The Collection of The End

One Thousand Four Hundred and Thirty-one, Alliance of Father-worried Persons (2)


Academy City.

"We're going out~" "Goodbye, Grandpa Fu~"

You two are having so much's been a year now.

Kaos yawned and waved to Alfred at the door of the dormitory, adjusted the shoulder strap of his schoolbag, and turned around to leave.

At first, he thought that these two "foreign gods" were only attracted by "Kaz" or the "Europa destruction incident" in the "original history". After solving the incident, they would get bored with this kind of "playing house" and find excuses to leave. , but now it seems that they plan to remain students in Academy City?

Whether they are the "Old Ones" or the "Outer Gods", the time they spend sleeping is longer than the time they are awake, and because they are well-informed, it must be boring for them to repeat the joyless ordinary life every day. Nyarlathotep and Cthugha didn't seem to be tied to Rechthem, and they didn't know how they persisted.

... Could it be that making fun of themselves every day is their source of motivation?

"Ah, speaking of it, it's been a year since the war," Crowley clasped her hands behind her head and looked around the environment of Academy City: "If we hadn't been able to stop that guy, the situation here would have been completely different. Same."

The rebuilt Academy City is no different from before the "First Contact War". The buildings damaged during the war have been almost perfectly repaired, and the "Mass Effect Shield" will not leave any scars. Ordinary people simply cannot Maybe like Kaos, you can tell which parts have been repaired from the slight color difference.

"Don't worry, it's guaranteed to be exactly the same," Kaos heard her talking about "Kaz"'s question, so he continued: "[He] can't let it destroy a habitable star and all the residents on it."

"The question now is, are we the 'means to solve the problem' ourselves, or are we preemptive and the 'some means' failed to be triggered?" Crowley threw a piece of chewing gum into her mouth and muttered: "My personal hope is the second one."

"Of course it's the second one." Kaos looked at the banners "Celebrating the First Anniversary of the Victory of the First Contact War" that appeared from time to time along the way, and felt that the alien instructor might not be in a good mood: "It was the three of us at the time. Together they made Kaz fall asleep again. If you think about it carefully, my arrival on Europa 7 was just an accident, and Naia was thrown here because of getting into trouble. As for you, you were attracted because the Railgun was deflected. Come here - I'm not saying that [he] can't arrange such a degree of coincidence, but there's no need for him to put so much thought into making us think it's a coincidence. Can't we just capture the strong man? Do you still dare to object?"

"So, there is still a 'back-up'?" The hair on Naiya's head suddenly stood up: "Let's treat finding it as an SOS group activity to commemorate the first anniversary of the victory of the war!"

"I firmly object!" Kaos touched his pocket and found that he didn't bring a fork.

"It's not impossible?" Crowley was a little thoughtful.

The SOS group, the "Nyarlathotep group that makes the world more lively", this purely nonsensical group has actually experienced an "alien invasion", and its image has become more positive, because it was the only group in the beginning. "Looking for aliens" everywhere - although there are still only a few members.

Even so, on the premise that it was the first anniversary of the victory of the war and the alien instructors were about to arrive, to carry out such a high-profile operation was definitely to get hit by a boat.

Of course it's useless to object. Let's find a way to physically stop it later.


A moment later, near the shopping street.

The familiar automatic shopping machine is making a familiar explosion.

And that slender figure standing in front of the shopping machine with her arms akimbo, with short brown hair, wearing a coat and sweater, and with electricity crackling around her body from time to time, who could it be if it wasn't Mictor Misaka, or rather, Misaka Mikoto. ?

"Good morning, Mikoto-san," Naia greeted proactively: "Are you doing 'morning practice' again?"

"It's you..." Misaka Mikoto turned around gloomily: "Kaos, you'd better report it to the institute.

This vending machine may have evolved artificial intelligence. I didn't touch it at all, and it exploded directly. "

"You say that every time." Kaos spread his hands to express his helplessness.

In the past year since she entered school, "all precision electrical appliances touched by Mikoto will inevitably explode" have become a common sight in the academy. There are even legends that she will "explode" with a flashlight.

Kaos is very clear that under the blind command of her "unknown territory", she has basically controlled her own powers through ordinary methods. She will never "leak electricity" without actively activating it, but in precise situations As for electrical appliances, even if he deliberately observed them at close range, he knew nothing about the cause of the explosion. It was as if she was the "natural enemy" of precision electrical appliances. Even if she didn't do anything, she could "scare them to death" just by looking at them.

"..." Misaka Mikoto seemed to want to say something, but she clenched her fists and decided to give up: "Let's go. If you delay for a while, you will be late."

"Mikoto-san~ There is a club activity after school today, will you come to participate?" Naiya leaned over and asked.

"Ah... let's talk about it then." Misaka Mikoto seemed to think about it for a moment, but was not sure whether she was free or not, so she responded casually.

Kaos knew a little bit about what she would be busy with after school, and it seemed to be a plan for mass-producing a person with "energy conversion" superpowers.

After all, compared with the almost useless "physical mutation" in space battles, the ethereal "spiritual interference", and the "molecular influence", "space-time guidance" and "order destruction" that are not even touched, "energy transformation" is more convenient Understanding can also be reproduced through scientific means.

In this regard, as an "old man", Kaos can only make the evaluation of "short-sightedness".

Unilaterally strengthening a certain power, once faced with an enemy immune to this power, the relevant combat effectiveness is equivalent to being directly cleared.

Not to mention the distance, for example, Mikoto's thunder and lightning were completely useless against the three inhuman beings here.

Of course, there is no reason for the two of them to harm humans - isn't that looking for a fight?

As soon as he thought of this, Kaos felt someone with a special ability flying through the subspace, so he jumped away from Misaka Mikoto, and Naia and Crowley also followed suit.



The next second, Lena Oxton appeared in front of Mikoto, looking like she was about to hug her, and then she was held down by Mikoto who was well prepared, and lightning flew everywhere.

After a year of training, Mikoto still "leaks electricity" from time to time, and Lina's assists definitely contributed.

"Hey... let's go. If you delay any longer, you will really be late." After Mikoto confirmed that Lina had been stunned by the electric shock, she sighed, carried her behind her as usual, and walked towards the school first.

Hmm... Looking at it this way, has Lina completely failed or has she completely won?


Carcosa Academy.

"Hi~ Naiya, your relationship between brother and sister is so good~"

"I'm sister! Sister!"

"Good morning~Claudie~"

"Oh, morning."

"Mikoto - ah, Lina is looking for you again? Come in quickly."

After getting along with each other for more than a year, the students in the college are basically familiar with each other. Naiya and Crowley are also very popular because of their appearance.

Only Kaos, due to his "Unknown Realm" powers and his status as "The Governor's Son", has only a few casual friends. The only one he can talk to is Cedric, who has awakened the "Energy Transformation" of the wind system. He was always being pulled to do this and that by his soon-to-be girlfriend Hannah, and they didn't communicate much.

"Fortunately, I caught up." Mikoto put Lina on her seat, exhaled softly, then turned her head and glanced at Kaos: "You can laugh if you want."

"No, it's not funny." Kaos sat in his window seat in the second-to-last row and shrugged at her: "You treat her as your best friend, but she insists on being more than just friends with you. She doesn't want to If we completely cut off the relationship, then we have no choice but to fight.”

"Don't think that I forgot that this incident happened because of you," Mikoto rolled her eyes at Kaos: "You swore that she would slowly return to normal."

"That's how it is, but you can't help but shock her. They're both girls. How can you suffer any loss?" Kaos said, "In my opinion, she might be superimposed now." Stockholm Syndrome', it's harder to get back to normal."


A few arcs of electricity popped up on Mikoto's forehead: "Do you think I don't know what that means?"

"Okay, okay, let's talk about it later. Teacher Yueyong is here." Kaos picked up the book and covered his face.

"...Hmph." Mikoto seemed to want to say something else, but in the end she curled her lips and turned back to her seat.

At this time, from an angle that she couldn't see, Lina, whose electric hair stood on end, opened her eyes, slowly gave a thumbs up to Kaos, and then lowered her head weakly.

This girl is probably serious about Mikoto.

Kaos is very sure that the influence on Lina has long since disappeared, and there is no Stockholm, but well, one of them is the daughter of Dr. Eric Misaka, and the other is the daughter of Dr. Channing. One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. , it’s not Kaos’s turn to worry about it.

By the way, the two of them are actually in their own class. Someone is definitely operating behind the scenes. Most of the abilities of the students in the entire class are "energy conversion", although it can be interpreted as militarized centralized management and learning. , but it’s strange that he would believe it.



After a while, the classroom door opened, and a pink haired man appeared there. The originally noisy classroom instantly became silent.

"Suzuko-san! How many times have I told you not to drink coffee at a young age! It's not good for physical development!"

Yueyong Kanna, who was small and wearing a white coat, just walked in and snatched the drink from the hand of the white-haired girl sitting at the door.

"...Tsk." Yuriko Suzuko, whose expression was cold and a little mad, shook the hand that was holding the can of coffee a few times, and began to take books out of her schoolbag with a bored look on her face.

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Fighting between gods...

When she first came into contact with the war, Suzina Yuriko completely shielded herself from detection. Although she didn't know what she did specifically, her behavior of flying away from thin air and jumping onto the building was not intended to be a show. From the looks of it, she definitely contributed to the number of Turian soldiers that didn't match up during the post-war count.

The test result of her superpower attribute is "order destruction", which is the mad level. Although she doesn't know what level of order she can destroy, Newton's first law should be fine. As for why she was transferred to her own class, it is probably the same. Kind of a "disruption of order".

Then there is Teacher Tsukiyomi Kanna. After drinking, the video of her transforming into a goddess of war and knocking over a lot of turian soldiers with a sledgehammer was still privately circulated among students. It is said that a fan club with a grown-up image emerged because of this. The theme of every meeting is how to get teacher Tsukiyomi Kanna in the form of a little girl to drink.

Those idiots didn't even think about it. The first thing Tsukiyomi Kanna would do after he grew up would definitely not be to take photos and sign autographs at their request. He would almost definitely punish them in the name of "inducing underage people to drink". pause.

"Ah," Teacher Yueyong placed the can of coffee on the podium with high cushions, cleared her throat to attract the attention of the students, and then said, "Although it is very sudden, the teacher wants to tell everyone Introduce a new classmate."

"What? Not introducing the new instructor?"

"New classmates... that's OK too. "

"It's not another energy conversion, is it? Is our class a power plant?"

"Oh! The mysterious transfer student!"

There is no doubt that the last sentence must have been uttered by Naia, who was watching the excitement and not taking it too seriously.

Have you forgotten that you are also a transfer student?

"Come in, Illya~" Yueyong Shena waved to the door.

Da, da, da, a girl who was extremely beautiful even in Kaos's eyes walked in from the door.

She is about 1.5 meters tall. She wears a short skirt with purple stripes on a white background and overlapping hems and sleeves. She wears gray-black plush socks and lavender leather boots. She has a shiny skirt. She has silver hair shawl, a round face with a pair of red jewel-like eyes, and a pure white wool hat on her forehead.

"Hello everyone, my name is Ilya Kamski, from Earth." The girl's voice was soft and pleasant: "I came to Europa 7 to study because I have awakened my powers. I hope I can become friends with you."

She picked up the pen on the podium and wrote the spelling of her name on the blackboard in a graceful and smooth handwriting.

"Ah, so cute~"

"She looks like a famous lady?"

"Standing next to Teacher Yueyong, we look like twins~"

"Hush, you are looking for death."

A decent introduction, except that the personal image has a great favorability bonus, but Kamsky? I seem to have heard it somewhere.

Kaos was thinking, but heard the girl continue.

"My father disappeared. I always thought he was abducted by aliens, but everyone told me that there are no aliens. Therefore, I hope to study at this academy for supernatural beings, which is the closest to aliens. , and find my dad in the future.”

Great...Naiya must be very fond of her...

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