The Collection of The End

One Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty-Five, Matrix Revolution (6)


Kane Manor, training room.

Anderson, who was wearing a white combat uniform, was fighting with Trinity, who was wearing the same black combat uniform.

Because Bane made too much noise, the Gotham police have stepped up patrols in the city in the past few days. Batman has almost no need to take action, and there is still a lot of material for the "Dark Knight Rises" column, so he came Go to Kane Manor to exchange information with Trinity, but Cathy seems to be busy with other things. Only Mrs. Harrison is in charge here.

"Hoo!" "Drink!"

Probing attacks had little effect, and both sides responded perfectly.

Take, take, take—

After a moment of stalemate, Trinity suddenly pushed forward and launched a series of snake-like attacks on Anderson's upper body without any gaps. Since there was no room for counterattack, Anderson could only raise his arms to parry.

However, the planned four-hit snake punch failed to hit the fourth one. At the end of the third punch, Trinity showed a sly smile, changed her moves midway, raised Anderson's arm with one hand, and swished away from him. The ribs escaped, and Anderson felt a heavy blow to his abdomen. He staggered two steps, regained his balance and turned around.

"Then if you hit the liver or kidneys, you will have lost your fighting ability." Trinity stood in the distance and pinched her fingers: "In addition, you have worked very hard during this period, and you have abdominal muscles."

Anderson didn't respond to the teasing words, rubbed her stomach and began to think about her previous actions.

There is no doubt that she can indeed use the martial arts in the Matrix in real life, and she is very skilled at it, without the awkwardness of a beginner at all.

"Well... when did you discover that you could use the Matrix's moves in reality?" Anderson asked, "Where are Morpheus and the others?"

"After you became 'Batman'," Trinity turned over her palm and flirted with Anderson from afar: "When we were on the Normandy, there was no chance to use it until we docked and found out that you were just as capable in reality. Damn, Morpheus is fine, but those guys who were only 'indoctrinated' in vehicle driving and gun usage are already regretting it so much that their intestines are blue."

"I guess they also instilled 'martial arts', but the effect was not good?" Anderson re-arranged his posture.

"Not only is it not good, after they were indoctrinated, they were able to initially use it in the matrix and connection programs through training, but after returning to reality, they couldn't use a single move, Morpheus said-" Trinity lowered her body and rushed towards Anderson. : "'Because the Savior is not here'."

"It sounds like I'm a radiation source, mutating the people around me."

Anderson responded while crouching to block Trinity's sweeping kick, and then stood up to block the upper kick she launched from the air after suddenly jumping up.

"Can you block this?" Trinity, who flew backwards three meters away after having no success, was slightly surprised: "Should I say that I am worthy of being Batman?"

"No, I was hit just now, have you forgotten?" Anderson shook his head: "But your style of 'first using familiar combos to deceive the response, and then suddenly changing your moves', after I saw through it once It’s not easy to use anymore.”

"As expected of Batman," Trinity said.

"Are you coming again?" Anderson moved his arms.

"No, it's enough to let you understand that I can fight just as well as I did in the matrix. Your moves are not easy to stop." Trinity shook her head.

"Then, take a break and try some of my cookies." Mrs. Harrison walked into the training room carrying a snack plate.

Did she take the kitchen with her?



"So, have you thought of any reason?" Trinity ate less than half of the plate of cookies and was sipping from her tea cup.

As for why the abilities in the Matrix can be brought to reality, Anderson has considered it many times in the past six months. The possibilities of "prophet" and "mysterious girl" are equal to each other.

The "Prophet" said that she "could be" the savior, but after rescuing Raven, she changed her words and said "is hoped to be". This at least proves that she has a "scoring standard" or "scoring terminal".

Afterwards, it is natural to be given a reward for "bringing abilities back to reality" because of his performance.

Moreover, in the action of rescuing Raven, the participants were himself, Trinity, and Morpheus, which coincided with the people who could bring out the matrix ability, and was in line with the inference of "according to the tasks completed, rewards will be given accordingly."

However, there are other problems with this inference. For example, it is obviously not the first day that Morpheus and the others met the "Prophet". They should have completed many tasks entrusted by her, but there has never been a record of "obtaining mission rewards". If It would be too far-fetched to insist on interpreting it as "no reward unless the savior".

The second possibility is that the girl he saw after his "death" was in a room full of surveillance screens, seemingly sleeping.

There is no need to question her authority. She can drag herself back after being judged as "dead" by the "Matrix" and give her "martial arts that can be used in reality". Of course, if it weren't for the wrong gender, Anderson would even doubt her. It was the legendary first "Savior".

She is in the "deeper layer" of the battle scene between herself and Agent Smith. From her "death" to her "resurrection", no one discovered her existence. As a former programmer, Anderson is very sure that she is closer to the "bottom layer" of the matrix. Logic", the permissions are most likely the same as "Grox" controlling the Matrix.

Even Anderson wouldn't be surprised if she was the real "Grox" and the one controlling the matrix was an AI simulating her.

However, there are still quite a few loopholes in this inference: Why would a being who can control the entire matrix be interested in and even help Anderson, a little "suspected savior"? Is it because he is handsome?

The only explanation is that the action of "rescuing herself" was performed by her through certain "preset conditions". Anderson was just lucky enough to trigger it. The girl was actually sleeping soundly and had no idea that he was dead and alive again. thing, and was able to bring the ability of the matrix back to reality, just because he came into contact with the "underlying logic" and gained some authority to come back.

"Being valued" and "getting some light", no matter which one is true, do you need to ask which one to choose?

"I think it's the 'Prophet' who is helping us." Anderson said to Trinity very seriously.

"Well... Morpheus thinks so too," Trinity nodded: "He is convinced that 'the prophet will only reward relevant operators if the savior is involved'."

Well, forget about this captain who has deep faith in the "Savior". He definitely doesn't think it's far-fetched, and even takes it for granted.

"He is free today. Let's meet with him to confirm the next arrangements." Trinity looked at the wall clock and stood up.

Meet? where?


"Connection Program" access room.

"It's unbelievable." Anderson looked at the surrounding environment: "The agents won't come and kill them, right?"

This is the basement of Kane Manor, or in other words, the underground fortress.

The original ordinary style that was in line with the era of 1999 disappeared instantly after Anderson entered the basement. It was as if time jumped back hundreds of years. The decoration, materials and architectural style became almost exactly the same as the castle, especially this room full of technology. Anderson was extremely familiar with the rows of frames in the room used to infiltrate the Matrix.

"Zion is strictly prohibited from connecting to the Matrix. No, it should be said that there is no external data flow at all." Mrs. Harrison replied calmly: "As far as I know, even in the Citadel, there are only a few Only strictly protected devices are allowed to connect to the matrix, all to prevent reverse tracking by the matrix."

"..." Anderson was speechless for a moment.

The moment Mrs. Harrison opened her mouth, her demeanor changed from "old-school British housekeeper" to "adjutant of a space battleship." Her activity as Batman in the past six months may seem like a child's play to her. ?

"There is no need to belittle yourself, Master Anderson," Mrs. Harrison tilted her head and said as if she could see what he was thinking: "Fighting at the front is equally important as protecting the rear, especially when you are doing a great job in both."

"……Have it?"

"The problem with Zion is that the people here are content with the status quo. Even if it's 1999 every year, they are unwilling to fight against the matrix. Your appearance has changed this," Mrs. Harrison looked at him encouragingly: "There are currently more and more superheroes and super criminals using 'advanced technology'. People have to start thinking about 'how they appeared' and cannot continue to be immersed in the false 'day after day, year after year' Stable."

No, I really didn’t think too much about it, everything just went with the flow.

"Don't praise him, he will get carried away." On the other side, Trinity has already gotten into the frame familiarly: "Hurry up, Morpheus may already be waiting for us."

Obviously, these frames can only enter the Citadel's own reverse-hacked "connection program" and remotely meet other people in the Citadel, just like making a phone call, and there is no danger at all.




After a brief dizziness, Anderson and Trinity appeared in an empty, pure white space at the same time.

In a world of pure white, Anderson's Batsuit and Trinity's Catwoman costume stand out.

"[It seems that Morpheus hasn't arrived yet]."

Anderson, who had not been exposed to the Internet for nearly a year due to restrictions from the Citadel, couldn't help but feel a little emotional when he looked at this familiar environment.

"He has to join us." Trinity looked around and pressed her ears: "Mrs. Harrison? Please load us a background of Gotham's landmark buildings."

The next moment, countless high-rise Gothic spiers rose from the ground. The location where Anderson and Trinity were located became the rooftop of a building that was not too tall, and in the cloudy sky, there was an embedded bat. The giant aperture of the pattern is reflected there.

Hmm...the rooftop of the Gotham Police Station really has Gotham characteristics.

"I have contacted Morpheus. He should appear in a relatively reasonable way." Trinity put down her hand and looked around.

You're not going to fly down from the sky in a helicopter, are you?

Anderson was about to raise his head when he heard a knock on the rooftop door, and Morpheus, still dressed in sunglasses and a trench coat, walked out.

The captain's appearance had hardly changed, and the top of his head remained barren.

"Anderson? Trinity?" He was obviously very surprised by the two people's attire: "Is this kind of dress popular in Gotham City?"

"This is a popular 'superhero' costume throughout Zion, and Neo is one of them," Trinity gestured to Anderson: "And he's the most famous one."

"Oh," Morpheus was obviously not very interested in this: "Trinity should have told you that something big is happening in the Matrix. All hackers have temporarily withdrawn and are preparing to re-enter after the chaos subsides. Exploration, before that, you can take a break for a while and don't worry about the mental evaluation. Since there are too many people evacuating from the matrix, they are very busy now and it is basically impossible to keep an eye on you."

"[What do you think about the fact that we can use matrix martial arts?]" Anderson asked: "[Is there any possibility of promoting it?]"

"Your voice..." Morpheus raised his eyebrows, and then put this little matter aside: "I'm afraid it's difficult. The condition of 'the prophet's mission must be completed under your leadership' is already very harsh, and in We can't go find her when the Matrix is ​​in chaos, we can only consider it after the 'Matrix Revolution' subsides."

"[What exactly is the mess like?]" Anderson frowned: "[Is there room for us to intervene?]"

"Are you going to help the 'redundant data' who are friendly to us win?" Morpheus shook his head: "I asked the prophet before leaving, and she said that this is completely beyond our control."

If you think about it carefully, it is true. The "hackers" rescued people from the matrix in real life and fought with the "agents" virtually. It seems to have achieved great results, but let them talk about how to defeat the people whose sphere of influence is as large as the stars in the sky. Grox, there was no answer they could give other than silence.

Of course, Morpheus replies "We have a savior," but that's not enough to win everyone's trust.

Moreover, his belief that "the savior will find the core program of Grox inside the matrix and defeat it" is too idealistic.

If a bug similar to the conflict between life and death occurs again and you see the sleeping girl, you can try to wake her up and ask how to solve it.

"Enjoy the vacation for now," Morpheus saw that Anderson was lost in thought, and Trinity had no intention of saying anything, so he concluded and prepared to leave: "When we go out again in the future, it won't be so easy."


Morpheus' figure flashed, as if he was preparing to "go offline", but failed.

At the same moment, the virtual Gotham sky in the connection program space turned completely red, and the bat mark in the eye-catching eye circle turned into a grinning clown with bared teeth.

Under Anderson's vigilant gaze, the smiling face spoke with a hoarse and strange voice:

"[I want to play a game with you, why are you so serious?]"

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