The Collection of The End

One thousand four hundred and nine, reload (9)


Batcave, rest area.

"Well, the scientist made his wife run away from home due to long-term overtime work. Then he angrily made his own weapons and attacked the scientific research institute, but was stopped by Batman? Are you serious about writing this?"

Anderson threw that day's Gotham Daily on the table and looked at Martha, who was trying to whistle with her hands on the back of her head.

In order to prevent Dr. Freese from violently injuring anyone after thawing, Anderson followed him all the way last night wearing a bat suit and did not leave until he was transferred to Arkham Asylum and imprisoned. Therefore, the editor-in-chief who missed the news was able to pass it. This kind of manuscript?

Also, why was Dr. Freese sent to a lunatic asylum? He seems quite sensible.

Insert an app: a perfect replica of the old version of the book-chasing artifact with interchangeable sources

"At least this title has enough gimmicks." Cathy came over with a few pieces of paper, lifted her skirt and sat down: "You must have a lot of questions to ask."

"So what happened to Nora? Why did he call for Nora to be returned to him?" Anderson thought for a while and decided to start with the motive.

"You should be able to understand the reason, but Martha, do you also want to listen?" Cathy turned her head and looked at Martha.

"Another evil from outside? You won't listen." Martha grabbed a large sound-isolating earphone from the side and put it on her head.

"The residents of Zion generally call the Grox the Outer Demons and believe that the Citadel is the guardian that protects them from being invaded by the Outer Demons." Cathy made a hand gesture to Anderson with her free hand.

"In a sense, it seems right." Anderson recalled the "facts" corresponding to this statement and found that it can indeed be explained in this way.

Of course, people who were rescued from the Matrix would not think so, but the descendants of those people living in Zion, and even the descendants of future generations, may have a hard time understanding what is going on in the Matrix.

"Victor Fries and Nora Fries were husband and wife in the Matrix and were rescued together by a certain captain. Logically speaking, it should have a happy ending, but it is a pity that Nora suffered from ALS because she could not adapt to reality. The Fort had to freeze her." Cathy read the information in her hand.

"Wait, that's not what ALS means, right?" Anderson questioned.

"The body is gradually losing control. Only the mind is still active, as if reproducing the state when she was in the matrix. Is there a problem with this symptom being named ALS?" Cathy flicked the paper in her hand.

"Please go ahead." Anderson found that the definition seemed perfectly fine.

"When Citadel uses cryogenic technology to preserve the bodies of these patients, their minds will be connected to the connection program. I guess you must be familiar with this," Cathy added.

Indeed, every infusion of knowledge and training is in that place, Anderson nodded.

"Until a cure for ALS is found, Dr. Freese can only see his wife in the connection program, and he studies cryogenics to try to find a solution to this symptom."

"But for those who can only live in a connection program with incomplete settings that is more like a game than reality, this is actually a very painful experience, so people often ask to have their minds frozen until He and she were cured and can live normally in Zion."

Well, from time to time in life, there will be problems with the model, bugs, or error reporting delays, and anyone will go crazy.

"So, this Ms. Nora filed an application? But she didn't tell Dr. Freese?" Anderson speculated.

"That's the problem." Cathy rolled her fingers on her forehead: "Fliss has been encouraging her to persevere. She also firmly said that she would wait for a solution in the connection program, but the maintenance ended three days ago. Afterwards, Ms. Nora’s consciousness became unable to enter the connection program. This kind of active refusal to connect is generally called autism.”

"" Anderson didn't know how to evaluate it for a moment.

"There are conspiracy theories among family members of ALS patients that Citadel will forcibly disconnect to save resources. Apparently Dr. Freese believed this after he went to the hospital for a sudden illness. Here are all his communications after Nola was disconnected. I won’t show you the record.” Cathy folded the paper in her hand.

"That's why he was sent to Arkham Asylum instead of Blackgate Prison." After listening to Cathy's explanation, Anderson's second question was easily solved.

"That's right, apart from the real lunatics, Akamri are basically guys related to advanced technology who only violated the laws of Zion. Their behavior is not enough to be a crime for the Citadel." Cathy nodded: "Blackgate Prison Those imprisoned here are the real criminals, no matter where the law is.”

"It's not easy to tell." Anderson subconsciously thought of the "weird man in a suit" and couldn't tell what he was for a moment.

"You don't need to tell me, just arrest them and throw them to the police station and let Gordon have the rest." Cathy pointed upward.

"Aren't you finished talking yet?" Martha pressed the earphone and shouted to this side: "Today's news hasn't been settled yet."

"We're done talking." Cathy raised her hand and pulled off Martha's earphones, and put a much smaller piece of paper in her hand in front of her: "Let's choose today's work."

Well, Martha's intelligence source came from the Kane family. Although she had already deduced this, it was a little surprising that she showed it directly.

However, this kind of information often has a certain lag. If it is an emergency, you can only rely on Mrs. Harrison's monitoring here.

Anderson looked up at the surveillance post, but in all the images Gotham was peaceful and peaceful.

"It's still early for sunset, let's have some cookies, Miss Cathy, Miss Martha, and Master Anderson." Mrs. Harrison came over with a plate of snacks.

The Batcave actually has a kitchen, which is really cool.

"I want to eat Didi too. It's a pity that I'm just an ordinary car that can only consume gasoline and solar energy." Robin sounded the horn twice in the vehicle parking area.

"Oh, there's a group of gangsters planning to rob a jewelry store in the Diamond District? It seems boring. The Gotham Police Department received a threatening letter saying they were going to blow up the Gotham Bridge? They didn't even mention the conditions. Who is so stupid?" Martha was reading Kay one by one. The information given to her by Qian: "The Iceberg Restaurant has been closed urgently. It is suspected that a poison gas bomb has been planted? Great!"

No, even though the Cobot family is your competitor, you won’t rejoice in your misfortune, right?

"The jewelry store robbery is just an ordinary crime. The threat to blow up the Gotham Bridge should be a provocation to the police department, while the Iceberg Restaurant should be a commercial competition." Cathy picked up a cookie and stuffed it into her mouth, and looked at Anderson: "You Which one to choose?”

"Well" Anderson marked these three locations on the map of Gotham in his mind, estimated the route, and then picked up three cookies: "I want them all."

After dark, Diamond District, Sapphire Street.

Although the Diamond District was not named because of the large number of jewelry stores when it was established, it did have many luxury stores including jewelry stores. Due to the astonishing wealth, there would be police patrols here even at night, but at this time this area The police officers who were supposed to be patrolling the streets disappeared.

"Boss, do we really want to take action?" On the corner of the street, there were a dozen people wearing red hoods sitting in several vans. Someone asked in a low voice to the red hooded person who was suspected to be the leader.

"Stop talking nonsense, it's all the fault of the idiots who attacked the chemical plant. They couldn't wear any color hoods, so they had to wear red ones. How much trouble have we, the Red Hood Gang, got from the police in the past few days?" the red hood leader said fiercely. Said: "It just so happened that today a madman sent a threatening letter to the police station to blow up the Gotham Bridge. The police force was mobilized. We must take this opportunity to do something big and escape Gotham."

"Where will you go after escaping?" the red hooded man asked.

"Maybe Star City is in charge of it. We'll think about it on the way. Do it now!" The red-hooded leader kicked the younger brother who asked the question and jumped out of the car first: "Don't pay attention to the things in the counter! They are all fakes. Look for them after you go in. Safe! Olga, look out for the wind!"

As the leader spoke, he smashed the glass display window of the jewelry store with a metal bat and then rushed in first.

"Why is it me again?" The red hooded man who was kicked out of the car muttered and stood up. He looked at his accomplices who rushed in and started smashing things, then turned to look at the street corner: "It's so quiet tonight, the street is also quiet. Without patrol officers, there is no hope."

Before Zhi Zhi Zhi finished speaking, he saw a black car that looked very high-end suddenly appeared on the street corner. How could its dark appearance and speeding posture look like a bat? !

"Boss! It's Batman! Batman is here!"

"That meddling hero? Brothers! Kill him!" The red-hooded leader angrily rushed out of the jewelry store with a gun and shot at the Batmobile with his men.

The bullets hit the Batmobile without even a white mark, and it seemed that it had no intention of stopping at all. It just threw five or six "smoke bombs" at the robbers as it passed by.

"Hell, this is not it." The robbers who were enveloped did not react at all, so they staggered and fainted to the ground.

It wasn't until the Batmobile had left for a long time that two police officers wearing gas masks came over carefully wearing a large pair of handcuffs and handcuffed all the red hoods.

A moment later, Gotham River, Westward Bridge.

Both ends of the bridge were surrounded by numerous police officers and bomb disposal experts, but no one dared to step onto the bridge. They could only listen to Chief Gordon continue to deal with criminals.

"Hell! I don't have time to play games with you. Either tell me the location of the bomb or make demands!" Gordon yelled into the phone. He had previously tried to ask the police to search for the bomb, but it was detonated in advance. , had to return it again.

"The location where I planted the bomb is in the riddle. If you go to defuse the bomb without solving the riddle, I will detonate it." A sharp and nervous voice came from the external receiver: "Listen carefully. I have no fingers but I can point, no arms but I can knock, I have no feet but I can walk, what am I?”

"Hell, what I brought is a bomb disposal expert, not a riddle expert." Gordon looked at the police officers around him: "Which one of you understands?"

The police officers looked at each other, bewildered.

"Oh, it doesn't matter. We still have a lot of time. You have five minutes to guess." The person on the other side of the phone kept laughing strangely.

"The hands and feet are crutches?" Gordon simply guessed.

"Oh, it's a pity that's not true, but I won't detonate the bomb just because I guessed wrong. You can keep guessing."

"Damn it, huh?" When Gordon looked around, he happened to see a very exaggerated, bat-like black car speeding towards him. After frowning, he motioned for his men to let him go.

"You are the clock." After the Batmobile approached, Batman did not get out of the car, but directly said in that strange voice through the external speakers: "Director Gordon, send someone to look for bombs under the clock on the bridge."

Gordon glanced at Batman's car dubiously, then directed his men to take bomb disposal experts to the location he said.

"Oh, that's good." The person on the other side of the receiver didn't seem frustrated: "Then the next one, the more I am cut, the bigger I will become. What am I?"

"You are Hole," Batman responded: "Director Gordon, send someone to look for it in the spillway under the bridge."

"Oh, oh" the person who asked the riddle seemed to be even happier: "Next time you can see me, but you can't touch me. Flip a switch and I will appear in your house. Flip it again and I will appear in your house." I won’t bother you anymore, what am I?”

"You're the TV show," Batman replied, "the advertising screen on the bridge, Commissioner Gordon."

Gordon silently arranged for the police to be dispatched, not planning to say anything.

"So, the last one," said the voice on the microphone, "is something that the poor have, that the rich need, and if you eat it, you will die. What is it?"

"Nothing exists. Director Gordon, you can call it a day. It seems that due to the lack of time, he was unable to plant more bombs." The Batmobile slowly started to leave the scene.

"You'd better not let me find out you did anything illegal, Batman." Gordon motioned to other police cars to get out of the way.

"Oh? Is it Batman who is answering? You successfully caught my attention, little bat." The person who asked the riddle was still shouting into the receiver.

"Goodbye!" Gordon hung up the phone with a bang.

"It's not Batman, it's me, Robin." As the Batmobile went away, the car audio kept flashing: "These riddles are so simple."

"Yes, you're awesome, Robin." Anderson closed the teleprompter board.

If he had just gotten out of the car, he would have had to solve the puzzle while looking at the answers, and Batman would have lost all his cards.

Now, only the last case remains: the gas bomb incident at the Iceberg Restaurant.

The Cobot family did not call the police at all and seemed to intend to solve the problem themselves. Anderson's task was to ensure that the gas bomb would not explode after their failure.

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