrison is sitting there demurely, while Martha is poking around curiously.

"Please take care of me, Master Anderson." After hearing Cathy's words, Mrs. Harrison raised her hand and raised the brim of her hat to Anderson.

"Wait a minute? If Aunt Harrison comes over, who will take care of Sister Cathy?" Martha, who was studying the car window, turned to ask.

"Miss Cathy has been able to stand on her own and no longer needs the care of us elderly people," Mrs. Harrison said with emotion: "I originally planned to retire, but Miss Cathy specifically asked me to take care of you, and Batman."

Oh, I was indeed there by the way. Anderson did not intend to join the conversation and silently looked at the street scene outside the car window.

During the day, everything in Gotham seemed normal, even peaceful and stable, just like his original "virtual life" of more than 20 years. If he had not met Morpheus and the others, it would have been impossible to see through the cruel reality of the world.

And once night falls, just like when he chose the red pill, "real" replaces "false", and violence and crime will become the main theme of Gotham.

In the previous year, Anderson only wanted to complete the psychological evaluation and regard these as city features. But now that he has discovered that he can use the abilities instilled in the matrix and put on the "Batman" armor, even if it is only for a short time, In three months, we must complete the "job" of fighting crime.

Ahead, reflecting the setting sun, the sparkling Gotham River appeared in Anderson's field of vision. At this time, Robin turned the steering wheel and drove into an underground parking lot.


"This is...the Batcave?"

When the Batmobile found a secret door in an obviously hidden parking lot and entered, and then spiraled down for a while, Anderson's vision suddenly brightened as a dazzling white light lit up from the front.

This is an unusually huge underground cavity. The floor and surrounding walls are all white, while the ceiling is emitting a faint white light. No specific light source can be seen. The whole is divided into grids of strange lighting fixtures.

In the middle of this giant basement is a huge pillar inlaid with many monitor screens, and around it are corresponding seats and large machines that control it. Further outside, against the wall, things are more complicated. From the appearance, it is roughly divided into weapons and armor area, test equipment area, and personnel rest area.

There are vehicle parking areas, material storage areas, etc., and there are more than a dozen smaller doors on the outermost wall, which looks like an apartment.

Martha suddenly suffered from an occupational disease. She raised her camera and tried to take a picture, but was pressed down by Mrs. Harrison next to her. Only then did she realize that the things here could not be reported at all.

"[Home, a warm home~]" Robin sighed: "[Although this is my first time seeing you~, I have already fallen deeply in love with you~]"

"Go and park the car~" Cathy poked the car stereo with her finger.

"[Okay~Sister Cathy~]" Robin responded, turning towards the vehicle parking area marked with the letter "H".

Can this thing be returned?…

"Don't worry~" Cathy turned her head and glanced at Anderson: "After I leave, you will be Robin's highest authority user. You don't have to worry about being robbed of control, not even Martha and Aunt Harrison~"

"I'm not worried about this," Anderson looked at the various devices that were obviously "advanced technology" around him: "What I'm worried about is whether it will leak in front of outsiders."

"[Don't underestimate AI, Mr. Batman,]" Robin instantly changed back to a serious tone: "[If outsiders are present, the 'chatty mode' will not be activated.]"

It would be best if it could be closed permanently.

squeak, squeak——

After the Batmobile stopped, Cathy opened the door first and walked out, leading Anderson, Martha and Mrs. Harrison towards the "monitoring column" in the middle.

"Since you and Martha still have to maintain their official identities, this place is basically managed by Aunt Harrison. If there is a situation worthy of Batman's dispatch, she will notify you." Cathy's eyes swept over the monitoring screen and control system : "With the response speed of our intelligence system, unless it is an impulsive crime, we will definitely get the news in advance. There will be almost no rush against time. You can come here calmly and change your clothes."

So, is it actually the Kane family’s tacit approval that Martha always runs to the crime scene accurately?

Anderson didn't ask the obvious question and looked up at the picture on the surveillance column.

They don't seem to be fixed at a certain location, but are constantly switching. It's hard to judge because the content displayed is only part of it, but judging from some landmark buildings that flash by, the surveillance range should cover the entire Gotham. .

"However, in order to deal with some more urgent cases or cases that are relatively close to you, we have also prepared a 'portable bat suit', which is only the size of a suitcase and allows you to change clothes at any time. However, its protection strength will be lower than that of the suit. Quite a few~ So don’t use your body to block bullets easily~” Cathy poked the black suitcase placed in front of the surveillance column.

No one can be that stupid, right?


Before Anderson could say anything, he heard a low explosion coming from above, and the floor of the Batcave even felt a slight vibration.

"Oh~ It seems your job has come~Batman~" Cathy patted open the suitcase, revealing the dark blue and black Batsuit inside.


Kane Memorial Bridge.

"[Detailed information about this incident?]"

A few minutes later, Anderson, wearing a bat suit, stood on the top of the bridge, looking at the research institute where explosions and fires were coming from the river bank, and asked in a low voice.

"[A laboratory under the Kane family was attacked, Master Batman,]" Mrs. Harrison's voice came from the earphones: "[The attacker's name is Victor Fries. He is a cryogenic scientist affiliated with the laboratory.]"

"[...the mole?]" Even the name of the attacker was clear.

"[The cause of the attack has not yet been determined, but he has not been at work for three days,]" Mrs. Harrison responded: "[The laboratory's protective measures can still last for about half an hour -]"


A giant ball of blue and white flames emitted from a window of the research institute.

"[...I can still support it for five minutes, Master Batman.]" Mrs. Harrison changed her tone without any fluctuation.

Anderson didn't respond and jumped off the top of the bridge. The cloak behind him instantly transformed into a hang glider, carrying him to the research institute.

If the opponent is using explosive weapons, the situation at the scene is a bit strange. From the air, whether it is the lawn, the concrete road or the walls of the institute, in addition to the burn marks caused by the explosion, there are also large frozen marks. The water vapor produced by the melting frost and the high-temperature distortion produced by the burning fire are mixed together, making the entire laboratory seem to be constantly distorting, which is quite strange.

Since it was already dark at this time, there were no scientists or researchers in the research room. There were only two petrified doormen or security guards poking their heads at the door.

"[What's going on inside?]" Anderson folded his hang glider, landed behind them, and asked in a voice as hoarse as if he had throat cancer.

"Bat, Batman!" "It's really him!"

"[Say it quickly.]" Anderson frowned.

"It's Dr. Freese! He's holding a freezing gun!" "We tried to stop him, but he just blasted the door open!"

Cryogenic scientists, freezing guns... no matter how you think about it, it's "advanced technology."

"[Go to the police.]" Anderson passed two security guards who were incoherent due to fright and excitement, and chased after the doctor along the trail of destruction.


"Asshole! Give Nora back to me!"

boom! boom!

When Anderson arrived at the site of the explosion, he saw a bald man wearing strange blue heavy armor, holding a weapon that was more like a giant cannon than a gun and blasting at the sealed door. The "ammunition" is a blob of blue light about the size of a football.

The corners and ceilings were either frozen into blocks of ice, or the automatic machine guns were torn apart, which proved that his weapons and armor were quite good, and they were definitely not technologies that should have appeared in 1999.

"[Nora Freese, Dr. Freese's wife, is a laboratory researcher.]" Mrs. Harrison said through the headset.

A rabbit eating grass on the edge of its nest?

Anderson raised his eyebrows, seeing that the sealed door was about to lose its hold, so he raised his hand and swung a batarang, directly deflecting an attack that Dr. Freese was about to launch.

Boom! The "ammunition" of the freezing gun hit the wall nearby, completely freezing that wall.

"..." Dr. Freese turned around and saw Anderson in a bat suit: "This has nothing to do with you, Batman. This is a personal grudge between me and them."

"[You are attacking a legal enterprise officially registered in Gotham. This kind of behavior cannot be settled with just a 'personal grudge'.]" Anderson looked carefully at the bald man in front of him.

He has a resolute appearance and a strong body that cannot be concealed even if he is wearing armor. He does not look like a doctor at all, but he is very suitable for starring as a future soldier in a movie or becoming the governor of any state.

"You also want to stop me from finding my Nora? Then disappear!" Dr. Freese fired at her without hesitation.

Anderson was already prepared in advance when he spoke and raised his hand. Since the passage was a bit narrow, he jumped up high, dodged the freezing shells, stepped on the wall and charged towards Dr. Freese.

"Very good! As expected! Super! Hero!" Dr. Freese stood still and turned the muzzle of his gun to shoot at Anderson.

However, every time he calculated the amount of advance and was sure that he could hit Batman, Batman's movements would always be weirdly advanced or delayed, causing him to miss.

"[Put down the gun and get arrested!]" Anderson used his strange "acceleration and deceleration" ability to dodge all the bombardments, and then hit the chest of the Forris armor with a straight punch. There was a bright blue indicator light there. Look. It looks like it's some kind of vital point.


The indicator light shattered into pieces, but Dr. Freese was not affected at all. He raised his hands to grab Anderson's arm that had not been able to retract due to hitting the armor, and knocked him over.

"Oh!" "[Uh...]"

The two of them were stunned for a few seconds at the same time.

I have to say that this doctor was quite confident enough to hit the armor with his unprotected head.

Anderson originally tried to disarm Dr. Freese directly, but after getting closer, he discovered that his cryogun was fixed on his arm. However, both the cryogun and the armor seemed to be made up of two unknown cryostats on his side. Canister powered.

So, before Dr. Freese recovered from the dizziness, Anderson quickly took out the batarang and cut off all the energy supply pipes of the armor and firearms. When he recovered and tried to grapple again, he flipped far away. Get out of the way.

Chi chi chi——

The freezing tank continued to leak icy blue gas along with the disconnected pipe, and Dr. Freese's actions quickly became sluggish. In the end, the whole person together with the armor turned into an ice sculpture, with an ice sculpture stuck there. at every turn.

"[You won't die, right?]" Anderson frowned, intending to detect Dr. Freese's physiological signals.

"[Master Batman,]" Mrs. Harrison started to stop Anderson from rescuing Dr. Freese: "[The lady said, you can just come back. Dr. Freese's research results will not freeze people to death.]"

At this moment, the sound of police sirens came from far and near. It seemed that although the two security guards were stunned at first, they still knew how to call the police after being reminded.

"[Understood.]" Anderson responded, turned around and climbed out of the window.

When he left from the air with his hook, he saw two security guards at the door talking excitedly to the police officers who arrived, while Martha, who had arrived at an unknown time, was taking pictures.

Well, there’s news for tomorrow.

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