The Collection of The End

One Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty-Six, Matrix Revolution (7)



"[What game do you want to play?]" Anderson asked with a frown, looking at the red sky and the smiling face of the clown in the sky.

This is the remote communication program between Zion and the Citadel. With Zion's current technological level, it is impossible to crack and hack. This intruder is either in the Citadel or in the basement of a place in Zion similar to Kane Manor. A place like this that has a "connector".

And being able to hack into them not long after they established communication proves that he has been keeping an eye on his group for a long time.

Plus this strange smiling face...could it be that "Joseph Cole"? Also the "Joker"?

"[I have planted some gas bombs in Gotham City,]" the strange smiling face in the sky opened and closed his mouth: "[You must defeat 'us', otherwise I will detonate them.]"

"[Scarecrow?]" When Anderson heard "poison gas", his first reaction was that the guy spreading fear gas everywhere ran out again.

"[No, no, no, I won't use that stupid poison gas, the emotion of 'fear' is too boring," Smiley responded: "[I have improved it, it is no longer scary, But it makes people happy, so I named it, oh, let me think about it, yes, it’s called ‘Laughing Gas’.”

Isn’t that still poisonous gas?

In this unexpected incident, he inexplicably became the leader responsible for negotiating with the supervillain, and Trinity and Morpheus seemed to have no objections.

Mrs. Harrison, who was supposed to be responsible for managing the connection program outside, did not provide any feedback on the situation, which made Anderson a little worried about the reality of the situation.

"[You said we have to defeat you? Does this mean you are going to show up and fight us?]" In order to get out of this dilemma where the enemy and we are in darkness as quickly as possible, Anderson turned to another question of his.

"[No, no, how can 'I' be Batman's opponent? It has to be 'us'.]" The smiling face said something puzzling: "[But in that case, this battlefield would not be suitable. I You have to change it.】"

Before Anderson could ask "what battlefield", the surrounding scenery changed with trembling and tearing that was impossible in reality.

The environment around the three of them is no longer the top floor of Gotham's police station, but the rooftop of the "Beehive" that is very familiar to them.

Only the red sky and the weird smiling face reflected on it clearly told them that this was still a virtual space created by the "Connection Program".

"I have a bad premonition," Trinity looked at the surrounding environment: "In any case, it is impossible for a 'super villain' from Zion to know this place."

"It seems Speaker Hackett needs to upgrade his firewall." Morpheus also responded solemnly.

"Long time no see, Mr. Anderson, you are so easy to find."

Accompanied by a slow voice that Anderson was still familiar with even though he hadn't heard it in nearly a year, a man wearing a black suit, big sunglasses, and a walkie-talkie headset on his ear opened the rooftop door and walked in. .

Agent Smith... Anderson squared off to him with a serious expression.

Although I don’t know what his relationship is with the Joker and how he came to Zion, he must be eliminated now.

"You are indeed very strong," Morpheus said pretentiously: "But three against one, you will not have the advantage."

"Morpheus", "You are still", "That naive", "Who told you", "This is", "Three against one?"

Smith spoke, but the source of these words came not only from Smith, who had just arrived on the rooftop.

For every word that came out of the sentence, there was an "Agent Smith" coming out of a corner or shelter on the rooftop that they hadn't noticed before.

After finishing the sentence, there were already seven identical "Agent Smith" standing in front of him.

Hell... isn't he "antivirus"? Can it multiply like a "virus"?


I will just watch the show quietly. Every time you defeat someone, I will deactivate a bomb. ]" The weird smile in the sky said with a certain sense of pleasure: "[By the way, they are all real. If you plan to find the real body, you will only make yourself die faster - I don't have any objection to this. . ]"

After saying this, the smiling face in the sky closed his mouth, as if he was ready to watch quietly as he said.

"Mr. Anderson, we are deeply curious about how you came back from the dead." Smith still spoke in his one-word-per-person speech style, which sounded very anxious: "Why don't you demonstrate it to us today?" Once?"

"[What a coincidence, I'm also very curious about how you changed back from the 'exploded' state, why don't you demonstrate it first?]" Since Anderson was wearing a bat suit, the voice changer's hoarse voice sounded like laryngeal cancer. More powerful than Agent Smith's taunt.


As if they realized that there was no advantage in talking harshly, the seven Smiths snorted in unison, and neatly took out seven light machine guns from their suit pockets, pointed them at the Andersons and the three of them without stopping, and started shooting.

"Da da da da da-"

Trinity and Morpheus rolled and hid in the nearest bunker when the Smiths took out their guns, but Anderson took two steps forward to face the muzzle of the gun, turned one palm, and aimed at the gunfire.

"Neo! You-"

Huh-huh... clatter.

Trinity and Morpheus's exclamations lasted only half a second before they stopped. They clearly saw the submachine gun bullets piercing the air, causing ripples in circles, and then slowly stopped on Anderson's erected stand. In front of his palm, he couldn't move forward even a little bit, and finally fell all over the ground like spilled beans.

"How did you do that?" Morpheus looked like he wanted to praise Anderson for a job well done, but felt that it was really unscientific.

How did you do it? It's very simple, just keep reducing the speed of these bullets, so small that they can't even break through the air resistance, and have to succumb to gravity and fall.

I can already use the abilities of the virtual world in reality, so there is no reason why the abilities of the virtual world should not be restored to the original level.

Of course, he didn't try it rashly without being sure. Before he came back to the Internet after a year and the clown jumped out to cause trouble, he had quietly tested his abilities several times. For example... he had actually been floating in the air. Operates at a height of one centimeter above the ground.

However, our own people have plenty of opportunities to explain, and there is no need to explain to the enemy now.

In the end, Anderson chose to throw off his cloak and said in a calm tone:

"[Because I am Batman.]"


"Drink!" "Yo!" "[Wow!]"

Anderson, Trinity and Morpheus are engaged in fierce close combat with seven Smiths.

After confirming that the gun attack was ineffective, the Smiths decisively gave up long-range attacks and tried to decide the outcome in close combat. Perhaps they were angered by his words "because I am Batman". Five of the seven Smiths were surrounding Anderson. Faith and Trinity only got one each.

However, even with only one, Morpheus and Trinity found it very difficult.

The martial arts that Morpheus is good at are return skills that rely on force to hit. If the conditions are right, he will also use throwing skills. As for the striking skills, they are easily dodged because of their large size and are not used much. This leads to a very embarrassing situation. Situation: He couldn't touch Smith, and when Smith came to attack him, even if he saw through the attack route, he couldn't use his counterattack in time to counterattack.

His initial pride in being able to use virtual martial arts in reality was quickly shattered, and now he just wanted to delay and wait for Neo to come to the rescue.

In comparison, Trinity's side is much better. The martial arts she instills are speed-based. She mainly uses rapid strikes and movement to make the enemy dizzy and take the opportunity to launch throwing skills with huge damage. At present, although she The speed was not enough to stun Smith, but Smith was also unable to gain an advantage in the battle and was basically in a stalemate.

If you think about it carefully, before they met Anderson, the "savior", they could only run when they met Smith. At most, they could fight with three of his followers. Compared with the situation at that time, they could fight with the "strongest agent" now. You have to go back and forth, and you can already make a lot of progress.

However, these considerations of making excuses for oneself seem quite embarrassing in the face of a situation where Anderson can easily knock out a Smith.

Previously, after Anderson said the words "Because I am Batman," the Smiths seemed to be enraged and attacked him crazily. The sharpness of their punches and kicks, and the destructive power of these moves after they hit the walls and floors, made Murphy confused. Si is ashamed.

"[Wow!]" "[Drink!]"

At first, the Smiths tried to coordinate attacks with reservations, but soon discovered that attacks that "wanted to retreat after making a move" would inevitably be dodged, while "full blows" would be led by Anderson to attack. The other Smiths' moves became more and more ruthless. At this time, there were already two Smiths who were responsible for the lower three lanes. It didn't matter if they were beaten. They just wanted to hit Anderson's legs so that he could not move or attack.

For Matrix agents who are "anti-virus software", it is impossible to expect them to practice martial ethics. Naturally, Anderson will not make unnecessary comments, but only slightly strengthens the emphasis on grappling moves. Every punch and every move Every kick must be done to knock the opponent back and not give them the opportunity to hit the snake and follow the stick.

"Bang!" "Boom!"

In the end, after the last two besieging Smiths were kicked away and knocked into the stairwell, Anderson had no enemies around him. He pinched his fingers and looked at the two Smiths who were still in a stalemate with Trinity and Morpheus. One step later, they both feinted and left the battle line at the same time.

"[Does this count as our victory?]" Anderson looked at the clown's smiling face that held half the moon in the sky.

"[Well, assuming you defeated seven people, I will abide by the agreement and defuse seven bombs.]" The clown opened and closed his mouth and said.

"[...]" Anderson felt as if he had fallen into some kind of rhetorical trap, so he asked, "[How many are there in total?]"

"[Hey, have you finally thought of it?]" The clown laughed strangely: "[There are a hundred laughing gas bombs in total!]"

"[Tsk...]" Anderson looked back at the stairwell.

"Mr. An An De De Sen Sen~" Smith's words came again, but because there were too many sound sources, they even produced echoes: "I have judged your strength, now let us see how many you can fight. ~"


The rooftop stairwell was kicked open by Smith, and then Smith filed in one after another.

This time they didn't put up a fight at all - there seemed to be some reason why they couldn't put up a fight - and pounced directly on Anderson in an action that looked like they were seeking death.

"[Wow!]" Anderson kicked Smith back at the front with a whip kick, then turned around and ran away.

They weren't trying to fight at all, but were planning to use the human pile like a rugby to restrict his range of movement and eventually bury him under the Smith's Pile.

Although Anderson didn't know why they did this, he didn't want them to succeed for many reasons.

However, the rooftop is only so big in total. Even if you kick them off the rooftop, they will crawl back like spiders, so they must—

As his eyes wandered, Anderson saw a water pipe exposed on the roof of the building, so he rushed over to pull it up, swung it backwards, and smashed the gravel and cement on top of Smith's head. .

This Smith was knocked back without saying a word, knocking over three or five more Smiths along the way.

Huh-huh--Anderson grabbed the water pipe, which was about the same height as himself, and circled it twice before and behind him. He pushed it over his shoulder with satisfaction, and raised his hand to hook the Smiths who were still pouring out. .

The Smiths looked at each other expressionlessly, as if they didn't think that a stick would strengthen him, so they kept their original tactics and charged over - and then were beaten all over the sky.

Anderson usually relies on fists and kicks to defeat enemies, and at most uses the small props that come with the Bat suit. However, fighting is a one-stop shop. Even if he uses a stick for the first time, he still seems to be able to do it with ease. The Smiths basically can't get close, even if there are a few The first time he used a human sandbag to rush towards Anderson, but he also used his strength to kick him back.

However, while Anderson was showing off his power, Trinity and Morpheus were unlucky. It was difficult for them to fight Smith one-on-one, but this time they were besieged by three or four Smiths who couldn't touch Anderson, and were quickly beaten. He can only parry, but has no power to fight back.

"[Quack quack~]" The smiling face of the clown in the sky laughed strangely: "[I can watch you fight all day long~]"

“[Sorry, but I don’t have the time——]”

Anderson broke away from the battle group with a thrust, knocked down the Smiths who were surrounding Trinity and Morpheus with three or two sticks, then threw away the sticks, grabbed their collars with one hand, and then - soared into the sky.

"[What - what -]" The clown's face in the air turned into a look of shock for the first time.

"[I'm sure I knocked down ninety-nine Smiths, and you——]" Anderson flew over like lightning: "[That's the hundredth one!]"


The big foot of the bat armor kicked hard on the clown's twisted face in mid-air, and the mask collapsed and shattered, revealing Smith's face.

The next moment, the three of them woke up from the "Connection Program" frame at the same time.

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