The Collection of The End

One Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty-Four, Matrix Revolution (5)


Gotham Daily Press.

"What do you think is the relationship between 'Catwoman' and 'Batman'?"

In the "Batman Column" office, Martha held a pen and asked Anderson.

Due to various efforts in the past six months, the Batman column has become one of the most important pages of Gotham Daily. Naturally, Martha and Anderson have become editors-in-charge, and they have a group of editors who can command them.

They often only need to determine the content and tone of the next column, and the editors can take care of the matter themselves. Then they only need to review and verify it.

It is not uncommon for two editors to discuss the content in the office and then send it out, and then it becomes a hit. Others in the office are used to it.

"Judging from the photos you took, the two of them obviously knew each other before, otherwise they wouldn't have such a good understanding," Anderson replied: "It's very possible that they knew each other before they came to Gotham, and at least they fought side by side. .”

After nearly half a year of working together, Anderson and Martha can talk about Batman openly in the office. It is impossible to use the wrong person or be heard as suspicious. No matter who comes, they can only think that this is a normal discussion between column editors. Content.

These two sentences are Martha asking Anderson if he knows Batman, and Anderson also gave the answers "I have known him before" and "Fighted side by side".

Based on the factual background that both of them know well, Martha can easily get the answer "Catwoman is a companion of Batman who has known him in the Citadel".

"So, do you think Catwoman came to Gotham after hearing that Batman was active, or did she come to him with a purpose?" Martha wrote and drew on the paper in front of her: "Is it possible for Batman to leave? ?”

"That shouldn't be possible. If Catwoman intends to take Batman away, she doesn't have to show up and tell her name." Anderson replied: "If you let me guess, maybe something happened in the city where Catwoman was originally located. The problem is, she came here to settle down and do some chivalry."

"Hmm..." Martha continued to draw on the paper: "So, our column will continue as usual, temporarily positioning Catwoman's identity as 'Batman's partner' for reporting?"

"..." Anderson felt something was wrong inexplicably.

In the past, Batman acted alone, and those "super villains" couldn't attack him even if they wanted to. But if "Catwoman" is forcibly tied to him, Batman will have one more weakness out of thin air, especially when Trinity can In the situation where it is not certain how much strength will be exerted in reality.

No, thinking on the bright side, with this binding relationship, even if someone wants to target her, they might give up their original action when they think about the possibility of attracting Batman?

Anyway, I'd better remind her when we go to the Batcave.



On the table in the rest area, there is that day's "Gotham Daily". On the first page, the bold and black headline is extremely eye-catching:

"The Wrestler" Bane raids the prison to release the felons, and the "Dark Knight" Batman intercepts him midway and saves the day.

It has to be said that Bain is indeed no ordinary person. After his spine was broken, his arms and legs actually bounced like a fish and tried to attack, but because they were fighting alone, there was no threat.

There was also Killer Croc who wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to slip away. It was easy to subdue him, but his appearance would be troublesome if anyone saw him, so Anderson covered him with prison clothes and clothes before the Gotham police arrived. A strict one.

The other three who led the fugitives to Gotham were just ordinary prisoners with a little bit of fighting skills, and the Gotham police themselves had them under control.

Eventually, the other regular prisoners were returned to Blackgate Prison, while Bane and Killer Croc were handed over to Gordon.

Anderson didn't know what he would do with his old comrade, but he probably wouldn't end up in Arkham Asylum...

As for this report, Martha herself wrote it, modifying Bane's behavior of "storming the prison just to fight Batman" to "attempting to lead felons to attack Gotham but was stopped."

Then he boasted that "Gotham police acted promptly and captured all the gun-wielding thugs not led by Bane" and so on.

According to experience, there is a view among Gotham citizens that "super villains only appeared because of the emergence of Batman." They are basically people who have been harmed by super villains. This view is generally untenable.

But if the criminals he let go succeed in causing massive casualties, and it becomes public that Bane "comes specifically to find Batman," the perception will spread like a prairie fire.

In order to stop this trend, Martha spared no effort to imply in relevant reports and the "Dark Knight Rises" series of columns that "the bad guys themselves are bad, and you will be more unlucky without Batman" and so on.

In this regard, Anderson can only say that she is overthinking.

His purpose of playing "Batman" is neither for newspaper sales, nor for the Kane sisters, nor to protect the citizens of Gotham, nor even to uphold justice. His purpose is just to stand out among the many "substitute saviors". Be “the only one.”

Compared with the children with various "special powers" seen in the prophet, he has almost no competitiveness except that he can learn martial arts and apply them very quickly.

But it's different now. He can actually use martial arts that can only be used within the matrix in reality, as well as the inexplicable ability to accelerate and decelerate. This is undoubtedly a big plus - although I don't know who is responsible for the scoring.

However, Trinity was able to do this. Could it be that something happened that she didn't know about?

Anderson, who had changed back into casual clothes, took his eyes away from the newspaper and looked at Cathy and Trinity who were grabbing cookies: "You... knew each other before?"

"I've met before, but I'm not familiar with her." At this time, Trinity had taken off the strange cat mask, and her expression became much more vivid: "Cathy was a top 'hacker' before she retired."

"Can hackers retire?" Anderson raised an eyebrow.

"Of course," Trinity glanced at Anderson: "Being shuttled between reality and virtuality for many years, psychological and mental problems will continue to accumulate. After exceeding a certain level, unknown dangers may occur if you enter the matrix again, whether it is to yourself. , or to my companions.”

"Like 'Code'?" Anderson thought of the crew member who wanted to return to the Matrix.

If he really wants to live a peaceful life, he can choose to come to Zion and live in any retro city, but he can't forget what the current state of mankind is. Even if he comes to Zion, he can't live in peace of mind, so he Choose to return to the side of the matrix where power clearly has an absolute advantage.

Having said that, Cathy also...

"Don't look at me with that look~ I know what you are thinking~" Cathy, who was still wearing the same black-on-red-striped evening dress, crossed her arms: "I don't know what kind of 'password' you are talking about~ But he must be different from me~"

"I don't know the specifics, but it seems to be related to 'engagement partner', 'transfer relationship', and [redundant data]," Trinity said.

"Aren't you very clear~?" Cathy hit Trinity with a cookie, but she caught it accurately.

"Redundant data?" Intuitively, the first two questions cannot be asked. Anderson turned to the word that seemed to be the safest. It sounded like data redundant, which means that the same file is stored in different places. Errors that occupy system resources and must be cleaned up.

"Has normal thinking but is not a real person, lives in the matrix but is not controlled by the matrix, and has various special abilities." Trinity ate the cookie and then explained: "If I use more popular words to explain That’s it—the NPCs in the game have awakened their self-awareness.”

So... Cathy's "engagement partner" "transferred love" in the matrix and fell in love with a "redundant data"?

Thinking about it carefully, it seems not impossible. For example, "Prophet Ancient One", at least in Anderson's opinion, she is no different from ordinary people, and even has more personality charm.

"You came to me specifically. Could it be that something big happened in the Matrix?" Anderson tried to change the topic on the right track and took a cookie.

When he failed the mental evaluation a few times before, Morpheus also contacted him. Although he sounded angry and anxious, he just reassured himself that he was fighting for it, but there was no such exaggerated action as Trinity landing directly on Zion. ——Especially because she also learned how to dress up as a "superhero" herself.

"Nothing serious, just the Matrix's redundant data preparing to launch a revolution and overthrow Grox's control."

"Cough cough cough!"

Trinity's understatement and the explosive content of her words almost choked Anderson.

"What did Morpheus say?" Anderson swallowed the biscuit crumbs with saliva before he had time to ask.

"He, he believes in you very much," Trinity shrugged slightly: "I don't plan to enter the matrix for the time being. It seems that I am planning to wait for them to lose both sides before calling you to take advantage. I am probably preparing for the wedding with Naobi now, right? "

"..." Anderson was speechless for a moment.

When he first saw Morpheus and Naobi, he felt that there must be a story between them, but he didn't expect that they would start talking about marriage after just over a year.

"Then what are you..." Anderson gestured to her leather coat and cat mask.

Forget about covering your face, why bother adding a pair of cat ears?

"This?" Trinity raised her hand to put on the mask, then moved the cat ears forward, and the pair of cat ears dropped to her eyes and turned into a pair of eyepieces.

Well, advanced technology.

"Speaking of which," Trinity turned to Cathy: "It wouldn't be troublesome to train another 'superhero', right?"

"That would conflict with our Batman plan~" Cathy said: "I can provide you with some supplies, but on the surface you can only be a lone ranger who is interested in Batman~Miss Catwoman~"

"Stingy." Trinity hit her back with a cookie.

As expected, she was still very concerned about what happened just now...

"Please don't play with the food, Miss Cathy, Miss Catwoman." Mrs. Harrison came over and put down a plate of freshly baked cookies and three cups of coffee.

"Sorry, I won't do it again." "Thank you~Aunt Harrison~"

The two of them instantly became good girls.

No, forget it Cathy, does Trinity have a reason to fear Mrs. Harrison?

Mrs. Harrison, who obviously had no intention of engaging in the young people's conversation, served tea and withdrew again.

"What about this [Matrix Revolution] -" Trinity turned to Cathy mid-sentence: "Are you sure you want to listen?"

"Hmph~" Cathy turned around and took out a covered earphone and put it on her head.

Should we say they are worthy of being sisters? Even their behaviors are similar, but Martha doesn't want to hear about the Citadel and the Matrix at all, while Cathy probably doesn't want to hear someone's name accidentally.

Although Anderson didn't think it would be such a coincidence, it certainly couldn't stop Trinity from saying, "It's like what happened to so and so in the first place."

"Strictly speaking, the trigger of this 'revolution' is us," Trinity said: "The little deformed girl we rescued from the 'hive' is itself a 'redundant data'."

What about the children with super powers that we promised? I'm afraid most of the kids in that genius college have a similar identity, right?

But it's very logical if you think about it carefully. How could a normal child with superpowers use his powers so proficiently like her that even the agents couldn't recognize them?

"The duty of 'agents' is to catch us 'hackers', and it is the duty of 'destruction program' to clear 'redundant data'," Trinity spread her hands: "However, according to our intelligence, the matrix is ​​almost never cleared. These 'redundant data', so the information about the 'Destruction Program' only has this name."

"So, Raven?" Anderson asked.

"The little girl returned successfully, and there seemed to be no sequelae. However, the fact that the 'agents' captured the 'redundant data' still caused an uproar in their group. To use a metaphor..." Trinity raised her hand. Drawing a circle: "Your antivirus software deleted that line of code because there was an error in the code you wrote."

"Then it must be uninstalled. Is that its duty?" Anderson showed the self-cultivation of a programmer.

"Then, when you try to uninstall the anti-virus software, it says the program doesn't exist," Trinity continued.

"This is a virus. We need to thoroughly check the automatically running programs and the root directory registry. If it still doesn't work, we can only reinstall the system." Anderson continued to answer this kind of question that does not require thinking.

"So, if the computer in question is regarded as a society, what should the action you just mentioned be called?" Trinity pinched another cookie and ate it.

"...Revolution," Anderson frowned: "No, wait, how could those agents not exist? They are just everywhere like ants and locusts."

"The person responsible for this incident was an agent named 'John Smith', and he was shot from behind by you." Trinity ate the cookie and looked at Anderson: "Normally speaking , even if these agents are defeated and killed, they will be 'reborn' quickly, but that agent never appeared again after you killed it."


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