The Collection of The End

One Thousand Four Hundred and Thirty-Two, Alliance of Father-worried Persons (3)


Carcosa Academy, Great Hall.

Students of all grades gathered here as bustling as when they were testing their qualifications. However, the admission season has passed, and Principal Xavier naturally called them here for other reasons.

The boys and girls were whispering, and the teachers had no intention of stopping them, which caused a constant buzz in the auditorium.

Kaos listened carefully.

"Are you going to introduce the alien instructor? I've only seen aliens in the news."

"Not only have I seen it, I've also beaten it."

"We obviously won, why do we still need to learn how to use their powers?"

“Have you ever heard of ‘learn from the barbarians and develop skills to defeat the barbarians’?”

"Will he not teach well, or teach randomly?"

"Do you think our experts are fools?"

"It's a pity that pranks are not allowed in the school assembly."

"Don't worry, there will be opportunities when each class is taught individually."

Hmm... The reactions of the students were basically in line with my guess. In addition, it was obvious that someone was taken into the ditch by Naija.

"Okay, everyone, please be quiet." At this time, Dean Aleister Xavier walked up to the podium and knocked on the microphone.

The buzz in the auditorium quickly disappeared, and almost all students looked up at Mr. Dean, the alien behind them.

It has a lizard head, an exoskeleton, slender upper limbs, anti-jointed lower limbs, a black armor that looks like a cylinder with a few pieces missing, and a single-sided glasses like a detector on its face.

Kaos could clearly see that the glasses were performing some kind of superficial scan on the students as he looked around the auditorium. Since Mr. Dean did not stop it, this scan should not cause harm or leak secrets.

When Dean Xavier started to talk, Kaos continued to stare at the lens and the alien's eyes. The alien instructor seemed expressionless, but after seeing some students, his vertical pupils would change. The slight shrinkage was obviously a hint given by the lens, but the target he saw was a bit strange. In addition to the "ferocious" and "crazy" level students, there were also some "paper" and "union" level students.

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It seems that the standards for evaluating abilities between humans and aliens, or at least Turians, are quite different.

"...Based on the purpose of peaceful coexistence and promoting development, the Turians sent us an expert in supernatural powers and combat to provide guidance and advice on the Star Alliance's psychic training," at this time, Dean Xavier finally said Finished the routine: "Now, Mr. Vyrnnus, please tell us a few words."

Crackling... The students clapped politely.

The Touareg man with the strange name stepped forward and began to speak. His translator simultaneously translated his words into a language that the students present could understand:

"[I am a level 15 turian citizen from Paleven, and I am here to help you improve your simple and even crude ability training methods!]"

The applause stopped.


"[It is completely wrong and even stupid to divide superpowers into different types according to their nature and study them separately,]" Waynus continued to speak, regardless of whether he was already silent: "[Could there be any of you who just Study ‘mathematics’ and don’t study other subjects at all?]”

——There really are, that kind of people are generally called mathematicians.

"[If such a person is sent to the battlefield, how long can he survive?]"

——Who would send mathematicians to the battlefield?

"[Even if you protect them, can you protect everyone? When the enemy invades in large numbers, can you protect everyone?]"

——Didn’t we do well last time?

"[If it cannot be done 'every time' and 'every person', then this research method is wrong!]"

——Come and try it.

Good guy,

As expected, this Waynus had no intention of getting along well with the Star Alliance, so he turned his induction speech into a debate. Every word he said was booed and refuted by the students, and then refuted back.

But what he said was correct. If he really wanted to cause trouble for him, the students would definitely ignore it.

Since Dean Xavier never stopped and was watching the show from the side, this "debate" seemed to be going further and further. It would be fun to wait until someone rushed to the stage and beat someone - bah, how can such a nagging person come out? Yasi wants to come?

"Hey, Kaos, that turian said he was level 15, what does that mean?" Naiya poked Kaos and asked.

"Why are you asking me?" Don't you know it very well?

"Because you are the governor's son, you always have some inside information." Naia pretended to be aggrieved that she was not taken seriously.

"..." Kaos looked at the students around him who were paying attention to the podium but their ears were quietly perked up, and decided not to expose this troublemaker.

"Turians are a military-oriented civilization, and all their tribesmen have citizenship rights only if they have served in the military." Kaos looked at the curious classmates, and after thinking about it, he realized that he had leaked enough "military secrets". , not missing this one, so he continued: "Being born is a level one, joining the army is a level two, and being retired is a level three. Ordinary Turians regard their contribution to the army, which is generally between level three and level five. , and if you want to continue to rise, you must continue to gain meritorious service in battles and gain recognition at the same level before you can upgrade, and their most senior person is called the 'Primarch', commanding the troops of an entire star cluster. .”

"Then, supreme leader?" Naiya continued to ask.

"Without that position, major Turian affairs are discussed and decided by all 'Chapter Masters', and the person who handles daily chores is called the 'Grand Commander'. He has the power to mobilize all Chapter Masters, but he is not allowed to retain the army. ." When he said this, Kaos keenly noticed that the turian instructor on the stage turned his attention here.

As expected, Naiya is still causing trouble. He can accurately answer every meaningful question in the midst of the noise. How could he not notice that the internal structure of their civilization is mentioned here?

"So, how can a citizen at level 15 be promoted to level 16?" Naiya glanced at the podium.

Even for the governor's son, knowing this kind of information is outrageous!

Kaos complained in his heart, but he already roughly understood Naiya’s purpose, so he answered honestly:

"Serve as an instructor at a large military academy for ten years, or, as the commander-in-chief, win a local war."


With Kaos' position as the center, silence spread instantly. In less than a minute, the originally excited auditorium became silent. Some students looked around without knowing why, while more students said with a "we I have seen through everything" attitude, and sneered at Veranus without saying a word.

The turian instructor glanced meaningfully at Kaos and resumed his normal speech, while Dean Xavier nodded at him cheerfully.

"..." Kaos didn't want to know what they were thinking at all. There was no doubt that he was thrown out of the tank by Naia again.


"[In short, the current training and research of superpowers by you humans can only be called the 'academic school', while the mainstream of the 'Galactic Alliance' is the 'practical school' or the 'practical school',\

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