The Collection of The End

One Thousand Four Hundred and Thirty, Alliance of Father-worried Persons (1)

——? ? ? ——

Kaos felt very sad.

In other words, Chaos is feeling very sad.

Kaos couldn't tell whether the message he received made him feel "sad" or whether the sadness contained in this message had overflowed.

In front of him was an extremely vast body of water, perhaps a lake or a sea. This body of water was rippled in layers, as if something was moving underwater.

Soon, the "thing" surfaced. It looked like a giant meat ball with many short tentacles. Although it had just risen from the water, there was no trace of water left, as if all the water had been gone. Generally absorbed by it.

There was no trace of its existence in Kaos's impression, but he clearly knew its name when he saw this giant creature: [Leviathan].

At the same time that "Leviathan" surfaced, countless missiles, lasers, and kinetic energy shells attacked it like raindrops.

At this time, Kaos's "lens" instantly zoomed out, allowing him to clearly see that countless strange-shaped vehicles on land, in the air, and farther out in the ocean had surrounded "Leviathan".

Judging from these chariots, battleships and fighter planes that looked like ants and grains of rice, the body of "Leviathan" was much larger than he had previously expected.

【hold head high--! 】

"Leviathan" let out a scream that contained sadness and pain, but the attacks around it showed no signs of stopping or weakening. Rather, the attacks they launched became more intensive and fierce.

"Leviathan" began to wave its tentacles, destroying and blocking attacks launched towards it, while slowly flying high into the sky.

If the goal is to expel, the attacker's goal has been achieved.

However, as "Leviathan" made a gesture of leaving, not only did the attacking vehicles not slow down the offensive, but more and more powerful attacks flew from outside the "screen".

These attacks were finally no longer as ineffective as before. The violent explosions, spreading arcs, and fleeting thick lasers made the body of "Leviathan" tremble continuously, and its screams became more and more sad.

Just as Kaos began to refuel the escaping "Leviathan", the "camera" suddenly pulled to the ground and took a close-up of a driver leaving the vehicle.

It was a strange creature that looked ferocious, green all over, and almost human-like. What was even more strange was that its strong body had many traces of being mechanically modified. At a rough look, the mechanized parts even exceeded the normal size. 50% of the body.

Because this "creature" had no anti-air weapons, it was watching the "Leviathan" take off. Although Kaos was not good at reading the expressions of unknown creatures, he could still see the indifference and cruelty on his face.

It wasn't until "Leviathan" left the atmosphere that it walked indifferently towards its own strange, haphazardly pieced together land vehicle.

The next moment, the "camera" switched to "Leviathan" again. It was floating in the dark space of the universe. Although the planet it had just left looked like green water and green mountains, it could be clearly seen that Traces of extensive mechanical transformation.

【hold head high--! 】

"Leviathan" once again let out a scream full of sorrow, then turned its body and slowly advanced towards the dark and deep universe.

In a desolate atmosphere, the message contained in this "video message" was also interpreted by Kaos.

[Biological civilization will inevitably be born in the universe,]

[Biological civilization will inevitably create mechanical civilization. 】

[Mechanical civilization will inevitably destroy biological civilization. 】

What is this...

Before Kaos could think further, he received a heavy blow to the stomach.

"Hey! Wake up! Yellow robe monster!"


Kaos opened his eyes and saw Crowley lying on top of him in an elbowing position. He tried to lift her off but failed.

"Go away, do you know how heavy you are?"

"Stars only have mass,

No weight, you illiterate. Crowley poked Kaos in the stomach with her elbow again, then stood up: "Get up quickly, the alien teacher from the Turian will join the job today, don't lose the Star Alliance people." "

If you were thrown to the surface of a black hole, you would have weight... Kaos cursed, and then noticed that this nominal cousin was wearing the college uniform, which was rare.

No, wait...

"Alien teacher? Why didn't I know? And now that civilized alien dares to come to Star Alliance territory?"

From the brief but intense "First Contact War" that took place a year ago, mankind discovered two things:

We are not alone in the universe.

Aliens can't beat us.

Kaos had known about the former, but he really didn't expect the latter.

When humans were introduced to the [Galaxy Alliance] by the defeated "Turians", it could be said that they were elated, even elated.

This sense of pride not only did not diminish, but inflated even more when it was learned that the Turians were actually one of the three permanent member civilizations of the alliance and ranked second in military strength.

We defeated the runner-up, so rounding up we will be the champion?

As for the fact that the turian troops defeated by humans were actually the "guards" of the "wildlife sanctuary", they subconsciously ignored it.

During this period, the Earth-centered parties who advocated that human beings should be earth-centered have obviously subsided a lot.

But the passionate young people who shouted "Our goal is the sea of ​​stars" were also poured cold water on their heads after learning about the current situation of the Milky Way.

The truth is that the colonial stars occupied by the expansion of the Star Alliance are actually "private territories" assigned to humans by the Galactic Alliance. No other civilization would have colonized them. If humans ultimately failed to enter the universe and perished in the solar system, the surrounding galaxies would It will be divided into other newly born civilizations that have the hope of entering the universe.

Similar divisions are found throughout the galaxy.

In other words, don't expect to build a huge human empire that unifies the Milky Way. The stars in the sky have long been carved up by aliens.

Oh, no, the carving up is a bit too exaggerated. To use the terrain as a metaphor, the Milky Way is not a flat plain, but a complex environment with peaks, valleys, rivers, oceans, and completely different environments between different stars.

The "fertile plains" are basically divided between the three major civilizations of the Galactic Alliance: Asari, Salarian and Turian. The remaining areas are basically "barren mountains and rivers". Of course, there are still mass effect repeaters that are easily accessible. , it just depends on whether you dare to go.

Speaking of the "Mass Effect Repeater", it is actually a kind of "highway toll station", and the place that controls these "toll stations" is the "Citadel", the capital of the "Galaxy Alliance".

Theoretically, if the Citadel had wanted to do so, they could have locked humans into the solar system by not allowing humans to activate the mass effect relays from the beginning, but they would neither promote nor inhibit them, leaving humans alone. Let them develop on their own until humans conflicted with the Turians during their development and won. Then they slowly sent people to mediate and allowed humans to join the Galactic Alliance.

Overall, it gives people a feeling of...yes, dawdling.

It’s no wonder, because the Galactic Alliance ranks first in strength, and the first “Asari” to settle in the Citadel is an ancient race with a history of 40,000 years. They have seen too much about the birth and demise of civilizations, and they no longer deserve to return. It's over.

And probably only they can do the silly act of "sending officers from the defeated side to guide the military development of the victorious side."

Perhaps from Asari's point of view, the Turian's failure was not considered a failure at all?

"How do I know where his courage comes from?" Crowley left the bed and opened the curtains casually: "The person who came to Academy City to be an instructor seems to be a Turian whose name is pronounced 'Vyrnnus', um... Why don't you hold a 'welcome ceremony' for him?"

"Please stop your Naiya behavior." Kaos jumped out of bed and started to get dressed.

"Who called me?" Kaos's door was opened a crack, and a long silver hair poked in. After turning left and right, the door was suddenly opened, revealing the black and white grid on the back of the door. The girl in the skirt: "Choke ~ Nayako makes a shining debut~"

Kaos's hand paused, and he thought seriously for three seconds whether to seriously warn them, as girls, not to break into boys' bedrooms casually.

One second, two seconds.

Forget it, they will definitely sing and say something like "You actually think of yourself as a human being? Are you a boy?" "And you actually think of us as girls? Tsk tsk tsk~"

Kaos decided to ignore the two guys and continue changing.

"It's embarrassing to change clothes in front of girls~" "Although we are your sisters, we must also pay attention to the impact~"


Kaos threw Crowley and Naia out one by one, then kicked the door: "Get out of here!"

"Grandpa Afu, look at him~" "We clearly asked him to get up so that he wouldn't be late~" The voices of two "girls" complained to Alfred from outside the door.

"Damn it, aren't these two guys mortal enemies? They've only been together for a year and they've settled their differences?" Kaos glanced outside while changing his clothes.

Academy City made a big splash in the ground street battles of the "First Contact War", and the strength displayed by the "Super Fleet" became an important stepping stone for the Galactic Alliance to accept humans.

Although the real threat, the "Flood" female insect named "Kaz" was secretly taken care of by Kaos and the others, there is no need to publicize such a trivial matter.

After the Star Alliance sent diplomats to contact officials of the Galactic Alliance, it was basically confirmed that the strength of its own fleet was not worth mentioning in front of several major civilizations. Only the "magic fleet" that defeated the Turian fleet in one blow made them take a second look. , so the priority of "Academy City" was raised again, and all students and instructors were directly given the treatment of active military personnel.

This kind of attention... can only be said to be both good and bad. Although they have received more resources and their security has been greatly enhanced, some students and experts who only want to study supernatural powers and do not plan to join the army have chosen to withdraw. The academy's focus on superpowers has also become more focused on whether they can be used in actual combat, and requirements for the level improvement of "useful superpowers" have also been put forward.

Speaking of individuals, Lena Oxton, who is at the ferocious level of "out-of-control guidance", and Misaka Mikoto, who is at the mad level of "energy transformation" - Kaos finally figured out how to write her name - receive more attention than Cedri. Gram and Hannah are much taller.

However, Naia and Crowley, who are both paper-level, were not affected at all. Could it be that they had already guessed that this would happen?

From Kaos's perspective, it is easy to see the pros and cons caused by this change of situation. He expressed his wishes to Dr. Channing and Lichtem as the "son of the governor" and the "powerful person in the unknown field". opinions, but the exact extent of the effect is uncertain.

These two people who are closely related to themselves, the leaders of Europa 7, naturally became the managers of important military sources after the "First Contact War", and their authority has also been greatly improved. Although they did not know that they were originally The guy who left his adoptive father to be the governor of the planet is mad now, but General Williams must be extremely happy.

However, in any case, only one year has passed since the "First Contact War". Even if there are any changes in essence, there is still no time to show them externally.

As for the Turian dispatch of instructors... Kaos thought about it carefully and found that it was normal.

From the discovery of "Element Zero" by the Star Alliance to the establishment of the "Super Power Fleet", it seems to have progressed by leaps and bounds, but in fact it is completely a blind cat meeting a dead mouse. During this period, there was also the quiet promotion of Kaos, which can be said to be the foundation of the research and development of super powers. Absolutely zero. Although Academy City has conducted a lot of research on its own, it is basically done behind closed doors.

Asari, the most powerful race in the galaxy, are all superpowers. They must have a systematic and complete technology tree on how to use element zero and how to stimulate the potential of living things. However, for those who have just joined the Galaxy Alliance, For humans, it would be overestimating their capabilities to directly obtain that kind of technology.

Therefore, this Turian instructor is probably one of the benefits that the Star Alliance obtained from the "war reparations". The Star Alliance needs him to teach the students in Academy City how to apply and improve their abilities. The Turian method may not be suitable. Everyone, but it should have a lot of reference value.

As for this instructor... As a military and civilized officer, he had to give lectures to the victorious side because of the defeat in a local war. It is estimated that he himself was very reluctant to come. If there was a conflict with the students, he would probably find a reason to resign directly.

In order to avoid lying, he doesn't have to take the initiative to do anything. As long as he is rigid, inhumane, and demanding within the limits allowed by the rules, those students who are proud of human beings defeating aliens will definitely go to him. Trouble.

Therefore, as "Kaos Cloud", not only can I not play pranks on the instructor with the strange name, but I also have to prevent other naughty kids with super powers from provoking him, and even have to do it when the instructor offends the public. Keep him safe?

…It’s so difficult for me.

After changing his clothes, Kaos sighed and opened the door.

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