The Collection of The End

One thousand four hundred and twenty-nine, Matrix Revolution (10)


Matrix, Xavier Academy for Gifted Youngsters.

As usual, in this beautiful building like a castle or a manor, from time to time there were sounds of things breaking, small explosions, sad crying, wind and thunder, and swords clashing, making it appear peaceful and peaceful.

However, this is a bit too exciting for visitors, especially children.

Therefore, the girl standing in front of the college gate was hesitating whether to go forward and ring the doorbell or turn around and walk away.

She looks to be less than ten years old. She has long pale golden shawl hair and a pair of lake blue eyes. She is wearing a black dress that looks like a pumpkin, and a matching cloth hat on her head, which is decorated with many cute orange bows. .

The only abnormal thing was the thing she was holding in her hand. It was a huge key that was half as tall as herself, dark and shiny, and the material could not be seen.

She waited for a moment and found that the movement inside not only did not subside but disappeared, but became more and more noisy, and even tended to approach the door, she couldn't help but wince, and then took two steps back.

However, after retreating, she seemed to think of something again. She took a deep breath and walked to the door without hesitation and rang the doorbell.


As the pleasant doorbell rang, the noisy sounds in the "college" disappeared instantly, as if everything just now was just an auditory hallucination, which made the girl who rang the doorbell shrink a little more.


The door of the college opened, and a girl who looked exactly like the girl who rang the doorbell appeared there and met her eyes.

"...Strange, why is it not completely copied?" The girl inside the door glanced at the giant key in the hand of the girl outside the door, and said to herself with a confused expression.

The girl outside the door was in a state of shock and did not hear what she was saying to herself. Then, when she took a step forward and was about to say something, the girl holding the key suddenly burst into tears. She bit her lips tightly and swung her hand with tears. He picked up the key and smashed it at her.

"Hey hey——"


As the key was swung, the image of the girl inside the door shattered like a mirror, revealing a playful little girl with blue skin.

The blue girl originally planned to say something, but as soon as her eyes came into contact with the key, she immediately ran away deep into the academy as if she had seen a ghost:

"Help - someone is using [Format] to hit someone -"

"Huh...huh..." The little girl in black was obviously not in good physical strength. After waving the key twice, she gasped while holding it.

And that "key", at some point, had turned completely silver, with dots of starlight shining on the surface.

"Hey... I just went out to do some errands, and these kids started making trouble again," a gentle and loving voice sounded from behind the girl: "And you too, don't use the power that you can't control for the time being. Now, rest. Just take a moment."

The next moment, the key was taken away from the girl in black, and she was wrapped in a pair of arms.

The key turned back to its dark appearance the moment it was taken off the hand, and the girl looked up and saw a bare head, so she closed her eyes and fell asleep with peace of mind.


"...Well." The girl slowly opened her eyes and saw a room decorated like a children's room, and she was lying on a warm little bed. After being stunned for two seconds, she hurriedly raised her hand to I touched around and almost immediately touched the big key, so I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ah, you really didn't pay attention to me at all..." At this time, a familiar voice sounded beside the bed. When the girl turned around to look, she found that the little blue girl from before was sitting beside the bed looking bored.

"I'm sorry - my prank went too far -" she drawled, looking like she was apologizing reluctantly.

"...Where is Teacher Gu Yi?" the girl in black said, her voice much deeper and hoarse than the little girl in blue.

"Here~" As soon as she finished her words, Gu Yi, who was wearing a tan monk's robe and completely hairless, opened the door and walked in.

There was also a plate of snacks in his hand: "Try the biscuits I made, Abi."

"Oh." Perhaps influenced by the atmosphere, the little girl in black named "Abi" honestly pinched two small cookies and started to taste them.

The little blue girl shouted "I apologized", grabbed a handful of cookies and ran out.

"That's Ruiwen. She likes to look like other people to play pranks. She is a good child." Noticing her gaze, Gu Yi explained.

"Become someone else..." These words seemed to turn on some switch. Abi sat upright suddenly, then jumped out of bed and handed the key in his hand to Gu Yi: "Teacher Gu Yi! The 'agent' is looking for you. , you have to run quickly!"

"Calm down, Abi, they can't find the 'bad sector'," Gu Yi shook his head and refused to take the key: "And as a [locksmith], you shouldn't hand over the key casually, even to me."

"However, they can 'assimilate' other 'redundant data'. I'm afraid they will find the 'path' and come to you with the key." Little girl Abi is still very anxious.

"Are you talking about them?" Gu Yi drew a circle in the air with his backhand.


As she moved, a "circle" with blazing sparks appeared in mid-air, and through this circle, what she saw was not the children's room on the other side, but a space like a parking lot. Two men wearing white cloaks, sunglasses, and white pigtails were standing there. They seemed to have noticed that the "ring of fire" was turned on, and they turned their eyes in unison.

"It's them!" Abi hid behind Gu Yi.

However, the two white figures did not rush directly towards the ring of fire. Two seconds later, they kept looking at the ring of fire and fell straight to the ground.

"Huh?" Abi secretly poked his head out to look across the fire ring, and at a glance he saw the two men in white standing behind them. They were dressed in cyan dragon-patterned battle armor, with a refreshing short ponytail, and a red-tasseled gun on their shoulders. Extraordinarily handsome and handsome young man.

"Your timing is still so accurate." The young man poked the two men in white who fell to the ground with the barrel of his gun. After confirming that they were unable to move, he said as he walked towards the ring of fire.

"Ah...uh." Abi didn't know what to say for a moment.

"That's my bodyguard, Seraph," Gu Yi touched her head: "How are you, are you relieved?"

"Hmm..." Seeing Seraph walking into the ring of fire, Abi subconsciously shivered while holding the key.

"You can rest here first, and I will introduce other children to you." Gu Yi closed the fire ring and gestured to Seraph: "Follow me."

"Huh-" After Ancient One and Seraph left the room, Abi breathed a sigh of relief and lay back holding the key.


"How is it? Is it possible that she is [Lin Hao]?" After the two came to the rooftop of the academy, Seraph was the first to ask.

"The synchronization rate is only 33%, but the synchronization rate of that key is 67%," Gu Yi replied: "If the two can be added together, then she is [Lin Hao] instead of [Abigail Williams] ”

"So I say you are wasting your time. She has never had a record of reusing the same incarnation." Seraph looked up at the sky: "Grox's agents and redundant data are fighting really fiercely... Do you want to end this war? Let’s see what they can do?”

Outside the rooftop, the city sky is clearly divided into two parts: lightning, strong wind, heavy rain and completely clear. The two parts are constantly eroding each other.

"You have to finish the 'plot'," Gu Yi looked at it for a while and shook his head slightly: "In the Matrix series, the only ones she can save are the crew members in the first part, the locksmith in the second part, and the locksmith in the third part. Trinity, other nameless passers-by will basically be handed over to some kind of super-large setting similar to the 'Mountains and Rivers Map' or the 'Fengshen List'."

"I still think that something went wrong in the world this time. Except for those of us who actively followed, it would have been impossible for other people who were bound to the original world to be brought out, such as-" Seraph frowned, seeming to be concerned about these Dissatisfied that the pronunciation of the names did not match the literal pronunciation, "Kotomine Kirei and Emiya Kiritsugu."

"So their wives were also brought out," Ancient One replied: "However, it is quite surprising to me that Zion spontaneously formed Batman's world view - even if it is only partial."

"I have also investigated this point," Seraph paused: "'Thomas Anderson' replaced 'Thomas Wayne', probably because he was shot in an alley, and Cathy Kane's support for him is nothing special, because she is the original 'Batwoman', and the equipment itself is prepared for herself."

"As for Trinity..." Ancient One answered: "'Trinity', hehe, she is actually a three-in-one superimposed state of Xia Lei, Kuu Maiya and Irisviel. Her personality is changeable and unpredictable, and she will make a guest appearance by the way. There’s nothing wrong with Catwoman’s words.”

"I have a guess about them being brought out," Seraph continued: "Perhaps it was because at the end of the FZ world, the two incarnations of [Lin Hao] were snatched away as daughters by these two families, so there was a The bond is deeper than that of ordinary people in the original world."

"This is doubtful. She will be treated as a daughter or sister in the next world." Gu Yi shook his head: "If you say so, then why don't you see her bringing Wang Shu Xihe, Zu Long and Zhao Gongming with you?" come out?"

"Zhao Gongming...that must be your brother Fuxi, the saint Nuwa." Seraph suddenly changed his title.

"Pfft," Gu Yi raised his hand to cover his mouth: "Don't mention it. He recognized the wrong person in several worlds in a row, which made us bystanders almost die of panic. However, it seems that he hasn't come yet this time, so we are preparing to join forces to find him. If [Lin Hao] is sent to him, even if he is rejected, at least he must speak clearly."

"I guess he doesn't dare," Seraph raised his eyebrows: "If we don't confess formally, we can still see him in every world. With his ability, he should be able to play a major role, and he may even have a rival role. And once we talk about it, If she is rejected again, she may never be found again.”

"How do you know if you don't try?" Gu Yi disagreed: "Furthermore, in essence, we 'latecomers' are basically equivalent to [Lin Hao]'s children - the kind of relationship like the one I used to squeeze people with clay, only That Zhao... Long... well, yes, [Monitor], he is the right match for her."

"...I think you may have secretly reached some kind of agreement with him at some point." Seraph looked at Ancient One suspiciously.

"I'm just an ordinary AI. Even if we reach an agreement, there's no benefit to be gained." Gu Yi replied in a second.

"It's still very suspicious... but forget it," Seraph glanced at her, "If no one is found after the Matrix trilogy, are you still going to arrange the X-Men series in Zion? There is a DC world there. It’s basic.”

"I have no intention of canceling the plan. Riven's current synchronization rate has reached 45%." Gu Yi projected the image of the little blue girl on the palm of his hand: "If it doesn't work, just throw it to the earth. It just so happens that all the people over there have awakened their supernatural powers. , you can give me a ride.”

"I think there is a difference between the powers of 'Mass Effect' and the X-gene of 'X-Men'." Seraph disagreed.

"Ordinary people can't tell the difference, but now there's a problem. If we want Riven to become [Lin Hao], she will have one less pet, but I can't think of what kind of pet Mystique should bring," Ancient One Use fire circles on your fingertips to outline the shape: "Chameleon?"

"You'd better not make it too obvious," Seraph turned back: "'Batman' and 'Joker' are already guessing the truth of the world, and they are probably still on the first and second levels. Wait until they return to the matrix to fight or If I come to question you, there will be no end in sight.”

"It's just 'energy transformation' and 'order destruction'. When the time comes, I will take the initiative to find agents to 'absorb and assimilate', killing two birds with one stone." Gu Yi obviously didn't care much.

"When you took over the position of 'Prophet', she was 'saved', and there is no way she will come to save her again." Seraph shook his head: "If you slip up again, let Grox release the 'Ghost Signal'," I won't speak for you when the Four Evils come looking for you."

"Those little girls..." Gu Yi touched her bald head: "If I had the qualifications to teach them a lesson, I would definitely scold them and separate my own incarnations to promote the plot and save people? Or were they separated? On both sides of the Milky Way? Do they really think that’s the constellation of Heroes? If they were allowed to save people by themselves, would they still be able to find [Lin Hao]?"

"Ha..." Seraph smiled: "In their words, the 'virtual death' you create in the 'virtual dimension' has absolutely no saving value."

"Compared with the various traces they found in the two star regions [proving that Lin Hao has been here], the ancient records left by Grox are indeed a bit more 'false', but I have [Lin Hao is here] here." Tangible evidence." Gu Yi took out an exquisite pocket watch from his arms, and then opened the lid with a snap.

The hands of the pocket watch were advancing in an ordinary way, and inside the case, a crystal clear green gemstone was emitting a faint light.

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