The Collection of The End

One Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty, Matrix Revolution (1)


Zion, Gotham City, Robinson Park

"Extraordinary~Extraordinary~'Scarecrow' tried to release fear gas in the sewer~Was caught on the spot by Batman~"

As the little newsboy wearing a peaked cap passed by waving the day's Gotham Daily, he noticed Anderson and Martha sitting on a bench by the roadside.

"Sir, Madam, you -" midway through his words, he saw Anderson's "Gotham Daily" press pass pinned to his clothes: "...your articles are really good."

"Hey, he doesn't even know what we wrote, does he?" Martha looked at the little newsboy who turned and ran away, and said to Anderson: "However, don't you think 'Batman' is a bit too specific to 'Scarecrow'? "

"Really? Why do I think it's because Scarecrow is too active and Arkham's detention measures are too loose?" Anderson responded.

As reporters, it is instinct to be wary of their colleagues. When discussing matters related to Batman outside the Batcave, Martha and Anderson will basically use unfamiliar tones.

Even if there are occasional intimate terms, they can be excused as "Batman's columnist".

Even if someone wanted to get to the bottom of it, they would at most find useless information like "Batman is suspected of being a bodyguard of the Kane family."

"But this is the third time Batman has captured Scarecrow, right?" Martha flipped through her notebook.

"Before that, wasn't it because Scarecrow had successfully escaped from prison twice in a row?" Anderson shrugged and stuffed the burger on his hand into his mouth.

Now is not the time for "Batman" to go out, but the time for "Gotham Daily Reporter" to go out and collect information.

Of course, if there is an emergency case, Anderson can quickly change his costume or even directly stop it. As a Batman columnist, it is reasonable to learn some Batman's combat skills - as long as he doesn't knock people away.

"Well... indeed, his poison gas seems to be produced out of thin air from his own body, making it difficult to guard against. And until now, we have not found out the origin of the Scarecrow or why he attacked the Iceberg Restaurant." Martha held up her hand Sip Coke.

Indeed, Anderson nodded silently.

After the Scarecrow was caught, the Kane family carefully examined his origins and abilities, and then discovered that this guy was so thin that he looked like a Scarecrow. The Gotham police could not find anything about him at all. Afterwards, because he did not actually cause any harm, he could only be locked up.

The poison gas itself is nothing special. It is just a strong neuropsychiatric drug that allows people to see the things they fear. According to tests, it seems that as the dose increases, the things they see become more terrifying to the person.

However, since they knew in advance that it was just a test and everything that appeared were hallucinations, none of the Kane family volunteers had any overreactions. They told what they saw one by one and provided many valuable test results.

Is it worthy of being called a family that can create a villain like "Mr. Freeze"? The second week after obtaining the gas sample, Cathy produced an antidote to the fear gas for Batman to use.

After all, although this poisonous gas will not cause harm, it is uncertain what ordinary people will do under extreme fear, not to mention the possibility of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications.

So, when Scarecrow appeared for the second time, he was caught neatly by Batman.

Anderson was a little confused about the content of that "phantom": Why was he afraid of that strange scene that looked like some kind of decisive battle? Even if that purple guy can turn his enemies into black ash by snapping his fingers, what's so scary about it?

Therefore, he did not use the antidote when dealing with the Scarecrow, and tried to re-enter the illusion to obtain more information by contacting the fear gas again.

But the result is... he is completely immune to the fear gas, and after contact with it, he only feels a slight choking feeling, as if he was sprayed with second-hand smoke in his face.

Not to mention the illusion, the illusion of ordinary fearful things did not appear at all.

Then, due to this unexpected situation, Anderson was stunned for a while, and the Scarecrow thought that his poison gas was taking effect, so he danced and sang beside him, explaining the criminal plan thoroughly, and then was Having heard enough, Batman knocked him down with one move.

As for the others affected by the fear gas, the Iceberg Restaurant and... Miss Magellan Cobblepot... Anderson chewed his burger and had a slight headache for a moment.

Due to time constraints, I made an mistake without confirming the information in detail. After storming into the Iceberg Club, I failed to knock out the expected "Mr. Cobot" immediately, causing the Scarecrow to detonate the fear gas bomb. Iceberg Restaurant had to close for a week to clean up the residue.

What I guessed at the time was indeed correct. After the poison gas bomb exploded, members of the Kane family came to the rescue with high-pressure faucets and blowers, and sprinkled disinfectants and neutralizers to prevent the poison gas from spreading to places other than the Iceberg Restaurant.

This is naturally Cathy's backup arrangement, and it is also the worst "" of Anderson's original plan.

Afterwards, the rescued Magellan Cobot insisted that Cathy had planned the incident from beginning to end, and was completely ungrateful. He also claimed to mobilize the power of the Cobot family for revenge.

However, due to the Scarecrow's attack, most of Cobot's bodyguards and family members present were affected by the fear gas, and it was difficult to regain their combat effectiveness for a while. The relevant sphere of influence must be supported by the Kane family to sustain it without fear of annexation.

Therefore, no matter how much Miss Magellan claims that Cathy planned the incident, the only revenge she can take is to glare at Cathy with her eyes.

But having said that, if this is indeed Cathy's plan to annex the power of the Cobot family, Anderson can only's not of the same magnitude, so you'd better surrender as soon as possible.

In addition, there is another minor sequelae of this incident: Miss Magellan fell in love with Batman.

It's not him "Anderson", but "Batman" who fights crime in the dark night. The evidence is that Anderson had "encountered" Magellan several times as Martha's colleague, but the other party treated him without any pretense, as if he was a real person. The emperor penguins are as aloof.

Comparing it to the wayward girl who pestered Cathy to beg for Batman, Anderson was very suspicious of who was the "Two-Face" - at least Cathy had never done anything contrary to her apparent character.

As for the reason, it’s easy to guess: the suspension bridge effect.

The scarecrow's fear gas can make people see the things they fear most, so those members of the Cobot family would scream crazily and shoot randomly. At that time, Magellan was tied tightly with a safety belt by Robin and could not be hurt. Others can't hurt you.

So, after the effect of the poisonous gas disappeared, she was in a safe place: the Batmobile, with enough safety measures on her body: a strong seat belt. When her heart was still beating crazily due to the influence of the poisonous gas, she saw the handsome man next to her. Do you have to guess what kind of psychological changes the handsome Batman will have?

As a result, Miss Magellan has been either causing trouble for Cathy or confessing to Batman in the past few months.

If these things were reported through Batman's column, the sales of "Gotham Daily" would double.

But of course Anderson would not do something as stupid as self-exposure.

"Let's go," Anderson threw the wrapping paper into the trash can, stood up and said, "There are still a few interviews to do in the afternoon."


Robinson Park Cafe.

"Batman? He should be some rich man, right? He spends his days drinking and doing good deeds, and at night he does heroic deeds. Don't you think it's interesting?"

"Batman? He must have had a miserable childhood, right? After all, bats are quite rare. Did he live in a place where he could see bats when he was a child?"

"What's your comment on Batman? His aesthetics are too poor. Let's put it this way. If it were me, even if I had to cross-dress, I wouldn't dress up in that dark look. Wouldn't it look cool in blue or red?"

"Huh? Batman? He must be a native of Gotham, and his parents must have been killed by criminals, so he spared no effort to fight crime in Gotham--well, you have to give me a code if you want to send it. ah."

"Impression? You still have to ask? He is rich, very rich! The value of the equipment reported in your column alone is roughly estimated at 200 million US dollars! He must be from one of the four major families in Gotham!"

"Well... everyone's imagination is quite rich..." Anderson commented while listening to the recorded key points.

"I counted the number of responses like 'Batman is my husband' and 'I want to give Batman a baby bat.' Do you want to listen?" Martha said, holding back a laugh.

"You don't want to hear them at all, please delete them." Anderson didn't even look up.

For those little girls whose eyes lit up when they heard "We are the Gotham Daily Batman columnist," Anderson didn't even bother to turn on the recorder.

When he goes out as Batman, only his chin is exposed, and the armor on his body makes it impossible to see his body shape. Even so, he will be sought after, which is simply outrageous.

"There is no doubt that Batman is a criminal!" The new recording finally had a different voice: "I am a loyal reader of your column. I have carefully counted the Gotham laws that Batman has violated during his actions in the past six months. If Take him to court and I can charge him with 35 charges including trespassing, vandalism, personal injury, intimidation, obstruction of justice, and endangering public safety."

"But the criminal he caught..." Martha weakly tried to retort in the recording.

"The merits and demerits cannot be balanced!" The interviewer was quite stubborn: "We can give him a bonus of 20 million, but he will have to go to jail for two years!"

"...Who is this?" Anderson stopped writing and glanced at the interview record: "Falconi?"

"The most powerful lawyer in Gotham," Martha spread her hands: "Batman obviously ruined his job."

"Indeed," Anderson shook his head and continued to record: "Batman caught all current criminals, and there is no possibility of innocent defense at all."

Gotham is a city of crime, and the profession of lawyer is a natural fit. Some lawyers may insist on justice, but if a criminal with solid evidence can be acquitted, then the lawyer will definitely become famous.

"By the way, the Gotham police refused to be interviewed, and so did the city hall." Martha shook her recorder: "The official side basically returned without success."

"They definitely can't take a stand. There will be a lot of trouble whether they support or oppose it." Anderson was not surprised by this at all.

The most typical official representative is James Gordon. From the beginning, he said "I will keep an eye on you", to taking the initiative to discuss the case with his subordinates, to finally directly providing information to Batman and making requests. It is said that he is also planning to get a bat lamp, if anything happens Just call him.

It can be seen that they do need some "unruly" game-breakers, but they must act in strict accordance with the law.

"Are you... Mr. Anderson and Ms. Kane from Gotham Daily?" The waitress from the cafe came over with a plate and asked quietly.

"Ah? Are we too noisy?" Martha turned down the volume of the originally small recorder.

"No, no, I heard that you seemed to be conducting an interview about your views on Batman. I also have something to say, is that okay?" the waitress asked expectantly.

"Ah, that's right." Anderson looked up at the waitress. She seemed to be underage, with light freckles on her green face. She was probably a student working in a cafe during the holidays: "We are preparing a 'Batman Debut' If you have any opinions about the series of reports for half a year, you can tell me."

"Well...that's what I thought," the waitress didn't seem to notice Anderson's slip of the tongue: "I don't care about Batman's identity, past, family situation, relationship problems, or whether he is a criminal. I only know that from the moment he appears, I The security near my home, school and place of work has improved a lot. In recent weeks, when it’s not too late, I dare to go out alone..."

"Girl, you'd better not go out at night. Batman is only one person and cannot take care of the whole city of Gotham at the same time." Martha suggested.

"No, no, you know? No one knows how Batman will appear. There is also a legend in the Gotham Police Department that 'Batman disappears as soon as Gordon turns around.'" The waitress said with a slightly red face: "I have A classmate encountered danger when she went out at night. She shouted 'Batman!' and the gangster ran away."

"..." Anderson glanced up at her.

Is this classmate you are talking about yourself?

"So, I don't care what other people think of Batman. To me, he is a 'knight', a knight who can protect me in the dark." The waitress said seriously.

"Well..." Martha looked at Anderson who was taking notes seriously, not wanting to respond to this overly straightforward overture, and suddenly slapped the table: "It's decided, the title of this series of reports is: [Batman: The Dark Knight Rises].”

Why are you planning to show off your skills? I will be leaving in a month.

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