The Collection of The End

One Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty-seven, Matrix Revolution (8)


Arkham Asylum.

Joseph Cole, or "The Joker," takes off the virtual helmet on his head.

This is a doctor's office. In addition to tables, chairs, sofas and file cabinets, the most eye-catching thing is a "connector" frame that looks like a phone booth.

"'Neo' and 'Batman' turned out to be 'Emiya Kiritsugu'," Joseph walked out of the frame, pursed his lips and muttered to himself: "'Bullet Time' and 'Inherent Time Control' are indeed very similar. , and there is no difference between 'can't kill people' and 'never kill people', hehe, well done."

"What are you talking about? Mr. Joseph?" The person sitting behind the desk asked doubtfully: "Have you achieved your purpose?"

It was a young woman with short silver hair, one eye covered with a medical goggle, and wearing a doctor's white coat. When she spoke, her eyes couldn't stop looking up and down Joseph.

"It can be said that we have basically achieved it. Thank you for your cooperation, Miss Harleen Quinzel." Joseph nodded slightly: "Next, find an opportunity to send the locations of those gas bombs to the Gotham police so that they can Just go away the headache."

"I wish I could help you~" The female doctor named Hallie stared at Joseph, her cheeks slightly red.

"..." Joseph raised an eyebrow: "I threatened you with bombs and used your position to plant many bombs all over the city, but you didn't intend to resist at all? And when I hacked into the connection program just now , you didn’t plan to take the opportunity to run away or call the police?”

"That's all I want, why do I have to resist and call the police?" Harley looked very surprised.

"Tsk, although I am a 'clown', I am not a psychopath, and you are not my attending psychiatrist. Counting today, we have only met three times in total. As a matter of fact, I am just a infiltrator. Cam's 'Super Villain'," Joseph stared at Harley: "Why are you so actively helping me... commit crimes?"

"How...positive..." Harley's face turned redder, but she still pretended to be calm.

"..." Joseph frowned and stared at Harley, continuing to mutter to himself: "It's not surprising that Trinity would become Catwoman. She has similar looks, skills and personality, but here "The only one who fits this identity is Kuu Maiya. Could it be that Irisviel was taken to another place by Lin Hao?"

"Mr. Cole, among the women you mentioned, are there any you admire more?" Harley's voice was gritted.

"They are either other people's wives or they are not in this world... Are you jealous?" Joseph stared closely at Harley's face.

The female doctor's face became rosier and she shook her head repeatedly: "No, not at all."

"Didn't that girl attack me?" Joseph tried to ask: "So, Doctor Harley, what do you think of 'Claudia Ordesia' and 'Hydrangea'?"

"That's my online name and my favorite flower!" Harley's eyes suddenly opened wide, "I actually found out all these things. You really love me too!"

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"Mind your own business..." Joseph muttered, and then asked as if he was dying: "Then 'Karen'..."

"This is the girl's name with the highest priority among the names I would give our future child..." Harley looked like she wanted to cry and laugh at the same time: "You know everything and you still come to trick me... Okay, I Forgive you."

Pa, Joseph put his forehead heavily.


Suburbs of Gotham.

Joseph and Harry were riding in a car heading into the city together.

"Due to your 'unexpected situation', I have to postpone the subsequent series of 'clown behavior' and 'Smith behavior'," Joseph said while driving: "They will track you to your office soon. ,

So we can only be a pair of desperate mandarin ducks. "

"Yuanyang..." Harry held his face, focusing on the wrong thing.

"I can't understand how Harley Quinn fell in love with the Joker in the 'original book', but if it's you and me... forget it, it's not important," Joseph glanced at her: "Now, I want to tell you is 'the truth of the world'."

"Ah? Wasn't it because of the millennium bug that the machines awakened and the super AIGrox controlled all mankind?" Harley seemed to wake up a little. It seemed that although she lived in Zion, she still had a grasp of the overall situation.

"It's just a plot of a movie called 'The Matrix', and only the first one was amazing. The second and third parts have been reduced to ordinary action movies with lots of special effects." Joseph said.

"So we are virtual characters?" Harley seemed to fully accept this statement: "...but my love for you is real!"

"...Listen to me," Joseph almost drove the car off the road: "In the movie, the super AI only controlled the earth, and Zion does not have such a scale at all, and its technological level is also quite backward. You even have to intubate the back of your head to enter the matrix.”

"What about us? What roles did 'Joker' and 'Harley Quinn' play? What's the ending?" Harley obviously only cares about her feelings.

"They are not the people in that movie," Joseph shook his head: "After Zion was enlarged to this scale, it became a slightly twisted local DC (Deteics) world that conforms to the general environment of The Matrix, and 'Joker' 'It is the biggest villain in the story about 'Batman' and 'Gotham' in this worldview, and Harley Quinn is the supporting actress who is crazy about him."

"My love for you is true!" This time, Harley's reaction was very quick, and she almost immediately understood why Joseph didn't trust her to like him.

"Didn't you notice that I used the term 'them'?" Joseph continued: "'We' do not belong to this world."


"The reason why the world is twisted like this is because it is 'man-made', created by a little girl named [Lin Hao] who doesn't know whether to call him a director, screenwriter or comic writer," Qiao Joseph's eyes softened for a moment: "She especially likes to run into the world she created to undo some tragedies she thinks or save some people she thinks should not die."

"Then... what is her relationship with us?" Harley asked tentatively.

"Our daughter's best friend!" Joseph glared at her.

"Our daughter?!" Harley was surprised: "Is her name really Kallen?"

"Well," Joseph didn't want to expand on this topic and continued directly: "In 'our world', my name is Kotomine Kirei, and your name is Claudia Ordesia. For some reason, when she was about to leave, I kidnapped her avatar and gave it to Kallen as a playmate. It was ridiculous that I thought it was her real body at the time."

"Then what? You, no, how did we get here?" Harley blinked, looking forward to it.

"Ten years after she left, a similar incident occurred where someone needed to be saved, but I was not at the scene. I heard Karen say that she and her avatar were very active." Joseph narrowed his eyes: "The incident After it was over, I came to a new world. Maybe she created a new world, but obviously, you have no relevant memories, and that Emiya Kiritsugu, also known as 'Savior Neo' and 'Dark Knight Bat Neither does Xia'."

"I just said my love for you is true, right?" Harley said happily, and then suddenly frowned: "Wait, you said we are married? But if I am so pestering after marriage, you should Are you bored?"

"You are jealous of yourself and you have to give yourself eye drops." As he gradually approached Gotham, Joseph slowed down the speed of the car.

"By the way, you just said you are 'Smith'? What is your identity?" Hallie tried to change the subject.

"'John Smith', a Matrix agent, specializes in catching hackers who are wreaking havoc in the Matrix. If I discover the location of Zion and the Citadel, countless mechanical armies will swarm them and completely dismantle them into scrap metal. "Joseph turned his head slightly and looked at Harry.

"Ah? Do you want to do this? Then I will go to the matrix to accompany you. I seem to have heard about the defection of some people from the Citadel, and the relevant methods should be able to find out." Harley replied without hesitation.

"No, I won't do that." Joseph retracted his gaze: "Before I find 'Lin Hao' who I don't know who he is playing and who he plans to save, I don't intend to spoil the 'plot'. If there is no one who needs to be saved or If things go wrong, she might not show up."

"But why are you looking for her?" Harley obviously didn't understand.

"In order to reach the 'reality'," Joseph looked ahead steadily: "I hope to retain my own memory in each new world, instead of being assigned a suitable identity by her according to some strange logic. You Think about it, if it was you who retained the memory instead of me, how sad would you be after seeing 'me who doesn't know you'?"

"Woo..." Harley thought for two seconds and then burst into tears.

"Hypothesis! Just a hypothesis!" Joseph repeatedly emphasized helplessly.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." You must be sad to see 'me who doesn't know you', right? Wuuuuu..." Harley continued to cry.

"No, it's actually okay, because you fell in love with me at first sight." Joseph made a scumbag declaration.



"In short, the stories of 'superheroes' and 'supervillains' in these 'retro cities' of Zion are not important, and I haven't found anything worth saving that would make 'Lin Hao' appear," Harley cried. After she was done laughing, Joseph continued to explain the truth about the world to her: "The relevant plot mainly unfolded between hackers and the matrix. The machines destroyed during the period were basically of no saving value, but those hackers were different. By the first part By the end of the plot, that 'Batman' had saved everyone who could be saved, including the traitor 'Code'."

"I have come into contact with some obviously abnormal 'redundant data' in the matrix, but I only met some acquaintances who are also 'NPCs', and the most likely lady is 'Lin Hao'. Because of her hairstyle, Most unlikely," Joseph paused: "Bald head."

"How could a little girl be willing to shave her head?" Harley nodded: "If you are 'data', how did you come to reality?"

"The reason why the last two parts collapsed is because of this," Joseph recalled for a moment: "According to the setting, 'Agent Smith' can devour and assimilate other 'NPCs'. This is already outrageous. In the future, it can also be assimilated through The hacker's consciousness came to reality, and what's even more outrageous is that the savior was able to see the possessed agent and the mechanical octopus without his eyesight, and directly used the abilities in the matrix in reality... Tsk, it seems like that guy Kiritsugu is now That’s okay too.”

"Isn't Mr. Joseph you?" Harley's eyes widened.

"He didn't know he was me until he became me," Joseph replied.

"Huh?" Harley was obviously confused by this tongue twister.

"It seems that Lin Hao also thinks that 'data replaces thinking' is too outrageous. The person whose body is scheduled to be invaded by 'Agent Smith' does not have self-awareness. He has been 'indoctrinated' with my AI logic before being rescued by Zion, so he It's an 'agent who doesn't know he's an agent.'" Joseph continued.

"Great, I didn't like the wrong person!" Harley was obviously concerned about something else.

"..." Joseph did not intend to discuss this topic: "In short, I have helped him through 'stopping hundreds of bullets with one hand', 'beating a hundred Smiths with an iron rod', and 'flying into the sky' 'Just wait for the key events, and then wait for the events of 'Trinity was shot', 'Zion was attacked' and 'Return to the Matrix' to participate in the Matrix Revolution'. Even if Lin Hao is never found, the world will end. .”

"So, what's going on with the 'Matrix Revolution' that's happening in the Matrix now?" Harley asked again.

"That's the subtitle of the third part. It refers to the melee between redundant data, anti-virus software, Grox itself and soy sauce hackers. But what people didn't expect was that the 'savior' who was supposed to be active in the matrix was actually Being disconnected from the Internet for a year directly caused the 'Agent Smith' who evolved under his influence according to the plot to disappear from the matrix." Joseph shrugged: "There were only two parties left in the battle. As a result, they accidentally became the real ones. Revolution: Redundant Data attempts to overthrow Grox's rule."

"No matter what you want to do, just go ahead and do it. I will support you, Qi... Li." Harley read out the name of Joseph's other identity with some difficulty.

"You just need to act like you are," Joseph stopped the car at a red light, took out a bunch of cheap cosmetics and began to smear it on his face: "By the way, call me something else."

"Uh... then, little pudding?" Harley said without changing her expression as she watched Joseph make his face miserable.

"Tone a little sweeter and more neurotic, my little pumpkin~" Joseph painted his face white and then painted his mouth red, and then drew stars and teardrops under his eyes: "Wait in case of a fight. , you have to protect yourself."

The next moment, the figures of bats and black cats flew through the air.

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