The Collection of The End

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Gotham's First Avenue.

The completely black Batmobile speeds through the dark night, just like a real bat. Some drivers it overtakes don't even notice the vehicles passing by.

"[There are about two minutes left to arrive at the Iceberg Restaurant, have you formulated a combat strategy?]" Robin said through the car stereo: "[Since the type of poison gas cannot be determined, this car solemnly recommends using high-explosive bombs to burn it directly. This is a very legitimate emergency evacuation.】"

"[Delete the elements of 'benefiting the Kane family' and 'allowing you to exploit legal loopholes' in your thinking logic.]" Anderson looked at the outline of the iceberg that gradually appeared in front of him, as dark as a mountain: "[Batman always has a plan. .】"

Iceberg Restaurant, officially known as "Icee Lounge", belongs to the Cobot family, one of the four major families in Gotham. It is a large building complex integrating catering, accommodation, entertainment, office and other functions. Because of its overall shape It is named after it looks like an iceberg, but the only restaurant attached to it is accessible to ordinary people, so "Iceberg Restaurant" was adopted as its name due to rumors and rumors.

If it was really an ordinary restaurant, wouldn't it be easy to check for a few timed or remote-controlled bombs?


The Batmobile parked almost silently at the east entrance of the Iceberg Club - it had a total of eight entrances on the surface, but it was unclear whether there were any underground secret passages.

"Closed today! No guests allowed—Bat, Batman?!" The guard wearing a black and white uniform originally planned to rush forward to chase people away. When he saw Anderson, who was wearing a bat armor, getting out of the car, he immediately took two steps back warily. : "What are you doing!"

Standard criminal reaction.

"[I'm here to see Magellan Cobot,]" Anderson read out the name of the legal person of the Iceberg Club: "[Arrest him on charges of unfair competition and intentional injury.]"

This charge is naturally not made up randomly. According to the information provided by Cathy, the Cobot family's suppression of competitors is basically not legitimate. It's just that the Gotham police are too busy with more serious cases, so they naturally have no time to deal with these. Ordinary commercial disputes.

"Ha, you just caught a few robbers and mad scientists and you consider yourself a 'hero'?" The guard mocked and aimed his gun: "You'd better go back and forth wherever you go. The Cobot family is not something you can do. It’s worth it—”

Before he finished speaking, Anderson stepped forward and hit him in the chest with a single palm, knocking him away and hitting him against the wall. He fainted on the spot. The other guard was furious and about to shoot, but Anderson turned around and kicked him away. faint.

"[Good job, Batman,]" Robin turned on the light twice: "[A successful emergency escape.]"

"[They will be unconscious for half an hour at most, and they won't even be injured,]" Anderson took out the keys from their bodies, opened the door, and got back on the Batmobile: "[Come in in your most eye-catching way, let's go Capture Cobot.】"

"[Hmm... a good idea. The guy who planted the gas bomb was only targeting the Cobot family. The relevant information cannot be leaked, especially it is impossible to reach Batman's ears. So once you show up and try to capture Bokobot, He won't be able to activate the bomb.]" Robin said, a total of eight turbo accelerators were poked out from the side and rear of the car: "[Are you ready to go crazy? Batman?]"


Boom boom boom——

The Batmobile made a huge roar and ran all the way through the buildings and floors of the Iceberg Club. No matter what rough roads it encountered, Robin could always make the Batmobile pass with an incredible attitude.

Members of the Cobot family, who were checking for gas bombs in the Iceberg Club, tried to stop him, but to no avail.

"[At least twenty bombs were detected within the scanning range of the Batmobile alone, Batman,]" Robin's voice became a little excited: "[It seems that the Iceberg Club is going to be finished today.]"

So...its default position cannot be changed?


lanA's 'detect and defuse all bombs' and lan's 'evacuate all personnel' are both impossible to achieve,]" Anderson nodded: "[Continue to execute lanC: 'Capture Magellan Cobot and lure away everyone in the Iceberg Restaurant people'. ]"

"[What if the guy who planted the bomb detonated the bomb while you were fighting Cobot?]" Robin poured cold water on him while driving.

"[Then use the fastest means to subdue Cobot and take him away. The other ordinary Cobot members can only ask for their own blessings.]" Anderson answered decisively.

"[Oh~]" Robin responded.

"[Oh~]" Mrs. Harrison actually echoed in the earphone.

"[Wait? Mrs. Harrison? Is there something I should know that you didn't tell me?]" Anderson felt something was wrong.

"[It's not a big deal, and you'll know it soon.]" Mrs. Harrison said, with a smile in her voice.

"[As we all know, the Copot family has two heirs,]" Robin said: "[They are the eldest son, Mr. Oswald Copot, who went to Antarctica for scientific research, and the man who runs the Iceberg Club——] "


The Batmobile crashes through a glass door and onto a huge viewing platform.

There was a strange, black and white sports car parked on the platform, and a young woman was sitting on the hood of the car.

She has an exquisite appearance and a proud temperament, with blue eyes and long orange hair. She wears a close-fitting outfit that resembles a white one-piece swimsuit. The coat looks quite warm and has a long skirt and white plush edges. She wears a black cotton-padded jacket, long black gloves on her hands, and boots of the same style. The most eye-catching thing is the cute black and white hat on her head that looks like a penguin.

The bodyguards on both sides of the sports car subconsciously raised their guns and pointed them at the Batmobile, and the woman raised her hand and put it down again.

At this time, Robin's explanation came belatedly.

"[——The eldest daughter, Miss Magellan Cobblepot.]"

Why did you name your daughter Magellan? Before I came here, I always thought it was a man!

"[So, how are you going to 'subdue' her?]" Robin gloated beside him.

This bad character must have been influenced by Cathy...


"[Miss Magellan Copot,]" Anderson stepped out of the car and read out the prepared lines: "[I want to arrest you on charges of unfair competition and intentional injury.]"

"Okay," Magellan stretched out his hand nonchalantly: "Can you bring me the arrest warrant?"

"[...]" Anderson was silent.

Where is the warrant for his arrest? According to the original plan, after these words were spoken, whether it was Magellan or "his" bodyguards who made the first move, the fight could begin directly.

However, it was a little bit relieved that he was not knocked down directly. Otherwise, he really wouldn't know how to deal with this Miss Magellan, because he didn't know where to look.

Why does her skirt have no front half? Did she think she was Nero?

……Um? Wait, why do you think of the ancient Roman emperor?

It seems... someone told me that Nero is a beautiful woman who likes gold and red, sings poorly, has no front half of her skirt, and has blond hair and blue eyes. Who is that?

"Humph, I knew it," Magellan couldn't wait for the answer. He took back his hand and propped himself up on the sports car before jumping down: "You must have been tricked by Cathy's [Two Face], right? She threw coins. Lost both the front and back once?”

"[Two-faced man?]" Anderson recovered his divergent thoughts and asked.

He did feel some dissonance from Cathy. Could it be because she had a dual personality?

In addition, this sentence seems to be a rhetorical question, but it is also a question to Mrs. Harrison who has been listening to him.

"[It's not a 'dual personality',]" Mrs. Harrison answered directly as if she guessed what he was thinking: "[Miss Cathy is a Libra.]"

Choose a disorder and then flip a coin to decide how to act?

"It must be her. When she planned to target the Cobot family, she first made a mistake and decided to send someone to plant a bomb at the Iceberg Restaurant, and then made a mistake and decided to ask Batman to arrest me," Magellan said while walking towards Anderson: "You He was deceived, a great hero."

If she hadn't been staying with Martha these past few days, she might have believed it.

"[This is very dangerous, you must leave immediately.]" Anderson said with a serious face.

"That was my original plan, didn't you see that my car was ready?" Magellan passed by Anderson and stood in front of the Batmobile, looking around: "But now, I plan to take this car - why can't it pull away? "

"[...]" Anderson watched helplessly as Magellan tugged on the door of the Batmobile. This car was controlled by Robin. How could she open it with just a yank?

Bang! Bang! Bang!

At this moment, violent and dull explosions were heard from various locations in the Iceberg Restaurant. Following these explosions, waves of yellow-green gas spread out, followed by waves of uninterrupted exclamations and gunshots. Voice.

"What a ruthless woman! Are you planning to wipe out the Iceberg Restaurant and Batman?!" Magellan said with a mixture of shock and anger.

Unless the culprit jumps out and pleads guilty now, Cathy will definitely take the blame.

But there’s no way he’s that stupid——

"[Eh hee hee——]" At this moment, on the top of the tallest building of the Iceberg Club, a scarecrow-like guy held an umbrella and glided away. He said plausibly: "[I thought I could see it. When I went to bat to fight penguins, I didn’t expect them to be able to see each other. This is really disappointing——】"

Uh-huh! Anderson throws a rope tag in an attempt to tie him up, but misses.

"Dragon drone! Shoot down that scarecrow! Turn on the high-efficiency refrigeration module and armed strike module at their highest power!" Magellan shouted to the weirdo in the sky.

Almost at the same time, the trunk of her strange sports car opened, and five drones that vaguely resembled penguins flew out, flying straight towards the "scarecrow".'s advanced technology again. If we had just attacked her, we might not be able to deal with these machines that don't have the weaknesses of the human body.

"[Ouch~Ouch~ This is not good...]" The "Scarecrow" held an umbrella in one hand and picked up a sickle-like weapon in the other, parrying and blocking the siege of several drones: "[Damn it! You are the one who forced me to do so. of!】"

Following the words, it tore open the pocket on its back, and threw several round bombs straight towards the platform where Anderson was.

"[It's fear gas!]" Robin opened the car door directly: "[Come in quickly! It is absorbed through the skin! The filtering system of your mask is not working!]"


However, this time the bomb exploded in mid-air before it hit the ground, and the yellow-green gas instantly enveloped the platform.

"Help!" "Go away!" "Stay away from me!" Magellan's bodyguards jumped and screamed like crazy. Some of them drew their guns and started shooting randomly.

"[Control her!]" Anderson stuffed Magellan into the Batmobile, rushed over while holding his breath, and knocked out all the bodyguards with three punches and two kicks.

Drones are not affected by poison gas. If Magellan commanded randomly in fear, he might have killed a lot of people.

As for myself, well, the fear gas is just creating illusions, and when it comes to fighting illusions, there may not be anyone in Zion or even the Citadel who can be stronger than me.

——? ? ? ——


Anderson was punched and rolled several times on the ground until he hit a wall and stopped.

This must be an illusion, right? But why does it hurt...

He struggled to get up and looked around.

At this time, he was in a fierce battlefield. The "superheroes" he could see were:

A handsome man wearing a steel suit and holding a spear;

There is no distinction between male and female, a beauty dressed in a strange mage robe;

A girl with thunder and lightning wrapped around her body, holding a thunder hammer;

a huge, bespectacled red monkey;

A woman flying in the air, shining with golden light;

Space Marines with green armor and orange visors and black armor with white visors;

They were fighting against the giant figure that had just knocked them away, but they had almost no advantage.

It was a tall humanoid creature with purple skin and golden armor. His right hand was wearing a huge golden glove inlaid with six gems.

The targets of those warriors before seemed to be that glove, but every time they rushed forward, they would be swatted back by the huge purple figure like a fly, as if he was just teasing them.

And the most despairing thing is that behind this purple giant are standing densely packed with countless of his kind, and in the air behind those kind of people are large black spaceships that cover the sky, like giant lobsters. .

"Batman!" After the golden woman was knocked away again, a flash of light came to Anderson and helped him up: "We need your plan!"

How can I make a plan if I don’t know what the current situation is? !

"[I think...]" Anderson looked at the one-sided battle situation: "[We don't have enough people.]"

"But what's here is already the strongest combat force we can find in the entire galaxy!" The golden woman was extremely anxious. She glanced at Anderson twice and saw that he really had no other plans. She rushed towards the huge one again without hesitation. Purple figure.

At this time, the purple figure spoke while fighting with ease.

"[Your sacrifice is for the greater good.]" As he spoke these words, he raised his hand, ignoring all obstructions, and snapped his fingers.

With the not too loud snap of fingers, time seemed to pause at this moment, everyone's movements completely stopped, and the next second, all the soldiers who were fighting the purple figures turned into black like burned firewood. Ashes were scattered everywhere, and Anderson himself was gradually dispersing in the same way.

Was this an illusion? It’s a pity that I will [definitely not die].


Gotham, Iceberg Restaurant.

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Anderson opened his eyes and took deep breaths.

"[You are so awesome, you are completely unresponsive to the fear gas of 'creating the thing you fear most', Batman,]" Robin praised: "[But what should I do now?]"

"[...]" Anderson looked at Magellan in the Batmobile, who was tied up like a rice dumpling by a seat belt and still struggling: "[Take him away first, Cathy must have follow-up measures.]"

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