The Collection of The End

One Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty-eight, Matrix Revolution (9)


Gotham City.

Anderson and Trinity are jumping between buildings, looking for traces of the "Joker".

It's not that he doesn't want to drive the Batmobile, but now the entire Gotham city is in chaos. The police department was frightened by the message that the Joker sent a hundred gas bombs, and sent all the police to evacuate the residents and find experts to defuse the bombs. At this time, there are three steps, one post, five steps and one sentry on the ground. Even if the police are willing to give Batman face, those roadblocks and isolation belts cannot be easily removed.

If he goes to Gordon and tells him that these bombs were given up by the Joker and will not explode at all... he has no qualifications to be the chief if he believes them easily.

Anderson landed on a roof near one of the bomb sites and watched the actions of police officers and bomb disposal experts.

The gas bomb looks like an oxygen bottle, but it has a number that keeps beating inside, which looks like a dangerous time:

0:33, 1:29, 0:57, 2:33, 0:11

It wasn't a countdown, it was just jumping around without any rules. Anderson was sure that this was a sign that the timer had stopped, but the bomb disposal experts obviously didn't think so, and they took apart the outer shell of the timer with a serious look on their faces.

Using the auxiliary function of the Bat suit, Anderson saw a familiar clown head. Next to it was an arrow pointing to the blue line among the four red, yellow, blue and green lines next to it, which said "Cut me".

This seems to be Agent Smith mocking himself as "Alice down the rabbit hole".

"Which one will you cut?" Trinity, dressed as Catwoman, asked next to her.

"[Just cut this one,]" Anderson replied without hesitation: "[If Suspicious cuts anything else, it will either explode on the spot or restart the clock.]"

"Do you actually trust your opponent so much?" Trinity tilted her head and looked over.

"[Because I'm Batman.]" Anderson said.

"Forget it if you don't tell me," Trinity shrugged nonchalantly; "After all, you can fly in the 'Connection Program'."

Anderson stared at the bomb without responding.

Being able to fly in the "Connection Program" is definitely not due to his own "acceleration/deceleration" ability. That ability may seem extraordinary, but it still has to follow the laws of physics. The reason why Anderson can fly is because he is in the same room. When hundreds of Smiths fought, they tried their best to find the most suitable attack method and amount of force, and finally awakened a new ability: directly seeing through the "code".

At that time, in Anderson's sight, everything in the "Connector" had turned into a "model" composed of countless green characters. He could easily see all the movements of each Smith, and this huge information was When it came to his mind, not only did he not "downtime", he even had a refreshing feeling that "the spare hard drive/memory/video memory was finally put to use".

If the Smiths shot at him again at that time, he would not have to "freeze" those bullets. He could simply let the bullets go back and kill them all. Oh, no, those ninety-nine Smiths were simply dummies. Kill them all. It's useless, only the one hanging in the sky is the real one, so after seeing everything, Anderson is too lazy to tangle with them anymore, and takes off directly with Morpheus and Trinity, kicking Smith away, or the clown's connection Program blocking.

After that, Mrs. Harrison was responsible for contacting Cathy and communicating with Morpheus in the usual way, while Anderson took Trinity to capture Joseph Cole.

No matter what he was originally, since he was influenced by Smith, he can no longer be called a human being.

As for now, Anderson can confirm which wire to cut, naturally because he "sees" it.

Unlike when he was in the "Connector", Anderson could only see through the codes of a small number of things in the real world, such as the gas bomb.

Combined with the fact that he was able to bring out the ability instilled in the "Matrix" before, Anderson had an unreliable idea: Perhaps the so-called "real world" is also part of the "Matrix".

They were not "rescued" at all. It was only because these people questioned the authenticity of the world that they were thrown into the so-called "real world" at a higher level, but its essence is a world with "Zion" ” and the “virtual world” of “Citadel.”

Therefore, I can see the "code" in the "real world". Therefore, the agent who is obviously an "anti-virus software" can reach the "reality" and become a "clown". Therefore, the "prophet" can say that I "can be" The savior later changed his mind and said he was "hoped to be". Shouldn't he be "hoped to be" by the "Matrix"?

This speculation was so desperate that Anderson subconsciously began to look for counter-evidence, and then found it instantly.

First of all, it was the huge and fierce battlefield he saw when he was poisoned by Scarecrow's fear gas. He didn't know any of those "superheroes", and he had never heard of their abilities and costumes. If this was still inside the matrix, , how could such an outrageous scene occur? Even when he was punched to death by Smith, it was more scary than this.

Then, after taking a punch from Smith, he arrived at a place that approximated the "underlying logic" of the matrix. Obviously, the matrix had already determined that he was dead at that time. It is impossible for an AI to first determine that a person is dead and then put him The strange behavior of being fished out and cultivated into a savior was actually done by the sleeping silver-haired little girl. Although Anderson didn't know her, he intuitively thought she was a mischievous person who liked to get into trouble.

In short, computer language, algorithms and operation require logic, but the real world does not. Therefore, since so many illogical events have occurred, it is absolutely impossible for this to be a virtual space controlled by the matrix...probably.

As for bringing out the ability in the virtual world, let's just regard it as a gift.

At this moment, the bomb disposal experts had already discussed the results, and they cut off the yellow line with great confidence.

Bang! boom!

"Hahaha!" "Ahahahaha!"

The "oxygen bottle" exploded instantly, and the yellow-green gas suddenly dispersed. The bomb disposal expert and the surrounding police officers laughed uncontrollably, even wearing gas masks was of no use.

Is this also part of your plan? clown?

Anderson silently threw two round gas cans containing poison gas neutralizer over there, then turned and left.


"Hahaha!" "Hehehehe!"


After touring less than half of Gotham, Anderson could confirm that the Joker was true to his word, and that the bombs would not detonate unless they were detonated, and that the distribution of each bomb and the method of defuse it were clearly marked.

However, none of the bombs that were handled by "bomb disposal experts" failed to explode. On the contrary, those police officers who were not equipped with experts and were relatively upright cut the wires as instructed on the bomb, and none of them exploded. Pass.

Does he just trick smart people?

Anderson threw two more gas neutralizers at an explosion site, flicked his cloak and turned around to leave.

It would be too late to save the situation. Until the police confirmed that the bomb could be defused by following the Joker's instructions, more gas bombs would only be detonated.

After a brief thought, Anderson decided to take the initiative. Anyway, he also had a copy of the information that the clown sent to the police station. So as long as he defuses the bomb in advance, can those belated bomb disposal experts be able to install it and defuse it again?

But there is a problem here. People who are infected by the "laughing gas" will laugh until they suffocate or faint. If they are left alone, they may even die. If there are more people...

Bang! Bang! Boom!

"Hahaha - uh uh uh..."

Another gas bomb was detonated ahead, but something seemed wrong about the movement, and the wild laughter turned into shivers as if they were frozen in the middle of the laughter.

When Anderson rushed over, he happened to see Victor Fries, who was wearing a new set of heavy armor and spraying air-conditioning on the bomb disposal personnel, freezing the police officers and experts who were still trying to laugh wildly into nothingness. The snowman's eyes could still blink, but the "laughing gas" that was spreading in all directions was completely eliminated by the air-conditioning.

"[What are you doing?]" Anderson asked as he descended from the sky and looked at Victor's new armor.

Since Victor had been bailed out by Cathy before, what he was doing now didn't seem like a crime, so he asked this question.

Since Victor only destroyed the private property of the Kane family, Cathy said she would not pursue the case and provided a guarantee, so it was almost not difficult to bail him out.

As for this new feels like I can't destroy it with just my fists and feet.

"[As you can see]," Victor's voice carried a buzzing electronic sound: "[He is 'acting for justice'."

"[As far as the shape is concerned, it doesn't look like much.]" Anderson confirmed through the scanning of the bat suit that the person trapped in the ice was not in danger at all, and then spoke to Kedo.

"[These poisonous gases are only effective for one hour, but my cryogun can freeze people for two hours,]" Victor turned his eyes to the frozen people: "[The temperature in Gotham is not bad now, you just need to Isn’t it cost-effective to stay in the cold for about two hours and avoid lung washing and enema?”

The frozen person blinked desperately, not knowing whether he agreed or disagreed.

"[Then, I will deal with the other bombs, and Doctor, you will control the various sites?]" Anderson asked.

"[No problem, but please call me, uh, that...]" Victor got stuck mid-sentence, and seemed to be reminded by someone before he said: "[Yes, please call me 'Mr. Freeze', Bat Xia.】"

"[Good luck, Mr. Freeze.]" Batman flicked the grappling hook and returned to the nearby roof.


As Gotham entered the night, the operation to deal with the Laughing Gas was coming to an end. With the help of Batman and Mr. Freeze, the police did not suffer much losses except for a few weak and unlucky people who caught colds.

In view of this "major victory", Director Gordon just lectured "Mr. Freeze" on the issue of obeying the law and then acquiesced that he was the new "superhero".

As for Anderson, it can be said that there is no achievement.

He defused a lot of bombs himself and captured a few criminals who wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to cause trouble, but he found no trace of the "Joker" at all.

It seems that after disrupting Anderson's virtual meeting and planting a bomb, he fled in fear of crime?


When Anderson and Trinity were heading to the location of the 100th gas bomb, Joseph Cole appeared, wearing a purple suit and painting his face into a strange smile.

"[This outfit and tone don't suit you at all.]" Anderson responded calmly and got ready for battle.

In Anderson's "data perspective", the "characters" that make up the clown are much brighter than ordinary people, and they flow faster, making it impossible for him to analyze anything.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you still haven't distinguished between 'reality' and 'illusion'?" The clown said something like an aria in his weird tone: "You are still addicted to playing superhero, but you can't save the world~ (square )"

"[...]" Anderson narrowed his eyes slightly.

The Joker may be saying "Batman" and "Joker" as Joseph Cole, or he may be saying "Matrix" and "Zion" as Agent Smith, or he may be saying that he will soon I just thought of it before, the "first layer" and the "second layer" of the world.

However, I must be closer to the "truth of the world" than him, because in that "fear vision", the shining golden woman clearly called herself "Batman", and also because when she was "beaten to death" by Agent Smith before, she was in "Batman". Underlying logic" the silver-haired girl saw.

"[Of course I can save the world]," Anderson responded solemnly: "[Because I am Batman.]"

"...Tsk, tsk, tsk," the clown showed a strange expression: "This is really disappointing~ (Plum Blossom)"

"Let's end this charade!"

At this moment, Trinity suddenly threw out the whip hanging from her waist. It cut through the air and circled around, directly binding the clown's hands. Then she pulled it to the side, and the whip bound the clown like a living thing. His hands were tied to a nearby lamppost.

"Oh hehe~" The clown was stunned for a moment, and then an exaggerated laughing expression appeared on his face with heavy makeup: "So it's you? (Spade)"

"It's 'us'." Trinity held the whip tightly and looked at Anderson: "Quickly, give him a punch and send him back to the matrix."

Boom! boom!

Before Anderson could respond, the lamppost broke inch by inch along with Trinity's whip.

"Very good, very good ~ (Hearts)" The clown turned around, revealing the black playing cards held between the fingers of his fists: "Let's fight to the death [again], bat ~ (Hearts)"

"[There is no doubt that you will fail again.]" Anderson looked at the clown's playing card with a black light that looked like a tiger. It looked slightly familiar, and he felt that what he said "again" was not what he originally meant, but now This is not the time for investigation. Even if you want to explore the truth of the world, you can only do it after one of the two falls.

The next moment, Batman and the Joker charged at each other at the same time.

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